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The application of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process in steels involves a microstructural evolution that is more complex than just the formation of martensite followed by carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite. Examples of this complexity are the formation of epitaxial ferrite during the first quenching step and the formation of bainite, carbides, and carbon gradients as well as migration of martensite/austenite interfaces during the partitioning step. In this work, recent investigations on the mechanisms controlling microstructural changes during the application of the Q&P process are evaluated, leading to phase-formation based concepts for the design of Q&P steels. 相似文献
In situ X-ray diffraction investigations of phase transformations during quenching of low carbon steel were performed at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France) at beamline ID11. A dynamic stabilization of the retained austenite during cooling below martensite start was identified, resulting in an amount of retained austenite of approximately 4?vol pct. The reason for this dynamic stabilization is a carbon partitioning occurring directly during quenching from martensite (and a small amount of bainite) into retained austenite. A carbon content above 0.5?mass pct was determined in the retained austenite, while the nominal carbon content of the steel was 0.2?mass pct. The martensitic transformation kinetic was compared with the models of Koistinen-Marburger and a modification proposed by Wildau. The analysis revealed that the Koistinen-Marburger equation does not provide reliable kinetic modeling for the described experiments, while the modification of Wildau well describes the transformation kinetic. 相似文献
Q&P钢的工艺概念已提出了有些年了,它作为一种热处理工艺,生产的组织具有马氏体和富C的亚稳残余奥氏体.工艺包括:控制淬火形成部分的马氏体,然后热处理以使C从过饱和的马氏体中转移到残余奥氏体中.潜在的应用包括具有好的成型性和抗断裂的高强度钢.应用该工艺可生产薄板和厚板,以及用从长锻材生产热处理元件,甚至于铸铁.自2003年一直在实验室研究,早期的工作结果已有发表.近期的研究主要集中于机理方面的细节.国际范围的独立团队在此研究领域也有很多进展. 相似文献
介绍一种马氏体钢淬火+分配(Quenching and Partitioning)的热处理工艺即钢经奥氏体化后淬火到Ms-Mf间的某一温度形成一定量的马氏体和未转变奥氏体,然后在这个温度或高于此温度保温,使马氏体中的碳扩散至未转变奥氏体使之稳定化,最后淬火至室温得到由马氏体和残余奥氏体组成的混合组织,可以改善钢的性能。本文就该工艺的提出、热力学、动力学、试验参数对残余奥氏体的量和形态的影响以及力学性能等方面进行概述。 相似文献
试验的Q & P(淬火和配分)钢(%:0.17C、1.40Si、1.48Mn、0.25Al)由7.5 kg真空感应炉冶炼,轧成1.0~1.5 mm钢板,采用井式盐浴炉模拟了试验Q & P钢的热处理工艺,经910 ℃奥氏体化,淬至200~245℃,20 s,升温至配分温度300~450℃,60~600 s,快冷.结果表明,采用淬火245℃ 20 s,配分300~350℃≥300 s可保证碳原子由马氏体向残留奥氏体富集,试验钢具有高的强塑积(25 000~30000 MPa%). 相似文献
淬火-配分(Quenching and Partitioning,简称QP)工艺是针对马氏体钢提出的热处理新工艺。利用QP工艺处理40Si2Ni2钢,并通过扫描电镜观察其微观组织特征。结果表明,与传统淬火+回火工艺得到的组织不同,QP组织为低碳(回火态)和高碳马氏体(淬火态)共存,其中高碳马氏体呈现为有规则几何形状、边界清晰、无析出物析出的块状组织,淬火温度(QT)对高碳马氏体(淬火态)量有影响。 相似文献
In order to study the effect of alloy elements on mechanical properties of quenching and partitioning steels,the Q and P heat treatments on different chemical composition steels were carried on in lab.The tensile test results indicated the strength of Nb+Ti-bearing steel was not increasing as expected,but lower than that of the Nb+Ti-free steel,and the elongation was raised to 26% from 9%.The Nb+Ti-bearing steel microstructures after tensile test were detected by TEM and found a certain amount of twins in the deformed microstructure while the deformed microstructure mainly was lath martensite in Nb+Ti-free steel,which means the addition of Nb and Ti elements could cause the twinning induced plasticity by inhibiting the phase transformation from austenite to martensite.Based on above analysis,adding trace Nb element could greatly increase the stacking fault energy of the retained austenite,which is beneficial to the formation of twins,and the formation of twins would lower the strength slightly and raise the elongation drastically. 相似文献
The split quenching and partitioning (S-QP) process allows researchers to investigate microstructure and properties separately, i.e., before and after partitioning. After the partitioning process, the yield strength increases by approximately 300 MPa in the ferrite-bearing δ-quenching and partitioning (δ-QP) steel. We propose that carbon trapping in dislocations at the ferrite grain boundaries during partitioning process is responsible for the yield strength enhancement of ferrite. Combined transmission electron microscopy and 3D atom probe tomography observations demonstrate carbon atoms segregating in dislocations. The mechanisms for the high yield strength of ferrite presented QP steels are clarified for the first time in this research. 相似文献
Metallurgist - Published sources are reviewed devoted to use of heat treatment for high-strength automotive steels based on the phenomenon of carbon redistribution between martensite and... 相似文献
采用CFD软件建立喷风冷却流场模型,模拟喷嘴与钢轨之间不同距离时流场的速度分布,利用Olympus PME3显微镜观察淬火低倍组织形貌,同时观察钢轨纵断面硬化区、过渡区以及软化区的组织,通过MVK-E型显微Vickers硬度计测量淬火区硬度。结果表明:模拟出喷嘴与钢轨之间的距离在15~20 mm范围时冷却效果最好。通过应用实践,淬火帽形、稳定硬化区、过渡区以及软化区硬度和组织,均满足了TB/T 2344标准要求,验证了模拟分析结果的正确性。 相似文献
The effect of testing temperature on retained austenite (RA) stability of industrially cold rolled CMnSi sheet steel treated by quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process has been investigated by observing the deformation and transformation behavior of RA at different testing temperatures. Uniaxial tensile properties at different temperatures were determined and a correlation between RA stability and mechanical properties were also established. Ultimate tensile strength increases monotonously when temperature decreases, while total elongation reaches an optimum value between 0 and 20°C, where RA exhibits the greatest TRIP effect. Work hardening rate was calculated to decrease through three different stages in an oscillation manner, leading to significant enhancement in both strength and ductility. The kinetic of deformation‐induced martensite transformation is also studied and the stability of RA can be evaluated by comparing the kinetic parameter β. 相似文献
为分析火车车轮淬火过程中车轮内部温度变化情况,利用MSC/MARC商用有限元软件结合用户子程序开发对车轮淬火过程中的温度场进行了模拟计算。温度的模拟结果与实测结果吻合较好。研究结果对车轮淬火工艺的制订和车轮的生产工艺的制定具有指导意义和应用价值。 相似文献
以汽车用先进高强度Q&P钢为研究对象,分析了应变速率对Q&P钢拉伸性能及变形行为的影响。结果表明,随应变速率增加,Q&P钢的强度增加,断裂延伸率则呈先下降(10-4s-1~10s-1),后上升至峰值(8×10s-1),之后再下降(102s-1~103s-1)的趋势。变形过程中强度的增加可能同形变回复受限,位错运动受阻有关。而断裂延伸率的变化主要与不同应变速率下Q&P钢中残余奥氏体向马氏体转变(即TRIP效应)有关。 相似文献
The residual austenite and its stability in commercial 60Si2Mn steel treated by quenching and partitioning (Q-P) were investigated. The Q-P heat treatment was carried out using a system of ordinary electric furnace—oil bath box—electric furnace. Cryogenic treatments at different temperatures were performed to assess the thermal stability of residual austenite. The microstructure, particularly residual austenite, was analyzed using optical microscope and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the microhardness and Rockwell hardness were measured. The residual austenite with the volume fraction as much as 137% and the HRC hardness level of 41 were achieved, and the residual austenite is relatively stable. 相似文献
对0.24C-1.72Si-2.96Ni钢进行Q&P处理:880℃15 min-淬火至150~260 ℃(QT)5 min-300℃10min油淬.结果表明,Q&P处理的钢为板条马氏体、残余奥氏体、孪晶马氏体和ε碳化物的复合组织;QT影响钢中马氏体量,随QT由150℃升高至260℃,钢的抗拉强度由1 580 MPa降至1 505 MPa,冲击功由45 J升至50 J.与传统淬-回火工艺相比,Q&P处理钢的抗拉强度降低25~100 MPa,冲击功提高5~8 J,伸长率没有明显变化. 相似文献
Using a Gleeble thermomechanical simulator, a high-silicon steel (Fe-0.2C-1.5Si-2.0Mn-0.6Cr) was laboratory hot-rolled, re-austenitized, quenched into the M s– M f range, retaining 15 to 40 pct austenite at the quench stop temperature ( T Q), and annealed for 10 to 1000 seconds at or above T Q in order to better understand the mechanisms operating during partitioning. Dilatometer measurements, transmission electron microscopy, and calculations showed that besides carbon partitioning, isothermal martensite and bainite form at the partitioning temperature. While isothermal martensite formation starts almost immediately after quenching with the rate of volume expansion dropping all the time, the beginning of bainite formation is marked by a sudden increase in the rate of expansion. The extent of its formation depends on the partitioning temperature following TTT diagram predictions. At the highest partitioning temperatures martensite tempering competes with partitioning. Small fractions of bainite and high-carbon martensite formed on cooling from the partitioning temperature. The average carbon content of the austenite retained at room temperature as determined from XRD measurements was close to the carbon content estimated from the M s temperature of the martensite formed during the final cooling. 相似文献