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以花生壳为原料,氨水和草酸为改性试剂进行浸渍改性制备改性生物炭,进行模拟Cd污染土壤的修复实验研究.实验结果表明改性生物炭结构粗糙多孔,层级间隙明显;比表面达342.212 8 m2/g;-NH3 和-COOH官能团成功在生物炭上负载.修复Cd2+污染土壤的最佳投加量为0.200 0 g,草酸改性生物炭和氨水改性生物炭对Cd去除率分别高达90.0%和96.5%,氨水改性生物炭效果更好.毒性淋滤实验表明经改性生物炭修复后土壤的毒性降低,研究结果可为Cd污染土壤的修复提供理论依据. 相似文献
王丽鑫;蔡宗平;李炜键;胡嘉沛;李思缘;李曼婷 《广州化工》2024,(4):126-128+148
通过对铅锌矿山周边铅污染土壤进行电动修复8天,重金属铅总浓度去除率约36.7%,采用间隔断电强化电动修复的方法进行修复,重金属铅的去除率达55.7%,高于传统电动修复。对于土壤有效态铅,间隔断电电动修复法去除率为66.9%,同样高于传统电动修复的有效态铅52.2%去除率。实验证明,间隔断电法在断电又通电的一段时间内提高土壤中的电流强度,使得电流的下降段变长,有利于提高去除率,是一种有效的强化电动修复土壤重金属的方法。 相似文献
生物钝化修复镉污染土壤研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
回顾了我国含镉土壤的场地修复。综述了利用生物钝化技术修复镉污染土壤的研究现状,重点探讨了微生物的代谢产物与镉产生硫化物或磷酸盐沉淀的微生物沉淀作用、微生物的细胞壁和其分泌的胞外聚合物直接吸附镉的微生物吸附作用以及镉离子透过微生物的细胞膜而被固定在细胞内的微生物摄取作用等生物钝化机理,并对有机钝化过程和无机钝化过程进行了介绍和评价。分析了镉在土壤中的离子交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机结合态和残渣态等赋存形态以及土壤中pH值、氧化还原电位、有机质、共存重金属和微生物等因素对镉的生物可利用度的影响。最后阐述了生物钝化技术的优点以及该技术不能将重金属从土壤中永久去除的问题,指出生物钝化技术与其他修复方法相结合是其未来的发展方向。 相似文献
土壤镉污染的植物修复技术 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
镉在土壤中有稳定、积累和不易消除的特点,且可通过食物链富集使人体慢性中毒.植物修复技术是一种清除环境污染的绿色技术,具有成本低、不破坏土壤生态环境、不引起二次污染等优点,具有广阔应用前景.土壤镉污染植物修复技术有植物提取、植物挥发、植物稳定和植物促进等修复技术,在镉污染土壤的治理时,应根据土壤条件、污染的程度、预期的修复目标、时间限制、成本等因素加以综合考虑,选择合适的修复技术或组合,达到高效、低耗的双重效果. 相似文献
概括了目前常用的土壤污染修复技术原理及其国内外相关工程应用的情况,分析不同修复技术存在的优缺点,以期为土壤修复技术的推广和应用提供一定参考。 相似文献
Electrokinetic restoration (EKR) of saline soil has been achieved successfully on a laboratory scale. In this study, the effectiveness of an electrokinetic system with one anode in the center of the electrokinetic cell and two cathodes at the end of the cell was investigated to simulate the EKR system, with electrodes installed in the ridge and furrow pattern of a field. Anions were transported toward the anode centered in the cell, and cations were moved toward both cathodes. Chloride and nitrate were almost completely removed from the soil; however, a certain amount of sulfate accumulated in the anode region. Although the voltage influenced the transport of salts in the soil, there was no significant increase in the reduction of electrical conductivity at a higher voltage gradient. The pattern of salt removal was symmetric around the center anode, and energy consumption was less than that of a normal system. This means that the system can be used effectively to remove salts from saline greenhouse soil. 相似文献
采用ZVI-EKR联用技术对Pb、Cu、Zn、As污染的农田土壤进行修复。与简单EKR技术对比,ZVI-EKR联用技术可以增加电流密度,零价铁比表面积大,铁粉在土壤和水的混合物中发生氧化还原反应和水解反应,生成氧化铁、四氧化三铁以及氢氧化铁胶体,能够吸附迁移到附近的重金属离子,提高电动修复的效率。 相似文献
An electrokinetic (EK) field study was performed on a pilot scale (2.2 × 3.3 × 0.3 m3, W × L × D) in a greenhouse by using Fe electrodes and bentonite backfill. When a constant voltage gradient was applied, the current intensity was affected by electrode position, and the soil temperature increased with the current intensity. After the EK treatment, the soil pH was little changed and the cations were hardly removed because of the ion exchange in the bentonite. However, the anions were mostly removed by electromigration, resulting in the reduction of the soil electrical conductivity. The field study demonstrated that in situ EK process is feasible for the remediation of greenhouse soils. In addition, the improvement of EK system and the role of bentonite backfill were discussed. 相似文献
Abstract A One-Dimensional Model Is Developed For Simulating The Electrokinetic Treatment Of Saturated Porous Media Contaminated With An Ionic Salt. Simulations Of Simple, Unenhanced Electrokinetic Treatment For The Removal Of A Nonamphoteric Salt Such As Cadmium Sulfate Exhibit A Severe Drop-Off In Electric Current And In Remediation Rate After About 50–60% Of The Cation Has Been Removed. Simulation Of Electrokinetic Treatment In Which The Oh? Generated In The Cathode Compartment Is Partially Neutralized By The Addition Of Acid Show Rapid And Complete Removal Of The Cation. Partial Neutralization Of H+ In The Anode Compartment By Addition Of Base Results In Immobilization Of The Toxic Metal As The Solid Hydroxide, Although This Should Be A Useful Technique For The Removal Of Arsenate And Selenate. 相似文献
An experimental study constituting eight different tests was performed to investigate the effect of relevant factors on the remedial efficiency of electro-kinetic process applied to clean-up Cu contaminant from three types of Iraqi soil. An efficiency enhancement scheme was employed involving pH control, acid-injection wells, and optimized potential gradient as part of the investigative program. With pH controlled within the range 2.5-3, four acid-injection wells, and a potential gradient of 0.8 V/cm; overall clean-up efficiencies of 85%, 58%, and 34% were achieved for sandy, sandy loam, and silty loam soils, respectively. 相似文献