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The radiation characteristics of fuel cycles of various reactors – replacement candidates in the future nuclear power – are compared. Proceeding from the basic requirements (safety, fuel supply, and nonproliferation of fissioning materials), inherently safe fast reactors of the BREST type can be used as the basis for large-scale nuclear power. Thermal reactors, which can burn enriched uranium, thorium–uranium fuel, or mixed uranium–plutonium fuel with makeup with fissioning materials from fast reactors, will operate for a long time simultaneously with fast reactors in the future nuclear power. VVÉR-1000 and CANDU reactors are examined as representatives of thermal reactors; for each of these reactors the operation in various variants of the fuel cycle is simulated. It is shown that with respect to radiation characteristics of the fuel and wastes the thorium–uranium fuel cycle has no great advantages over the uranium–plutonium cycle.  相似文献   

The BREST fast reactor with nitride fuel and lead coolant is being developed as a reactor of new generation, which has to meet a set of requirements placed upon innovative reactors, namely efficient use of fuel resources, nuclear, radiation and environmental safety, proliferation resistance, radwaste treatment and economic efficiency. Mixed uranium-plutonium mononitride fuel composition allows supporting in BREST reactor CBR≈1. It is not required to separate plutonium to produce “fresh” fuel. Coarse recovered fuel purification of fission products is allowed (residual content of FPs may be in the range of 10−2 – 10−3 of their content in the irradiated fuel). High activity of the regenerated fuel caused by minor actinides is a radiation barrier against fuel thefts. The fuel cycle of the BREST-type reactors “burns” uranium-238, which must be added to the fuel during reprocessing. Plutonium is not extracted during reprocessing being a part of fuel composition, thus exhibiting an important nonproliferation feature.

The radiation equivalence between natural uranium consumed by the BREST NPP closed system and long-lived high-level radwaste is provided by actinides (U, Pu, Am) transmutation in the fuel and long-lived products (I, Tc) transmutation in the blanket. The high-level waste must be stored for approximately 200 years to reduce its activity by the factor of about 1000.

The design of the building and the entire set of the fuel cycle equipment has been completed for the demonstration BREST-OD-300 reactor, which includes all main features of the BREST-type reactor on-site closed fuel cycle.  相似文献   

A possible version of the VVER-1000 fuel cycle without separation of uranium and plutonium during reprocessing of spent fuel is examined. In this fuel cycle, the uranium-plutonium regenerate obtained, from which other actinides and fission products have been removed, is used after enriched natural uranium is added for preparing VVER fuel. The results of a calculation of the content of uranium and plutonium isotopes in the spent uranium-plutonium fuel after one and two recycles in VVER-1000 are presented. The main advantages of the fuel cycle are discussed: lower risk of plutonium proliferation, savings of natural uranium, and less spent fuel as compared with an open uranium fuel cycle. __________ Translated from Atomnaya Energiya, Vol. 99, No. 2, pp. 136–141, August 2005.  相似文献   

In order to assess the feasibility of utilizing plutonium in thermal reactors, build-up and decay of actinide nuclides have been studied for BWR, PWR, HWR, HTGR and LMFBR, which are uranium-oxide fueled or mixed-oxide fueled, and which produce electric power of 1,000MW. The following items were examined;

1. quantities of actinide nuclides build-up in the reactor

2. build-up and decay of activities of actinides in the spent fuel

3. build-up and decay of activities of actinides after reprocessing, and

4. variation of isotopie composition of plutonium with high burn-up.

It is concluded from the calculated results that precautions should be taken against high activities of resultant actinides if plutonium is utilized as a fissile material for thermal reactors. To make reprocessing and high-level waste management easy and practical, it is recommended that a thermal reactor should be fueled with uranium, the plutonium produced in a thermal reactor should be used in a fast reactor, and plutonium produced in the blanket of a fast reactor is more appropriate as fast reactor fuel than that from a thermal reactor.  相似文献   

2020年前我国核燃料循环情景初步研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
根据我国核电现状和中短期发展规划,对2020年前我国核电规模提出了三种预测方案,并根据各种方案对压水堆电站的核燃料循环情景进行了计算。重点研究了压水堆核电所需的铀资源、分离功,卸出的乏燃料以及乏燃料中Pu和次要锕系元素(MA)的产生量。  相似文献   

The possibility of forming special fuel loads for VVER-440 that would make it possible to reduce the amount of transuranium elements in spent nuclear fuel by burning transuranium actinides is examined. Preliminary calculations are performed using the HELIOS spectral code to assess the effectiveness of the transmutation. Transmutation is modeled for two load variants: mixed uranium–plutonium oxide fuel and fuel with inert diluents. The main criterion for effective transmutation is a decrease of the mass of the transuranium elements as compared with an open fuel cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper the production and destruction, as well as the radiotoxicity of plutonium and minor actinides (MA) obtained from the multi-recycling of boiling water reactors (BWR) fuel are analyzed. A BWR MOX fuel assembly, with uranium (from enrichment tails), plutonium and minor actinides is designed and studied using the HELIOS code. The actinides mass and the radiotoxicity of the spent fuel are compared with those of the once-through or direct cycle. Other type of fuel assembly is also analyzed: an assembly with enriched uranium and minor actinides; without plutonium. For this study, the fuel remains in the reactor for four cycles, where each cycle is 18 months length, with a discharge burnup of 48 MWd/kg. After this time, the fuel is placed in the spent fuel pool to be cooled during 5 years. Afterwards, the fuel is recycled for the next fuel cycle; 2 years are considered for recycle and fuel fabrication. Two recycles are taken into account in this study. Regarding radiotoxicity, results show that in the period from the spent fuel discharge until 1000 years, the highest reduction in the radiotoxicity related to the direct cycle is obtained with a fuel composed of MA and enriched uranium. However, in the period after few thousands of years, the lowest radiotoxicity is obtained using the fuel with plutonium and MA. The reduction in the radiotoxicity of the spent fuel after one or two recycling in a BWR is however very small for the studied MOX assemblies, reaching a maximum reduction factor of 2.  相似文献   

The development of nuclear power with capacity up to 300 GW using thermal reactors and BREST fast reactors with small excess breeding (BR 1.05) and nuclear power operating potentially for up to 3750 yr using depleted uranium is examined on the basis of fuel materials balances. To examine the radiation balance, all wastes, which have accumulated by the time mentioned from reprocessing of spent fuel from thermal and fast reactors are included, taking account of the running nuclide composition. The change in the potential biological danger is calculated as a function of the holding time of the entire mass of the wastes taking account of the short-lived nuclide daughter products. The possibility of starting coextraction of thorium and radium with uranium starting in 2010 and 2030 or without coextraction is taken into account. If coextraction is implemented during the periods indicated, then radiation balance of the radiactive wastes which accumulate by 2100 or 2200 is reached within a holding period of 80–120 yr. Without coextraction, the fraction of plutonium going into the wastes will have to be decreased from 0.1 to 0.01%.  相似文献   

Conclusions The use of plutonium in the fuel cycle during complex utilization of thermal and fast reactors in nuclear energetics permits solving the problem of ensuring nuclear fuel for a long period. Oxide uranium-plutonium fuel facilitates the development of technology of fast reactors and so far it is considered as the basic type of fuel. At the same time, oxide fuel cannot ensure the required rate of plutonium accumulation, in view of which the investigations of more efficient fuel and constructional materials become a pressing problem. The use of uranium-plutonium oxide fuel in thermal reactors requires improvements in the construction of fuel elements and organization of large-scale completely automatic production.Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 412–417, November, 1977. Editors' Remarks. For the completeness of the discussion of the problem it is, of course, necessary to consider the possibility of using plutonium in fast and thermal reactors as done by the authors. However, it should be kept in mind that by its nuclear-physical parameters plutonium as a nuclear fuel is more suitable for use in fast reactors than in thermal reactors. The use of plutonium in thermal reactors can reduce the demands of natural uranium for the development of nuclear power in all by 10–15%, whereas its use in fast reactors reduces the demand for uranium by a factor of 10.All this indicates the feasibility of using plutonium only in fast reactors even if its accumulation is required over a certain period.  相似文献   

The role of fast reactors in a strategy for developing nuclear power in Russia because of the inevitable exhaustion of natural uranium deposits in the foreseeable future is discussed. The BN-800 reactor, which is under construction and incorporates unique solutions – greatly enhancing the safety of the reactor – to technical and constructional problems, is examined. Cost assessments taking account of the complete life cycle show that fast reactors could be no more expensive than the most widely reactors in the world – water-moderated water-cooled reactors.Closing the BN-800 nuclear fuel cycle will make it possible to solve the problem of utilizing plutonium and actinides. This makes fast reactors safer for the environment.  相似文献   

There are many external influences that may control the path that nuclear power deployment follows. In the next 50 years several events may unfold. Fear of the consequences of the greenhouse effect may produce a carbon tax that would make nuclear power economically superior very quickly. This, in turn, would increase the rate at which uranium reserves diminish due to the increased rate of nuclear power deployment. However, breakthroughs in the extraction of uranium from the sea or deployment of fast breeder reactors would greatly extend the uranium reserves and, as well, utilize the thorium cycle.On the other hand, carbon sequestering technology breakthroughs could keep fossil fuels dominant for the remainder of the century. Nuclear power may only then continue, as today, in a lesser role or even diminish. Fusion power or new developments in solar power could completely displace nuclear power as we know it today.Even more difficult to predict is when the demand for mobile fuel for transportation will develop such that hydrogen and hydrogen rich fuel cells will be in common use. When this happens, nuclear power may be the energy source of choice to produce this fuel from water or methane. In a similar vein, the demand for potable and irrigation water may be another driver for the advent of increased deployment of nuclear power.With all these possibilities of events that could happen it appears impossible to predict with any certainty which path nuclear power deployment may take. However, it is necessary to define a strategy that is flexible enough to insure that when a technology is needed, it is ready to be deployed.For the next few decades there will be an evolutionary improvement in the performance of uranium oxide and mixed uranium oxide-plutonium oxide (MOX) LWR fuels. These improvements will be market driven to keep the cost of fuel and the resulting cost of nuclear power electricity as competitive as possible. The development of fuels for accelerator transmutation and for reactor transmutation with inert matrix fuels is in its infancy. A great deal of research has been initiated in a number of countries, which has been summarized in recent conferences. In Europe the work on these fuels is directed at the same problem as their utilization of MOX; namely to reduce the inventory of separated plutonium, minor actinides, and Long Lived Fission Products (LLFP). In the United States there is no reprocessing and thus no inventory of separated civilian plutonium. However, in the United States there is a resistance to a permanent spent fuel repository and thus accelerator transmutation presents a possible alternative. If nuclear power does have a long-term future, then the introduction of the fast reactor is inevitable. Included in the mission of the fast reactors would be the elimination of the inventory of separated plutonium while generating useful energy. The work that is ongoing now on the development of fuel concepts for assemblies that contain actinides and LLFP would be useful for fast reactor transmutation.There is still a great deal of work required to bring the fast breeder reactor option to maturity. Fortunately there is perhaps a fifty-year period to accomplish this work before fast breeders are necessary. With regard to fast reactor fuel development, future work should be considered in three stages. First, all the information obtained over the past forty years of fast reactor fuel development should be completely documented in a manner that future generations can readily retrieve and utilize the information. Fast reactor development came to such an abrupt halt world-wide that a great deal of information is in danger of being lost because most of the researchers and facilities are rapidly disappearing. Secondly, for all of the existing fast reactor fuels, and this includes, oxides, carbides, nitrides, and metallic fuels, the evolutionary work was far from being completed. Although mixed oxide fuels were probably the furthest advanced, there were many concepts for improved claddings and advanced fabrication methods that were never fully explored. Finally, with such an extended period before fast reactors are needed there is ample time for truly innovative fuels to be developed that are capable of performing over a wide range of conditions and coolants.  相似文献   

Gas and Vapor Core Reactors (G/VCR) are externally reflected and moderated nuclear energy systems fueled by stable uranium compound in gaseous or vapor phase. In G/VCR systems the functions of fuel and coolant are combined and the reactor outlet temperature is not constrained by solid fuel-cladding temperature limitations. G/VCRs can potentially provide the highest reactor and cycle temperature among all existing or proposed fission reactor designs. Furthermore, G/VCR systems feature a low inventory and fully integrated fuel cycle with exceptional sustainability and safety characteristics. With respect to fuel utilization, there is practically no fuel burn-up limit for gas core reactors due to continuous recycling of the fuel. Owing to flexibility in nuclear design characteristics of cavity reactors, a wide range of conversion ratio from almost solely a burner to a breeder is achievable. The continuous recycling of fuel in G/VCR systems allows for continuous burning and transmutation of actinides without removing and reprocessing of the fuel. The only waste product at the backend of the gas core reactors' fuel cycle is fission fragments that are continuously separated from the fuel. As a result the G/VCR systems do not require spent fuel storage or reprocessing.

G/VCR systems also feature outstanding proliferation resistance characteristics and minimum vulnerability to external threats. Even for comparable spectral characteristic, gas core reactors produce fissile plutonium two orders of magnitude less than Light Water Reactors (LWRs). In addition, the continuous transmutation and burning of actinides further reduces the quality of the fissile plutonium inventory. The low fuel inventory (about two orders of magnitude lower than LWRs for the same power generation level) combined with continuous burning of actinides, significantly reduces the need for emergency planning and the vulnerability to external threats. Low fuel inventory, low fuel heat content, and online separation of fission fragments are among the key constituent safety features of G/VCR systems.  相似文献   

The global nuclear energy partnership (GNEP) was created in order for ‘fuel-cycle supplier’ nations to provide assured supplies of nuclear fuel to ‘fuel-cycle customer’ nations. The customer nations would utilize the fuel for electricity generation and subsequently return it to the supplier nation after it is spent. This spent fuel would then be reprocessed by the supplier nation in order to recycle the actinide constituents, mainly uranium and plutonium, in advanced nuclear power reactors, and thus reduce waste volumes [1] and [2]. The International Atomic Energy Agency would control the nuclear materials. One of the thrust areas for the GNEP program is the development of these actinide bearing fuels for transmutation in a fast reactor.  相似文献   

An assessment of the cost-effectiveness of burning mixed uranium-plutonium fuel in VVéR reactors is made as a function of the price of natural uranium. It is shown that for the present price structure, based on the main technological processes used for fabricating fuel, mixed fuel becomes cost-effective when the price of natural uranium is about $300/kg. The results of systems investigations of the development of nuclear power in our country with an orientation toward fast reactors are also presented. In this case, the systems price of plutonium at the stage where fast reactors are first introduced increases. This indicates that the growth prospects must be taken into account in order to develop an efficient fuel-use strategy. __________ Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 103, No. 5, pp. 275–277, November, 2007.  相似文献   

The first step in investigation of thorium fuel is evaluation of the results obtained from the spectral code for this type of fuel. The benchmark summarized by IAEA in 2003 was used for partial validation of the code HELIOS 1.9. The benchmark was focused on a comparison of the methods and basic nuclear data. Acceptable results of benchmark comparison allowed examining and comparing different advanced nuclear fuel cycles under light water reactor conditions, especially in VVER-440. Cycles, calculations and results for VVER-440 reactors are presented in the paper. Two of the investigated thorium based fuels include one solely plutonium–thorium based fuel, while the other one is a plutonium–thorium based fuel with a content of reprocessed uranium. The third examined fuel cycle is a cycle with an inert-matrix fuel consisting of reprocessed plutonium and minor actinides (MA) fixed in an yttria-stabilized zirconium matrix. All of them are used to carry and burn or transmute plutonium created in the classical UOX cycle. The Pu transmutation rate and cumulating of Pu with MA in the spent fuel were compared mutually and with an UOX open cycle. The fuel cycle with an inert-matrix fuel was proven to be the best cycle for minimizing the production of Pu in the VVER-440 reactors.  相似文献   

The basic principles for performing analysis and the systems requirements for large-scale nuclear power in our country are formulated. The problems of modern nuclear power are examined and ways for modern nuclear power to transition to innovative development while satisfying these systems requirements for fuel use, handling spent fuel and wastes, and nonproliferation are indicated. The basic scenario of innovative development in the near term (up to 2030) is based on using predominantly 235U as fuel and water-moderated water-cooled reactors, which have been well mastered, for increasing nuclear capacities with limited introduction of fast reactors for solving the problem of spent fuel from thermal reactors. In the long term (2030–2050), a transition to 238U as the primary raw material with fast reactors predominating and complete closure of the nuclear power fuel cycle will be made. The journal variant of a report “New-Generation Nuclear Energy Technologies” presented at a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosatom, Moscow, September 27, 2006. __________ Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 147–155, September, 2007.  相似文献   

Characteristics of process of transmutation of neptunium, americium and curium from spent nuclear fuel in heavy-water reactor during first 10 lifetimes and at transition to equilibrium mode are calculated. During transmutation, dangerous nuclides, first of all, 244Cm and 238Pu are accumulated. They cause an increase of radiotoxicity. At first 10 cycles of transmutation, the radiotoxicity is increased by 8.7 times in comparison with radiotoxicity of initial load of transmuted actinides. Heavy-water reactor with thermal power of 1000 MW can transmute neptunium, americium and curium extracted from 3.7 VVER-1000 type reactors. It means, that the required power of transmutation reactor makes about 8% of thermal power of VVER-1000 type reactors.  相似文献   

One scenario for using excess Russian weapons plutonium is to load it into VVéR-1000 reactors. It is proposed that up to 40% of the fuel assemblies with uranium fuel be replaced with structurally similar fuel assemblies with mixed uranium-plutonium fuel. The stationary regime for burning fuel has the following characteristics: the run time is about 300 or 450 eff. days, the yearly plutonium consumption reaches 450 kg, the neutron-physical characteristics are close to the corresponding regimes with uranium fuel. The nuclear safety criteria and the irradiation dose for workers handling fresh and spent mixed fuel remain within the limits of the normative values. The use of mixed fuel makes it necessary to upgrade certain systems at nuclear power plants. A substantial quantity of weapons plutonium can be loaded every year into VVéR-1000 reactors, effectively using the energy potential of this plutonium. __________ Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 103, No. 4, pp. 215–222, October, 2007.  相似文献   

Developments in the field of recycling and transmutation of actinides are discussed. Three general strategies are discriminated: (i) an evolutionary strategy based on gradual implementation of partitioning and transmutation techniques in the fuel cycle; (ii) a radical strategy based on implementation of partitioning and transmutation in the fuel cycle, once all steps of this technology are proven; (iii) plutonium incineration, based on the conversion, with existing reactor types, of separated plutonium into a spent fuel form that is suited for direct storage.  相似文献   

It is not simple to solve the problem of competitiveness of nuclear power technologies in evolutionary upgrading the conventional nuclear power plants (NPP) such as light water reactors (LWR), which requires high expenditure for safety. Moreover, the existing LWRs cannot provide nuclear power (NP) for a long time (hundreds of years) because the efficiency of use of natural uranium is low and closing the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) for those reactors is not expedient.The highlighted problem can be solved in the way of use of innovative nuclear power technology in which natural uranium power potential is used effectively and the intrinsic conflict between economic and safety requirements has been essentially mitigated.The technology that is most available and practically demonstrated is the use of reactors SVBR-100 — small power multi-purpose modular fast reactors (100 MWe) cooled by lead-bismuth coolant (LBC). This technology has been mastered for nuclear submarines’ reactors in Russia.High technical and economical parameters of the NPP based on RF SVBR-100 are determined from the fact that the potential energy stored in LBC per a volume unit is the lowest.The compactness of the reactor facility SVBR-100 that results from integral arrangement of the primary circuit equipment allows realizing renovation of power-units LWRs, the vessels’ lifetime of which has been expired. So due to this fact, high economical efficiency can be obtained.The paper also validates the economical advantage of launching the uranium-fueled fast reactors with further changeover to the closed NFC with use of plutonium extracted from the own spent nuclear fuel in comparison with launching fast reactors directly with on uranium-plutonium fuel on the basis of plutonium extraction from spent nuclear fuel of LWRs.  相似文献   

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