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日前,EFPIA(欧洲制药工业协会联合会),IFPMA(国际药品制造商协会联合会)和PhRMA(美国医药研究与制造商协会)联合发布了关于产品序列化和产品验证的文件,该文件旨在支持基础研发制药产业、政府监管者和利益相关者协商参与基于国际标准的全球统一产品序列化及验证要求的制定,防止假冒药品进入市场。  相似文献   

2008年的奥运会已经圆满成功的举行,其中也离不开各种监控系统的帮助。该文对奥运会期间的停车场系统设计进行分析,其中主要使用了车牌识别和RFID识别的双重保险,使得奥运会停车场的监控系统的安全性有了更好的保证。  相似文献   

2008年的奥运会已经圆满成功的举行,其中也离不开各种监控系统的帮助。该文对奥运会期间的停车场系统设计进行分析,其中主要使用了车牌识别和RFID识别的双重保险,使得奥运会停车场的监控系统的安全性有了更好的保证。  相似文献   

厉剑 《物联网技术》2013,(5):14-17,20
RFID是目前应用于物联网的一项新兴通信技术,可通过无线电信号识别产品电子标签内的EPC码来识别特定目标,而无需识别系统与特定目标之间建立机械或光学接触,它的应用给物联网行业带来了革命性的变化,极大地节省了管理成本,提高了管理效率。文章重点对RFID的工作原理、安全性、现状及发展趋势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

RFID射频识别技术综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
RFID是一项蓬勃发展的技术,拥有广阔的发展前景和巨大的市场潜力。文章通过对RFID技术的组成、原理、应用及发展瓶颈等方面的分析,让人们了解RFID技术,从而能更好地发展和应用该技术。  相似文献   

RFID无线射频识别技术,是非接触式自动识别技术的一种。与传统条形码依靠光电效应不同的是,RFID标签无须人工操作,在阅读器的感应下可以自动向阅读器发送商品信息,从而实现商品信息处理的自动化。  相似文献   

使用无线射频识别(RFID)技术进行室内定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要介绍了无线射频识别技术以及它在各行各业中的不同应用,特别是在室内定位中的应用。重点介绍了对LANDMARC室内定位系统理论的改进,使其可以更好地应用于实际环境。实验结果表明,改进的算法比原来的算法在定位精度上提高了10%~50%。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用人体内部的生物特征来进行认证的生物识别电子锁设计方法,简称为PBLock.该方法通过人手指与无源式射频标签的接触,利用后向散射的射频信号传递人体指尖阻抗特征来实行认证.这样的认证方式的优势在于,由于人体阻抗不易采集,加之与设备(RFID标签)的硬件特征充分融合,大大增加了攻击者复制和克隆的难度.为保证系统...  相似文献   

正绝大多数人都使用触控滑动或者密码解锁手机,这两种方法都有自身的局限性。从iPhone 5S开始,智能手机界掀起了一股生物识别热潮,让我们来看一看它们能玩出什么花样。指纹识别器最初采用指纹识别技术的手机应该就是iPhone5S,苹果为其命名为Touch ID,能够让我们用指纹代替密码来锁定/解锁我们的手机,并可以应用于App Store等应用内,为我们的购物环节增加安全性,并  相似文献   

一、概述 RFID是射频识别技术的英文(Radio Frequency Identification)的缩写,射频识别技术是20世纪90年代开始兴起的一种自动识别技术,射频识别技术是一项利用射频信号通过空间耦合(交变磁场或电磁场)实现无接触信息传递并通过所传递的信息达到识别目的的技术.  相似文献   

从2010年底到2011年初,KidGopher系统最先在北斯普林斯的小学试验.基于测试的结果,现在有17个小学建立该系统.学校的放学时间紧张而忙碌.教职工必须亲自确认每个孩子放学后都是被一个授权的成年人接走.然而混乱的局面可能导致误会或者错误.例如,孩子父亲或者母亲来接他/她的孩子时,他的孩子已经被一个朋友的父母接走,或者其他的监护人,或者一个没有被授权接孩子的人.因此,在某种情况下,当被心烦意乱的父母问到的时候,员工可能不能确认到底是谁来接的这个学生.KidGopher系统就是来着手解决这些问题的.  相似文献   

Johnson  M.L. 《Computer》2004,37(4):90-92
Biometrics refers to the automatic identification or verification of living persons using their enduring physical or behavioral characteristics. Biometric systems fall into two categories: authentication and identification, with authentication systems being far more common. We discuss about the Biometric system and its use in authentication and identification. We also discuss about the face recognition system and the threat caused on the civil liberties due to illegal modification of the databases in the biometric system.  相似文献   

Biometrics is a scientific method used in technology to authenticate access to given critical resources. This system is based on the recognition of specific extremely personal ‘distinguishing marks’, that is to say unique physiological and behavioral traits. At a time when there is talk of ‘certainty of access’, that is to say of univocal authentication of the users of a service, biometrics could provide a valid alternative.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate two soft-biometric problems: 1) age estimation and 2) pose estimation, within the scenario where uncertainties exist for the available labels of the training samples. These two tasks are generally formulated as the automatic design of a regressor from training samples with uncertain nonnegative labels. First, the nonnegative label is predicted as the Frobenius norm of a matrix, which is bilinearly transformed from the nonlinear mappings of a set of candidate kernels. Two transformation matrices are then learned for deriving such a matrix by solving two semidefinite programming (SDP) problems, in which the uncertain label of each sample is expressed as two inequality constraints. The objective function of SDP controls the ranks of these two matrices and, consequently, automatically determines the structure of the regressor. The whole framework for the automatic design of a regressor from samples with uncertain nonnegative labels has the following characteristics: 1) the SDP formulation makes full use of the uncertain labels, instead of using conventional fixed labels; 2) regression with the Frobenius norm of matrix naturally guarantees the nonnegativity of the labels, and greater prediction capability is achieved by integrating the squares of the matrix elements, which to some extent act as weak regressors; and 3) the regressor structure is automatically determined by the pursuit of simplicity, which potentially promotes the algorithmic generalization capability. Extensive experiments on two human age databases: 1) FG-NET and 2) Yamaha, and the Pointing'04 head pose database, demonstrate encouraging estimation accuracy improvements over conventional regression algorithms without taking the uncertainties within the labels into account.   相似文献   

The guest editors provide an overview of the articles selected for this special issue. The issue's goal is to document the current state-of-the-art, acknowledge the latest breakthroughs achieved by scientists working in the area of biometric recognition, and identify future promising research areas. It is thought the selection of papers discussed should give readers a good idea of where researchers have been focusing, both on long- studied problems still needing more work and on newer challenges. A fundamental of the field of biometrics is an ever-increasing need for better recognition and stronger security. But, as public and commercial biometric deployments increase in number, there is also more need to understand privacy issues and to provide greater ease-of-use. The volume and quality of papers in this special issue indicate that much progress has been made in many aspects of the biometrics field and that there are challenging and promising future directions still to follow.  相似文献   

生物特征识别的关键技术与安全性思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
简要的介绍生物特征识别系统的工作模式,阐述多模态生物特征识别系统的模型和各种数据融合技术,分析了生物识别系统被易于攻击的环节,提出了一种综合提高系统安全性能的方法.  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者苏建东)随着RFID技术重要性的日益体现,越来越多的组织和企业关注RFID技术的应用.由于中国的制造企业为全球很多知名连锁零售商供应产品,中国的RFID应用前景被普遍看好,中国政府也希望能在推动这项技术的应用上有所创新.这就产生了新的问题,中国如何制定RFID标准以推动产业的应用发展?它与全球产品电子代码中心EPCglobal及其他国家和地区的有关标准是什么样的关系?国际上RFID标准制定的进展情况又如何?这些都成为人们关注的焦点.  相似文献   

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