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气体涡轮流量计的改进及实验测量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对气体涡轮流量计的主要组件引起的压力损失进行了对比实验测量,比较了整流栅形状、叶轮叶片数和后导流器不同结构对压损的影响程度。结果表明,后导流器相对整流栅和叶轮是产生压力损失的主要因素,采取改进的后导流结构,可以明显降低流量计的压损,同时得到更好的仪表系数值,提高流量计准确度。  相似文献   

通过数值模拟和实验测试相结合的方法,研究了LWQ80气体涡轮流量计后导流体的结构优化及其计量性能的变化规律。基于流量计内部流场特征及其流动机理的探究,分析得出造成后导流体压损的主要原因是后导流体区域的壁面边界层分离和流体流向偏转。由此提出了缩小分离区和提升导流片导流效果的优化思路,通过延长后导流体的长度和延后导流片的位置,设计了一种改进型的后导流体结构。研究结果表明:后导流体结构经过改进后,气体涡轮流量计的计量性能得到了明显提升。在流量为250 m~3/h时流量计的压损降低了20.5%左右,仪表系数的恒定性显著提高,最大示值误差降低了近2.5倍,且能有效延长流量计的使用寿命。研究结果有助于为气体涡轮流量计的结构与性能优化提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

我国天然气资源丰富,气体涡轮流量计一直是作为天燃气贸易计量的首选。本文论述气体涡轮流量计的机械结构上的几点优化设计,优化了气体涡轮流量计的曲线,提高了气体涡轮流量计的可靠性。  相似文献   

涡轮流量计前导流器的结构与性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对DN100气体涡轮流量计的关键部件之一前导流器引起的流量计压力损失进行试验测量和数值计算.对比分析两种不同结构前导流器对压力损失的影响,发现前导流器的结构变化不仅影响该部位的气流速度分布,使当地压力损失发生变化,更重要的是对后面各部件内的气体流动速度梯度和压力恢复也有明显影响,使总压损失进一步放大或减小.数值计算通过分析流动参数的变化从流动机理上解释了结构与压损间的关系.  相似文献   

在分析气体涡轮流量计结构和数学模型的基础上,针对涡轮叶片螺旋升角对仪表性能的影响,以安装35°、45°和55°三种不同叶片螺旋升角涡轮的DN150型气体涡轮流量计作为实验对象,搭建仪表负压检测平台,分别对仪表系数、压力损失和计量精度进行实验检定与对比分析。实验结果表明,合理设计涡轮叶片螺旋升角能显著改善气体涡轮流量计的性能,为叶片螺旋升角进一步优化及其对仪表性能影响规律的研究提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

以TRZ80气体涡轮流量计为研究对象,采用数值模拟与实验测试相结合的方法,提出了前整流器和后导流体的结构优化方案。通过对结构优化前后流量内部流场特征的分析,揭示了流量计结构与性能优化背后确切的流体力学机制。研究结果表明:前整流器和后导流体区域的压降突变与后导流体尾部的涡旋结构和回流现象是影响流量计计量性能的主要机制。优化的流量计结构可以明显减弱压降突变、涡旋结构与回流现象。优化的流量计结构既可以显著降低流量计的压力损失,又可以明显提高流量计的测量精度与稳定性,其压力损失和线性度误差分别降低了约48.58%和32.43%。研究结果有助于为今后开发与量产计量性能更好的气体涡轮流量计提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

以TM80气体涡轮流量计为研究对象,采用数值模拟与实验测试相结合的方法对其进行结构优化研究。数值结果表明压力梯度骤变和边界层分离的出现主要由流量计的表芯支座和后导流体引起。由此提出了关于表芯支座坡度和后导流体直径的结构优化方法,将表芯支座的坡度设计为15°,将表芯支座侧面的台阶流转变成渐缩流;将后导流体直径缩减为62 mm,将后导流体侧面的台阶流转变成等直径的管道流。数值模拟和实验测试证实,当表芯支座坡度设计为15°、后导流体直径设计为62 mm时,流量计的压力损失显著降低,仪表系数变得更加稳定,线性度误差明显变小,说明该结构优化方法可以明显提升流量计的计量性能。研究结论有助于为今后开发性能更好的气体涡轮流量计提供有力的理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

气体涡轮流量计主轴承大多采用油润滑的滑动轴承或滚动轴承,存在较大的局限性。采用螺旋槽气体轴承,设计了一种气体涡轮流量计。按最大稳定性的原则,利用MATLAB软件,系统地分析了在气体涡轮流量计中动压气体轴承的结构形式对其载荷及稳定性的影响,得到了气体涡轮流量计中动压气体轴承的可行工作范围。  相似文献   

TWLQ系列涡轮气体流量计是一款用于天然气等气体介质瞬时流量和累积流量测量的仪表。TWLQ-100型涡轮气体流量计的核心部件是D100叶轮,其工作原理是将叶轮置于被测流体中,当介质流经流量计时,由于叶轮叶片与流过的介质之间存在一定夹角,流体对叶轮产生转动力矩,使叶轮克服机械摩擦阻力矩和流动阻力矩而旋转,以叶轮的旋转速度来反映流量的大小。因此,叶轮的几何形状、尺寸及动平衡将直接影响涡轮气体流量计的性能和使用寿命。  相似文献   

本文阐述了气体涡轮流量计的工作原理,依据JJG1037-2008《涡轮流量计》检定规程和JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》要求,建立了气体涡轮流量计测量不确定度的数学模型,对影响测量不确定度的各个贡献量进行分析,最后得出气体涡轮流量计的不确定度分析报告。  相似文献   

涡轮流量计的准确度受被测介质及其运动粘度变化的影响。使用体积流量和仪表系数无法从变粘度实验中取得形态一致且可预测的标定结果。应用量纲分析导出雷诺数和斯特劳哈尔数作为描述涡轮流量计性能的无量纲参数。通过改变丙二醇-水溶液的体积浓度得到5个不同运动粘度的介质,分别用于标定一台DN25涡轮流量计。对比结果表明,不同粘度下的标定曲线在雷诺数小于7 400区域出现分离,标定数据最大相差0.9%。随着雷诺数增加,仪表系数中轴承阻滞部分的影响相对减小,标定曲线簇由分散趋于聚拢,标定数据差异小于0.1%。叶片表面的流动边界层发生层湍转捩时阻力的突变导致标定曲线出现驼峰,运动粘度越低,驼峰趋于平缓。轴承阻滞中的静态阻力部分是造成相同雷诺数下仪表系数差异的主要原因,这种差异随雷诺数减小而增加,所以,当校准介质和工作介质的运动粘度有显著差异时,涡轮流量计要避免工作在低雷诺数区域。  相似文献   


Using solar energy in gas turbine cycles is a new method that can improves the efficiency of gas turbines. Placing a solar receiver before a combustion chamber can raise the temperature of the air coming into the chamber and reduce the consumption of fuel in the chamber. The system that combines a solar energy receiver with a gas turbine cycle is technically called a “solar gas turbine”. The goal of this paper is the parametric simulation and performance analysis of a gas turbine cycle equipped with a solar receiver from thermodynamic and exergy aspects of view. The selected parameters in this study, include the pressure ratio of compressor, the temperature of gases at the turbine inlet and the direct normal irradiance. The obtained results indicate that the fuel consumption of this combined system is reduced by using a solar receiver and the temperature of gases entering the combustion chamber increased. The reduction of consumed fuel, in turn, reduces the rate of exergy destruction in the combustion chamber. Another important point is that the solar receiver itself has the least amount of exergy destruction. The net power generated by a solar gas turbine cycle is 10 % higher than that produced by a simple gas turbine cycle. Also, the studies show that the electrical efficiency of a solar gas turbine cycle is about 41 % higher than the simple gas turbine cycle.


The impeller blade structure is one of the important factors affecting the performance of the turbine flow sensor. However, the underlying fluid dynamics mechanism is still not fully understood. The DN10 turbine flow sensor's internal flow field was analyzed based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to explain the influence mechanism of blade structure on its performance. The experiment proves that the simulation method is reliable. The structural parameter η, which characterizes the shape of the impeller blade, was defined, and four turbine flow sensor structures were studied. The results suggested that the value of η affects the stability of the impeller's fluid dynamics characteristics, the velocity distribution at the impeller inlet, and the acting position and time of the wake flow behind the upstream flow conditioner. Therefore, the structural parameter influents the performance of the turbine flow sensor. With the increase of η, the characteristic curve gradually moves down, the average meter factor decreases, and the linearity error increases.  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种新型湿度检定箱,其温度控制采用高效气液换热,湿度控制采用干湿气混合法反馈控制原理,湿度测量采用红外激光吸收式湿度传感器。通过实验测试,新型湿度检定箱的温度、湿度均匀度和波动度都优于目前计量测试部门使用的所有湿度检定箱,且测试室容积大,可对毛发湿度表(计)、干湿表等大型测试仪表和湿度传感器等进行检定测试,还可同时进行温度校准,具有很好地推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为了全面分析液气射流泵内部结构对液气射流泵吸气性能的影响,以提高液气射流泵整体吸气性能。利用Fluent软件对不同吸入室直径下液气射流泵内部流场进行了三维数值模拟,获得了液气射流泵内部压力场和速度场分布以及轴心静压曲线,并拟合出压力比、流量比、效率与不同吸入室直径的关系曲线。对比分析表明,吸入室直径的大小会对液气射流泵内部压力、速度及吸气效率产生很大影响。射流泵其他结构一定时,吸入室直径大小存在最优值或者最优范围,使得液气射流泵的吸气性能最佳。  相似文献   

For systematic investigations of installation effects and for finding efficient ways to minimise these effects, a research project was initiated at the PTB. It covers the design of an automated test facility using a laser Doppler anemometer, the measurement of velocity profiles downstream of several pipe configurations and flow conditioners, as well as the measurement of the change in the gas meter behaviour, namely the shift of the error curve due to the disturbed velocity profiles.

Part I of this paper (presented in this issue) describes the test facility for the investigation of installation effects and shows the relation between pipe configuration and disturbed flow profile for a wide variety of pipe configurations and flow conditioners.

The second part compares the error shift of turbine meters with the characteristic of disturbed flow profiles. For this, three flow field parameters are used to quantify the disturbances of the velocity profiles such as the swirl intensity, flatness and asymmetry of the profile. Considering this, an empirical model is presented to explain the error shift of a turbine meter as a function of these three flow field parameters. The model will be verified for three types of turbine meters and the results will be discussed.  相似文献   

High pressure air flow standard facilities, including the pVTt facility, sonic nozzle facility and closed loop facility were built in NIM at the end of 2014. The high pressure closed loop gas flow facility was the first closed loop facility in China. The system has 4 sets of 100 mm diameter turbine meters for the reference meters with a flow range of (40–1300) m3/h and a pressure range of (190–2500) kPa. To avoid uncertainties introduced during installation, the reference meters were designed to be calibrated in situ using the sonic nozzle facility. The uncertainty in the pressure measurement was reduced by installing an absolute pressure transducer in the manifold upstream of the reference meters, with differential pressure transducers used to measure the pressure drops across the reference flow meter and the test flow meter. The relative expanded uncertainty for the test meter can reach 0.20% (k = 2) as verified by comparison the sonic nozzle facility and the closed loop facility measurements.  相似文献   

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