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介绍了分布式信源编码的基本思想和经典的分布式信源编码的构造实现方法.讨论了联合信道-分布式信源编码方法,通过新兴的极化码,实现了联合极化码-分布式无损信源编码系统,并将其应用到图像传输当中,实验仿真验证了其可行性.  相似文献   

现有极化码构造方案仅适用于二进制删除信道和加性高斯白噪声信道。为此,研究极化码在二进制对称信道(BSC)的构造方案。分析BSC中的极化码构造方式和编译码算法原理,利用连续删除译码算法对极化码在BSC中的纠错效率进行测试。仿真结果表明,蒙特卡罗法构造的极化码相对于巴氏参数法构造的极化码具有较好的纠错效率。  相似文献   

为获得可以支持多种码长、具有更高吞吐率的极化码编码器,提出一种32 bit并行级联的多模极化码编码器结构。每时钟周期内更新生成矩阵的32行,进行32 bit并行编码,从而加快编码速度。通过两级编码结构的级联简化编码器结构,以支持64 bit~4 096 bit码长的极化码编码。实验结果表明,在Xilinx XC6VLX240t的FPGA上,该编码器主频为303.82 MHz,吞吐率为9.72 Gb/s,寄存器与查找表资源相比快速傅里叶变换结构分别降低了77.6%与63.3%,在65 nm CMOS工艺下主频可达0.796 GHz,吞吐率可达24.615 Gb/s。  相似文献   

提出一种通用的QC-LDPC码译码器架构.该架构采用一种特殊的绑定结构和一个可配置的循环移位网络,实现了多码率变码长的LDPC译码,可以应用在多标准数字通信系统中.同时,该结构使存储单元的利用率提高了13倍.提出的可配置数据交换网络可以使存储单元和运算单元之间的连线规则化,降低了连线复杂度.基于该结构,本文实现了符合中国数字电视地面传输标准DTMB中LDPC译码器,在SMIC0.18um标准COMS工艺下,芯片面积约为8mm2;在时钟频率50MHz,迭代次数15次,8比特量化的条件下,吞吐率可达91Mbps.  相似文献   

A variant of a sparse distributed memory (SDM) is shown to have the capability of storing and recalling patterns containing rank-order information. These are patterns where information is encoded not only in the subset of neuron outputs that fire, but also in the order in which that subset fires. This is an interesting companion to several recent works in the neuroscience literature, showing that human memories may be stored in terms of neural spike timings. In our model, the ordering is stored in static synaptic weights using a Hebbian single-shot learning algorithm, and can be reliably recovered whenever the associated input is supplied. It is shown that the memory can operate using only unipolar binary connections throughout. The behavior of the memory under noisy input conditions is also investigated. It is shown that the memory is capable of improving the quality of the data that passes through it. That is, under appropriate conditions the output retrieved from the memory is less noisy than the input used to retrieve it. Thus, this memory architecture could be used as a component in a complex system with stable noise properties and, we argue, it can be implemented using spiking neurons  相似文献   

为进一步降低译码时延,提出一种基于路径复用的低时延自适应列表连续删除译码算法。针对不同列表连续删除译码间存在重复路径的现象,采用基于CRC校验的重复路径复用的译码方案。仿真结果表明,与传统CA-SCL算法以及AD-SCL算法相比,该译码算法能够在信噪比较低的信道中保持较高的译码性能,并获得更低的译码时延。  相似文献   

陈松灿  朱梧 《软件学报》1998,9(11):814-819
提出了一个新的高阶双向联想记忆模型.它推广了由Tai及Jeng所提出的高阶双向联想记忆模型HOBAM(higher-order bidirectional associative memory)及修正的具有内连接的双向联想记忆模型MIBAM(modified intraconnected bidirectional associative memory),通过定义能量函数,证明了新模型在同步与异步更新方式下的稳定性,从而能够保证所有被训练模式对成为该模型的渐近稳定点.借助统计分析原理,估计了所提模型的存储容量.计算机模拟证实此模型不仅具有较高的存储容量,而且还具有较好的纠错能力.  相似文献   

置信传播(BP)算法作为极化码最常用的软判决输出译码算法之一,具有并行传输、高吞吐量等优点,但其存在收敛较慢、运算复杂度高等缺陷。提出一种基于循环神经网络的偏移最小和近似置信传播译码算法。通过偏移最小和近似算法替代乘法运算,修改迭代过程中的消息更新策略,并运用改进的循环神经网络架构实现参数共享。仿真结果表明,相比传统BP译码算法,该译码算法在提升误码率(BER)性能的前提下,减少约75%的加法运算且收敛速度大幅提升,相比基于深度神经网络的BP译码算法,该算法在确保BER性能无显著下降的前提下,使用加法运算替代乘法运算,节省了约80%的存储空间开销。  相似文献   

Levine  L. Meyers  W. 《Computer》1976,9(10):43-50
Although continuing cost and performance improvements of the new bipolar and MOS RAM devices are providing strong incentives for their greatly expanded use in mainframe memory and other storage applications, these components have not yet reached the degree of reliability required for large memory systems. Fortunately, however, memory system organization is compatible with a wide variety of low-cost fault detection and correction techniques6,10,11 that go a long way toward compensating for otherwise error-prone systems.  相似文献   

基于信道极化 定理而提出的极化码是目前唯一被严格理论证明可以达到香农容量限的编码,并被接受为第五代移动通信系统(5G)中短码控制信道的编码方案。本文首先给出极化码的编码和译码原理,然后提出一种极化码与奇偶校验码级联的设计方案,发送端编码器采用奇偶校验码作为外码,极化码作为内码的级联编码结构。接收端译码器采用基于奇偶校验辅助的连续消 除列表译码算法。相比于极化码与循环冗余校验码的级联方案,本文提出的级联设计方案具有更加优良的纠错性能,且没有提升编、译码的复杂度,有能力满足5G移动通信控制信道对纠错性能的要求。  相似文献   

We present a formal specification of unCurrying for a higher-order, functional language with ML-style let-polymorphism. This specification supports the general unCurrying of functions, even for functions that are passed as arguments or returned as values. The specification also supports partial unCurrying of any consecutive parameters of a function, rather than only unCurrying all of a function's parameters. We present the specification as a deductive system that axiomatizes a judgment relating a source term with an unCurried form of the term. We prove that this system relates only typable terms and that it is correct with respect to an operational semantics. We define a practical algorithm, based on algorithm , that implements unCurrying and prove this algorithm sound and complete with respect to the deductive system. This algorithm generates maximally unCurried forms of source terms. These results provide a declarative framework for reasoning about unCurrying and support a richer form of unCurrying than is currently found in compilers for functional languages.  相似文献   

While many higher-order interactive theorem provers include a choice operator, higher-order automated theorem provers so far have not. In order to support automated reasoning in the presence of a choice operator, we present a cut-free ground tableau calculus for Church’s simple type theory with choice. The tableau calculus is designed with automated search in mind. In particular, the rules only operate on the top level structure of formulas. Additionally, we restrict the instantiation terms for quantifiers to a universe that depends on the current branch. At base types the universe of instantiations is finite. Both of these restrictions are intended to minimize the number of rules a corresponding search procedure is obligated to consider. We prove completeness of the tableau calculus relative to Henkin models.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法提出了溢出代码和访存压力敏感的机器学习来调试寄存器分配的权值函数。不同于以往采用目标程序的运行时间作为适应值,通过静态分析寄存器分配产生的溢出代码和基本块中的访存压力来构建适应值,以减少学习时间。这些分析被限定在热点函数中,在保证适应值精度的同时进一步加快了学习速度。实验表明,快速学习仅需要考虑热点函数的编译时间,整个CPU2000CINT测试集在5 h内即可学习完毕。大部分CPU2000CINT测试例子的性能得到了提高。其中perlbmk的性能提升最高可达到7.2%。  相似文献   

首先提出了一种新型的编码结构—基于之型分量码的系统非规则GLDPC码;其次在加性高斯白噪声信 道下利用基于高斯近似的密度进化理论设计G}ICI工DPC码的度分布序列;最后对G}IGI_DPC码进行了性能分析。 仿真结果表明,中等码长的ZS-IGLDPC码在误码率性能方面有一定的优势。  相似文献   

Neural Processing Letters - Several improvements of the Zhang neural network (ZNN) dynamics for solving the time-varying matrix inversion problem are presented. Introduced ZNN dynamical design is...  相似文献   

We address in this paper the issue of computing diffuse global illumination solutions for animation sequences. The principal difficulties lie in the computational complexity of global illumination, emphasized by the movement of objects and the large number of frames to compute, as well as the potential for creating temporal discontinuities in the illumination, a particularly noticeable artifact. We demonstrate how space‐time hierarchical radiosity, i.e. the application to the time dimension of a hierarchical decomposition algorithm, can be effectively used to obtain smooth animations: first by proposing the integration of spatial clustering in a space‐time hierarchy; second, by using a higher‐order wavelet basis adapted for the temporal dimension. The resulting algorithm is capable of creating time‐dependent radiosity solutions efficiently.  相似文献   

BCD码和余3码是串行通讯中比较常见的两种编码方式,二者的转换在不同的通讯场合中也经常用到,文章主要介绍二者之间的关系并用Verilog语言实现了二者之间的转换。  相似文献   

Preunification of simply typed λ-terms with respect to the equivalence relation induced by α-, β- and η-conversion and an arbitrary first-order equational theory is useful in higher-order proof and logic programming systems. In this paper we present a procedure for such preunification, which is based on three transformations and parameterized by a first-order equational unification procedure that admits free function symbols. The procedure is proved to be sound and complete, provided that the parameterizing procedure is.  相似文献   

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