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随着害虫综合治理水平的不断提高,光诱技术应用越来越广泛。介绍了光诱技术的原理及其在储粮害虫综合防治中的应用,分析了光诱技术的优点与不足,为该技术在储粮害虫防治中的推广提供技术支持,并展望了灯光诱捕的应用前景。  相似文献   

储粮害虫在线监测及其结果的评价利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍讨论了近期发展中的储粮害虫在线监测技术及研发状况,包括利用探管诱捕器在线诱捕监测、利用表面诱捕器在线诱捕、通过二氧碳浓度变化在线监测、利用摄像头在线监测等。提出了利用诱捕器在线监测储粮害虫时,监测结果以一定时间内诱捕到的害虫数量(头/7 d,或头/3 d)评价;利用摄像头远程监测时以间隔时间内设定面积内的害虫数量(头/格.7 d,或头/格.3 d)评价;在粮堆内二氧化碳浓度异常且高于邻近测点3倍以上,或某点二氧化碳浓度在1 000 m L/m3以上时进行粮堆害虫检查。对于诱捕器和摄像头的监测结果,以发生害虫数值最高点代表粮堆中的害虫发生情况。  相似文献   

为实现对粮仓粮堆内害虫发生的早期监测,本研究基于探管式诱捕器和红外光电传感器研发了一种经济有效、可实时在线监测害虫发生的装置;基于该装置建立了9种主要储粮害虫成虫红外光电序列数据集;通过方差分析和数据可视化方法验证了其数据分布特性与害虫进入诱捕段的位置无关;对红外光电序列建立了高斯核支持向量机模型,通过实验室的测试,对蛀蚀性和粉食性两大害虫类别的判别达到了加权平均分类准确率87.7%、召回率87.5%和F1值87.6%。  相似文献   

为解决高害虫密度储粮处理成本昂贵和现有监测系统实时性和移动性不足等问题,采用Web技术,结合自主设计的粮虫诱捕器,建立了储粮低密度虫害实时监测系统。树莓派控制诱捕器采集害虫图像并进行图像处理得到图像中害虫的数量,再将数据传至云端服务器,用户通过Web客户端获取历史以及实时的害虫图像和害虫数量。在实验室用该系统监测了赤拟谷盗密度为0.5、1、2、3、4、5头/kg的稻谷,通过系统捕获第一只害虫的时间来评价其灵敏度,24 h内对害虫的捕捉率验证系统用于低密度虫害监测的可行性,并以人工直接计数结果为参考计算了系统计数的准确率,结果表明:系统灵敏度高,在低密度害虫条件下对害虫的捕捉率高于61.98%且诱捕器捕捉的害虫数与稻谷中的害虫总数存在显著线性关系,系统计数准确率为90.26%。因此,该系统可用于低密度虫害的实时监测。  相似文献   

2014 06—2014 09,采用诱捕陷阱对南宁沙井粮库里的害虫进行了诱捕试验,结合粮堆内温度的分布,分析了害虫诱捕数量与粮堆温度的相关性。结果表明:新收获的小麦中,玉米象为主要的仓储害虫,占诱捕害虫总数的95.26%;在22~29.6℃的温度下,玉米象每周的诱捕数量随着时间的变化符合线性增长的趋势。由初始诱捕到的害虫密度,结合粮温,利用陷阱诱捕器可以预测出仓内害虫的发生趋势和危害水平,指导仓储害虫的防治工作。  相似文献   

防治储粮害虫有许多方法,但我国仍以熏蒸剂(主要是磷化氢)和谷物保护剂(主要是马拉硫磷)化学防治为主.当前,在储粮害虫防治中,国际上认为既安全、又有效的方法是包装材料、信息素和诱捕器.在科学发达的国家,这三种方法已普遍采用,效果甚好.利用昆虫生长调节剂防治储粮害虫,虽然在国际上尚处于研究开发阶段,但它是一种很有希望的新型谷物保护剂.  相似文献   

昆虫性信息素技术作为一种新型、绿色的防治方式,能有效提高储粮安全,降低防治成本。为进一步提高印度谷螟性信息素诱捕效果,本研究对顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(Z9,E12-14:OAc)和顺9,反12-十四碳二烯-1-醇(Z9,E12-14:OH)两种印度谷螟性信息素组分设计不同配方的诱芯进行诱捕效果测定,对比了不同类型的诱捕器与不同来源的诱芯对印度谷螟的诱捕效果。筛选出二元组分Z9,E12-14:OAc与Z9,E12-14:OH制成的诱芯最佳配比为7:3,剂量0. 5 mg。米面蛾诱捕器与自制诱芯为诱捕印度谷螟最高效的组合。本研究为应用性信息素监测与防治印度谷螟的技术提供了支持。  相似文献   

食物引诱剂对储粮害虫最佳引诱条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物引诱剂具有诱虫谱广,原料来源丰富、价格低等优点,它们不仅能吸引各种储粮害虫两性成虫,而且能吸引其幼虫.研究食物引诱剂对储粮害虫的最佳引诱条件不仅可以为食物引诱剂的开发利用提供理论基础,而且还将食物引诱剂和害虫信息素联合使用,增强信息素引诱害虫的效果.本研究在实验室内比较了碎麦、麦胚、燕麦片、碎花生、花生油、葵花子油、玉米油对赤拟谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、玉米象、谷蠹、书虱的引诱活性.结果表明碎麦、麦胚对5种害虫都有显著的引诱作用,燕麦片对锈赤扁谷盗和谷蠹有明显的引诱活性,而精练葵花籽油对多数害虫呈负趋性.碎麦诱捕器在不同虫口密度下诱捕效果明显不同.诱捕器的4个摆放位置对诱捕赤拟谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、玉米象、谷蠹、书虱的影响差异显著,并呈一致变化,诱捕顺序为:西南>东南>西北>东北,多重比较显示其中东南方位与西北方位差别不显著,其它方位差异显著.  相似文献   

环境温度是储粮害虫发生发展的关键因子,我国中温和高温储粮生态区的温度环境适合储粮害虫的生长,是储粮害虫危害较为严重的区域,为更好地指导该地区粮库进行储粮害虫综合防治,随机选取了中温和高温储粮生态区内的19个粮库,采用波纹纸板诱捕器诱集法,开展了主要储粮害虫调查研究。结果表明:中温和高温储粮生态区内的19个粮库中,包含了18种主要储粮害虫。中、高温区主要储粮害虫种类差异不大,粉食性害虫种类远远高于蛀食性害虫;中温、高温区均适宜害虫发生发展,中温区害虫种类略高于高温区。  相似文献   

信息素及其在储粮害虫检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在粮食储藏过程中,准确检测粮堆内害虫种类和密度是害虫综合防治的重要依据,而传统检测方法存在工作量大、检测结果滞后等缺点,因此寻找新的检测手段具有重要意义。研究发现,昆虫信息素具有安全、绿色、微量、高效等特点,可用于储粮害虫的检测与控制。概述了昆虫信息素的结构鉴定、人工合成、采集方法,主要分析了信息素在储粮害虫监测诱捕检测法和信息素成分分析法中的应用研究,并讨论了信息素在上述两种检测方法的应用中所存在的难题,以期为储粮害虫检测技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

储粮害虫生物防治技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于长期使用化学杀虫剂防治储粮害虫,使其产生严重的抗药性,且污染环境。介绍储藏中的常见虫害及其造成的损失,根据粮食储藏绿色、环保、安全的要求,探讨粮食储藏过程中针对储粮害虫的生物防治技术,综述在稻谷储藏中关于昆虫生长调节剂、信息素、微生物源物质、植物及植物提取物等生物防治技术的应用研究进展,以期开拓储粮害虫防治思路,减少或避免储粮害虫造成的损失,为未来研究储粮害虫防治技术提供参考。  相似文献   

诱集技术是储粮害虫监测和防治的一种重要的非化学手段,受到国内外的普遍关注。综述了基于储粮害虫的视觉、嗅觉、以及信息素等生理特征及生活习性而建立的诱集技术的研究进展概况,为促进各项诱集技术的进一步发展,更好地应用于储粮害虫的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

民以食为天,粮食事关国运民生,粮食安全是国家安全的重要基础。研究高效、灵敏、准确、便捷、绿色的储粮虫害检测技术和方法是目前储粮害虫综合治理的热点。现代信息技术已广泛应用于储粮害虫检测领域中:如,电导率法、电容法、声学法、电子鼻法、近红外光谱法、机器视觉法、灯光诱食法、纳米材料法、生化荧光法、光纤测温法、物联网技术、深度学习算法、云计算,等。TRIZ理论有70多年的发展历史,是公认的、优质的发明问题的解决理论,已被广泛应用于世界500强企业和各领域。本文基于经典的TRIZ理论,将大型粮仓视为技术系统,运用九屏幕法、IFR法、因果链分析法、技术系统的进化法则、技术矛盾矩阵表法、物理矛盾法和物-场分析模型研究了大型粮仓中储粮害虫防治方法,有助于启发广大学者拓展技术创新的思维视角、发现新的研究方向、提出创造性的解决方案。  相似文献   

Tribolium castaneum is a critical stored-grain pest of nuts and cereals. Insecticides have traditionally been used to control it; however, their overuse can result in the development of insecticide resistance. Effective bait pesticides could be useful tools for slowing down the rate of insecticide-resistance development and improving the management of stored grain pests. Attractive toxic sugar bait (ATSB) systems are used with mosquitoes and flies; they lure pests with liquid foods that contain sugars but also an oral toxin. It is unknown whether the ATSB system is applicable to T. castaneum adults who prefer dry food products with reduced water content. The objective of this study is to develop an optimal ATSB system for T. castaneum control. Thus far, it found that T. castaneum consumed a gypsum block. The dietary intake of T. castaneum adult beetles was facilitated with added mannitol into gypsum block. Combining insecticides that are oral toxins of the pests with these facilitating sugars results in the death of the pest. Spirotetramat causes a significant reduction in fatty acid biosynthesis by inhibiting acetyl-CoA carboxylase. In this investigation, we have demonstrated that spirotetramat, at low concentrations, was lethal to T. castaneum adults, when used with the ATSB system, combined with mannitol. The lethality of chlorfenapyr, an inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthesis, to adult T. castaneum did not increase when used in the ATSB system with mannitol. These results show that the active ingredient used in the ATSB system is integral for beetle control. Increasing the oral delivery rate of insecticides using carbohydrates leads to increased lethality rates of stored-grain pests.  相似文献   

Preventing the presence of pests in the final product of a food company requires appropriate pest management throughout the different stages of production and in all areas of the facility. Sampling and monitoring pests over time and space is therefore very important for implementing a correct pest management programme. In this study, we present the results of monitoring a pet food mill with pheromone traps focussing on moth pests. The main objective was to evaluate if the use of spatial analysis techniques would help to improve pest management applied in response to the monitoring results. Pest management was based on the evaluation of structural aspects of the facility (physical barriers), chemical treatments and cleaning methods (removal of residues). The use of spatial analysis showed that the walls with closed double doors constituted the only effective barrier against pest dispersal. There was no particular direction of pest movement through the facilities. However, the spatial distribution of the pest had two aggregation areas, one constant in the production area and one, sporadically, in the warehouse, both related to the presence of refuges and food resources. The timing and locality of applications of chemical treatments needed adjustment. When cleaning methods were evaluated, hand sweeping was more effective than automatic sweeping. Residue accumulation was directly proportional to pest presence. Results provided by the application of spatial analysis to the monitoring data can help to implement improved pest management protocols in any facility.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高储粮害虫的识别精度,以便更有效地防治储粮害虫,提出了一种基于纹理和形状综合特征及全局混沌蜂群优化支持向量机(SVM)的储粮害虫分类方法。首先对储粮害虫图像进行扩展Shearlet变换,利用变换系数得到能量分布均值,加权后的能量分布均值构成纹理特征向量,用Krwtchouk矩不变量描述储粮害虫的形状特征;然后将纹理特征向量和形状特征向量分别归一化,两者结合构成储粮害虫的综合特征向量;最后用全局混沌蜂群算法优化SVM的核参数与惩罚因子,并应用参数优化的SVM进行分类。结果表明:与基于Gabor小波和支持向量机方法、基于Krawtchouk不变矩和支持向量机方法相比,本方法提取的储粮害虫特征信息更加完整,识别率更高。  相似文献   

Moth pests belonging to the Tineidae attack clothing and other animal products, during the processing or manufacturing stage as well as in storage. The insects cause considerable loss or damage to the commodity in terms of quantity, quality and market value. Insect control measures in these products differ depending on the conditions of storage or processing and the relevant cost factor. Fumigation products play an important role in insect pest elimination for the majority of stored animal products. The need of detailed studies on alternatives methods involving the exploitation of insect traps for pest management has been highlighted. In the past years test systems for the evaluation of attractant products have been developed and further refined in our laboratory. In this study, a standardized test system for the evaluation in vitro of commercial traps for Tineola bisselliella, the webbing clothes moth (WCM), was validated. Three sticky traps baited with female-produced sex pheromone were tested in the laboratory and in vivo at the “Mobilier National”, a repository of valuable artefacts. In both types of experiment the number of individuals captured was closely linked with the kinetic release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the sticky traps. The test system allowed clear discrimination of the products according their efficiency in a reliable manner but none of the traps tested were effective enough to reduce the damage potential of the pest.In the light of these results, the characteristics needed for an effective trap in warehouse conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

捕食性螨多以粉螨科(Acaridae)、食甜螨科(Glycyphagidae)的螨类和仓储害虫为食。普通肉食螨(Cheyletus eruditus Schrank)、马六甲肉食螨(Cheyletus malaccensis Ouds)等捕食性螨因喜欢捕食腐食酪螨(Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank)、椭圆粉螨(Aleuroglyphus ovatus Ovatus),杂拟谷盗(Tribolium confusum Jac.du Val.)、赤拟谷盗(Tribolium castaneum Herbst)的卵、幼虫等储粮害虫,成为生物防治的天敌应用。近年来,我国储粮技术不断提高,储粮环境也得到极大的改善,粮堆中主要储粮害虫种类也发生了较大变化,为探索中温和高温储粮区粮堆表层捕食性螨种类,采用瓦楞纸板诱捕法对中温和高温储粮区的20个粮库进行了捕食性螨种类调查。研究结果表明,中高温储粮区粮堆表层存在跗蠊螨(Blattisocius tarsalis Berlese)、基氏蠊螨(Blattisocius keegani Fox)、普通肉食螨(C.eruditus)、马六甲肉食螨(C.malaccensis)等4种捕食性螨。  相似文献   

基于DNA条形码技术的储粮害虫碎片鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储粮害虫(螨)个体微小,种类繁多,与人类生活紧密相关,具有重要经济意义,储粮害虫快速鉴定是进行储粮害虫综合防治的前提和基础。传统的形态鉴定技术难以实现粮食及食品中害虫的非成虫态和碎片的准确鉴定,DNA条形码是近年来出现的物种分子鉴定技术,能够实现对昆虫非成熟虫态及碎片的快速鉴定。本研究利用DNA条形码技术和联合开发的中国储粮害虫DNA条形码鉴定系统(GPDBIS),针对某食品有限公司送检的储粮害虫碎片样品进行了序列测定、比对和分析,最终实现碎片的快速准确鉴定。结果显示,在所检测的7个害虫碎片样品中,有4头为锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus Stephens,3头为赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum Herbst,DNA条形码技术是储粮害虫快速准确鉴定的有效手段。  相似文献   

Published information about insect pest infestation in dried or preserved animal products comprising food items like dried fish and milk powder and non-food materials such as hides and skins, silkworm cocoons, wool and woollen materials, honeybee combs, fishmeal and museum collections/exhibits and control measures has been summarised in this review. Beetle and moth pests belonging to the Dermestidae and Tineidae, respectively, attack the animal products, during the processing or manufacturing stage as well as in storage. The insects cause considerable loss or damage to the commodity in terms of quantity, quality and market value. Silk, apiculture and leather industries are particularly affected by the pests. Data on the extent of losses due to insect pests in various preserved animal products are lacking. Insect control measures in these products differ depending on the conditions of storage or processing and the relevant cost factor. Phosphine fumigation plays an important role in insect pest elimination in the majority of the stored animal products. For disinfesting museum objects and honeycombs, freezing (for artefacts) or modified atmosphere application of CO2 or nitrogen is preferred. Commodities such as woollen materials, dried fish, fishmeal and feeds containing animal products and their storage premises are sometimes treated with residual contact insecticides such as deltamethrin, pirimiphos-methyl, permethrin and synergised pyrethrins. For protecting animal products, especially dried fish, different countries have examined alternatives including plant extracts and vegetable oils.The need for detailed studies on (i) fumigation with alternatives to methyl bromide such as sulphuryl fluoride, ethyl formate and ozone, (ii) disinfestation methods involving the active principles from natural products and (iii) exploitation of insect traps for pest management in museums has been highlighted.  相似文献   

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