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提出一种并联预紧式双层结构六维力传感器,介绍了该传感器的结构特点和优点.并基于多自由度系统振动力学对该六维力传感器进行动态力响应分析.首先结合该传感器的结构特点对其进行静力学分析,在此基础上建立了传感器系统的振动力学模型;然后推导出系统的运动微分方程,通过求解运动微分方程,得到了系统在动态力作用下广义坐标的响应以及各分...  相似文献   

压电式加速度传感器安装谐振频率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了YD-1型压电式加速度传感器与CZ-4型磁座构成的磁座安装测振系统的安装谐振频率.给出了磁座安装测振系统受力分析及建立系统力学模型的一般方法,计算了该系统的谐振频率,并就磁座质量及剩磁大小对安装谐振频率的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

针对传统Stewart结构6维力传感器性能的不足,设计并研制了一种双层预紧式6维力传感器,并进行了精度分析与实验研究.首先,介绍了该6维力传感器的结构特点,基于螺旋理论建立了其数学模型以及预紧力的数学描述形式.为了提高传感器的测量精度,在分析预紧支路结构的基础上,通过增大预紧力来降低由于预紧支路结构变形产生的误差.其次,对不同预紧力下预紧支路的结构变形进行了有限元仿真.最后研制并开发了6维力传感器样机和标定系统,进行了不同预紧力情况下的标定实验.通过增大预紧力,传感器的最大Ⅰ类误差和Ⅱ类误差分别由满量程的2.73%、2.43%降低到0.41%、0.64%.实验结果表明,增大预紧力有效地降低了预紧支路变形带来的测量误差,提高了传感器的测量精度,从而验证了理论分析与仿真的正确性.  相似文献   

对一种基于生物免疫识别特性的压电式免疫传感器的检测准确度与体波色散之间的关系进行了系统研究。首先从固体声场的基本方程出发并结合边界条件给出体波振动模式的频散方程,然后结合该方程对频散与检测准确度之间的关系进行了理论研究并根据该频散方程进行了准确数值计算与模拟,最后通过实验证实了上述理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

压电式加速度传感器的频响检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
频响特性是传感器的重要指标,频响分析是一种得到广泛应用的系统分析方法。介绍了一种频率响应检测技术的实现方法,论述了振动信号采集、分析程序的实现,检测的硬件系统主要为多通道高速采集卡、信号发生调理装置。利用该检测系统对不同厂家、型号的压电式加速度传感器进行检测实验,实验结果表明此系统可以完成对压电式加速度传感器的频响检测分析。  相似文献   

针对采用压电元件的动态应变测量系统的低频失真问题,提出一种采用数字滤波器的低频特性补偿方案。通过动态标定试验,获得了压电应变测量系统的阶跃响应特性,以应变计测量结果为期望输出,以压电式传感器测量结果为补偿滤波器的输入,采用M atlab中的系统辨识工具箱设计了数字补偿滤波器。应用结果表明:该方法可使得测量系统的低频下限由原来的2.2Hz降低到10-3Hz以下,低频响应不足引起的失真得到了很好的恢复。  相似文献   

正弦压力发生器在传感器动态校准中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍正弦压力发生器工作原理的基础上 ,讨论了在应用正弦压力发生器校准传感器动态性能时应用系统的组成和功能。同时 ,给出了采用正弦压力发生器校准传感器动态特性的两个实例。校准结果表明 :这两个传感器分别属于一阶和二阶模型 ,所得的参数模型在幅频和相频特性两方面都与实验结果一致  相似文献   

本文介绍了采用KISTLER公司生产的压电式压力传感器、JV53500型VXI总线型计算机数据采集分析系统,进行爆炸物冲击波测试的工作原理、方法和特点;通过实验验证说明该测试系统具有响应快、灵敏度高、处理数据方便、准确的特点,是理想的一种爆炸物冲击波测试系统,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

针对弹性体式六维力/力矩传感器存在的瓶颈矛盾,提出了一种新型平板式压电六维力/力矩传感器.首先,介绍了传感器的结构和工作原理.然后,推导了传感器的数学模型,建立了传感器的有限元模型.最后,得到了传感器输出的电荷灵敏度、维间干扰、固有频率、载荷传递系数、退耦矩阵等重要参数.研究结果表明:传感器结构简单合理、数学模型正确、...  相似文献   

We have realized a flexible force sensor, composed of four redundant capacitors, the operation of which is based on the measurement of a load-induced capacitance change. We use polyimide both as flexible substrate and as elastic dielectric between two levels of finger-shaped aluminum electrodes. In particular we have developed a technology for realization of two-level polyimide microstructures with gentle slopes to facilitate subsequent metallization processes. Thereby, we could improve step coverage and electrical contacting between the two metallization levels, as well as the mechanical stability of the sensor. The smooth polyimide slopes were obtained by combining lithographic resist-reflow techniques with dry etching procedures. We have analytically modeled the sensor's capacitance and its force sensitivity. We have electrically characterized the capacitors using an impedance analyzer and obtained capacitances in the range of 130 pF and a typical force sensitivity of 0.5-1 fF/N, in excellent agreement with our model.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design of a micro-scale manipulator based on a six-DOF compliant parallel mechanism (CPM), which is featured by piezo-driven actuators and integrated force sensor capable of delivering six-DOF motions with high precision and providing real-time force information for feedback control. Particularly, the position and screw-based Jacobian analyses of the CPM are presented. Then, the compliance model and the workspace evaluation of the CPM are proposed in order to account for the compliance and obtain design guidelines. Finally, the integrated sensor is introduced. The static features of such a mechanism include high positioning accuracy, structural compactness and smooth and continuous displacements.  相似文献   

研制了一种以电荷转移器件 (CTD)为核心 ,具有频率特性可随意调节的压电传感器频率特性补偿器。论述了补偿原理、电路设计及其技术难点和相应的解决方法。理论分析与实验表明了该补偿器的有效性、实用性、先进性。  相似文献   

针对变压器产生的振动信号的特征,设计了一种基于压电式加速度传感器的变压器振动信号采集系统。以振动控制台为试验对象,利用此系统对控制台输出的振动信号进行采集,并用快速傅里叶变换对采集到的振动信号进行分析。实验结果表明:该系统将压电式加速度传感器输出的电荷信号转换成了标准的电压信号,能够准确、实时地采集振动信号,为变压器故障在线监测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this contribution we report on a miniaturized bulk micro-machined three-axes piezoresistive force sensor. The force sensor consists of a full membrane with 16 conventional two terminal p-type diffused piezoresistors on the surface of the membrane. The die size of the chip is 6.5 mm × 6.5 mm. Piezoresistors with four different designs were placed on the membrane. Sensitivities were found to be in the range of 0.37–0.79 mV/(V mN) and 1.68–2.92 mV/(V mN) in Z-direction and X- or Y-direction, respectively. The stiffness of the measured microprobes in the range of 5–8 mN/μm and 0.27–0.48 mN/μm were obtained in vertical and lateral direction, respectively. Various single and twin membranes designs were simulated to calculate stiffness of the microprobe. The measurement results show a cross-axis sensitivity of <2.5% at full scale of 25 mN.  相似文献   

用模态分析法分析双晶片压电力、振动、位移传感器的位移特性及灵敏度特性,并给出灵敏度与压电材料参数及晶片几何尺寸的关系。其仿真分析结果对压电双晶片用于力、振动、位移等传感器的设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The kinetics related to an electroless Ni-P deposition on quartz surface was monitored by an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor (ESPS). It was shown that the mass changes during the initial grease removing and quartz coarsening processes follow the exponential decay and linear decrease models, respectively. The initial Ni-P plating process consists of four stages: an induction period, an acceleration period, a deceleration period and a stationary period. In the corrosion process of the Ni-P film in 1 mol/L HCl, the dissolving rate decreases with contact time in the initial 10 min and then approaches to a stable level of 0.12 nm/min. The wearing rate of the Ni-P film in Al2O3 polishing powder is much larger than the dissolving rate in 1 mol/L HCl and decreases slightly with time. The ESPS technique is an effective tool for in situ monitoring of the mass changes in electroless plating on quartz material.  相似文献   

基于压电加速度传感器的天车监测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天车吊运系统不能实时监测大车、小车的运行速度和行车位置,为实现对天车的实时监测,将压电式加速度传感器应用到天车吊运系统中;介绍了加速度传感器的基本原理;阐述了振动信号采集系统的硬件组成,并利用图形化开发工具LabVIEW平台实现信号的高速采集;通过采集加速度传感器的输出电压,根据输出电压和灵敏度的关系,获得加速度的值,将加速度的值积分运算可进一步获得天车的速度和位移量;最终达到天车运行状态的实时监测,提高了天车运行系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new high temperature dynamic viscosity sensor for in situ condition monitoring of engine lubricants. The sensor is used to measure the variation in the quality factor of a vibrating piezoelectric cantilever beam due to viscous damping. The sensor was used to measure the dynamic viscosity of various single and multi-grade engines oils up to 180 cP from 25 °C to 60 °C. The sensor is capable of detecting degradation and dilution of engine oil for both new and used samples of 5W-30 and 10W-40 and diluted SAE 30 engine oils. All of the viscosity measurements presented are within 0.13-9.8% of the results obtained using the standard Walther equation at various temperatures. An equation relating dynamic viscosity of an oil sample to the quality factor of the beam is presented. The quality factor measurement circuit presented in this research can be implemented in automotive applications for in situ condition monitoring of lubricant viscosity.  相似文献   

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