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目的 分析雅安市县级高中生奶类营养认知水平与摄入现状及其奶摄入影响因素,为我国经济欠发达地区制定营养促进政策提供参考依据。方法 于2020年8—10月采用随机整群抽样方法抽取雅安市两所县级高中全校3 288名高中生作为调查对象,在调查员指导下完成纸质问卷填写。结果 全校高中生奶类营养认知及格率为21.64%,学生奶类摄入率为77.96%,奶类摄入不足率为88.12%;奶类摄入量中位数为117.14 g/d。学生不同特征下的奶类营养认知水平及奶摄入量比较均显示城镇高于农村,女生高于男生。且高三年级奶类营养认知水平高于其他年级,高收入家庭高于低收入家庭,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05。学生奶类摄入量不足率的多因素Logistic回归分析显示:学生年龄(OR=0.894,95%CI∶0.810~0.987)、寄宿类型(OR=0.553,95%CI∶0.434~0.706)、母亲文化程度(OR=1.289,95%CI∶1.047~1.587)、奶类营养认知水平(OR=1.167,95%CI∶1.112~1.225)、家庭人均月收入(OR=1.123,95%CI∶1.006~1.253)是其奶类摄入是否充足的影响因素。结论 该市县级高中生奶类营养认知水平偏低;奶类摄入率虽高,但日平均摄入量明显不足;年龄越大、住校生、奶类营养认知低水平、母亲低文化程度、家庭人均月收入低水平者更容易出现奶类摄入不足的可能。应加强此类学生奶类营养健康宣教,促进学生奶类的合理摄入。  相似文献   

目的 研究建立不同类型、不同接触材料饮料酒的基于接触面积的消费量数据库,为食品接触材料概率评估提供消费量参数和方法学支持。方法 将饮料酒食品接触面积/体积比(S/V)数据和饮料酒消费量数据作为两个独立的分布总体,采用蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)模拟方法分别在这两个总体中进行随机抽样并匹配对应类别相乘,得到不同接触材料饮料酒基于接触面积的消费量分布。以上过程模拟1 000次得到各统计量的抽样分布,从而量化模型的不确定性。结果 按饮料酒-材料组合分类,基于接触面积的消费量均值最高的为啤酒-玻璃,均值为5.500 dm2/d,95%CI为5.302~5.705 dm2/d。按食品接触材料分类,基于接触面积的消费量均值最高的为(铝)涂层,均值为5.213 dm2/d,95%CI为4.929~5.532 dm2/d。结论 饮料酒基于接触面积的消费量可以成为我国饮料酒食品接触材料概率评估的基础参数,可用于进行精确的膳食暴露评估。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国中部某脱贫县小学生的主要食物摄入情况及其影响因素,为改善我国学生营养健康状况提供基础数据。方法 在我国中部某脱贫县的城镇和乡村分别抽取2所小学,随机抽取674名二至四年级小学生。通过“学生调查表”收集主要食物摄入频率、家庭及个人状况。结果 仅12.9%的小学生肉类摄入频率达到1次/d及以上,18.5%的小学生蛋类摄入达到1个/d及以上,8.2%的小学生奶类及奶制品摄入达到1包/d及以上;9.8%的小学生大豆及其制品摄入达到1次/d及以上,13.4%的小学生水果摄入频率达到1次/d及以上,还有22.8%的小学生摄入蔬菜达到3种/d及以上。不同受教育程度的母亲其子女摄入蛋类、水果有统计学意义(P<0.05);在城镇和乡村之间奶制品、大豆及其制品、水果及蔬菜的摄入情况差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,城镇上学的小学生相对于乡村,肉类摄入达到每周4次及以上的OR值为2.618(95%CI:1.364~5.027,P<0.05);母亲高中及以上受教育程度相对于初中及以下,蛋类摄入达到每周4个及以上的OR值为2.508(95%CI:1.314~4.784,P<0.05)。结论 我国中部某脱贫县小学生的肉蛋奶等动物性食物摄入明显不足,尤其是乡村地区,且摄入情况可能与母亲受教育程度有关。建议针对小学生及其母亲开展合理膳食相关的指导。  相似文献   

目的 探索我国城市居民在外就餐频率与口味偏好之间的关系。方法 采用方便抽样的方法,选择有完整在外就餐频率及口味偏好调查数据的四个城区中1 957名18~65岁成年居民作为研究对象,分析在外就餐和口味偏好现状,利用多因素Logistics回归模型分析在外就餐频率与口味偏好的关联性。结果 研究对象每周在外就餐频率为<1次、1~3次、4~6次、≥7次的人群比例分别为35.8%(701/1 957)、33.5%(655/1 957)、18.3%(358/1 957)、12.4%(243/1 957)。男性和女性口味偏好上存在差异,男性口味偏咸率、口味偏油率明显高于女性,女性口味偏甜率高于男性。在控制相关混杂因素的基础上,与在外就餐频率<1次/周的城市女性居民相比,在外就餐1~3次/周的城市女性居民口味偏咸的风险增加59%(OR=1.59);在外就餐1~3次/周、4~6次/周、≥7次/周的城市女性居民口味偏甜的风险均增加范围为51%-77%(OR=1.51,OR=1.71,OR=1.77);在外就餐1~3次/周、≥7次/周的城市女性居民口味偏辣的风险分别增加54%(OR=1.54)和78%(OR=1.78)。与每周在外就餐频率<1次的城市男性居民相比,每周在外就餐4~6次的城市男性居民偏油口味和偏辣口味的风险分别增加61%(OR=1.61)和85%(OR=1.85)。结论 城市居民在外就餐频率可能与口味偏好存在一定关联。应当加强在外就餐人群的营养宣传教育,引导其养成健康的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

目的 探究蔬果总摄入量与认知功能的相关性,为中国老年人的膳食指导提供科学依据。方法 利用2015年中国居民健康与营养调查(CHNS)湖北省的调查资料,纳入年龄55岁及以上的研究对象406人,调整年龄、性别、城乡、婚姻、教育程度、年收入、吸烟、饮酒、体力活动、红肉摄入、鱼肉摄入、总能量摄入、体质指数(BMI)和高血压等因素,采用多重线性回归评价蔬果总摄入量与认知得分的偏回归系数及95%置信区间(CI)。结果 研究对象平均年龄为64.79±7.57岁,平均蔬果总摄入量为330.18±165.56 g/d,平均认知得分为13.44±5.66分。在完全调整模型中,相较于蔬果总摄入量Q1组,蔬果总摄入量Q4组的偏回归系数与95%CI分别为1.91、0.08~3.75。与只摄入蔬菜相比,同时摄入蔬菜和水果的偏回归系数与95%CI分别为1.40、0.15~2.73。结论 较高水平的蔬果总摄入量与中老年人较好的认知功能相关,在摄入蔬菜的同时应确保水果的摄入。  相似文献   

目的 为明确我国畜禽源单核细胞增生李斯特菌(单增李斯特菌)的流行特性,本文通过荟萃(Meta)分析对我国畜禽源食品单增李斯特菌污染与流行情况进行了系统回顾,以期为我国畜禽肉生产过程中单增李斯特菌的防控提供参考依据。方法 首先在PubMed、Web of Science、万方数据库、中国知网等数据平台通过输入关键检索词检索2001—2022年发表的有关我国畜禽食品中单增李斯特菌检出率的文献,之后利用Stata软件对文献数据进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入中、英文研究文献277篇,总样本数据为110 066例,单增李斯特菌的合并检出率为7.2%(95%CI:6.4%~8.0%)。不同区域的亚组分析发现,吉林和黑龙江等地的检出率高于其他地区;不同时间的亚组分析发现单增李斯特菌的检出率随着时间的推移而降低。熟肉食品中单增李斯特菌的检出率(2.9%,95%CI:2.4%~3.5%)远低于生肉(10.7%,95%CI:9.5%~12.0%);生肉中鸡肉的检出率为11.0%(95%CI:8.3%~14.0%)与猪肉的检出率10.9%(95%CI:7.9%~14.2%)略高于其他种类的生肉。结论 我国畜禽源食品单增李斯特菌检出率依然处于比较高的水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国十城市孕妇睡眠质量现状,探究其宏量营养素摄入水平与睡眠质量的相关性。方法 采用多阶段抽样法,对我国十城市共863名孕妇进行营养素摄入及睡眠质量调查。通过身体测量及问卷调查获得孕妇的24 h膳食摄入、睡眠状况、围产期抑郁及其他信息,使用Logistic回归模型和多元线性回归模型,探索宏量营养素供能比与睡眠质量之间的关系。结果 孕妇睡眠质量差的发生率为46.12%,处于孕晚期、有抑郁倾向、目前无工作、怀孕期间有被动吸烟、既往有饮酒史、睡眠质量差的孕妇的发生率相对较高。孕妇碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质供能比分别为51.1%、34.4%和14.2%。分析宏量营养素与睡眠质量的关系表明,当总能量摄入一定,5%的能量由碳水化合物分别替代蛋白质和脂肪供给时,与发生睡眠质量差的可能性上升有关,OR分别为1.13(95%CI:1.01~1.26,P<0.05)和1.09(95%CI:1.02~1.16,P<0.05)。结论 总能量摄入一定时,碳水化合物供能比与睡眠质量存在显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

目的 查明引起某庙会期间发生的一起食源性疾病暴发事件的原因,确认致病危害因素及其来源,为此类事件预防控制提供参考。方法 开展现场流行病学调查,通过描述分析方法分析病例临床特征、流行病学特征及相关危害因素。开展病例对照研究确定可疑食物,通过脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)法对致病因子进行相似性分析。结果 根据病例定义共收集可疑病例32例,主要临床表现为腹痛(87.50%)、腹泻(78.13%)、发热(75.00%)、头晕恶心(71.88%)。病例对照研究结果显示水煮带壳花生是危险因素(OR=4.000,95%CI:1.409~11.354)。采集28份样品中有7份分离培养出沙门菌,血清型鉴定均为阿邦尼沙门菌,经PFGE图谱分析高度相似。结论 本次事件是由阿邦尼沙门菌引起的食源性疾病暴发,可疑食物为水煮带壳花生,应加强非城区流动摊位散装食品的监管,同时加强食源性疾病监测管理工作。  相似文献   

目的 评估2017—2019年北京市李斯特菌病发病水平,为李斯特菌病的预防控制策略的制定提供科学依据。方法 在北京市李斯特菌病哨点监测的基础上,利用2017—2019年8个区10所二级及以上综合医院及7所妇产专科医院年入院人数和李斯特菌病报告发病数,采用贝叶斯模型估算北京市全人群和妊娠人群李斯特菌病发病率。结果 贝叶斯模型估计2017—2019年北京市李斯特菌病全人群发病率为0.25/10万(95%CI:0.17~0.33),年发病人数53人(95%CI:38~71)。妊娠人群发病率为12.89/10万(95%CI:9.03~17.39),约为全人群的52倍;年发病人数31人(95%CI:20~43),约占全人群的58%。结论 2017—2019年北京市李斯特菌病全人群发病水平与其他国家接近,应引起足够重视,而妊娠人群发病率处于国际较高水平,提示应进一步分析成因,在加大全人群宣教监测力度的基础上针对妊娠人群高发特点制定差异化防控策略。  相似文献   

目的 调查一起肠炎沙门菌引起的学校食源性疾病暴发事件,并对危险因素开展分析溯源,为预防类似事件的发生提供科学依据。方法 运用描述性流行病学方法分析事件的流行病学特征;运用病例对照研究调查可疑食物;通过环境卫生学方法调查追溯食品污染的过程;对病例、食物、环境样品进行病原菌分离、血清分型和脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)检测。结果 本起暴发事件共报告病例71例,流行曲线符合持续同源暴发模式的特点。病例对照、环境卫生调查和病因溯源研究提示学校超市售卖的三明治是引起本次事件的危险食品(OR=302.09,95%CI=75.18~1 213.97)。采集的病例、食品、环境样品中有8份(12.70%,8/63)检出了肠炎沙门菌,分离菌株的PFGE图谱条带完全一致,证实了学校超市出售的三明治使用的沙拉酱在制作过程中被肠炎沙门菌污染,是导致这次食源性疾病暴发的原因。结论 本次事件是由肠炎沙门菌污染食品引起的食源性疾病暴发,可疑食品为被自制沙拉酱污染的三明治。建议禁止各类未经充分热处理的含生鲜鸡蛋成分的食品进入学校,相关行政部门应加强对该类食品的卫生监督。  相似文献   

中国大学生营养知识、态度、行为的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深化高等院校营养与健康公共课程的改革,促进大学生良好饮食行为的形成,我们对全国不同地区高校2 924名大学生(男1 447名,女1 477名,年龄18-21岁)进行了抽样问卷调查。结果表明,在校大学生的营养知识普遍不足,存在诸多不合理的饮食行为,但他们普遍具有良好的营养态度,表明了在高校加强营养知识教育的必要性;大学生在已具备了一定的必要的营养知识后,但却难以实践相应的健康饮食行为。因此,营养教育不仅要传授大量的知识,更应从传授知识到逐渐改变人们不良饮食行为,应该从课堂延伸到课外。  相似文献   

目的:了解桂林旅专大学生的营养知识、态度及饮食行为的现状,并提出合理性建议,有利于学校有关部门开展营养知识方面的教育。方法:采用问卷调查的方法对本校300名学生的营养知识、态度及饮食行为进行调查。结果:本校大学生普遍缺乏营养基础知识,但有较好的营养态度,并且愿意接受更多的营养知识方面的教育。结论:学校应该采取多种方式加强本校学生营养知识方面的教育与宣传,以及对饮食行为进行合理性指导。  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an important trace element for human and animal health. It accumulates in wheat and corn, which is consumed mostly as bread. The Turkish population consumes mainly white wheat, whole wheat (brown bread) and corn breads. In this study, samples of these breads were collected from six different bakeries in the city of Sakarya, and their selenium levels were determined by ICP–OES after a chemical digestion. It was found that average selenium levels in white wheat, whole wheat and corn breads were 1149, 1204 and 2023?µg/kg, respectively. The results are compared with daily recommended intake and upper tolerable levels for selenium.  相似文献   

调查了解当前大学生的营养状况和对营养知识的知晓程度,为引导大学生合理膳食提供科学依据。采用自行设计的"大学生营养状况、知识、态度及饮食行为的调查"问卷方式,以湖南、湖北的大学生为研究对象,对500名在校大学生进行随机问卷调查。调查结果表明,大学生营养状况较差、营养知识缺乏、饮食行为不规律,但对营养知识具有强烈的求知欲望。建议高校加强食育体系建设、强化食堂的专业建设和管理等提高大学生的营养意识及健康水平。  相似文献   

发达国家营养治疗是一种规范的医疗行为,在医疗救治过程中有重要的作用。科学、合理的营养治疗可降低院内感染的发生和减少机械通气时间,有效提高疾病的治愈率、改善临床结局,同时降低药占比及医疗支出、提高床位周转率。而我国临床营养学科定位不清,临床营养学科长期落后于整体医疗水平的发展,成为我国医疗服务"木桶"中的"短板"。再加临床营养人才缺乏,疾病患者的营养诊断、营养评价和营养治疗水平较低,相关政策和法规滞后,以及营养产业规模和技术整体落后,严重影响临床营养学科的发展。解开制约临床营养学科发展的"瓶颈",已经成为当前提高医疗保障水平的一个十分重要而迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate serum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin, and progesterone in nonlactating dairy cows according to nutritional balance and glucose infusion. Ten nonlactating, ovariectomized Gir × Holstein cows were stratified by body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) on d −28 of the study, and randomly assigned to 1) negative nutrient balance (NB) or 2) positive nutrient balance (PB). From d −28 to d 0, cows were allocated according to nutritional treatment (5 cows/treatment) into 2 low-quality pastures with reduced forage availability. However, PB cows individually received, on average, 3 kg/cow per day (as-fed) of a concentrate during the study. All cows had an intravaginal progesterone releasing device inserted on d −14, which remained in cows until the end of the study. Cow BW and BCS were assessed again on d 0. On d 0, cows within nutritional treatment were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 24 h each, 1) intravenous glucose infusion (GLU; 0.5 g of glucose/kg of BW, as a 5% glucose solution administered, on average, at 32 mL/min over a 3-h period), or 2) intravenous saline infusion (SAL; 0.9% solution infused on average at 32 mL/min over a 3-h period). Prior to the beginning of each period, all cows were fasted for 12 h. Blood samples were collected, relative to the beginning of the infusion, at −12 and −11.5 h (beginning of fasting), and at −0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 h. Following the last blood collection of period 1, cows received (PB) or not (NB) concentrate and were returned to their respective pastures. Changes in BCS and BW were greater in NB cows compared with PB cows (−0.60 and −0.25 ± 0.090 for BCS, respectively; −22.4 and 1.2 ± 6.58 kg for BW, respectively). Cows receiving GLUC had greater glucose concentrations from 0.5 to 3 h relative to infusion compared with SAL cows. Insulin concentrations were greater in PB cows assigned to GLUC compared with SAL cohorts at 0.5 and 3 h following infusion, whereas NB cows assigned to GLUC had greater insulin concentrations compared with SAL cohorts at 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 h. Progesterone concentrations were greater in PB cows assigned to GLUC at 2, 3, and 4 h following infusion compared with SAL cohorts. In conclusion, the effects of glucose infusion on serum concentrations of insulin and progesterone in nonlactating dairy cows were dependent on cow nutritional status.  相似文献   

目的 评价营养健康知信行理论应用于海员健康教育干预的效果。方法 选择2019年在舟山市指定的2家医院进行船员健康体检的海员628名作为研究对象,采用整群随机抽样法分为两组,不同方法进行营养健康干预1年,随后于2020年与2021年期间再次进行健康体检,两组在体检时分别进行膳食营养状况调查。结果 在干预后,干预组海员谷薯杂豆类、蔬菜类、水果、大豆及坚果的每日摄入量明显高于对照组海员,食用油每日摄入量明显低于对照组海员,蛋白质每日摄入量明显高于对照组海员,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预后干预组的体检结果异常检出率为76.0%,较干预前的92.0%明显降低(Z=-4.249,P<0.05)。Topsis法综合评价显示,干预组Ci值明显高于对照组且更接近于1。结论 通过对海员进行营养KAP干预,海员膳食营养状况及体检结果得到改善,营养KAP干预可有效保障海员健康。  相似文献   

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are an important global crop that can be transformed into many products impacting several health dimensions ranging from undernutrition, food security and disease prevention to issues of overnutrition including obesity, diabetes, heart disease. Processed potato products are typically categorized as high fat and sodium foods, as well as being classified as a significant source of carbohydrate, in the form of starch. Conversely, potato products are less known for their contribution of key micronutrients (vitamin C, potassium, magnesium), fiber, and phytochemicals (phenolics and carotenoids). More recent insight into the nutritional value of potatoes and the potential of potato phytochemicals to modulate oxidative and inflammatory stress as well as the potential to alter glycemic response has resulted in increased interest in strategies to improve and leverage the nutritional quality of processed potatoes. This review summarizes critical information on nutritional profiles of potatoes and their processed products and describes the state of the science relative to the influence of in-home and common commercial processing on nutritional quality and potential impacts on human health.  相似文献   

Date fruit has served as a staple food in the Arab world for centuries. Worldwide production of date fruit has increased almost threefold over the last 40 years, reaching 7.68 million tons in 2010. Date fruit can provide many essential nutrients and potential health benefits to the consumer. Date fruit goes through four ripening stages named kimri, khalal, rutab and tamer. The main chemical components of date fruit include carbohydrates, dietary fibre, enzymes, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, phenolic acids and carotenoids. The chemical composition of date fruit varies according to ripening stage, cultivar, growing environment, postharvest conditions, etc. The nutritional and medicinal activities of date fruit are related to its chemical composition. Many studies have shown that date fruit has antioxidant, antimutagenic, anti‐inflammatory, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, anticancer and immunostimulant activities. Various date fruit‐based products such as date syrup, date paste, date juice and their derived products are available. Date by‐products can be used as raw materials for the production of value‐added products such as organic acids, exopolysaccharides, antibiotics, date‐flavoured probiotic‐fermented dairy produce, bakery yeasts, etc. In this paper the chemical composition and nutritional and medicinal values of date fruit as well as date fruit‐based products are reviewed . © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(12):9639-9651
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of prenatal supplementation and dose of rumen-protected choline (RPC) on neonatal calf growth, metabolism, and vaccine response. Parous Holstein cows were blocked by calving month and randomly assigned within block to receive 45 g/d of RPC [20.4 g/d of choline ions (CHOL45), n = 19], 30 g/d of RPC [13.6 g/d of choline ions (CHOL30), n = 22], or no RPC (CON, n = 19) as a top-dress, starting 24 d before expected calving. Calf body weights were recorded for the first 3 wk of life. All calves were fed colostrum replacer (300 g of IgG) at birth, and apparent efficiency of IgG absorption was calculated. On d 1, 7, 14, and 21, blood samples were taken to quantify plasma reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, antioxidant potential, haptoglobin, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, and glucose. Calves received an intranasal vaccine at birth, and nasal secretions were collected on d 0, 7, 10, 14, and 21 to quantify bovine respiratory syncytial virus-specific IgA. Data were analyzed using linear mixed models including the fixed effects of treatment, time (when applicable), calf sex, and prepartum dam data (?24 d) along with interactions. Treatment did not affect calf body weight, β-hydroxybutyrate, or glucose concentrations. For apparent efficiency of IgG absorption, treatment interacted with the dam's prepartum body condition score. Where the dam's body condition score was ≤3.25, IgG absorption was reduced in calves born from CHOL45 dams as compared with calves from either CHOL30 or CON dams. Calves from CHOL30 dams had a lesser oxidative stress index (OSi; reactive oxygen and nitrogen species/antioxidant potential) than calves from CON dams. Haptoglobin concentrations were less in heifer calves from CHOL45 dams as compared with heifers from CON dams. The dam's prepartum NEFA concentration interacted with treatment. When dam NEFA was minimal, calves from CHOL45 and CHOL30 dams had greater or tended to have greater NEFA, respectively. Conversely, when dam NEFA was greater, calves from CHOL30 and CHOL45 dams had lesser or tended to have lesser NEFA than calves from CON dams, respectively. For vaccine response, treatment interacted with the dam's prepartum OSi. Among calves born from dams with a greater OSi, calves from CHOL45 and CHOL30 dams had lesser bovine respiratory syncytial virus-specific IgA concentrations in nasal secretions as compared with CON. Prenatal RPC supplementation during late gestation affected IgG absorption, neonatal calf metabolism, and vaccine response with some effects dependent on the dam's prepartum parameters.  相似文献   

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