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智能包装能主动监测、传感、记录、溯源食品在流通过程中所经历的内外环境的变化,帮助消费者直观、准确、科学的判断食品质量与新鲜度状况。智能包装中常用的智能指示器可以归类为食品质量的间接指示器和直接指示器。对近年来国内外文献中不同类型指示器的指示机理与研究进展进行详尽的阐述,并对食品智能包装的安全问题进行评价,指出研究中依然存在的问题和未来的研究方向,为提升食品智能包装安全监控的科学性和可控性提供了合理的技术支持。  相似文献   

随着消费者食品安全意识的增强,通过包装颜色变化对食品品质进行直观判断成为一个新的需求,智能包装近年来成为学界和产业界的共同关注点。pH敏感性材料与聚合物混合后获得的食品包装膜,在不同的pH条件下显示不同颜色,具有实时监测肉、虾、牛奶等食品新鲜程度的效果。本文介绍了化学显色剂和天然色素显色剂两大pH敏感性型指示器,分类介绍花青素、姜黄素、茜素、紫草素、甜菜碱等天然食品色素在不同pH下的变色机理,总结了pH敏感性材料与不同聚合物共混改性后在食品包装领域的研究进展、应用现状和研究趋势,为制备性能良好、绿色环保的智能食品包装提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>智能包装技术智能包装技术是指能够感应或测量环境和包装产品品质变化,并将信息传递给消费者或管理者的新型包装技术。智能包装技术的出现,使食品及其包装更具亲和力,可以便于消费者选择放心的食品,延长食品的货架期,有利于食品的储藏和运输,具有广阔的市场需求与应用前景。1.智能标签智能标签对食品安全的作用主要表现在其能够指示出内装食品的质量状况和气调包装的氛围。通过在食品包装中设置特殊的智能标签,如具有光敏、温  相似文献   

近年来,消费者对于食品安全要求的改变促进了包装新技术的发展。目前用于食品质量监测的智能包装技术主要有指示剂、数据载体装置以及传感器等。其中,pH智能指示剂由于其成本低、体积小、制备方便和指示效果好等优点而成为研究热点。通常来说,指示剂是由负载基和pH染料组成。同时天然pH染料如茜素、姜黄素、类胡罗卜素、花青素等对于环境酸碱性的改变能表现出明显的颜色变化。以天然pH染料制备的pH智能指示剂能够传递食品的实时信号(颜色、化学或电子),以表现实时的质量信息。本文主要对以天然染料和生物聚合物为基础的pH智能指示剂的研究现状进行了概述,讨论了基于天然pH染料和合成pH染料相比的pH智能指示剂的重要性,以及未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

风鹅加工中危害分析及关键点(HACCP)的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴群  周吉华 《食品科技》2007,32(10):121-124
应用危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)的原理与方法,通过风鹅生产过程中微生物、盐分、亚硝酸盐、脂肪氧化、肌肉pH值等指标,分析风鹅生产各工艺步骤中对产品质量可能产生的潜在危害,从而确定其关键控制点为原料验收、光鹅的前处理、腌制、风干、包装5个工艺点。  相似文献   

作为智能包装不可缺少的一部分——新鲜度指示剂,通过指示敏感材料与食品腐败过程中产生的特定产物发生反应,并将反应结果转换成易于消费者直接观察和判断的信号,如:颜色信号、电信号、荧光信号等,为消费者提供实时质量监控信息,有效满足市场对食品品质监控特别是对各种易变质食品例如乳制品、肉类和水果蔬菜等新鲜度评估的需求,不断朝着更安全、高级智能和绿色食品新鲜度指示剂包装的方向进行探索。本文综述了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的分类,包括CO2敏感型指示剂、总挥发性盐基氮敏感型指示剂、pH敏感型指示剂及其成型工艺,涵盖了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的应用,旨在为食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

食品质量安全关乎到消费者的生命健康,随着食品问题越来越严重,需要运用科学的方法和规范以保证食品质量安全。可追溯系统可有效对食品进行监管控制,在对危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)和可追溯系统理论分析的基础上,结合新疆羊肉屠宰加工的实际情况,对羊肉屠宰加工过程中各环节中可能存在的生物、化学、物理危害进行分析,确定关键控制点以及可追溯系统的溯源信息,为可追溯系统的构建提供参考,从而提高羊肉屠宰加工环节的安全性,保证消费者健康,促进新疆羊肉业的发展。  相似文献   

新鲜度是生鲜食品在贮藏、运输和销售过程中一个重要的品质评价指标,普通食品包装无法满足消费者对食品新鲜度的监测要求,而智能包装技术的出现让新鲜度的监测成为可能.智能包装技术通过利用指示剂和传感器来监测食品在贮藏中发生的物理、化学、生物变化,以反映运输和存储过程中包装食品或环境的状况.从指示剂和传感器两大类技术介绍智能包装...  相似文献   

生物基材料膜由于其可塑性强、绿色环保,广泛应用于化工、食品、医药等领域,pH响应智能膜作为一种新型的功能性膜材料,可以依据pH对食品新鲜度、环境变化等做出响应,具有快速准确、成本低廉等优点。该文综述了pH响应智能膜的响应原理、响应指示剂及成膜基材,并对生物基pH响应智能膜在食品领域的应用发展进行了总结。  相似文献   

华南理工大学食品工程系曾庆孝教授、许喜林副教授编著的《食品生产的危害分析与关键控制点原理与应用》已由华南理工大学出版社出版,这是国内首本专门讨论食品生产的危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)的科技书。该书主要内容包括:HACCP基本原理及其执行步骤;食品中常见的生物?..  相似文献   

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point programs provide a systematic approach for the reduction of food safety problems through preventive measures. On-farm programs similar to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, which target pathogen reduction and screening can provide assurance to processors and consumers that on-farm food safety is a high priority. Additional voluntary oversight of farm practices, including monitoring of and controlled access to raw milk supplies on the farm could further contribute to public food safety. Off-farm sales of raw milk directly to the public have resulted in foodborne outbreaks of multidrug resistant salmonellosis in California and Washington when raw milk was used for unlicensed cheese production. If dairy producers in those cases had voluntary programs in place to inventory, monitor, and control access to raw milk supplies, the outbreaks probably could have been prevented.  相似文献   

含乳饮料的安全问题是生产和流通领域最受消费者关心的问题,而含乳饮料生产过程的质量管理是向消费者提供安全食品的首要保障。本文简单介绍目前世界公认的几种食品生产质量管理体系及其相互关系,着重探讨了“危害分析和关键控制点”安全质量保证体系在含乳饮料中的应用。  相似文献   

With the increased awareness of food safety and growing environmental concern of plastic packaging disposal, the research and development of novel food packaging is extremely urgent and attracts much attention. Natural polysaccharides are ideal candidate materials to develop “green” food packaging due to their biodegradable properties and good film-forming properties. Especially, the natural polysaccharides-based intelligent films can provide consumers the real-time information about the quality and safety of the packaged food through the pH-sensitive indicators. Consequently, this paper summarized the current researches on the development of natural polysaccharides-based pH-sensitive films. Then, the applications of natural polysaccharides-based pH-sensitive films in food packaging, including the packaging for meat products, fruits and vegetables, etc., are emphasized. Finally, an overview of the trends/challenges of pH-sensitive films in food packaging is discussed. Taken together, the natural polysaccharide-based pH-sensitive food packaging films show more advantages as compared with the common food package films, which can not only protect the packaged food, but also monitor the quality of packaged food in real time. Nevertheless, the further studies should continue to focus on the commercially sustainable key points including consumer acceptance and trust, cost, regulatory considerations and multifunctional performance of the pH-sensitive food packaging films.  相似文献   

Food manufacturers have the responsibility to protect consumers from foodborne hazards. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) method of food safety control is accepted as the best way to assure consumer safety in the production of foods. It is a preventive approach to food safety management and, in practice, requires the completion of 14 stages which result in the development, implementation and maintenance of HACCP systems. Effective use of HACCP gives food manufacturers greater confidence regarding consumer safety, compliance with legislation and ability continuously to improve food safety control.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) technology offers the possibility to retard the respiration rate and extend the shelf life of fresh produce, and is increasingly used globally as value adding in the fresh and fresh-cut food industry. However, the outbreaks of foodborne diseases and emergence of resistant foodborne pathogens in MAP have heightened public interest on the effects of MAP technology on the survival and growth of pathogenic organisms. This paper critically reviews the effects of MAP on the microbiological safety of fresh or fresh-cut produce, including the role of innovative tools such as the use of pressurised inert/noble gases, predictive microbiology and intelligent packaging in the advancement of MAP safety. The integration of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points-based programs to ensure fresh food quality and microbial safety in packaging technology is highlighted.  相似文献   

Intelligent Packaging: Concepts and Applications   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
ABSTRACT: Intelligent packaging is an emerging technology that uses the communication function of the package to facilitate decision making to achieve the benefits of enhanced food quality and safety. In this paper, the term intelligent packaging is defined based on a proposed model of packaging functions, which is consistent with the historical development of food packaging. A conceptual framework is also developed to provide more precise meaning to the definition and to elucidate the anatomy of the intelligent packaging system. The latest advances in smart package devices including barcode labels, radio frequency identification tags, time-temperature indicators, gas indicators, and biosensors are reviewed. The applications of the conceptual framework to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points and microwave ovens are illustrated. A research roadmap for intelligent packaging is also suggested.  相似文献   

在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情背景下,食品安全风险再次引发广大消费者的密切关注。食品行业面临着许多挑战,消费者对于食品行业在加强食品安全管理,防范食品安全风险,提升卫生清洁能力方面提出了更高的要求。危害分析与关键点控制点(HACCP)体系作为在食品生产过程中控制食品安全的预防体系,能有效降低食品安全风险,在国际上被广泛应用。本文总结了中国HACCP体系的发展、应用及政府部门为推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化开展的采信及国际互认情况,分析了中国食品生产企业应用HACCP体系存在的问题,并结合实际情况提出了中国HACCP的发展建议。  相似文献   


Meat and poultry industries today are facing new challenges, with more complex ingredients, processes, and packaging. Consequently, controls are becoming more important as more complex processes are developed. Widespread adoption of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) by the meat and poultry industry should enhance consumer confidence in its products and reduce the currently existing barriers in international trade. The purpose of this review is to present several comprehensive flow diagrams of meat and poultry products and apply HACCP principles in order to ensure food safety.  相似文献   

果蔬汁产品危害分析关键控制点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄福南 《饮料工业》2002,5(Z1):23-26
对保证食品安全的预防性技术管理体系HACCP作了介绍,并对果蔬汁产品的关键点作了说明.  相似文献   

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