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为了研究超高速大容量光传输系统关键技术,利用16路光源,每路光源采用相干光PDM(偏振复用)16QAM(16进制正交振幅调制)OFDM(正交频分复用)调制实现了单路传输速率为1.92 Tbit/s、C波段总速率为30.7 Tbit/s的80 km普通单模光纤传输系统.每路光源信道包含了45路光子信道,其频谱宽度为250 GHz,系统谱效率为7.68 Gbit/s/Hz.所有信道经过80 km传输后的误码率均低于第三代FEC(前向纠错)解码门限2×10-2. 相似文献
利用Optisystem软件结合Matlab,搭建相干检测光正交频分复用(Coherent Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)系统仿真平台.通过加入训练序列学习出不同频率信号的相位噪声规律并进行补偿,结合传输距离、光源线宽,研究了基于16QAM调制的相干光检测OFDM系统的传输性能.结果表明,16QAM调制下的相干光检测OFDM系统做简单的基于训练的信道估计与均衡处理下,系统误码性能提高了近两个数量级.预示了在高速长距离光纤通信中相干光检测OFDM系统的良好前景. 相似文献
相干光正交频分复用由于其良好的传输性能成为近年来光传输领域的研究热点,波分复用技术可以在光纤中通过增加并行波长的数量来提高系统的容量,将CO-OFDM和WDM技术结合,可以构造出高速率、大容量、低成本的光传输网络。文章首先对基于CO-OFDM的WDM传输系统的理论模型和基本原理进行了研究,然后对基于CO-OFDM的100Gb/s×32-信道WDM传输系统进行了仿真分析。并研究了该系统的传输性能。结果表明:在没有任何光纤的色散及非线性补偿的情况下,当信号速率为3.2 Tb/s时,系统的Q因子高于16.0 dB,在标准单模光纤中的传输距离可达1500km。 相似文献
理论上分析了相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM)系统中相位噪声(PN)和色度色散(CD)对星座图的影响,并详细探讨了CO-OFDM系统中基于导频的直接判决均衡器(DDE)的原理,还对其性能进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明:在不同的传输距离下,DDE的误码率都能呈瀑布状下降至10-3这一公认的前向纠错(FEC)门限,使得后续的FEC模块可以让误码率迅速降低。此外,在激光器线宽小于100kHz时,DDE的误码性能并没有大幅度的提升。因此,在选择DDE作为均衡器的CO-OFDM系统中,应折中考虑激光器线宽和误码性能的关系,基于成本考虑建议采用100kHz激光器。 相似文献
相干光正交频分复用系统(CO-OFDM,Coherent Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)可有效抑制光纤色度色散和偏振模色散,有望成为解决未来高速光传输的主流方案。这里结合光传输理论及正交频分复用系统(OFDM,Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex)技术原理,对CO-OFDM系统方案实现及信道等效模型进行了分析,通过数字仿真验证系统光调制器偏置点选择及信号均衡算法。理论分析和仿真结果表明,CO-OFDM系统采用单抽头频域均衡,可有效抑制光纤色散效应。光调制器偏置点选择在零点,可实现系统对OFDM信号的最佳线性调制,与传统强度调制/直接检测(IM/DD)系统比较,CO-OFDM系统品质因子有10 dB提高。 相似文献
从4PSK格雷序列构建具有低峰值平均包络功率(PMEPR)的16QAM序列,并确定出这些序列PMEPR的不同上界。当最大PMEPR为3.6(即5.56dB)时,采用这些序列的数据传输速率是采用互补格雷序列的两倍以上。 相似文献
Multimode fibre (MMF) has been deployed for local area networks and for optical interconnects. MMF has long been perceived as the medium for short reach systems, although it can achieve very high capacity [1]. In fact, the longest transmission distance for a channel rate of 10 Gbit/s and beyond is 11 km, requiring feedback from the receiver to the transmitter [2], and 5 km without receiver feedback [3]. Nevertheless it is instructive to note three important advantages that MMF possesses over single-mode fibre (SMF). First, MMF has proven ease of installation, maintenance and handling, which in turn leads to cost reduction. Secondly, MMF has much larger core area than SMF, which translates into much greater nonlinearity tolerance over SMF. Thirdly, from the information theoretical point of view, because of the existence of many modes in MMF, it can provide much higher information capacity than SMF via multiple-input multiple- out (MIMO) signal processing [4, 5]. Therefore a natural and fundamental question should be asked: is the multimode fibre fit for highspeed (.10 Gbit/s) and high-capacity communication system beyond short reach (.100 km)? The aforementioned third point becomes more relevant as recent research has shown rapid progress in the channel speed, whereas the improvement of overall capacity seems to be stalled. A sense of spectral efficiency bottleneck is looming large in the optical communication community. 相似文献
Gnauk A.H. Jopson R.M. Evankow J.D. Burrus C.A. Wang S.-J. Dutta N.K. Presby H.M. 《Electronics letters》1989,25(25):1695-1696
Describes a single-channel optical transmission experiment that achieved a bit rate-distance product of 1 Tbit/s km over conventional (non-dispersion-shifted) fibre. The transmitter was a directly modulated, 1.3 mu m-wavelength, distributed feedback laser. The receiver employed a semiconductor optical preamplifier and a high-impedance pinHEMT front-end.<> 相似文献
文章介绍了基于31.786 Gbaud/s 光收发模块实现的32×100 Gbit/s信号速率、2 080 km标准单模光纤的实时相干光传输试验, 信号采用PM-QPSK(偏振复用四相相移键控)调制格式。信号光源为单个激光器产生的32路波分复用子光载波, 频率间隔为32 GHz, 频谱效率达到3.11 bit/s/Hz。信号传输2 080 km后, 采用20%的FEC(前向纠错)编码时, Q值仍有1.2 dB的余量。此外, 还研究了光滤波器带宽与OSNR(光信噪比)代价的关系。25 h挂机试验结果显示, 信号接收纠错前误码率在1E-2以下, 表明该传输系统稳定可靠。该系统为国内首个单光源3.2 Tbit/s实时传输试验系统,对提升现有100 Gbit/s商用光纤传输系统的传输效率有较大的指导意义。 相似文献
Mizuochi T. Ishida K. Kinjo K. Kobayashi T. Kajiya S. Shimizu K. Tokura T. Motoshima K. Kasahara K. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(21):1264-1265
1.7 Tbit/s (85/spl times/22.8 Gbit/s) transmission over a transpacific distance of 9180 km using distributed Raman amplifiers followed by 35 nm C-band erbium-doped fibre amplifiers is demonstrated. A symmetrically collided transmission methodology mitigates unwanted waveform distortion caused by cross-phase modulation. 相似文献
随着通信技术的快速发展,如何在有限的带宽下实现信息的低成本、大容量的传输引起了人们的广泛关注。文章描述了在40 km单模光纤上采用 IM/DD(强度调制/直接检测)和 OFDM(正交频分复用)技术的40 Gbit/s 光传输系统的设计,实验中使用的是10 Gbit/s级别的 EML(电吸收调制激光器)和 APD(雪崩光电二极管)。通过 MATLAB编程软件实现相关算法,利用 VPI仿真软件对系统进行仿真,并对实验结果进行了分析,验证了 OFDM技术在未来低成本高速率的光传输网络中应用的可行性。 相似文献
In this paper,a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission system derived from the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) with polarization division multiplexing (PDM) and 16-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is studied. A simulation of 80-channel WDM transmission system with data rate of 200 Gbit/s is built, and the transmission performance of the system is analyzed. The simulation results show that the system Q value of the WDM channels at 16 Tbit/s with a spectral efficiency of 7.14 bit/s/Hz is potentially over 10.0 dB for a long haul transmission up to 1800 km in a standard single-mode fiber. 相似文献
40/spl times/40 Gbit/s ultra-long haul transmission over 2160 km of cabled and field-deployed dispersion-managed fibre (DME) with extremely low total dispersion ripple (/spl plusmn/27 ps/nm over C-band) is demonstrated. No per channel dispersion compensation is required. A Q factor margin of 1.4 dB to standard 7% forward error correction limit is achieved. 相似文献
Yamada E. Sano A. Masuda H. Yamazaki E. Kobayashi T. Yoshida E. Yonenaga K. Miyamoto Y. Ishihara K. Takatori Y. Yamada T. Yamazaki H. 《Electronics letters》2008,44(24):1417-1418
Spectrally efficient (2bit/s/Hz) 1 Tbit/s DWDM transmission of 111 Gbit/s no-guard-interval PDM CO-OFDM signals with 50 GHz spacing over DSF is demonstrated. The record transmission distance of 2100 km was achieved for a 100 Gbit/s-data-rate CO-OFDM system. 相似文献
Yamada Y. Nakagawa S.-I. Kurosawa Y. Kawazawa T. Taga H. Goto K. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(7):328-330
2 Tbit/s (200 WDM×10 Gbit/s) transmission over 9240 km using only a C-band erbium-doped fibre amplifier is demonstrated. A vestigial sideband modulation scheme was adopted to realise 0.15 nm channel separation. Ultra-high spectral efficiency of 53% was achieved. All channels showed better than 9 dB Q-factor, which can be corrected to less than 10-9 BER after OSW Super forward error correction 相似文献
Reports on an optical transmission experiment using four in-line optical amplifiers. With a net gain of 58000 (47.7 dB) from the amplifiers, the authors were able to increase the longest nonregenerated transmission distance to 372 km. The system penalty associated with the amplifiers was only 1.5 dB 相似文献