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There are many visualizations that show the trajectory of a moving object to obtain insights in its behavior. In this user study, we test the performance of three of these visualizations with respect to three movement features that occur in vessel behavior. Our goal is to compare the recently presented vessel density by Willems et al. [ [WvdWvW09] ] with well‐known trajectory visualizations such as an animation of moving dots and the space‐time cube. We test these visualizations with common maritime analysis tasks by investigating the ability of users to find stopping objects, fast moving objects, and estimate the busiest routes in vessel trajectories. We test the robustness of the visualizations towards scalability and the influence of complex trajectories using small‐scale synthetic data sets. The performance is measured in terms of correctness and response time. The user test shows that each visualization type excels for correctness for a specific movement feature. Vessel density performs best for finding stopping objects, but does not perform significantly less than the remaining visualizations for the other features. Therefore, vessel density is a nice extension in the toolkit for analyzing trajectories of moving objects, in particular for vessel movements, since stops can be visualized better, and the performance for comparing lanes and finding fast movers is at a similar level as established trajectory visualizations. 相似文献
We present a rigorous way to evaluate the visual perception of correlation in scatterplots, based on classical psychophysical methods originally developed for simple properties such as brightness. Although scatterplots are graphically complex, the quantity they convey is relatively simple. As such, it may be possible to assess the perception of correlation in a similar way. Scatterplots were each of 5.0° extent, containing 100 points with a bivariate normal distribution. Means were 0.5 of the range of the points, and standard deviations 0.2 of this range. Precision was determined via an adaptive algorithm to find the just noticeable differences (jnds) in correlation, i.e., the difference between two side‐by‐side scatterplots that could be discriminated 75% of the time. Accuracy was measured by direct estimation, using reference scatterplots with fixed upper and lower values, with a test scatterplot adjusted so that its correlation appeared to be halfway between these. This process was recursively applied to yield several further estimates. Results of the discrimination tests show jnd(r) = k (1/b – r), where r is the Pearson correlation, and parameters 0 < k, b < 1. Integration yields a subjective estimate of correlation g(r) = ln(1 – br) / ln(1 – b). The values of b found via discrimination closely match those found via direct estimation. As such, it appears that the perception of correlation in a scatterplot is completely described by two related performance curves, specified by two easily‐measured parameters. 相似文献
Current graph drawing algorithms enable the creation of two dimensional node‐link diagrams of huge graphs. However, for graphs with low diameter (of which “small world” graphs are a subset) these techniques begin to break down visually even when the graph has only a few hundred nodes. Typical algorithms produce images where nodes clump together in the center of the screen, making it hard to discern structure and follow paths. This paper describes a solution to this problem, which uses a global edge metric to determine a subset of edges that capture the graph's intrinsic clustering structure. This structure is then used to create an embedding of the graph, after which the remaining edges are added back in. We demonstrate applications of this technique to a number of real world examples. 相似文献
Detail‐in‐context lens techniques can be useful for exploring visualizations of data spaces that are too large or have too much detail to fit in regular displays. For example, by bending the space in the right way we can bring together details from two separate areas for easy comparison while roughly keeping the context that situates each area within the global space. While these techniques can be powerful tools, they also introduce distortions that need to be understood, and often the tools have to be disabled in order to have access to the undistorted data. We introduce the undistort lens, a complement to existing distortion‐based techniques that provides a local and separate presentation of the original geometry without affecting any distortion‐based lenses currently used in the presentation. The undistort lens is designed to allow interactive access to the underlying undistorted data within the context of the distorted space, and to enable a better understanding of the distortions. The paper describes the implementation of a generic back‐mapping mechanism that enables the implementation of undistort lenses for arbitrary distortion based techniques, including those presented in the lens literature. We also provide a series of use‐case scenarios that demonstrate the situations in which the technique can complement existing lenses. 相似文献
Time‐series data is a common target for visual analytics, as they appear in a wide range of application domains. Typical tasks in analyzing time‐series data include identifying cyclic behavior, outliers, trends, and periods of time that share distinctive shape characteristics. Many methods for visualizing time series data exist, generally mapping the data values to positions or colors. While each can be used to perform a subset of the above tasks, none to date is a complete solution. In this paper we present a novel approach to time‐series data visualization, namely creating multivariate data records out of short subsequences of the data and then using multivariate visualization methods to display and explore the data in the resulting shape space . We borrow ideas from text analysis, where the use of N‐grams is a common approach to decomposing and processing unstructured text. By mapping each temporal N‐gram to a glyph, and then positioning the glyphs via PCA (basically a projection in shape space), many different kinds of patterns in the sequence can be readily identified. Interactive selection via brushing, in conjunction with linking to other visualizations, provides a wide range of tools for exploring the data. We validate the usefulness of this approach with examples from several application domains and tasks, comparing our methods with traditional time‐series visualizations. 相似文献
We present an interface for 3D object manipulation in which standard transformation tools are replaced with transient 3D widgets invoked by sketching context‐dependent strokes. The widgets are automatically aligned to axes and planes determined by the user's stroke. Sketched pivot‐points further expand the interaction vocabulary. Using gestural commands, these basic elements can be assembled into dynamic, user‐constructed 3D transformation systems. We supplement precise widget interaction with techniques for coarse object positioning and snapping. Our approach, which is implemented within a broader sketch‐based modeling system, also integrates an underlying “widget history” to enable the fluid transfer of widgets between objects. An evaluation indicates that users familiar with 3D manipulation concepts can be taught how to efficiently use our system in under an hour. 相似文献
Most graph visualization techniques focus on the structure of graphs and do not offer support for dealing with node attributes and edge labels. To enable users to detect relations and patterns in terms of data associated with nodes and edges, we present a technique where this data plays a more central role. Nodes and edges are clustered based on associated data. Via direct manipulation users can interactively inspect and query the graph. Questions that can be answered include, “which edge types are activated by specific node attributes?” and, “how and from where can I reach specific types of nodes?” To validate our approach we contrast it with current practice. We also provide several examples where our method was used to study transition graphs that model real‐world systems. 相似文献
Many origin‐destination datasets have become available in the recent years, e.g. flows of people, animals, money, material, or network traffic between pairs of locations, but appropriate techniques for their exploration still have to be developed. Especially, supporting the analysis of datasets with a temporal dimension remains a significant challenge. Many techniques for the exploration of spatio‐temporal data have been developed, but they prove to be only of limited use when applied to temporal origin‐destination datasets. We present Flowstrates , a new interactive visualization approach in which the origins and the destinations of the flows are displayed in two separate maps, and the changes over time of the flow magnitudes are represented in a separate heatmap view in the middle. This allows the users to perform spatial visual queries, focusing on different regions of interest for the origins and destinations, and to analyze the changes over time provided with the means of flow ordering, filtering and aggregation in the heatmap. In this paper, we discuss the challenges associated with the visualization of temporal origin‐destination data, introduce our solution, and present several usage scenarios showing how the tool we have developed supports them. 相似文献
The paper presents an extension to the Excentric Labeling, a labeling technique to dynamically show labels around a movable lens. Each labels refers to one object within the lens and is connected to it through a line. The original implementation has several known limitations and potential improvements that we address in this work, like: high density areas, uneven density distributions, and summary statistics. We describe the implemented extensions and present a think-aloud user study. The study shows that users can naturally understand and easily operate the majority of the implemented function but label scrolling, which requires additional research. From the study we also gained unanticipated requirements and interesting directions for further research. 相似文献
Joel P. Martin J. Edward Swan II Robert J. Moorhead II Zhanping Liu Shangshu Cai 《Computer Graphics Forum》2008,27(3):991-998
We present the results from a user study looking at the ability of observers to mentally integrate wind direction and magnitude over a vector field. The data set chosen for the study is an MM5 (PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model) simulation of Hurricane Lili over the Gulf of Mexico as it approaches the southeastern United States. Nine observers participated in the study. This study investigates the effect of layering on the observer's ability to determine the magnitude and direction of a vector field. We found a tendency for observers to underestimate the magnitude of the vectors and a counter‐clockwise bias when determining the average direction of a vector field. We completed an additional study with two observers to try to uncover the source of the counter‐clockwise bias. These results have direct implications to atmospheric scientists, but may also be able to be applied to other fields that use 2D vector fields. 相似文献
Joachim Böttger Martin Preiser Michael Balzer Oliver Deussen 《Computer Graphics Forum》2008,27(2):587-596
We use the complex logarithm as a transformation for the visualization and navigation of highly complex satellite and aerial imagery. The resulting depictions show details and context with greatly different scales in one seamless image while avoiding local distortions. We motivate our approach by showing its relations to the ordinary perspective views and classical map projections. We discuss how to organize and process the huge amount of imagery in realtime using modern graphics hardware with an extended clipmapping technique. Finally, we provide details and experiences concerning the interpretation of and interaction with the resulting representations. 相似文献
Maintaining both overview and detail while navigating in graphs, such as road networks, airline route maps, or social networks, is difficult, especially when targets of interest are located far apart. We present a navigation technique called Dynamic Insets that provides context awareness for graph navigation. Dynamic insets utilize the topological structure of the network to draw a visual inset for off‐screen nodes that shows a portion of the surrounding area for links leaving the edge of the screen. We implement dynamic insets for general graph navigation as well as geographical maps. We also present results from a set of user studies that show that our technique is more efficient than most of the existing techniques for graph navigation in different networks. 相似文献
Visualizing pathways, i. e. models of cellular functional networks, is a challenging task in computer assisted biomedicine. Pathways are represented as large collections of interwoven graphs, with complex structures present in both the individual graphs and their interconnections. This situation requires the development of novel visualization techniques to allow efficient visual exploration. We present the Caleydo framework, which incorporates a number of approaches to handle such pathways. Navigation in the network of pathways is facilitated by a hierarchical approach which dynamically selects a working set of individual pathways for closer inspection. These pathways are interactively rendered together with visual interconnections in a 2.5D view using graphics hardware acceleration. The layout of individual graphs is not computed automatically, but taken from the KEGG and BioCarta databases, which use layouts that life scientists are familiar with. Therefore they encode essential meta‐information. While the KEGG and BioCarta pathways use a pre‐defined layout, interactions such as linking+brushing, neighborhood search or detail on demand are still fully interactive in Caleydo. We have evaluated Caleydo with pathologists working on the determination of unknown gene functions. Informal experiences confirm that Caleydo is useful in both generating and validating such hypotheses. Even though the presented techniques are applied to medical pathways, the proposed way of interaction is not limited to cellular processes and therefore has the potential to open new possibilities in other fields of application. 相似文献
A variety of mobile devices are available today, but there is no dominant tree visualization system in the devices. This paper proposes Tablorer, a novel interactive tree visualization system for medium‐sized mobile devices, especially for tablet PCs. The system shows the hierarchical information with a compact way using an expandable table format. For efficient navigation, the system provides an integrated view of context and focus information. The experimental results show that Tablorer can reduce the search time by about 22%. 相似文献
In interactive visualization, selection techniques such as dynamic queries and brushing are used to specify and extract items of interest. In other words, users define areas of interest in data space that often have a clear semantic meaning. We call such areas Semantic Zones, and argue that support for their manipulation and reasoning with them is highly useful during exploratory analysis. An important use case is the use of these zones across different subsets of the data, for instance to study the population of semantic zones over time. To support this, we present the Select & Slice Table. Semantic zones are arranged along one axis of the table, and data subsets are arranged along the other axis of the table. Each cell contains a set of items of interest from a data subset that matches the selection specifications of a zone. Items in cells can be visualized in various ways, as a count, as an aggregation of a measure, or as a separate visualization, such that the table gives an overview of the relationship between zones and data subsets. Furthermore, users can reuse zones, combine zones, and compare and trace items of interest across different semantic zones and data subsets. We present two case studies to illustrate the support offered by the Select & Slice table during exploratory analysis of multivariate data. 相似文献
Dandan Huang Melanie Tory Sheryl Staub-French Rachel Pottinger 《Computer Graphics Forum》2009,28(3):951-958
Project schedules are effectively represented by Gantt charts, but comparing multiple versions of a schedule is difficult. To compare versions with current methods, users must search and navigate through multiple large documents, making it difficult to identify differences. We present two novel visualization techniques to support the comparison of Gantt charts. First, we encode two Gantt charts in one view by overlapping them to show differences. Second, we designed an interactive visual technique, the 'TbarView', that allows users to compare multiple schedules within one single view. We evaluated the overlap and TbarView techniques via a user study. The study results showed that our design provided a quick overview of the variances among two or more schedules, and the techniques also improved efficiency by minimizing view switching. Our visual techniques for schedule comparison could be combined with other resource analysis tools to help project teams identify and resolve errors and problems in project schedules. 相似文献
To find correlations and cause and effect relationships in multivariate data sets is central in many data analysis problems. A common way of representing causal relations among variables is to use node‐link diagrams, where nodes depict variables and edges show relationships between them. When performing a causal analysis, analysts may be biased by the position of collected evidences, especially when they are at the top of a list. This is of crucial importance since finding a root cause or a derived effect, and searching for causal chains of inferences are essential analytic tasks when investigating causal relationships. In this paper, we examine whether sequential ordering influences understanding of indirect causal relationships and whether it improves readability of multi‐attribute causal diagrams. Moreover, we see how people reason to identify a root cause or a derived effect. The results of our design study show that sequential ordering does not play a crucial role when analyzing causal relationships, but many connections from/to a variable and higher strength/certainty values may influence the process of finding a root cause and a derived effect. 相似文献
The inconceivable ability and common practice to collect personal data as well as the power of data‐driven approaches to businesses, services and security nowadays also introduce significant privacy issues. There have been extensive studies on addressing privacy preserving problems in the data mining community but relatively few have provided supervised control over the anonymization process. Preserving both the value and privacy of the data is largely a non‐trivial task. We present the design and evaluation of a visual interface that assists users in employing commonly used data anonymization techniques for making privacy preserving visualizations. Specifically, we focus on event sequence data due to its vulnerability to privacy concerns. Our interface is designed for data owners to examine potential privacy issues, obfuscate information as suggested by the algorithm and fine‐tune the results per their discretion. Multiple use case scenarios demonstrate the utility of our design. A user study similarly investigates the effectiveness of the privacy preserving strategies. Our results show that using a visual‐based interface is effective for identifying potential privacy issues, for revealing underlying anonymization processes, and for allowing users to balance between data utility and privacy. 相似文献
Learning good views through intelligent galleries 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Thales Vieira Alex Bordignon Adelailson Peixoto Geovan Tavares Hélio Lopes Luiz Velho Thomas Lewiner 《Computer Graphics Forum》2009,28(2):717-726
This paper presents novel techniques and metaphors for on-demand visual workspaces in everyday office environments, providing space-efficient, flexible and highly interactive graphical user interfaces using projected displays. For increased resolution, contents personalization and interactive visualization, the users can augment the large-scale projections with dynamic high-resolution foveal enhancements using a pocket light metaphor. To further optimize the presentation at a given resolution, the design of the displays can be modified interactively, and like a jigsaw puzzle, the layout can be customized using an adaptive compositing approach which supports free-form focus-and-context rendering. With a unified intensity-based tracking approach, we allow for natural multi-touch interaction with the information space through bare hands, pointers and pens on arbitrary surfaces. 相似文献