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随着移动计算技术的快速发展,移动环境下涉及到实时事务处理的应用需求正逐渐增长.由于移动环境下固有特性:高的网络延迟、频繁的断接性和移动性等,采用传统的事务处理技术,在移动环境下很难满足事务的截止期要求.提出了一种基于高优先级两段锁的混合乐观实时事务并发控制协议(HORTCC—SHP2PL).该协议在移动实时事务处理中将乐观并发控制和高优先级两段锁结舍起来,利用两阶段提交协议实现移动实时事务的全局提交.为了进一步减少移动实时事务重启的数目.在并发控制协议中引入了相似性的概念.仿真实验显示.与分布式高优先级两段锁(HP2PL)比较,HORTCC—SHP2PL明显地减少了实时事务错过截止期的比率,提高了事务的并发度,能更好的满足移动实时事务截止期的要求.  相似文献   

随着移动计算技术的发展,人们要求能够随时随地实时存取数据库的数据,这就导致了移动分布式实时数据库(MDRTDBS)的实现.移动实时应用的根本特性是其事务具有移动性和实时特性,数据具有定时特性.这对移动分布式实时数据库并发控制协议提出了新的挑战,目前这方面的研究还很少.对实时数据库的时标排序并发控制协议进行了分析,针对移动实时应用的特点对将它们应用到MDRTDBS的优缺点进行了阐述,提出了改进的方法.最后提出了新的适用于MDRTDBS的时标排序协议,并指出了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

罗琼  张立臣 《计算机科学》2008,35(10):134-137
随着移动计算技术的快速发展,对移动环境下实时事务处理的需求也不断增加.而造成事务重启和阻塞的有限带宽和频繁断开是移动环境下实时系统特有的属性,因此过去针对分布式实时数据库系统的并发控制研究并不能够直接应用在移动分布式实时数据库上.把相似概念和谨慎等待方案与高优先级2阶段锁定(DHP-2PL)结合起来,形成基于相似和谨慎等待的移动分布式实时数据库的并发控制算法,以增加系统并发性,减少重启和阻塞事务的数量,并通过判断事务是否断开而探讨了相应的解决策略,降低了断开问题对系统性能的影响.  相似文献   

移动实时嵌套事务的并发控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖国琼  刘云生  杨进才 《计算机学报》2003,26(10):1326-1331
在移动计算环境中,事务移动性和无线网络固有的缺陷使得传统分布式实时事务管理机制不足以支持移动实时事务的执行,故有必要为移动实时事务研究新的事务处理机制以提高其成功率.该文着重研究移动实时事务的并发控制机制.首先,该文给出了一个考虑事务定时限制以及移动性的嵌套事务模型.然后,为减少移动分布式环境中解决数据冲突的开销,该文研究了一种结合优先级夭折和优先级继承的基于封锁的并发控制协议PAI-2PL.当高优先级事务被低优先级事务阻塞时,对于相同家族事务,采用优先级继承方法解决冲突;而对于不同家族事务,则夭折重启低优先级事务.另外,为减少由于断接所引起的无效阻塞,PAI-2PL允许低优先级事务夭折处于断接状态的高优先级事务.通过性能测试,表明所提出的事务模型及并发控制机制能提高实时事务的成功率.  相似文献   

实时并发控制协议用来控制并发事务间的相互作用,已满足实时数据库的一致性.本文提出一种四阶段实时并发控制协议HTRCC-DASO,协议在读或等待阶段基于事务优先级动态调整串行化顺序,通过阻塞或及早重启低优先级事务,使高优先级事务率先提交并降低事务重启开销.在验证阶段检查事务读写集合的外部一致性和相互一致性并调整活动事务的时间戳间隔,确保满足事务时态一致性和调度冲突可串行化.通过引入相似性概念,提出了HTRCC-DASO的改进版本:SHTRCC-DASO,性能测试结果显示,SHTRCC-DASO协议能保证良好的实时性能.  相似文献   

分布式实时事务调度协议用于实现事务间读写的并发控制,以满足事务的一致性与隔离性要求.本文改进了动态调整时间间隔的乐观并发控制协议,提出了一种分布式实时事务调度协议DOCC-DATI,协议分为读阶段、等待阶段、准备阶段和提交阶段.协议在读阶段和等待阶段利用事务的优先级信息,动态调整事务的串行化顺序,使高优先级事务优先进入验证阶段,并通过阻塞机制避免部分低优先级事务的不必要重启.由于分布式环境下处于准备阶段的数据不可访问,这将增加事务的阻塞时间,因此本文允许处于准备阶段的事务借出数据给低优先事务.为避免传统的两阶段提交协议中由单点故障而导致的实时事务阻塞,本文通过Paxos一致性算法提交分布式实时事务.提议的方法在一个模拟的分布式实时数据库环境中得以应用,显示出了优良的结果.  相似文献   

分布式实时数据库并发控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在集中式实时数据库中,事务并发控制一般采用基于优先级的事务重启或优先级继承.在分布式实时数据库中,由于一个主事务的各参与事务可能分布在多个节点上,事务重启一方面会造成系统资源的极大浪费,另一方面又会加大网络传输的负担.而在优先级继承策略中,被阻塞的高优先级事务的执行完全依赖于阻塞它的低优先级事务,在分布式环境中,事务的执行具有更多的不可确定的因素,这就很难保证被阻塞事务的截止期.本文提出了一种基于数据多映像的并发控制协议,事务因访问数据而形成不同的依赖关系,改变高优先级事务和低优先级事务的依赖关系从而更有利于高优先级事务而又不矢折或阻塞其他事务,从而大大提高事务执行的并发度,更好地满足实时事务的截止期.  相似文献   

一种面向混合实时事务调度的并发控制协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先给出了一个两层结构的混合实时数据库系统模型,其中支持采用非定期任务调度算法来改进系统的性能.进一步,针对这种模型下混合事务的数据一致性问题,提出了一种新的并发控制协议——MCC-DATI.该协议采用动态优先级驱动的调度算法,通过限制非定期的软实时事务对硬实时事务的阻塞时间,保证硬实时事务的可调度性;同时,采用非定期任务调度算法以及基于时间戳间隔的动态串行化顺序调整机制来减少软实时事务的截止期错失率.仿真实验表明,相对于先前的混合事务的并发控制协议,该协议在不同的系统负载与截止期约束下都能够改进系统的性能。  相似文献   

现有使用较为广泛的三种集中型数据库分布式加锁方法均存在着通信量大、分布事务并发复杂度高的缺陷。为了解决上述问题,引入全局目录对集中型数据库分布式加锁方法进行设计研究。根据集中型数据库分布式加锁的需求对锁进行相应的管理,并对数据库全局目录进行创建,主要对其功能与数据项内容进行设置,将全局目录存储于集中型数据库的主站点,通过确定数据加锁粒度、加锁类型与事务锁表对数据库进行分布式加锁,利用分布式加锁算法对加锁过程进行管理与控制,实现了基于全局目录的集中型数据库的分布式加锁。通过仿真得到,与现有的集中型数据库分布式加锁方法相比较,提出的集中型数据库分布式加锁方法极大的降低了通信量与分布事务并发复杂度,充分说明提出的集中型数据库分布式加锁方法具备更好的加锁性能。  相似文献   

介绍了几种用于RTDBS(实时数据库系统)中的并发控制模型以及它们在分布式环境下(DRTDBS)的拓展。根据DHP-2PL提出一种改进的并发控制模型。在该模型中,引入优先级分配机制和加锁检测机制。通过这两种机制可更好地协调DRTDBS中一致性与截止期的关系,同时也解决了DHP-2PL中事务高重启率的问题。  相似文献   

Lam  Kam-Yiu  Hung  Sheung-Lun  Son  Sang H. 《Real-Time Systems》1997,13(2):141-166
The use of Static Two Phase Locking Protocols (S2PL) for concurrency control in real-time database systems (RTDBS) has received little attention in the past. Actually, real-time S2PL (RT-S2PL) protocols do possess some desirable features making them suitable for RTDBS, especially for distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) in which remote locking is required and distributed deadlock is possible. In this paper, different RT-S2PL protocols are proposed. They differ in their methods of reducing the blocking time of higher priority transactions. Their performance is studied and compared with a real-time dynamic two phase locking protocol (RT-D2PL), called Hybrid Two Phase Locking (Hb2PL). The impact of different system and workload parameters, such as mean inter-arrival time of transactions, number of remote lock requests of a transaction, communication overhead for sending messages, and database size on their performance have been examined. The performance results indicate that the RT-S2PL protocols are suitable for DRTDBS in which the proportion of local locks of a transaction is small and the communication overhead for locking is high.  相似文献   

提出了实时Client/Server数据库多版本两阶段封锁并发控制协议.该协议具有多版本并发控制机制与两阶段封锁机制的优点,使用如下策略以减少延误截止时间事务数量:若冲突集中有比持锁事务Ti优先级高的事务,且Ti重启动不会延误截止时间,则Ti重启动,冲突集中优先级最高的事务获得锁;否则,冲突集中其它事务等待.为了提高只读事务的响应时间,客户端设有一致数据库影子,只读事务在客户端处理.通过仿真模拟,与2V2PL和OCC—TI—WAIT—50协议进行比较,结果表明:该并发控制协议不仅能有效降低事务延误截止时间率,而且能改善只读事务的响应时间,减少优先级高事务的锁等待时间.协议性能优于2V2PL协议和OCC—TI—WAIT—50协议.  相似文献   

为了提高实时数据库系统的事务并发度,论文通过对已有的并发控制协议及实时事务冲突关系进行详细的分析,利用优先权顶的方法解决了事务间的冲突问题,提出了基于优先权顶的实时事务并发控制协议—PCCR协议,该协议能有效减少事务的重启率,使事务的并发性得到改善,同时能保证事务调度的可串行性,最终提高了系统的性能。  相似文献   

Real-time transaction scheduling in database systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A database system supporting a real-time application, which can be called “a real-time database system (RTDBS)”, has to provide real-time information to the executing transactions. Each RTDB transaction is associated with a timing constraint, usually in the form of a deadline. Efficient resource scheduling algorithms and concurrency control protocols are required to schedule the transactions so as to satisfy both timing constraints and data consistency requirements. In this paper, we concentrate on the concurrency control problem in RTDBSs. Our work has two basic goals: real-time performance evaluation of existing concurrency control approaches in RTDBSs, and proposing new concurrency control protocols with improved performance. One of the new protocols is locking-based, and it prevents the priority inversion problem, by scheduling the data lock requests based on prioritizing data items. The second new protocol extends the basic timestamp-ordering method by involving real-time priorities of transactions in the timestamp assignment procedure. Performance of the protocols is evaluated through simulations by using a detailed model of a single-site RTDBS. The relative performance of the protocols is examined as a function of transaction load, data contention (which is determined by a number of system parameters) and resource contention. The protocols are also tested under various real-time transaction processing environments. The performance of the proposed protocols appears to be good, especially under conditions of high transaction load and high data contention.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2002,27(2):123-149
Previous research in real-time concurrency control mainly focuses on the schedulability guarantee of hard real-time transactions and the reduction of the miss rate of soft real-time transactions. Although many new database applications have significant response time requirements, not much work has been done in the joint scheduling of traditional non-real-time transactions and soft real-time transactions. In this paper, we study the concurrency control problems in mixed soft real-time database systems, in which both non-real-time and soft real-time transactions exist simultaneously. The objectives are to identify the cost and the performance tradeoff in the design of cost-effective and practical real-time concurrency control protocols, and to evaluate their performance under different real-time and non-real-time supports. In particular, we are interested in studying the impacts of different scheduling approaches for soft real-time transactions on the performance of non-real-time transactions. Instead of proposing yet another completely new real-time concurrency control protocol, our objective is to design an efficient integrated concurrency control method based on existing techniques. We propose several methods to integrate the well-known two phase locking and optimistic concurrency control with the aims to meet the deadline requirements of soft real-time transactions and, at the same time, to minimize the impact on the performance of non-real-time transactions. We have conducted a series of experiments based on a sanitized version of stock trading systems to evaluate the performance of both soft real-time and non-real-time transactions under different real-time supports in the system.  相似文献   

Database systems for real-time applications must satisfy timing constraints associated with transactions. Typically, a timing constraint is expressed in the form of a deadline and is represented as a priority to be used by schedulers. Recently, security has become another important issue in many real-time applications. In many systems, sensitive information is shared by multiple users with different levels of security clearance. As more advanced database systems are being used in applications that need to support timeliness while managing sensitive information, there is an urgent need to develop protocols for concurrency control in transaction management that satisfy both timing and security requirements. In this paper, we propose a new multiversion concurrency control protocol that ensures that both security and real-time requirements are met. The proposed protocol is primarily based on locking. However, in order to satisfy timing constraints and security requirements, a new method, called the freezing method, is proposed. In order to show that our protocol provides a higher degree of concurrency than existing multiversion protocols, we define a new serializability for multiversion concurrency control, called FR-serializability, which is more general than traditional serializability. We present several examples to illustrate the behavior of our protocol, along with performance comparisons with other protocols. The simulation results show significant performance improvement of the new protocol.  相似文献   

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