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Free-space optical interconnects have been identified as a potentially important technology for future massively parallel-computing systems. The development of optoelectronic smart pixels based on InGaAs/AlGaAs multiple-quantum-well modulators and detectors flip-chip solder-bump bonded onto complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits and the design and construction of an experimental processor in which the devices are linked by free-space optical interconnects are described. For demonstrating the capabilities of the technology, a parallel data-sorting system has been identified as an effective demonstrator. By use of Batcher's bitonic sorting algorithm and exploitation of a perfect-shuffle optical interconnection, the system has the potential to perform a full sort on 1024, 16-bit words in less than 16 mus. We describe the design, testing, and characterization of the smart-pixel devices and free-space optical components. InGaAs-CMOS smart-pixel, chip-to-chip communication has been demonstrated at 50 Mbits/s. It is shown that the initial system specifications can be met by the component technologies.  相似文献   

We are developing kilopixel arrays of TES microcalorimeters to enable high-resolution x-ray imaging spectrometers for future x-ray observatories and laboratory astrophysics experiments. Our current array design was targeted as a prototype for the X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer proposed for the International X-ray Observatory, which calls for a 40×40-pixel core array of 300?μm devices with 2.5?eV energy resolution (at 6?keV). Here we present device characterization of our 32×32 arrays, including x-ray spectral performance of individual pixels within the array. We present our results in light of the understanding that our Mo/Au TESs act as weak superconducting links, causing the TES critical current (I c ) and transition shape to oscillate with applied magnetic field (B). We show I c (B) measurements and discuss the uniformity of these measurements across the array, as well as implications regarding the uniformity of device noise and response. In addition, we are working to reduce pixel-to-pixel electrical and thermal crosstalk; we present recent test results from an array that has microstrip wiring and an angle-evaporated copper backside heatsinking layer, which provides copper coverage on the four sidewalls of the silicon wells beneath each pixel.  相似文献   

Matsui  Y. Miyoshi  Y. 《IEEE sensors journal》2007,7(10):1447-1452
Architecture using a new nonlinear optoelectronic sensor has been developed to imitate the functions of the higher level visual cortex. The optoelectronic sensor developed in this work has the properties approximated by difference of Gaussian (DOG) functions. The properties are due to the negative photoinduced current (PIC) and the negative differential (ND) characteristics according to the forward bias voltage, which have been successfully obtained for layer structures with a charge-storage layer of InAs/GaAs short-period superlattice. By using the new sensors, an optoelectronic sensing circuit has been designed conceptually to imitate the functions of selectivity to orientation angle, motion-direction and length of slit light in visual cortex.  相似文献   

A novel, to our knowledge, type of packet scheduler that could significantly outperform current state-of-the-art schedulers is presented. The operation and the design of such a scheduler are discussed, and a fully operational experimental implementation is described. The scheduler uses a neural network in a winner-take-all strategy to optimize decisions on the throughput of both a crossbar and a banyan switching fabric. The problems of high interconnection density are solved by use of a free-space optical interconnect that exploits diffractive optical techniques to generate the required interconnection patterns and weights.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for measuring the power on high-voltage lines. It involves determining the power directly on the high-voltage line and transmitting the measured values to the ground potential side by the aid of infrared light pulses. Two electromechanical counters at ground side, one for each direction of energy flow, record the transported electrical energy. The measuring error of the device is of the order of 0.2 percent. The small number of active electronic components should result in satisfactory reliability.  相似文献   

Optoelectronics and fiber optics can be used to miniaturize and improve the flexibility of the transducer cable and transducer handle of medical diagnostic ultrasound scanners. The reduction in size has gained importance as 2-D array transducers with up to 1000 independent channels become accepted to improve diagnostic ultrasound images. The authors describe the analysis, design, fabrication and testing of a prototype silicon photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS). The monolithic silicon PCSS was used in combination with an infrared semiconductor diode laser with a fiber optic “pigtail” to shock excite and burst excite a 2-D array transducer element resonant at 2.5 MHz. Optically controlled voltage, current, and ultrasound pulses are compared to those from conventional electronic shock excitation and narrow band Doppler pulses. The optically triggered ultrasound pulse for single shock excitation produced 30 V spikes at the 2-D array element with a fall time of 200 nsec and a rise time of 2 μsec with a peak current through the transducer element of 34 mA. An optically produced burst of eight pulses at a frequency of 2.5 MHz produced 11 V spikes at the transducer with a fall time under 100 nsec and a rise time of approximately 300 nsec. The peak current per pulse was 25 mA through the transducer element. These results show the feasibility of applying optoelectronic technology to replace conventional electronic transmitter technology  相似文献   

The remarkable merits of 2D materials with atomically thin structures and optoelectronic attributes have inspired great interest in integrating 2D materials into electronics and optoelectronics. Moreover, as an emerging field in the 2D‐materials family, assembly of organic nanostructures into 2D forms offers the advantages of molecular diversity, intrinsic flexibility, ease of processing, light weight, and so on, providing an exciting prospect for optoelectronic applications. Herein, the applications of organic 2D materials for optoelectronic devices are a main focus. Material examples include 2D, organic, crystalline, small molecules, polymers, self‐assembly monolayers, and covalent organic frameworks. The protocols for 2D‐organic‐crystal‐fabrication and ‐patterning techniques are briefly discussed, then applications in optoelectronic devices are introduced in detail. Overall, an introduction to what is known and suggestions for the potential of many exciting developments are presented.  相似文献   

Michael N  Arrathoon R 《Applied optics》1997,36(8):1718-1725
An optoelectronic architecture for morphological image processing is presented. The architecture uses the pipelining principle, with its stages being implemented by use of optical fiber-based programmable logic arrays. These arrays are characterized by their high fan-in and fan-out factors, which make them suitable for implementing morphological operations with large structuring elements without decomposition. The pipeline has fewer stages and clock skew can be avoided, thus making the use of higher clock speeds and throughputs possible.  相似文献   

二维光纤列阵接口器件及其在光互连网络模块中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种适用于光电子集成CMOS-SEED灵巧像素光互连网络的二维光纤束列阵结构和制作方法, 采用精密加工的光纤列阵定位槽和光学监控系统, 成功地研制出32×2 的单模和多模光纤列阵I/O接口器件, 光纤列阵层内及层间位移误差均小于2μm , 角向差小于0.02°。实验中, 已将二维光纤列阵I/O接口器件用于16×16 CMOS-SEED灵巧像素光电子集成Crossbar光互连模块中, 实验结果表明, 该光纤束列阵I/O接口器件完全满足光互连系统的高精度要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型的无噪声、最大电流可达200A的0.01级三相电能表检定装置。与国内大部分已有的0.01级三相电能表检定装置相比较,本装置没有噪声,且装置输出最大电流可以达到200A,从技术上说,是目前国内较先进的三相电能表检定装置。为保证装置在电流输出达到200A时的稳定性和准确度,设计开发了基于全新的磁保持继电器的驱动电路,有效控制了装置输出大电流时电磁场泄露的问题。为使装置达到无噪声状态,采用国内独特的绿色优波供电监测技术。在轻载时自动降低功放的供电,减小了功放的散热;并且在设计过程中把成本因素放到次要位置,加大电源的散热器的面积,把装置的后面板和散热器两者功能和二为一,采用后面板散热,最终达到设计目标。  相似文献   

Optoelectronic methods and devices are considered for measuring bullet velocity. The main sources of errors are analyzed. A model is developed for forming the photoelectric signal by which measurement error is determined. Curves are provided for the dependence of measurement error on structural parameters. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 3, pp. 45–48, March, 2006.  相似文献   

We have studied crosstalk on our 8×8 transition-edge sensor (TES) x-ray microcalorimeter arrays. The shapes of thermal crosstalk pulses are well reproduced as a convolution of heat input from the source pixel and decay in the receiver pixel. We have measured the amount of thermal crosstalk as a function of distance between the source and receiver pixels. Using the results, we have estimated the degradation of energy resolution due to the thermal crosstalk as a function of count rate to determine the level of thermal crosstalk that is needed to satisfy the requirements of NASA’s Constellation-X mission.   相似文献   

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