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基于图像处理的CCD摄像机自动调焦方法研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
自动调焦技术是提高CCD摄像机测量精度的重要手段,特别是在小景深及高精度的测量中。本文介绍了采用图像处理法实现自动调焦的方法。并提出了几种图像清晰度评价函数。经实验结果论证效果良好。 相似文献
本文用几何光学描述了离轴探测调焦误差信号与系统参数的关系,并与实验结果进行了比较。用作光盘存储调焦伺服取得了0.25μm的自动调焦精度。 相似文献
面向对象的光学系统自动对焦方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于光学系统的焦深及其与工件的相对位置关系等硬件因素,提出光学系统面向对象的快速对焦运动控制方法。该方法采用灰度差分法来构造聚焦特征值评价函数,并使成像系统的运动轨迹尽量短。将对焦过程分为纯线性运动、粗调焦和细调焦三个阶段,每个阶段控制参数的确定方法不同,但总的原则是尽量减少运动和缩短图像处理中的运动距离,尽量增大最小运动步长,利用变步长的浮动阈值搜索方式,克服局部聚焦和完全不能聚焦的情况。实例证明,该方法可以提高对焦效率和可靠性,35mm的对焦距离大约耗时10s左右。 相似文献
本文介绍了用于水、电、气三表集抄系统的光电编码角位移传感技术。光电编码器测量出数字轮当前角度,它有 20 个编码,采用 5 个发射管、5 个接收管和 2 个码道的设计方案。直读表具的数据通过集中器采集到管理系统,实现了三表的集抄。 相似文献
基于图像清晰度评价的摄像头辅助调焦系统 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
提出一种新的图像清晰度(包括锐度和对比度)评价函数,对比传统的图像清晰度评价算法,新算法速度最快且准确,以及和功率谱算法一样优良的灵敏度,适合各种实时自动对焦系统.本文使用一系列不同程度的离焦图片演示了所有算法的性能。同时将新算法应用于一种实际的摄像头模块辅助调焦系统中,系统把采集的每帧图像实时显示在屏幕上,用新算法评价图像的清晰度,从而指导作业员对摄像头模块进行调焦。实践表明该摄像头辅助调焦系统在批量生产摄像头模块时对提高生产效率和稳定质量方面有很大作用。 相似文献
In this work, a rotating compensator sampling for spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry (SIE) is presented and demonstrated by characterization of a SiO2 nanofilm pattern on Si substrate. Experiment results within spectrum of 400-700 nm show that the rotating compensator sampling is valid for SIE to obtain the ellipsometric angle distributions ψ (x, y, λ) and Δ (x, y, λ) over the thin film pattern, the sampling times of ψ (x, y) and Δ (x, y) with 576 × 768 pixels under each wavelength is less than 8 s, the precision of fitting thickness of SiO2 is about 0.2 nm and the lateral resolution is 60.9 μm × 24.6 μm in the parallel and perpendicular direction with respect to the incident plane. 相似文献
In systems with probabilistic uncertainties, an estimation of reliability requires at least the first two moments. In this paper, we focus on probabilistic analysis of linear systems. The important tasks in this analysis are the formulation and the automation of the moment equations. The main objective of the formulation is to provide at least means and variances of the output variables with at least a second-order accuracy. The objective of the automation is to reduce the storage and computational complexities required for implementing (automating) those formulations. This paper extends the recent work done to calculate the first two moments of a set of random algebraic linear equations by developing a stamping procedure to facilitate its automation. The new method has an additional advantage of being able to solve problems when the mean matrix of a system is singular. Lastly, from storage and computational complexities and accuracy point of view, a comparison between the new method and another recently developed first order second moment method is made with numerical examples. 相似文献
Low-pressure plasma discharges can be applied to remove various biomolecules from surfaces. However, the knowledge on the interaction between plasma and biomolecules and the kinetics of their removal is still rather poor, which is a major limiting factor for the optimization of this type of plasma treatment. This is, among other reasons, because of the restrictions of currently used techniques for the evaluation of the rates of biomolecule removal during plasma treatment. Therefore, an alternative method based on imaging ellipsometry is applied in this study. It is shown that this method allows reliable semi-quantitative comparison of the treatment efficiency of plasma discharges sustained in different gas mixtures. 相似文献