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This paper focuses on damage control design of SMA dampers in steel frame piers. A parametric study based on time history analyses is carried out on frame-typed bridge piers with axial-type SMA damping device. The parameters examined are design parameters of strength ratio α F and stiffness ratio α K . Seismic performance indexes on displacement and strain are investigated under three JRA recommended Level 2 Ground Type II strong earthquake motions. Design recommendations are suggested following the results of the parametric study.  相似文献   

The estimation of the fatigue lifetime of copper-based shape memory alloy (SMA) specimens in the form of bars is investigated in view of their use in passive devices for structural control applications. In the envisaged application, the pre-stress value assigned to the SMA bars is selected so that it is only slightly modified when strain variations occur within an operative range. This condition requires that the fatigue cycles are performed in span control, conversely to the common practice of driving the tests in load control to study the fatigue behaviour of traditional metals such as steel. Several experiments are carried out at different temperatures for different strain ranges and the results are arranged with the aim of building suitable fatigue models.  相似文献   

One of the important measures of post-earthquake functionality of bridges after a major earthquake is residual displacement. In many recent major earthquakes, large residual displacements resulted in demolition of bridge piers due to the loss of functionality. Replacing the conventional longitudinal steel reinforcement in the plastic hinge regions of bridge piers with super-elastic shape memory alloy (SMA) could significantly reduce residual deformations. In this study, numerical investigations on the performance of SMA-reinforced concrete (RC) bridge bents to monotonic and seismic loadings are presented. Incremental dynamic analyses are conducted to compare the response of SMA RC bents with steel RC bents considering the peak and the residual deformations after seismic events. Numerical study on multiple prototype bridge bents with single and multiple piers reinforced with super-elastic SMA or conventional steel bars in plastic hinge regions is conducted. Effects of replacement of the steel rebar by SMA rebar on the performance of the bridge bents are studied. This paper presents results of the parametrical analyses on the effects of various design and geometric parameters, such as the number and geometry of piers and reinforcement ratio of the RC SMA bridge bents on its performance.  相似文献   

对某砖石古塔的现状进行了分析,提出了相应的抗震加固措施。针对该古塔地震作用下可能的破坏形式,采用了一种单拉式SMA阻尼器,并对阻尼器的理论模型和滞回曲线进行了分析和模拟,探讨了其安放位置。通过地震反应时程分析,研究了两种加固形式在不同地震激励下的反应。结果表明,对砌体进行补强并采用SMA阻尼器可以有效减轻古塔的地震响应。  相似文献   

从本构关系和针对形状记忆合金超弹性和阻尼性能而进行的材性试验两个方面,总结了形状记忆合金的研究现状,重点分析了温度、加载频率、应变幅值以及循环次数等因素对于形状记忆合金性能的影响,提出了下一步的研究设想。  相似文献   

合理有效地控制地震作用下建筑结构的损伤机制,是提高建筑结构抗震性能的重要手段。体系设计、需求分析和构件设计是结构损伤机制控制的三个主要方面。在总结建筑结构抗震损伤机制控制发展过程的基础上,着重于需求分析,建议了一套基于建筑结构损伤机制控制的抗震设计方法。该方法采用两阶段设计:在多遇地震设计阶段,采用线弹性分析给出结构预期损伤部位的承载力需求;在罕遇地震设计阶段,采用等效线性化法定量给出结构在罕遇地震作用下实现预期损伤机制下损伤部位的变形能力需求和非损伤部位的承载力需求,为构件的抗震设计提供依据。通过一个钢筋混凝土延性框架结构算例说明了建议方法的实施流程,并通过动力弹塑性分析评价了建议方法的效果。分析结果表明,与现行规范方法相比,建议方法更有助于预期损伤机制的实现。  相似文献   

为研究强震作用下结构发生局部屈曲造成损伤对钢框架结构抗震性能的影响,采用通用有限元软件ABAQUS,分别建立杆系模型以及三维精细钢框架模型,比较了是否考虑累积损伤抗震指标的差异。应用国内外典型试验结果,验证了三维精细模型对模拟局部屈曲累积损伤现象的准确性及适用性。在此基础上,建立杆系和三维精细壳单元有限元模型,分别进行拟静力加载以及罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性时程分析,对比了结构变形、滞回耗能、破坏形态等方面的特征。研究结果表明:加载初期,杆系模型和三维精细壳单元模型计算结果基本一致;随着结构损伤累积,两者出现明显的差别,杆系模型会低估结构的变形大小以及塑性发展程度。  相似文献   

该文提出一种新型的框架-受控摇摆墙结构实现形式,由SMA装置代替传统的预应力筋实现摇摆墙体的受控约束,在墙体与基础之间安装V形铰接支座实现墙体的摇摆及提供竖向支撑,并在墙体与框架柱间安装耗能连接件增强摇摆结构的耗能能力。通过一个对比框架试件和一个基于SMA装置的框架-受控摇摆墙试件的低周往复试验,对比研究所提出的新型结构形式的抗震性能、破坏模式和自复位特性。试验结果表明:基于SMA装置的框架-受控摇摆墙结构的刚度和承载能力得到显著提高,提高幅度分别达到150%和103%;耗能连接件有效地发挥延性变形特性,使结构的滞回耗能能力显著提高,提高幅度达到183%,有效地减轻主体结构梁端、柱端以及梁柱节点区的损伤;所研发的SMA装置有效地实现了预设的工作机制,为摇摆墙体的自复位提供了恢复力;摇摆墙、耗能连接件和SMA装置的参数匹配还需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

与传统剪力墙结构体系相比,自复位剪力墙结构体系在地震作用下,会将材料非线性问题转为体系非线性问题,具有整体变形能力强、残余位移小的特点,因此,亟需针对自复位剪力墙结构,提出具有更高抗震设防要求的抗震设防目标以及相应的设计方法。基于GB 50011—2010《建筑抗震设计规范》中“小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒”的三水准抗震设防目标,与2015年颁布的第五代《中国地震动参数区划图》相适应,提出了可恢复功能结构体系“小震及中震不坏,大震可更换、可修复,巨震不倒塌”抗震设防四水准目标。采用了基于位移的抗震设计方法进行自复位剪力墙结构设计。以一幢自复位剪力墙结构为例,给出四水准抗震设防目标下的基于位移设计方法算例,并对其进行弹塑性时程分析,验证了所提出的四水准抗震设防目标下基于位移抗震设计方法的有效性,该方法也适用于其他可恢复功能结构体系设计。  相似文献   

为了提高框架节点塑性铰区损伤自修复自复位能力,减小结构的残余变形,实现框架结构震后结构功能的快速恢复,文章采用超弹性SMA筋和超高韧性纤维增强水泥基复合材料(ECC)增强RC框架节点的抗震性能。设计制作了5个1/2缩尺比例框架节点,其中2个为考虑了梁端塑性铰区不同长度的SMA增强ECC节点模型,3个为对比节点模型,即普通混凝土节点、ECC增强混凝土节点和SMA增强混凝土节点。在新型SMA/ECC节点梁端塑性铰区,采用超弹性NiTi-SMA筋代替普通纵筋、ECC代替普通混凝土以增强其复位能力和耗能能力。通过低周往复加载试验,研究了新型节点的破坏过程、耗能能力、位移延性、残余变形和自复位性能。试验结果研究表明:往复荷载作用下,SMA节点均呈现“旗帜形”滞回性能,具有良好的自复位能力;ECC材料够优化框架节点梁端塑性铰的发展,提高结构的延性及耗能能力,延缓结构的屈服;SMA/ECC复合材料系统虽然会降低结构的初始刚度,但能够显著提高节点的延性及自复位能力,延缓刚度退化速度,提高结构抗侧移能力,可以实现结构损伤自修复和功能的快速恢复;覆盖梁端塑性铰区,SMA的长度的改变对自复位性能影响不大。  相似文献   

为研究具有预应变的SMA约束混凝土柱的轴压性能,文章通过8个SMA约束混凝土柱试件的轴压对比试验,分析不同加固量、预应变水平及增强形式对混凝土柱轴向承载能力和变形能力的影响。结果表明:预应变超弹性SMA丝的约束作用使混凝土柱由脆性破坏向延性破坏转变;混凝土柱的极限承载能力随着SMA丝加固量和预应变的增加而提高;峰值变形受SMA丝加固量的影响较大,而受预应变的影响较为有限;SMA/FRP复合约束能够显著提高混凝土柱的承载能力,但峰值变形影响不大。新型超弹性SMA约束混凝土柱研究结果可供今后类似工程结构修复加固和抗震设计提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, the applicability of continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for seismic damage detection of tall airport traffic control (ATC) towers was investigated. Nonlinear finite element (NFE) model of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) ATC tower with the height of 120 m was created using discrete moment-curvature hinges. Three different strong ground motions excited the tower and three different damage scenarios were then obtained. Response accelerations at four strategically selected locations were analysed by CWT and DWT to detect the damage scenarios. It was found that CWT successfully detects seismic-induced damage even when the signals are polluted by noises. On the other hand, DWT is quite sensitive to noisy signals and successful damage detection by DWT depends on noise level and sampling interval. Moreover, it was observed that DWT is more sensitive to the change in the stiffness of the tower structural elements than CWT.  相似文献   

Headed studs are widely used in steel-concrete composite bridges to resist longitudinal shear forces at the interface of steel girder and concrete slab. These studs are subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading due to the growth of traffic and increase in train speed. Within the frame of this paper, the dynamic structural behavior of the shear studs during train passages is studied. Different fatigue endurance models are employed for fatigue life estimation. A parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of different parameters that influence the fatigue life of shear studs. Finally a fatigue-life-cycle design procedure based on the train-bridge interaction analysis and the fatigue endurance model is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a computational study on the seismic response of a three-span highway bridge system incorporating conventional and novel substructure details for improved seismic performance. The bridge has three continuous spans supported by two single-column piers and integral abutments founded on drilled shafts. It will be the first full-scale highway bridge to use superelastic shape memory alloy bars (SMA) and engineered cementitious composite (ECC) to mitigate column plastic hinge damage and minimize residual displacements after a strong earthquake. A three-dimensional computational model capturing the nonlinear constitutive response of the novel materials and the effects of dynamic soil-structure interaction was developed to assess the seismic response of the bridge in finite-element software OpenSees. Two versions of the same bridge were analyzed and compared, one with conventional cast-in-place reinforced concrete columns, and the other with top plastic hinges incorporating Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) SMA reinforcing bars and ECC. The novel SMA/ECC plastic hinges were found to substantially reduce damage and post-earthquake residual displacements in the bridge substructure, but led to larger maximum drifts relative to the bridge with conventional reinforced concrete plastic hinges. The analysis results suggested that the novel plastic hinges could lead to improved post-earthquake serviceability of bridges after intense earthquakes.  相似文献   

基于系统化的集总参数模型表征土体动力特性,上部结构每层恢复力模型采用Takeda滞回模型,研究了地震动输入强度和土体剪切波速对消能减震结构损伤指数的影响。研究结果表明:无论是否考虑土-结构相互作用,随着结构阻尼比的增加,消能减震结构的损伤指数都得到了有效降低;考虑土-结构相互作用后,在峰值加速度为0.1g地震动作用下,非减震结构随着土体剪切波速的下降结构损伤指数基本不变,而对于消能减震结构,随着土体剪切波速的下降结构损伤指数会上升;当地震动峰值加速度增加到0.3g时,非减震结构与减震结构随着土体剪切波速的下降,结构损伤指数随之增大。  相似文献   

文章以设计艺术史专题研究课程教学改革为内容,重点分析了在教学过程中存在的问题,以及传统文化在当前高校教育中缺失的原因;阐述了构建良好的课程体系的重要性,对艺术类研究生教学从课程设置、教学模式、教学方法等方面深化改革,为综合性大学艺术类研究生课程教学改革提出了较为合理的构想。  相似文献   

During large earthquakes, the seismic demand of viscous dampers may exceed their capacity. In this regard, current design codes must consider extreme conditions and preserve the damper at limit state levels. Here, by adjusting the damping coefficient, a procedure is introduced to mitigate device damages during severe earthquakes. To assess the procedure, 15 special moment resisting frames with a different number of stories (two, four, and eight) were designed by three methods: The recommended novel procedure, the seismic provisions of ASCE7, and the procedure proposed by Miyamoto et al. 1 for structures, installed with supplemental damping devices. A series of incremental dynamic analyses were then performed by modeling the limit state behavior of viscous dampers. Results indicated that the novel method reduces the damage probability of dampers as well as the maximum demands on the structure at different seismic hazard levels.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic (VE) dampers, composed of VE layers sandwiched between relative rigid steel plates, have been widely used as dissipation devices to improve performance of structures under dynamic loads. Corresponding analytical and experimental investigations have been carried out by many scholars. However, most of VE dampers studied before are typically traditional dampers applied in regular structures. This paper introduces a new type of VE damper with strong nonlinearity used in the complex and irregular structure of Nanjing Dabaoen Temple. The new VE dampers show obvious nonlinear behavior, improved capacity of dissipation, and larger additional stiffness compared to the traditional ones. Nanjing Dabaoen Temple is a high‐rise steel structure by use of 112 new VE dampers. To investigate dissipation characteristics and control effect of the VE dampers in the complex structure, we established a suitable finite element model using SAP2000 software in which the VE dampers were simulated by Maxwell and Wen models connected in parallel, and then nonlinear time history analysis is executed using seven ground motions of moderate earthquakes and three of major earthquakes. Analytical results indicate that control effect of the VE dampers on structural displacement is preferable to that on structural acceleration and shear force due to dampers' additional stiffness. In addition, owing to incremental deformation of VE dampers under major earthquakes, damping effect of the VE dampers on all structural responses under major earthquakes is more obvious than that under moderate earthquakes. Analytical methods and conclusions in this paper will provide significant reference for analysis, design, and application of complex high‐rise structures added with VE dampers.  相似文献   

The effects of important parameters (beam reinforcing plates, initial post-tensioning, and material properties of steel angles) on the behavior of hexagonal castellated beams in post-tensioned self-centering (PTSC) connections undergone cyclic loading up to 4% lateral drift have been investigated by finite element (FE) analysis using ABAQUS. The PTSC connection is comprised of bolted top and bottom angles as energy dissipaters and steel strands to provide self-centering capacity. The FE analysis has also been validated against the experimental test. The new formulations derived from analytical method has been proposed to predict bending moment of PTSC connections. The web-post buckling in hexagonal castellated beams has been identified as the dominant failure mode when excessive initial post-tensioning force is applied to reach greater bending moment resistance, so it is required to limit the highest initial post-tensioning force to prevent this failure. Furthermore, properties of steel material has been simulated using bilinear elastoplastic modeling with 1.5% strain-hardening which has perfectly matched with the real material of steel angles. It is recommended to avoid using steel angles with high yielding strength since they lead to the yielding of bolt shank. The necessity of reinforcing plates to prevent beam flange from local buckling has been reaffirmed.  相似文献   

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