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This paper presents an accurate and efficient method for the computation of both point projection and inversion onto Bézier surfaces. First, these two problems are formulated in terms of solution of a polynomial equation with u and v variables expressed in the Bernstein basis. Then, based on subdivision of the Bézier surface and the recursive quadtree decomposition, a novel solution method is proposed. The computation of point projection is shown to be equivalent to the geometrically intuitive intersection of asurface with the u-ν plane. Finally, by comparing the distances between the test point and the candidate points, the closest point is found. Examples illustrate the feasibility of this method.  相似文献   

目的 为了使得过渡曲线的设计更为简单高效。提出基于3个控制顶点的类三次Bézier螺线。方法 通过对基函数的研究首先构造了3条在一定条件下曲率单调递减的类三次Bézier曲线,并由参数的对称性得另3条曲率单调递增的曲线。它们具有端点性、凸包性、几何不变性等三次Bézier曲线的基本性质,特点是只有3个控制顶点。接着严格地证明了此类曲线曲率单调的充分条件。 结果 有两条曲线比三次Bézier曲线的曲率单调条件范围大,且类三次Bézier螺线与三次Bézier螺线存在一定的位置关系。这6条曲线中有4条曲线的一个端点处曲率为零,可组合成4对类三次Bézier螺线来构造两圆弧间半径比例不受限制的S型和C型G2连续过渡曲线;剩下的两条曲线在两圆弧半径相差较大的情况下都可做不含曲率极值点的过渡曲线。最后用实例表明了此类曲线的有效性。结论 在过渡曲线设计中基于3个控制顶点的类三次Bézier螺线比三次Bézier螺线更为简单高效。  相似文献   

目的 为了使扩展的曲线曲面保留传统Bézier方法以及B样条方法良好性质的同时,具备保形性、形状可调性、高阶连续性以及广泛的应用性,本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间利用开花的性质构造了一组最优规范全正基,并利用该基进行曲线曲面构造。方法 首先构造一组最优规范全正基,并给出该基生成的拟三次TC-Bézier曲线的割角算法;接着利用最优规范全正基的线性组合构造拟三次均匀TC-B样条基,根据曲线的性质假设拟三次均匀B样条基函数具有规范性和C2连续性,进而得到其表达式;然后证明拟三次均匀TC-B样条基具有全正性和高阶连续性;最后定义拟三次均匀TC-B样条曲线曲面,并证明曲线曲面的性质,给出曲线表示整圆和旋转曲面的表示方法,设计出球面和旋转曲面的直接生成方法。结果 实验表明,本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间构造的具有全正性曲线曲面,不仅能够灵活地进行形状调整,而且具有高阶连续性、保形性。结论 本文在三角函数空间利用两个形状参数进行曲线曲面构造,大量的分析以及案例说明本文构造的曲线曲面不仅保留了传统的Bézier方法以及B样条方法的良好性质,而且具备保形性、形状可调性、高阶连续性以及广泛的应用性,适合用于曲线曲面设计。  相似文献   

对可调控Bézier曲线的改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 在用Bézier曲线表示复杂形状时,相邻曲线的控制顶点间必须满足一定的光滑性条件。一般情况下,对光滑度的要求越高,条件越复杂。通过改进文献中的“可调控Bézier曲线”,以构造具有多种优点的自动光滑分段组合曲线。方法 首先给出了两条位置连续的曲线Gl连续的一个充分条件,进而证明了“可调控Bézier曲线”在普通Bézier曲线的Gl光滑拼接条件下可达Gl(l为曲线中的参数)光滑拼接。然后对“可调控Bézier基”进行改进得到了一组新的基函数,利用该基函数按照Bézier曲线的定义方式构造了一种新曲线。分析了该曲线的光滑拼接条件,并根据该条件定义了一种分段组合曲线。结果 对于新曲线而言,只要前一条曲线的最后一条控制边与后一条曲线的第1条控制边重合,两条曲线便自动光滑连接,并且在连接点处的光滑度可以简单地通过改变参数的值来自由调整。由新曲线按照特殊方式构成的分段组合曲线具有类似于B样条曲线的自动光滑性和局部控制性。不同的是,组合曲线的各条曲线段可以由不同数量的控制顶点定义,选择合适的参数,可以使曲线在各个连接点处达到任何期望的光滑度。另外,改变一个控制顶点,至多只会影响两条曲线段的形状,改变一条曲线段中的参数,只会影响当前曲线段的形状,以及至多两个连接点处的光滑度。结论 本文给出了构造易于拼接的曲线的通用方法,极大简化了曲线的拼接条件。此基础上,提出的一种新的分段组合曲线定义方法,无需对控制顶点附加任何条件,所得曲线自动光滑,且其形状、光滑度可以或整体或局部地进行调整。本文方法具有一般性,为复杂曲线的设计创造了条件。  相似文献   

目的 对于满足低阶连续的链接Bézier曲线,提高曲线之间的连续性以达到平滑的目的,需要对曲线的控制顶点进行相应调整。因此,可根据具体的目标对需要调整的控制顶点进行优化选取,使得平滑后的链接曲线满足相应的要求。针对这一问题,给出了3种目标下优化调整控制顶点的方法。方法 首先对讨论的问题进行描述,分别指出链接Bézier曲线从C0连续平滑为C1连续和从C1连续平滑为C2连续两种情形需调整的控制顶点;然后分别给出两种情形下,以新旧控制顶点距离极小为目标、曲线内能极小为目标、新旧控制顶点距离与曲线内能同时极小为目标,对链接Bézier曲线进行平滑的方法,最后对3种极小化方法进行对比,并指出了不同方法的适用场合。结果 数值算例表明,距离极小化方法调整后的控制顶点偏离原控制顶点的距离相对较小,适合于控制顶点取自于实物时的应用场合;内能极小化方法获得的链接曲线内能相对较小,适合于要求曲线能量尽可能小的应用场合;距离与内能同时极小化方法兼顾了新旧控制顶点的距离和链接曲线的内能,适合于对两个目标都有要求的应用场合。结论 提出的方法为链接Bézier曲线的平滑提供了3种有效手段,且易于实现,对其他类型链接曲线的平滑具有参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 本文旨在构造一种含形状参数的Bézier曲线,要求该曲线定义在代数多项式空间上,其基函数的次数与相同数量控制顶点所需Bernstein基函数的次数相同,对基函数以及相应曲线的计算要尽可能简单,并且要给出常见设计要求下曲线中形状参数的选取方案。方法 以三次Bézier曲线为初始研究对象,依据由可调控制顶点定义可调曲线的思想,在两个内控制顶点中引入参数,与Bernstein基函数作线性组合生成形状可调曲线,再将曲线表达式改写成固定控制顶点与含参数的调配函数的线性组合,从而得出三次Bernstein基函数的含参数扩展基,借助递推公式得出更高次的含参数扩展基,然后观察基函数表达式的规律,给出所有含参数扩展基统一的显示表达式,分析了扩展基的性质,并由之定义含参数的曲线,分析了曲线的性质,给出了曲线的几何作图法以及光滑拼接条件,以曲线拉伸能量、弯曲能量、扭曲能量近似最小为目标,推导了曲线中形状参数的计算公式,再通过曲线图和曲率图对比分析了不同能量目标所得曲线的差异。结果 由于所给含参数的扩展基并未提升Bernstein基函数的次数,且具有统一的显示表达式,因此本文方法在赋予Bézier曲线形状调整能力的同时并未增加计算量,由于提供了可以直接使用的形状参数的计算公式,因此在使用该方法时,符合设计要求的形状参数的确定变得简单,数值实例直观显示了所给曲线造型方法以及曲线中形状参数选取方案的正确性与有效性,体现了本文方法较文献中类似方法的优越之处。结论 所给含参数扩展基的构造方法以及形状参数的选取方法具有一般性,该方法可以推广至构造含形状参数的三角域Bézier曲面。  相似文献   

Geometric calibration to projection images is an indispensable operation for projection‐based spatial display. In this paper, we propose a new method for correcting images generated in a computer onto a cylindrical surface accurately, which can project a high‐resolution projection image with pixels matching avoiding too much manual operation. Images waiting to be projected are pre‐warped according to the rough correspondence between projectors and physical surface. To solve the errors resulting from unexpected pixel shifts in overlap projection area, we fit the Bézier interpolation to the images and apply the optimization theory with added constraints to correct the projection image accurately. This optimization process, by taking the pixels with specific significance on the images as the basis of calculation, avoids the traditional ways of translating the control points of the Bézier surface directly. The final results achieve a completely accurate projection picture even if the projection surface shape is inaccurate and irregular. We present the details of the proposed accurate calibration algorithm and illustrate our method, which, with its scalability, can achieve perfect projection efficiently and accurately with experiments.  相似文献   

目的 PH (Pythagorean hodograph)曲线由于具备有理等距曲线、弧长可精确计算等优良的几何性质,广泛应用于数控加工和路径规划等方面。曲线插值是曲线构造的主要手段之一,虽然对PH曲线的Hermite插值方法进行了广泛研究,但插值给定数据点的构造方法仍有待突破,为推广四次PH曲线的应用范围,提出了一种新的四次PH曲线的3点插值问题解决方法。方法 从四次PH曲线的代数充分必要条件出发,在该曲线的Bézier控制多边形中引入辅助控制顶点,指出其中实参数的几何意义,该实参数可作为形状调节因子对构造曲线进行交互。对给定的3个平面型值点进行参数化确定相应的参数值;通过对四次PH曲线一阶导数积分得到曲线的显式表达,其中包含一个待定复常量,将给定的约束点代入曲线的显式表达式得到关于待定复常量的一元二次复方程,求解该复方程并反求Bézier控制顶点得到符合约束条件的四次PH曲线。结果 实验对通过构造插值给定数据点的四次PH曲线进行比较,当形状调节因此改变时,曲线形状可进行有效交互。每次交互得到两条四次PH曲线,通过弧长、弯曲能量、绝对旋转数的计算得到最优曲线,并构造得到PH曲线的等距线。结论 本文方法给定的形状调节参数具有明确的代数意义和几何意义,本文方法易于实现,可有效进行交互。  相似文献   

In this paper we present an efficient technique for piecewise cubic Bézier approximation of digitized curve. An adaptive breakpoint detection method divides a digital curve into a number of segments and each segment is approximated by a cubic Bézier curve so that the approximation error is minimized. Initial approximated Bézier control points for each of the segments are obtained by interpolation technique i.e. by the reverse recursion of De Castaljau's algorithm. Two methods, two-dimensional logarithmic search algorithm (TDLSA) and an evolutionary search algorithm (ESA), are introduced to find the best-fit Bézier control points from the approximate interpolated control points. ESA based refinement is proved to be better experimentally. Experimental results show that Bézier approximation of a digitized curve is much more accurate and uses less number of points compared to other approximation techniques.  相似文献   

A new n‐sided surface scheme is presented, that generalizes tensor product Bézier patches. Boundaries and corresponding cross‐derivatives are specified as conventional Bézier surfaces of arbitrary degrees. The surface is defined over a convex polygonal domain; local coordinates are computed from generalized barycentric coordinates; control points are multiplied by weighted, biparametric Bernstein functions. A method for interpolating a middle point is also presented. This Generalized Bézier (GB) patch is based on a new displacement scheme that builds up multi‐sided patches as a combination of a base patch, n displacement patches and an interior patch; this is considered to be an alternative to the Boolean sum concept. The input ribbons may have different degrees, but the final patch representation has a uniform degree. Interior control points—other than those specified by the user—are placed automatically by a special degree elevation algorithm. GB patches connect to adjacent Bézier surfaces with G1continuity. The control structure is simple and intuitive; the number of control points is proportional to those of quadrilateral control grids. The scheme is introduced through simple examples; suggestions for future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

Given four polynomial or rational Bézier curves defining a curvilinear rectangle, we consider the problem of constructing polynomial or rational tensor-product Bézier patches bounded by these curves, such that they are geodesics of the constructed surface. The existence conditions and interpolation scheme, developed in a general context in earlier studies, are adapted herein to ensure that the geodesic-bounded surface patches are compatible with the usual polynomial/rational representation schemes of CAD systems. Precise conditions for four Bézier curves to constitute geodesic boundaries of a polynomial or rational surface patch are identified, and an interpolation scheme for the construction of such surfaces is presented when these conditions are satisfied. The method is illustrated with several computed examples.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide an efficient and reliable algorithm for representing and evaluating the boundary of the interval Bézier curve in 2- and 3-D. The boundary of the planar Bézier curve is represented by a sequence of Bézier curve segments with same degree and line segments in the order they are encountered when marching counter-clockwise along its boundary. The boundary can also be represented as a single B-spline curve having the same degree with the interval Bézier curve. The boundary of the 3-D interval Bézier curve is made up of trimmed Bézier surface patches and rectangular patches. Some examples illustrate our algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper presents two letters written by Pierre Bézier in October-November 1999 on the context and the motivations for the creation of the ‘Bézier curves’. Some historical notes are added, as is a bibliography which includes some papers linked with the starting point of Bézier curves and tentatively all Pierre Bézier's papers.  相似文献   

目的 为了使构造的曲线拥有传统Bézier曲线的良好性质,同时还具备形状可调性、逼近性、保形性以及实用性。方法 首先在拟扩展切比雪夫空间的框架下,构造了一类具有全正性的拟三次三角Bernstein基函数,并给出了该基函数的性质;基于此基函数,构造了相应的拟三次三角Bézier曲线,分析了其曲线的性质,得到了生成曲线的割角算法以及C1,C2光滑拼接条件,同时还提出了一种估计曲线逼近控制多边形程度的三角Bernstein算子;接着在拟三次三角Bernstein基函数的基础上提出一种三角域上带3个指数参数的拟三次三角Bernstein-Bézier基,基于此基生成了一种三角域上的拟三次三角Bernstein-Bézier曲面,该曲面可以构建边界为椭圆弧、抛物线弧以及圆弧的曲面,此外,还提出一种实用的de-Casteljau-type算法,同时还给出了连接两个曲面的G1连续条件。结果 实验表明,本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间中构造的具有全正性的曲线曲面,能够灵活地进行形状调整,而且具有良好的逼近性以及适用性。结论 本文在拟扩展切比雪夫空间的框架下构造了一类具有全正性的基函数,并以此基函数进行曲线曲面构造。实验表明本文构造的曲线具备传统三次Bézier曲线的所有优良性质,而且具有灵活的形状可调性。随着参数的增大,所生成的曲线能够更加逼近控制多边形,模拟控制多边形的行为。此外,本文在三角域上构造的曲面能够生成边界为椭圆弧的曲面。综上,本文提出的基函数满足几何工业的需要,是一种实用的方法。  相似文献   

To synthesize natural and artificial objects into a hybrid graphics scene represented by a set of voxels, voxelisation of geometric models is necessary. Rational parametric surfaces have been widely used in the representation of free-form surfaces. Voxelisation of these surfaces is therefore of great importance in the development of a voxel-based modeling system. A key issue is to develop a tunnel-free voxelisation algorithm for these continuous surfaces. In this paper, we propose such an algorithm for a rational Bézier surface. We derive the bound of the parametric steps to ensure that the voxelised rational Bézier surface is, by our algorithm, 6-tunnel-free, and we give the mathematical proof of this property. For efficient computation, we employ the forward difference technique in homogeneous form in the implementation of the algorithm. For more general applications, we show that voxelisation of a NURBS surface can be realised by first converting it into a piecewise rational Bézier surface and then voxelising each of the rational Bézier surfaces. We indicate the advantages carrying out this procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rational Bézier surface is proposed as a uniform approach to modeling all three types of molecular surfaces (MS): the van der Waals surface (vdWS), solvent accessible surface (SAS) and solvent excluded surface (SES). Each molecular surface can be divided into molecular patches, which can be defined by their boundary arcs. The solution consists of three steps: topology modeling, boundary modeling and surface modeling. Firstly, using a weighted α-shape, topology modeling creates two networks to describe the neighboring relationship of the molecular atoms. Secondly, boundary modeling derives all boundary arcs from the networks. Thirdly, surface modeling constructs all three types of molecular surfaces patch-by-patch, based on the networks and the boundary arcs. For an SES, the singularity is specially treated to avoid self-intersections. Instead of approximation, this proposed solution can produce precise shapes of molecular surfaces. Since rational Bézier representation is much simpler than a trimmed non-uniform rational B-spline surface (NURBS), computational load can be significantly saved when dealing with molecular surfaces. It is also possible to utilize the hardware acceleration for tessellation and rendering of a rational Bézier surface. CAGD kernel modelers typically use NURBSs as a uniform representation to handle different types of free-form surface. This research indicates that rational Bézier representation, more specifically, a bi-cubic or 2×4 rational Bézier surface, is sufficient for kernel modeling of molecular surfaces and related applications.  相似文献   

In the divide-and-conquer algorithm for detecting intersections of parametric rational Bézier curves (surfaces), we use bounding boxes in recursive rough checks. In this paper, we replace the conventional bounding box with a homogeneous bounding box, which is projectively defined. We propose a new rough check algorithm based on it. One characteristic of the homogeneous bounding box is that it contains a rational Bézier curve (surface) with weights of mixed signs. This replacement of the conventional bounding box by the homogeneous one does not increase the computation time.  相似文献   

Geometric design of quadratic and cubic developable Bézier patches from two boundary curves is studied in this paper. The conditions for developability are derived geometrically from the de Casteljau algorithm and expressed as a set of equations that must be fulfilled by the Bézier control points. This set of equations allows us to infer important properties of developable Bézier patches that provide useful parameters and simplify the solution process for the patch design. With one boundary curve freely specified, five more degrees of freedom are available for a second boundary curve of the same degree. Various methods are introduced that fully utilize these five degrees of freedom for the design of general quadratic and cubic developable Bézier patches in 3D space. A more restricted generalized conical model or cylindrical model provides simple solutions for higher-order developable patches.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an approximation method for circular arcs by quartic Bézier curves. Using an alternative error function, we give the closed form of the Hausdorff distance between the circular arc and the quartic Bézier curve. We also show that the approximation order is eight. By subdivision of circular arcs with equi-length, our method yields the curvature continuous spline approximation of the circular arc. We confirm that the approximation proposed in this paper has a smaller error than previous quartic Bézier approximations.  相似文献   

针对计算机辅助几何设计中三角曲面片造型方法进行了研究。在非多项式空间中构造了一组基函数,分析了该基函数的性质;利用七个控制顶点定义了相应的三角曲面片,由于该三角曲面片具有类似于三角域上二次Bézier曲面片的性质,故称其为拟二次Bézier三角曲面片;举例说明了拟二次Bézier三角曲面片不仅边界可以精确表示圆弧和椭圆弧,而且可以通过多引入的一个控制顶点实现在边界保持不变的情况下对曲面形状进行调节,同时,该曲面片可作为过渡曲面在三通管造型接口处实现光滑过渡。总之,拟二次Bézier三角曲面片在曲面造型与曲面设计中有较好的应用,可作为现有造型方法的有效补充。  相似文献   

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