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Software that can produce independently checkable evidence for the correctness of its output has received recent attention for use in certifying compilers and proof-carrying code. CVC (Cooperating Validity Checker) is a proof-producing validity checker for a decidable fragment of first-order logic enriched with background theories. This paper describes how proofs of valid formulas are produced from the decision procedure for linear real arithmetic implemented in CVC. It is shown how extensions to LF which support proof rules schematic in an arity (“elliptical” rules) are very convenient for this purpose.  相似文献   

本文对基于类型理论逻辑框架(LF)的语义性质验证加以研究,针对函数式语言LAZY-PCF+SHAR,利用计算机辅助推理方法和技术给出相应的形式化描述及相关性质证明,从而提倡严格的和计算机辅助的证明在语义性质验证方面的应用。同时,考察了LF以及其实现系统Plastic的能力。  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a technique for downloading mobile code on a host machine while ensuring that the code adheres to the host's safety policy. We show how certified abstract interpretation can be used to build a PCC architecture where the code producer can produce program certificates automatically. Code consumers use proof checkers derived from certified analysers to check certificates. Proof checkers carry their own correctness proofs and accepting a new proof checker amounts to type checking the checker in Coq. Certificates take the form of strategies for reconstructing a fixpoint and are kept small due to a technique for fixpoint compression. The PCC architecture has been implemented and evaluated experimentally on a byte code language for which we have designed an interval analysis that allows to generate certificates ascertaining that no array-out-of-bounds accesses will occur.  相似文献   

Traits have been proposed as a more flexible mechanism than class inheritance for structuring code in object-oriented programming, to achieve fine-grained code reuse. A trait originally developed for one purpose can be adapted and reused in a completely different context. Formalizations of traits have been extensively studied, and implementations of traits have started to appear in programming languages. So far, work on formally establishing properties of trait-based programs has mostly concentrated on type systems. This paper presents the first deductive proof system for a trait-based object-oriented language. If a specification of a trait can be given a priori, covering all actual usage of that trait, our proof system is modular as each trait is analyzed only once. However, imposing such a restriction may in many cases unnecessarily limit traits as a mechanism for flexible code reuse. In order to reflect the flexible reuse potential of traits, our proof system additionally allows new specifications to be added to a trait in an incremental way which does not violate established proofs. We formalize and show the soundness of the proof system.  相似文献   

PCC的数组边界检查存在着由于无法确定数组下标表达式符号值的范围,而造成拒绝执行一些安全的移动代码等问题。本文给出的一种数组边界检查的优化及生成算法,不仅能够比较好地解决了这一问题,同时还生成了循环不变式注解中的条件谓词。我们设计的编译器——认证编译器——已经实现了这些算法,并完成了从用C编程语言的类型安全子集编写的源程序到携带注解的Intelx86/linux汇编语言程序的编译过程。由于基于语言安全策略系统的证明是建立在携带注解的代码基础之上的,因此该认证编译器中实现的算法在移动代码安全检查中非常有用。  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a general framework for verifying the safety properties of machine-language programs. PCC proofs are usually written in a logic extended with language-specific typing rules; they certify safety but only if there is no bug in the typing rules. In foundational proof-carrying code (FPCC), on the other hand, proofs are constructed and verified by using strictly the foundations of mathematical logic, with no type-specific axioms. FPCC is more flexible and secure because it is not tied to any particular type system and it has a smaller trusted base. Foundational proofs, however, are much harder to construct. Previous efforts on FPCC all required building sophisticated semantic models for types. Furthermore, none of them can be easily extended to support mutable fields and recursive types. In this article, we present a syntactic approach to FPCC that avoids all of these difficulties. Under our new scheme, the foundational proof for a typed machine program simply consists of the typing derivation plus the formalized syntactic soundness proof for the underlying type system. The former can be readily obtained from a type-checker, while the latter is known to be much easier to construct than the semantic soundness proofs. We give a translation from a typed assembly language into FPCC and demonstrate the advantages of our new system through an implementation in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

Using typed lambda calculus to implement formal systems on a machine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much research has been devoted in building computer systems for checking proofs or for developing interactively correct proofs in specific logical systems. However, implementing a proof environment for a specific logical system is both complex and time-consuming, this-together with the proliferation of logics-suggests that a uniform and reliable alternative is desirable. One such alternative is the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF), developed in the late eighties at the LFCS (Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science). The LF is a logic-independent tool which, given a specification for a logical system, synthesizes a proof editor and checker for that system. Its specification language is based on a general theory of logics, which enables one to capture uniformities and idiosyncrasies of a large class of logics without sacrificing generality for tractability. Peculiarities (such as side conditions on rule application, variable occurrence or formula formation) are expressed at the level of the specification. In this paper we are going to provide a broad illustration of its applicability and discuss to what extent it is successful. The analysis (of the formal presentation) of a system carried out through encoding often illuminates the system itself. This paper will also deal with this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Type systems and program logics are often thought to be at opposing ends of the spectrum of formal software analyses. In this paper we show that a flow-sensitive type system ensuring non-interference in a simple while-language can be expressed through specialised rules of a program logic. In our framework, the structure of non-interference proofs resembles the corresponding derivations in a state-of-the-art security type system, meaning that the algorithmic version of the type system can be used as a proof procedure for the logic. We argue that this is important for obtaining uniform proof certificates in a proof-carrying code framework. We discuss in which cases the interleaving of approximative and precise reasoning allows us to deal with delimited information release. Finally, we present ideas on how our results can be extended to encompass features of realistic programming languages such as Java.  相似文献   

Compilers that have been formally verified in theorem provers are often not directly usable because the formalization language is not a general-purpose programming language or the formalization contains non-executable constructs. This paper takes a comprehensive, even though simplified model of Java, formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant, as starting point and shows how core functions in the translation process (type checking and compilation) are defined and proved correct. From these, Isabelle's program extraction facility generates ML code that can be directly interfaced with other, possibly “unsafe” code.  相似文献   

A pointer logic and certifying compiler   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proof-Carrying Code brings two big challenges to the research field of programming languages. One is to seek more expressive logics or type systems to specify or reason about the properties of low-level or high-level programs. The other is to study the technology of certifying compilation in which the compiler generates proofs for programs with annotations. This paper presents our progress in the above two aspects. A pointer logic was designed for PointerC (a C-like programming language) in our research. As an extension of Hoare logic, our pointer logic expresses the change of pointer information for each statement in its inference rules to support program verification. Meanwhile, based on the ideas from CAP (Certified Assembly Programming) and SCAP (Stack-based Certified Assembly Programming), a reasoning framework was built to verify the properties of object code in a Hoare style. And a certifying compiler prototype for PointerC was implemented based on this framework. The main contribution of this paper is the design of the pointer logic and the implementation of the certifying compiler prototype. In our certifying compiler, the source language contains rich pointer types and operations and also supports dynamic storage allocation and deallocation.  相似文献   

We argue that a logic programming language with a higher-order intuitionistic logic as its foundation can be used both to naturally specify and implement tactic-style theorem provers. The language extends traditional logic programming languages by replacing first-order terms with simply-typed -terms, replacing first-order unification with higher-order unification, and allowing implication and universal quantification in queries and the bodies of clauses. Inference rules for a variety of inference systems can be naturally specified in this language. The higher-order features of the language contribute to a concise specification of provisos concerning variable occurrences in formulas and the discharge of assumptions present in many inference systems. Tactics and tacticals, which provide a framework for high-level control over search for proofs, can be directly and naturally implemented in the extended language. This framework serves as a starting point for implementing theorem provers and proof systems that can integrate many diversified operations on formulas and proofs for a variety of logics. We present an extensive set of examples that have been implemented in the higher-order logic programming language Prolog.  相似文献   

张盈谦 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):57-58,61
提出一种在多核平台上的快速多线程编程模型ThreadXML。该模型通过使用标记语言形式,提高程序的开发效率,支持可视化,增强并行程序设计的移植性。其中,语言模型编译器的实现采用代码模板技术和面向对象技术相结合的方式,能将ThreadXML源代码转换成目前可执行的程序代码,辅助可视化工具采用图元对象和代码模板技术实现。  相似文献   

Building certified libraries for PCC: dynamic storage allocation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Proof-carrying code (PCC) allows a code producer to provide to a host a program along with its formal safety proof. The proof attests to a certain safety policy enforced by the code, and can be mechanically checked by the host. While this language-based approach to code certification is very general in principle, existing PCC systems have only focused on programs whose safety proofs can be automatically generated. As a result, many low-level system libraries (e.g., memory management) have not yet been handled. In this paper, we explore a complementary approach in which general properties and program correctness are semi-automatically certified. In particular, we introduce a low-level language, CAP, for building certified programs and present a certified library for dynamic storage allocation.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we present the so called natural semantics for a subset of Pascal programming language. A set of sentences of first order predicate calculus defines the meaning of the Pascal language constructs. The meaning of a specific program is defined separately by another set of sentences which can be generated automatically. Both these sets together constitute axiomatics of a theory, called the theory of a specific program. The axiomatics is built in such a way that its logical consequences describe all the computational processes defined by the program. Proofs of properties for two small programs are discussed in detail. These properties and their proofs are recorded in the MIZAR 2 language — a computer formalization of predicate calculus. MIZAR 2 proof checker was used to verify the proofs.  相似文献   

Deductive verification and synthesis of binary addition programs are carried out on the base of the rules of proving the correctness for statements of the predicate programming language P. The paper presents key fragments of verification and synthesis of the programs for the Ripple carry, Carry look-ahead and Ling adders. The correctness conditions of the programs were translated into the specification language of the PVS verification system. The proof is found to be a tedious procedure as compared with the ordinary programming. However, for program synthesis, the development of theories and proofs on PVS are easier and faster than for program verification.  相似文献   

This paper has been motivated by experience gained with specification and code generation of control elements for a software component platform and general‐purpose programming language like Java and C. The problem to be addressed is two‐fold: first, several domain‐specific languages (DSL) are to be employed to express different element concerns (architecture, deployment context, code pattern) and second, porting to another general‐purpose language should avoid modification of the specification and related code generation process as much as possible. In both respects, the classical template‐based code generation technique proved to be inflexible, requiring the code generator to be blurred with ad hoc encoded DSL facets. The paper addresses the problem by introducing the concept of interoperable DSL family. Each member of the family is built around its core language, which can be further specialized by embedding into a target programming language. Interoperability of these DSLs is achieved at the level of abstract syntax trees (ASTs) with help of queries. As a proof of the concept, we have implemented the queries via the AST transformation rules of the Stratego/XT framework. In the evaluation, we provide a comparison with the original template‐based implementation, which clearly indicates the DSL family and AST transformation benefits. We also provide examples of application areas where the concept of interoperable DSL family can be employed (and also indicate how this can be accomplished). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Boogie is a verification condition generator for an imperative core language. It has front-ends for the programming languages C# and C enriched by annotations in first-order logic, i.e. pre- and postconditions, assertions, and loop invariants. Moreover, concepts like ghost fields, ghost variables, ghost code and specification functions have been introduced to support a specific modeling methodology. Boogie’s verification conditions—constructed via a wp calculus from annotated programs—are usually transferred to automated theorem provers such as Simplify or Z3. This also comprises the expansion of language-specific modeling constructs in terms of a theory describing memory and elementary operations on it; this theory is called a machine/memory model. In this paper, we present a proof environment, HOL-Boogie, that combines Boogie with the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL, for a specific C front-end and a machine/memory model. In particular, we present specific techniques combining automated and interactive proof methods for code verification. The main goal of our environment is to help program verification engineers in their task to “debug” annotations and to find combined proofs where purely automatic proof attempts fail.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to combined textual and visual programming by allowing visual, interactive objects to be embedded within textual source code and segments of source code to be further embedded within those objects. We retain the strengths of text‐based source code, while enabling visual programming where it is beneficial. Additionally, embedded objects and code provide a simple object‐oriented approach to adding a visual form of LISP‐style macros to a language. The ability to freely combine source code and visual, interactive objects with one another allows for the construction of interactive programming tools and experimentation with novel programming language extensions. Our visual programming system is supported by a type coercion‐based presentation protocol that displays normal Java and Python objects in a visual, interactive form. We have implemented our system within a prototype interactive programming environment called ‘The Larch Environment’. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for simplifying Fitch-style natural-deduction proofs in classical first-order logic. We formalize Fitch-style natural deduction as a denotational proof language,, with a rigorous syntax and semantics. Based on that formalization, we define an array of simplifying transformations and show them to be terminating and to respect the formal semantics of the language. We also show that the transformations never increase the size or complexity of a deduction – in the worst case, they produce deductions of the same size and complexity as the original. We present several examples of proofs containing various types of superfluous “detours,” and explain how our procedure eliminates them, resulting in smaller and cleaner deductions. All of the transformations are fully implemented in SML-NJ, and the complete code listing is available on the Web.  相似文献   

A new approach to domain-specific reasoning is presented that is based on a type-theoretic logical framework(LF) but does not require the user to be an expert in type theory. The concepts of the domain and its related reasoning systems are formalized in LF, but the user works with the system through a syntax and interface appropriate to his/her work. A middle layer provides translation between the user syntax and LF, and allows additional support for reasoning(e.g., model checking). Thus, the complexity of the logical framework is hidden but the benefits of using type theory and its related tools are retained, such as precision and machine-checkable proofs. This approach is investigated through a number of case studies: here, the authors consider the verification of properties of concurrency. The authors have formalized a specification language (CCS) and logic (μ-calculus) in LF, together with useful lemmas, and a user-oriented syntax has been designed. The authors demonstrate the approach with simple examples. However, applying lemmas to objects introduced by the user may result in framework-level objects which cannot be translated back to the user level. The authors discuss this problem, define a notion of adequacy, and prove that in this case study, translation can always be reversed.  相似文献   

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