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结合目前我国中小食品企业食品防护计划建立、运行时存在的一些问题, 为促进中小食品生产企业建立并有效实施食品防护计划, 本文提出以下措施:提高中小食品生产企业经营者和管理者对食品防护计划的重视程度; 加强对中小食品企业有关食品防护计划的培训; 充分利用第三方咨询机构; 组织中小食品企业互助会, 建立资源共享平台; 加强政府部门推动等来促进中小食品企业有效开展食品防护计划等, 并且提供了中小食品生产企业建立食品防护计划的方法。  相似文献   

随着经济的强劲复苏,越来越多的大型食品企业开始重新分割市场,对河南中小食品企业产生了较大的冲击力,也对河南中小食品企业发展提出了新的挑战。面对来自大型食品企业的压力,河南中小食品企业应采用企业之间的联合竞争策略、树立企业形象和品牌以及加大政府扶持力度等应对措施。当前,河南中小食品企业的发展应充分利用这些有利因素,抓住机遇,迎接挑战。  相似文献   

我国食品企业的主体有中小食品企业构成,但中小食品企业基础条件薄弱、人力资源缺乏、监管不完善,其生产食品的安全隐患多。增加HACCP体系在我国中小食品企业中的应用,有效的避免食品安全问题的发生,关乎于企业未来的发展和人类的健康,是一项意义重大的工程。本文分析了我国中小型食品企业在构建HACCP体系的过程中可能要遇到的问题进行研究,提出了几项我国中小型食品企业在构建HACCP管理体系时的可选择发展模式以及实施对策。  相似文献   

在市场经济中,企业借助市场营销方式使得消费者认知自身产品,进而达到实现本企业在市场中的影响和发展。营销手段多种多样,对于中小食品企业来说,品牌是营销中较为重要的环节之一。但是,目前许多中小食品企业的品牌营销存在着问题,不了解如何做品牌营销,也不知道如何做好品牌营销,导致企业发展出现困难,严重制约了中小食品企业的进一步发展。对于中小食品企业在品牌营销方面存在的问题和误区,提出品牌营销过程中的具体营销策略,提升企业竞争力。  相似文献   

随着我国经济高速发展,食品安全问题越来越引起人们广泛关注,中小食品企业由于受到自身条件限制,在企业发展中存在着种种食品安全隐患,这些隐患及其自身的特性给中小食品企业危机的发生提供了可能性。中小食品企业应采取积极的应对措施,对内加快行业内中小食品企业联合,建立群体防控机制,弘扬诚信理念,建立企业信用评价平台,深化企业社会责任观念;重视中小食品品牌建设,优化中小食品企业形象;对外共建媒体良缘,获取媒体支持;协调与消费者关系,避免蝴蝶效应发生,只有这样中小食品企业才能在危机中劫后余生,获得长远发展。  相似文献   

中小食品企业是食品工业的重要组成部分,越来越多的食品安全事故,导致人们对食品质量安全的信任危机。本文重点分析了中小食品企业存在的安全问题,并根据问题分析提出了构建中小食品企业质量安全管理体系的对策措施,通过强化安全意识,深化企业改革,增加硬件和软件环境的投入,在政府和有关社会机构的指导下,塑造企业良好形象,保证食品质量安全系统的有效运行。  相似文献   

改革开放以来.中小印刷企业像雨后春笋般地迅速发展起来。据统计.目前.我国中小印刷企业占全部企业总数的96%以上,由中小企业提供的就业人数为劳动力总数的75%.在社会新增就业机会中.中小企业约占80%。改革开放以来.中小印刷企业的增长速度是大型印刷企业的4倍以上.中小企业量多面广,它们以相对灵活的机制.灵敏的市场触角.在竞争激烈的印刷市场上捞得第一桶金.争生存、求发展.对缓解就业压力起到了重要的作用。中小型印刷企业在迅速成长的同时.也遭到许多烦恼.这些“烦恼”已严重制约了中小印刷企业的发展。原因是多方面的.既有体制与政策方面的原因.也有企业自身发展方面的原因。就自身原因来讲.产权不清晰,人才缺乏是中小企业发展的一大“软肋”,中小印刷企业的人力资源管理对企业的发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

正国务院印发《关于扶持小型微型企业健康发展的意见》11月2 0日,国务院印发《关于扶持小型微型企业健康发展的意见》,从资金支持、财税优惠、创业基地建设、促进企业信息互联互通等方面提出一系列政策措施,扶持小型微型企业(含个体工商户)健康发展。《意见》提出了10方面的政策措施,包括:充分发挥现有中小企业专项资金的引导作用,鼓励地方中小企业扶持资金将小型微型企业纳入支持范围;加大中小企业专项资金对小企业创业基地(微  相似文献   

中小食品企业是我国食品行业的主力军,占我国食品行业企业总数的90%以上,创造的销售收入占食品行业的80%。可是,由于中小食品企业自身资本非常有限,又很难从商业银行获得充足的资金支持,融资难成为约束其自身发展的一大瓶颈。文章从中小食品企业融资困境出发,分别从供应链的采购端、生产端及销售端3个方面分析了供应链融资模式,并探讨该新型融资方式的影响。  相似文献   

中央设发展基金扶持小微企业国务院总理温家宝2月1日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署进一步支持小型和微型企业健康发展。会议确定了进一步支持小型微型企业健康发展的政策措施:(一)完善财税支持政策。扩大中小企业专项资金规模,中央  相似文献   

<正> 我国改革开放20多年,国民经济得到空前的发展。能取得这一成绩,民营经济功不可没。20多年来国有经济一直走下坡,亏损愈来愈大,增值微乎其微,而民营经济却在不断扩大。  相似文献   

Catering businesses continue to be the most common setting for foodborne disease outbreaks. In a study of catering businesses in England and Wales, operational practices relating to the supply, preparation, and service of food in 88 businesses associated with outbreaks were compared with those practices at 88 control businesses. Operational practices did not differ significantly between case and control businesses but larger small medium-size enterprise (SME) businesses were more likely to be associated with foodborne disease outbreaks than were micro-SME businesses. Businesses associated with outbreaks of Salmonella infection were less likely to use local or national suppliers but instead used regional suppliers, especially for eggs. This practice was the only significantly independent operational practice associated with outbreaks of Salmonella infection. Regional egg suppliers also were more likely to be used by businesses associated with outbreaks attributed to food vehicles containing eggs. Businesses associated with egg-associated outbreaks were less likely to use eggs produced under an approved quality assurance scheme, suggesting that the underlying risk associated with using regional suppliers may relate to the use of contaminated eggs.  相似文献   

针对江西省食品安全第三方检验检测机构进行现场调查,调查内容主要为江西省第三方食品安全检验检测机构的人员、建设规模、检测能力、发展前景等。调查结果发现,大部分江西省第三方食品安全检验检测机构的投资规模较小,人员数量偏少,高学历人才缺乏,中高级职称人数比例偏低,检测能力相对不足;业务主要来自于政府委托;盈利能力有限,主要依靠财政拨款;缺乏发展动力,科研能力有限;还面临着恶意竞争、人才流失等问题。建议进行有机整合,优化资源配置,加强自身的技术和管理水平,主动适应市场变化,或者成立食品安全检测行业协会,充分发挥第三方食品安全检验检测机构作用。  相似文献   

Food production differs between the developed and developing world, and within these ‘two worlds’ there are regional and local differences. An approach to safe food production and official controls depends on diverse and complex socio-economic factors in the context of political and legislative framework within which food producers and official controllers exist. The common goals of safe food production can only be achieved by competent people and through effective communication and collaboration at all levels with flexible approaches to production and official controls implementation, in particular to small businesses.  相似文献   

Despite structured enforcement of food hygiene requirements known to prevent foodborne disease outbreaks, catering businesses continue to be the most common setting for outbreaks in the United Kingdom. In a matched case control study of catering businesses, 148 businesses associated with outbreaks were compared with 148 control businesses. Hazard analysis critical control point systems and/or formal food hygiene training qualifications were not protective. Food hygiene inspection scores were not useful in predicting which catering businesses were associated with outbreaks. Businesses associated with outbreaks were more likely to be larger small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or to serve Chinese cuisine and less likely to have the owner or manager working in the kitchen, but when size of the SME was taken into account these two differences were no longer significant. In larger businesses, case businesses were more likely to be hotels and were more commonly associated with viral foodborne outbreaks, but there was no explanation within the data for this association.  相似文献   

A mail survey was designed and distributed to 1,650 managers of food businesses across the manufacturing, retail, and catering sectors of the United Kingdom food industry. Respondents were asked about the food hygiene practices of their business, their use of systems such as hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP), and their attitudes toward a range of food hygiene-related issues. Complete responses were received from 254 businesses, a response rate of 15.3%. The results showed that 69% of manufacturers were using HACCP systems, significantly more than the 13% and 15% in the retail and catering sectors, respectively (P < 0.05); 53% of manufacturing, 59% of retail, and 48% of catering managers thought that their business represented a low risk to food safety. Among businesses using HACCP, specific training in the system was significantly related to the likelihood that businesses had adopted all seven of the HACCP principles (P < 0.05). Business size was a significant factor in the use of HACCP in both the manufacturing and retail sectors. Higher levels of food hygiene qualifications among business managers, business status, and higher perceptions among managers of the risk to food safety of the business were also significantly related to HACCP use in all sectors (P < 0.05). The results from this survey have implications for the future development of HACCP, particularly within the UK retail and catering sectors. Risk communication and training are highlighted as areas of concern for marketing HACCP within these industry sectors.  相似文献   

This article surveys the food businesses operated by Italian migrants and the commercial strategies these ethnic entrepreneurs developed in Brussels between the late 1870s and 1914. Based on journalistic, commercial, and police archives, it analyses identity constructions and acculturation through food by providing an historical study of the practical aspects of migrating to a new city. An international perspective then relates the findings to Italian food businesses in London and New York City and highlights the specificities of the Brussels case. I argue that besides offering pragmatic economic opportunities to migrants, food businesses were about more than just getting by economically and that commercial food practices present ideal expressions of social, cultural, and economic adaptation.  相似文献   

<正> 两年前,由于工作关系,我结识了一位有志于发展食品工业的山西乡镇企业家。他原来是做钢铁和煤生意的,可以说,对食品工业没有任何了解。由于种种原因,加上能源市场和公司业绩出现了不同程度的变化和滑坡,而且,他认为食品工业进入门槛比较低、市场前景广阔,以及当地资源比较丰富,故选择食品工业作为公司的另一个支柱产业。  相似文献   

At the time of this study, the Canadian government intends to legalize the use of recreational cannabis. Despite its intentions, the regulatory framework remains ambiguous. Food businesses, with their constant search for growth, are considering launching several food products with cannabis as an ingredient, once the drug is legalized. This study does not look at the health effects of cannabis per se, but rather consumers’ perception of cannabis as a food ingredient through the lens of food innovation, if it were to be legalized. It explores several dimensions, including cannabis-infused food products sold in grocery stores and dishes served at restaurants. It evaluates potential times when consumers would consume these products, in addition to their preferred food products. The survey also looks at perceived risks related to specific demographics such as children and pregnant women. The survey assesses both perceived risks and anticipated behaviour in a market in which a former illicit product becomes readily available.The results show that Canadians, although mostly favourable to cannabis's legalization and willing to try cannabis-infused food products, are concerned about health risks the drug represents, especially for young children. Results also suggest that most Canadians do not feel knowledgeable enough to cook with cannabis at home, which opens an opportunity for leaders in the industry. Finally, the study presents limitations and suggested future paths for research.  相似文献   

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