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International migration between Mexico and the United States has been acknowledged as a phenomenon that may contribute to the spread of AIDS in rural Mexico. The purpose of this study is to identify the information held by the participants regarding AIDS and to describe selected high-risk behaviors for AIDS transmission among a representative sample of rural women living in Mexico who are married to immigrant temporary workers to the United States. The women who participated in the study were married, of reproductive age, and had active sex lives with their spouses. Results revealed that most of the women interviewed had at least some knowledge about AIDS. Although some misconceptions were evident, most of the information they had was accurate. About one-third of the women felt at risk for AIDS, mostly because they doubted their husbands' fidelity, or because in the last five years they had donated blood, received a blood transfusion, or received an intramuscular or intravenous injection. The results of the study are discussed within the sociocultural context that surrounds the lives of the women interviewed.  相似文献   

The small intestine vagotomy influence on gastric secretion function, stimulated by pentagastrin and carbachol, was investigated while chronic experiment on dogs with gastric fundal and duodenal fistulas. The comparative analysis of influence of extragastric selective proximal, selective distal, selective and truncal vagotomy on gastric secretion in various terms after operative intervention was also conducted. In 6 months after conduction of various kinds of vagotomy the reduction of hydrochloric acid secretion, stimulated by pentagastrin, was noted.  相似文献   

The isolation rate for Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis (SE) in humans in the United States of America (USA) increased from 1,207 sporadic isolates identified in 1976 (0.6 isolates/100,000 population) to 10,201 identified in 1995 (4.0/100,000 population). The proportion of reported Salmonella isolates which were SE increased from 5% to 25% during the same time period. In 1990, 1994, and 1995, SE was the most commonly reported reported Salmonella serotype in the USA. Much of this increase has been associated with the consumption of contaminated shell eggs. An examination of the results of a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) survey of spent hens at slaughter and unpasteurised liquid egg at breaker plants (liquid egg processors) in 1991 and 1995 reveals an increase in the prevalence of SE isolates overall and in most regions of the USA. SE phage type 4 (pt 4), the predominant SE phage type in other parts of the world, has emerged in the egg industry in the western USA concurrent with a sharp increase in the number of sporadic human SE pt 4 isolates in California and Utah. Research on the molecular structure and virulence of SE pt 4 isolates from the USA as compared with isolates from other parts of the world (human and poultry) should be a priority. A comparison of DNA from pt 4 isolates from the USA and Europe may provide information about the potential threat to public health and poultry in the USA from this phage type. Some regional success in the reduction of human illness as a result of SE control efforts is apparent. The Pennsylvania Egg Quality Assurance Program has shown progress in reducing SE infection in participating flocks. At a national level, however, neither the incidence of human illness due to SE nor the prevalence of SE in flocks and unpasteurised liquid eggs have decreased significantly, despite the implementation of the USDA 'trace back' regulation from 1990 to 1995, and intensified efforts to educate food handlers and to enforce safe food handling practices. More effort is needed to control SE at every stage of the egg continuum, from production through to consumption. A risk-reduction approach, with barriers to the introduction and multiplication of the pathogen throughout the farm-to-table continuum, is the most practical method for reducing human illness from SE in shell eggs at present. An effective long-term solution will require interdisciplinary efforts involving government, industry, consumers, and academics. Interventions should be developed and evaluated in compliance with the potential for reducing the risk to human health and cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

The main cause of occurrence of postural reactions in patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis is a deficit of blood circulatory volume as well as cerebrospinal disturbances and "harmful" peculiarities of the operative posture. An increase of the circulatory volume by infusion of 0.5-1.0 litres of plasma substituting substances prior to patient's being rendered the operative posture liquidates, to a great extent, postural reactions of the circulatory system.  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating the specificity and sensitivity of ELISA test in detection of Mycobacterial Antibodies using A60 antigen. Sera from 100 clinically suspected cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis were studied along with 10 sputum positive cases 25 age and sex matched healthy control. Overall positivity of the test was 80.00 per cent with 100 percent sensitivity and 92 per cent specificity. The present study recommends ELISA as an adjunct to other investigative procedures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: AIDS is becoming a chronic illness for some patients whose significant accumulated functional impairments may limit community-based care. Nursing homes can provide an appropriate level of care, although reported experience caring for persons with AIDS in this setting is limited. METHODS: A retrospective case-series review was conducted in a 242-bed community teaching nursing home to describe the initial 26-month experience in providing care for patients with AIDS requiring nursing home admission. RESULTS: A total of 42 admissions by 32 patients with AIDS (mean age = 33.5 years, 81% male) involved a shorter length of stay (mean 63.1 days) and higher numbers of medications (mean = 11.2), facility charges (mean $11,971/admission, $189/day), and greater clinical management complexity than usual nursing home patients. Thirteen patients were discharged, seven for rehospitalization and six into community settings, although ultimately 29 of the 32 patients died in the facility. CONCLUSIONS: AIDS care in the nursing home presents significant, distinct challenges in complex management and terminal care prioritization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The AIDS epidemic has profoundly affected public health policy and everyday choices of individuals. Understanding the self-protective strategies adopted by the general population is crucial to designing appropriate and more effective primary AIDS prevention strategies. METHODS: A probability sample of the U.S. adult population in 1992, the National Health and Social Life Survey (n = 3,159), addressed detailed aspects of sexual behavior. How respondents changed their sexual behavior due to AIDS was recorded verbatim and categorized for analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-nine percent of U.S. adults reported some sexual behavior change, primarily, reducing numbers of partners (12%), using condoms more frequently (9%), selecting partners more carefully (7%), changing attitude toward sex (4%), and abstinence (3%). Individuals most at risk show the greatest propensity to change although the actual risk-reduction strategies and the meanings assigned to those strategies vary considerably. Strategies are not all compatible with each other nor equally likely to be adopted by individuals with different lifestyles. CONCLUSIONS: Self-protective strategies to avoid AIDS are widespread, but primary prevention efforts should be targeted to particular circumstances and the self-protective propensities of each individual.  相似文献   

In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified inadequate relief from cancer pain as an international health problem. WHO recommended that governments develop and implement national policies and programs for cancer pain relief. This report evaluates national health policy and the systems of health care delivery in relation to cancer pain management in the new South Africa. This field study included multiple methods of data collection: analysis of documents, field trips with participant observation in sites of care delivery, focused interviews, and in-depth interviews of key informants. The purposive sample of key informants (n = 33) represented multiple stakeholders in a variety of settings. Strengths of the developing health policy include specific recommendations related to palliative care; the shift to universal primary care; policies to support drug availability; the inclusion of morphine and codeine as essential drug at the primary health care level; and the development of a national standard related to cancer pain management. Health services are characterized by two parallel systems of care (private and public) with numerous vestiges of the inequities of apartheid. The management of pain varies by provider and setting; major problems with access exist in the rural areas. Health services in South Africa have been plagued by inequity and inadequate resources. New health policies have set a path to ensure universal access to health care including palliative care for cancer. Their successful implementation is the next necessary step toward improving health services and alleviating the suffering of increasing numbers of individuals with cancer.  相似文献   

As AIDS becomes a more chronic but manageable illness, understanding quality of life issues among persons living with this disease has become an important goal of health care researchers. However, most quality of life investigations of persons living with HIV disease have relied heavily on clinical samples (e.g., hospitalized patients, psychiatric outpatients). The present study sought to identify psychosocial predictors of general life satisfaction in a community sample of 275 persons living with HIV/AIDS in a large midwestern state. Principal components and multiple regression analyses revealed that improved physical/functional well-being, increased social support, more frequent use of active coping strategies, and fewer incidents of AIDS-related discrimination and stigma predicted higher levels of general life satisfaction (R2 = 39). Intervention strategies likely to produce higher levels of life satisfaction among persons living with HIV disease are discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyzed data from the 1995 National College Health Risk Behavior Survey (NCHRBS) to assess the prevalence of suicidal ideation among college students in the United States and to examine the association between suicidal ideation and substance use in this population. The NCHRBS used a mail questionnaire to assess health-risk behaviors in a nationally representative sample of undergraduate students. During the 12 months preceding the survey, 10% of the students had seriously considered attempting suicide. When controlling for demographic characteristics, the analysis showed that students who had considered suicide were at increased odds of using tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs. These results suggest that colleges and universities should establish suicide prevention programs that also address the related problem of substance use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the general relations between race, socioeconomic status, and mortality in the United States are well known, specific patterns of excess mortality are not well understood. METHODS: Using standard demographic techniques, we analyzed death certificates and census data and made sex-specific population-level estimates of the 1990 death rates for people 15 to 64 years of age. We studied mortality among blacks in selected areas of New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Alabama (in one area of persistent poverty and one higher-income area each) and among whites in areas of New York City, metropolitan Detroit, Kentucky, and Alabama (one area of poverty and one higher-income area each). Sixteen areas were studied in all. RESULTS: When they were compared with the nationwide age-standardized annual death rate for whites, the death rates for both sexes in each of the poverty areas were excessive, especially among blacks (standardized mortality ratios for men and women in Harlem, 4.11 and 3.38; in Watts, 2.92 and 2.60; in central Detroit, 2.79 and 2.58; and in the Black Belt area of Alabama, 1.81 and 1.89). Boys in Harlem who reached the age of 15 had a 37 percent chance of surviving to the age of 65; for girls, the likelihood was 65 percent. Of the higher-income black areas studied, Queens--Bronx had the income level most similar to that of whites and the lowest standardized mortality ratio (men, 1.18; women, 1.08). Of the areas where poor whites were studied, Detroit had the highest standardized mortality ratios (men, 2.01; women, 1.90). On the Lower East Side of Manhattan, in Appalachia, and in Northeast Alabama, the ratios for whites were below the national average for blacks (men, 1.90; women, 1.95). CONCLUSIONS: Although differences in mortality rates before the age of 65 between advantaged and disadvantaged groups in the United States are sometimes vast, there are important differences among impoverished communities in patterns of excess mortality.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Behaviors that result in potential exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) usually begin in adolescence or young adulthood, but trends in HIV incidence in young people remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To estimate trends in HIV incidence in teenagers and young adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: Back-calculation of past HIV incidence in persons born between 1960 and 1974 using US national acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) incidence data and estimates of the distribution of times between HIV infection and AIDS. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence and prevalence of HIV in 1988 and 1993 in persons aged 20 and 25 years, respectively, in each of those years. RESULTS: As of January 1993, about 22000 men and 11000 women aged 18 to 22 years were living with HIV infection in the United States. Homosexual contact was the leading route of infection among young men. Heterosexual contact was the leading route of infection among young women. The HIV incidence attributed to homosexual contact or injection drug use decreased among persons aged 20 and 25 years between 1988 and 1993, but HIV incidence attributed to heterosexual contact was stable or increasing. Notably, in men aged 20 and 25 years, HIV prevalence declined by about 50% in white men but was relatively stable in black and Hispanic men. In contrast, HIV prevalence in women aged 20 and 25 years rose by 36% and 45%, respectively, because of increasing heterosexual transmission. Overall, HIV prevalence in persons aged 20 and 25 years declined by only 14% between 1988 and 1993. CONCLUSIONS: In young persons, HIV incidence in homosexual men and injection drug users was slowing by 1993; this favorable trend was offset by increasing heterosexual transmission, especially in minorities.  相似文献   

National mortality statistics for hyaline membrane disease (HMD) and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) were examined in this study for the years 1968 to 1973. Detailed data were obtained by computer analysis of magnetic tapes from the National Center for Health Statistics. During the six-year interval, HMD/RDS was determined to be the underlying cause of death in 54,064 infants or 9,010 +/- 560 (mean +/- SD) infants per year. Analysis of individual death certificates for 1968 revealed the disease to a major contributing factor in another 24%. Thus, it may be estimated that HMD was involved in the demise of nearly 12,000 neonates per year over this period. This amounts to approximately 20% of all neonatal deaths. On the basis of mortality rates, a trend toward an increased incidence of fatal HMD/RDS was established from 1968 to 1973. Deaths tend to cluster in the summer months and January-February represent the lowest months of recorded fatalities. Analysis of the age at death, reflecting time course of the disease, revealed idential patterns for 1968 to 1970. The number of deaths was found to decline exponentially between the first and fourth 24-hour periods so that 92% of all deaths occurred by 4 days of age. Boys contributed more prominently to the death totals than girls with ratios from 1.62 to 1.76. Examination of mortality rates by race suggested that black permatures have a lower incidence of fatal HMD/RDS. In addition to nationwide figures, those of individual states were compared for three years. Generally, HMD/RDS mortality rates correlated with overall neonatal mortality statistics. Exceptions were observed, however, such as Illinois where low rates for the former coexist with relatively high neonatal death rates. These data respresent the first national mortality statistics for HMD and may prove useful in planning and providing intensive neonatal care.  相似文献   

67Gallium citrate can accumulate in different inflammatory and neoplastic lesions. The mechanisms of 67Gallium uptake in abnormal tissue are still partially unknown and the tracer is considered a nonspecific indicator of disease. In AIDS patients, 67Gallium citrate is used in the diagnosis and characterization of opportunistic pulmonary infections and especially of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. From June 1989 through December 1992 in our Department 140 67Gallium scans were performed on 103 AIDS patients, referred for evaluation of pulmonary symptoms. All studies were carried out 72 hours after i.v. administration of 185 MBq 67Gallium citrate, with anterior and posterior views of head, chest and abdomen. The images were evaluated with conventional diagnostic criteria and site, number and intensity of abnormal foci of extrapulmonary uptake were recorded. Abnormal extrapulmonary uptake was found in 17 patients (12%): gastric (3, two of which also exhibited abnormal intestinal uptake), esophageal (1) hepatic (1), intestinal (2) renal (4), nodal (3), ocular (1), cutaneous (1), sinusal (1) localizations. In all cases clinical, endoscopic, bioptic or microbiological demonstration of the possible cause of 67Gallium uptake was obtained. An intriguing finding in our series was the lower incidence of gastric uptake (two patients with miliary tuberculosis and one patient with gastric candidiasis) than in the literature. This finding could be explained by clinical and epidemiologic differences between different patient populations. However, the scan interval after tracer administration should be also taken into account, since in our study scans were always performed at 72 hours, while in other series the interval ranged 24-48 hours. The relatively high incidence of abnormal extrapulmonary uptake confirms the opportunity of whole body exploration after 67Gallium administration in the patients with such multisystemic disease as AIDS, even when the patients are referred mainly for respiratory problems.  相似文献   

Emu antibody responses to avian influenza virus (AIV) infection were evaluated by the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA), agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. All birds infected with AIV H5N1, H5N3, or H7N7 developed antinucleoprotein (NP) antibodies as early as 7 days postinfection as detected by the C-ELISA. The responses lasted 49 days for the emus receiving H5N3 and at least 56 days for emus receiving the other two viruses. By evaluating 50 emu field serum samples, the C-ELISA was found more sensitive than the AGID test for the detection of anti-NP antibodies. This study indicates that emus experimentally infected with AIV developed antibody responses that can be detected by C-ELISA, AGID, and HI tests. The results from this and our previous studies demonstrate the use of the C-ELISA as a substitute for the AGID test in a routine serodiagnostic screening for detection of antibodies to AIV infection in multiple avian species.  相似文献   

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