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潜艇燃料电池AIP氢燃料活性炭低温吸附储存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计利用潜艇液氧冷量的燃料电池(FC)-AIP活性炭低温吸附储氢系统,在模拟潜艇航行中晃动和振动的平台上,测试氢在活性炭上的吸附等温线和储氢系统在为质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)供气时的特性。结果表明,吸附等温线受平台晃振的影响小;温度为113K、压力为6MPa时,比表面积为1450m2.g-1的SAC-02活性炭储氢系统的质量储氢密度可超过当前艇用储氢合金的质量储氢密度;在2kW PEMFC电堆典型工况所需的氢气量(质量流率21.44L.min-1)下,通过充气过程的液氧预冷和放气过程的循环介质加热,可使储罐中心和壁面在整个过程中的最大温差小于5℃。活性炭低温吸附储氢系统的质量密度和储放氢特性能满足艇用FC-AIP系统的要求。  相似文献   

燃料电池用氢气燃料的制备和存储技术的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)进行反应的燃料是高纯度氢气,氢气的制备和存储是质子交换膜燃料电池能否应用和规模化应用的先决条件和关键技术。对燃料电池用氢气的制备、纯化、存储技术的研究现状进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

AIP水管理系统实现技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不依赖空气推进装置(AIP)是常规潜艇极有前景的动力装置,它可以降低常规潜艇的通气管暴露率,从而提高常规潜艇的生存能力以及战术灵活性,进而提高其战斗力。其中废气处理是各型AIP系统所必需解决的问题,目前趋向于采用海水吸收CO2,而水管理系统是海水吸收法的关键设备。本文对水管理系统的组成及原理进行了详细介绍,分析了系统对各组成部分的性能要求,并就具体设计做了初步探讨,给出了可行的设计方案。  相似文献   

伍赛特 《上海节能》2023,(10):1488-1499
由潜艇隐蔽性的重要性作为论题引入点,通过介绍核潜艇现有的技术问题,指出了常规潜艇发展不依赖空气推进(AIP)系统的重要性及必要性。重点介绍闭式循环柴油机、斯特林发动机、闭式循环汽轮机、燃料电池的AIP系统,以及小型核动力AIP系统的结构与组成,重点对其应用可行性进行了分析。由于目前核潜艇仍存在着成本较高、结构复杂等问题,因此针对常规潜艇AIP系统的研究与开发工作依然势在必行。  相似文献   

美国宾夕法尼亚州的环境工程师利用新型的微生物燃料电池,研究出了一种直接通过微生物制造氢气的方法,而且数量是传统发酵途径制氢法的4倍,  相似文献   

通过数值模拟的方法,从稳态和驾驶循环2种工况对供氢系统辅助供冷方案进行评价。仿真结果表明:氢气的高膨胀比有利于空调系统能耗的下降。当环境温度为45 ℃,在中国乘用车驾驶工况下,辅助供冷方案可使空调系统能耗下降5.4%。但辅助供冷方案会给空调系统的稳定运行和座舱温度的控制带来一定的挑战。  相似文献   

燃料电池制造商Angstrom Power和手机制造商摩托罗拉近日联合开发了一款氢燃料电池原型手机,并进行了展示。  相似文献   

作为未来颠覆性技术的重要技术方向,发展氢燃料电池技术对稳定能源供给、改善能源结构、推动低碳发展、提升国际竞争力和科技创新实力、促进生态文明建设等方面,都具有非常重要的意义。本文在已有研究的基础上,综合运用专利计量、技术生命周期的方法,对氢燃料电池专利从时间序列、技术生命周期、区域分布、技术方向等总体情况进行计量分析。研究发现:氢燃料电池专利数量呈先上升后下降趋势;日本、美国、中国、韩国是氢燃料电池的主要技术来源国;固体聚合物燃料电池、固体聚合物电解质电池、电池隔离器等技术是氢燃料电池技术的主要研究方向;丰田是氢燃料电池专利最主要的申请机构,其相对优势技术依次为燃料电池车(X21-A01J)、牵引电池(X21-B01A)、燃料电池控制(X16-C09)等。  相似文献   

Sustainable energy is becoming of increasing concern world-wide. The rapid growth of global climate changes along with the fear of energy supply shortage is creating a large consensus about the potential benefits of a hydrogen economy coming from renewable energy sources. The interesting perspectives are over-shadowed by uncertainties about the development of key technologies, such as renewable energy sources, advanced production processes, fuel cells, metal hydrides, nanostructures, standards and codes, and so on. The availability of critical technologies can create a base for the start of the hydrogen economy, as a fuel and energy carrier alternative to the current fossil resources. This paper will explore the rationale for such a revolution in the energy sector, will describe the state-of-the-art of major related technologies (fuel cell, storage systems, fuel cell vehicles) and current niche applications, and will sketch scientific and technological challenges and recommendations for research and development (R&D) initiatives to accelerate the pace for the widespread introduction of a hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

The most critical development in conventional underwater applications in recent years is to use hydrogen energy systems, including Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) systems. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell-powered AIP systems increase interest worldwide. They offer many advantages such as longer endurance time without going to the surface for 2–3 weeks or without snorkeling with an average speed, perfectly silent operation, environmentally friendly process, high efficiency, and low thermal dissipation underwater. PEM fuel cells require a continuous source of hydrogen and oxygen as reactants to sustain a chemical reaction to produce electrical energy. Hydrogen storage is the critical challenge regarding the quality of supplied hydrogen, system weight, and volume. This paper reviewed hydrogen/oxygen storage preferences coupled with PEM Fuel Cell applications in the literature for unmanned underwater vehicles. Since underwater vehicles have different volume and weight requirements, no single hydrogen storage technique is the best for all underwater applications.  相似文献   

This study investigates hydrogen production from solid sodium borohydride with hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction for a fuel cell based air-independent propulsion system in space and underwater applications. Sodium borohydride in the solid state was used as a hydrogen source in the present study. Pure hydrogen could be generated by a catalytic hydrolysis reaction in which the water source was obtained from the hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Hydrogen peroxide was selected as an oxidizer, being decomposed catalytically to generate oxygen and water. The pure oxygen was provided to a fuel cell and the water was stored separately for the hydrolysis reaction. A fuel cell system was fabricated to validate the fuel cell based air-independent power system proposed in the present study. Two catalytic reactors were prepared; one for the solid sodium borohydride hydrolysis reaction and the other for the hydrogen peroxide decomposition reaction. The hydrogen and oxygen generation rate were measured based on the various conditions. The performance evaluation of a fuel cell system proposed in the present study was carried out.  相似文献   

燃料重整制氢是应用催化剂使燃料经过复杂的化学反应生成氢气的制氢方法。本文介绍了氢燃料相对于其他燃料的优缺点及燃料重整制氢的研究现状,论述了混氢燃料发动机相对于传统发动机所具有的优势,指出了重整制氢是未来发动机发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

This research focuses on novel designs of powder-to-water hydrogen generators for “on-demand” use, with hydrogen-based fuel cells. Hydrogen is produced in a chemical reaction between water and hydride sodium with the assistance of a catalyst. This configuration allows high energy density, together with portability, and easy to use, refill or clean. We describe our experience in implementing powder-to-water generators for a portable integrated power system. Five different prototype designs were developed, built, examined and characterized. Tests have been carried out in order to monitor hydrogen production, operation, and reaction conditions (i.e., hydrogen flow, motor power, reactor temperature, and pressure) and to evaluate the prototypes feasibility, efficiency and performance. We show relatively constant on-demand hydrogen flow (of about 400 mL/min) for extended durations (5–7 h), with short (<15 min) operation breaks, with a hydrogen density of 4.5 wt% (out of reactants) and estimated energy density of 1400 Wh/kg.  相似文献   

氨作为一种富氢化合物,具有各种优点,特别是氧有着良好的产业基础,价格低廉,氨作为燃料电池燃料具有很大的发展潜力。按供氨方式的不同,氨燃料电池可分为直接供氨式燃料电池及间接供氨式燃料电池。直接供氨式燃料电池又有直接供氨式碱性燃料电池与直接供氨式固态氧化物燃料电池之分。对于间接供氨式燃料电池,存在着不同的氨分解装置与燃料电池的组合。将在阐明氨的特性的基础上,介绍了氨燃料电池的种类及基本工作原理,分析氨作为氢能源载体的优势及存在问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the factors already discussed in the literature and identify gaps or issues which seem to require further debate in relation of the introduction of hydrogen in the transport sector. Studies in the academic and grey literature have analysed transport systems with a rather wide range of hydrogen penetration rates, utilisation of the infrastructure, hypotheses on the dynamics of the systems, capital costs of the infrastructure and hydrogen price. Most of the issues which could widen the debate in the literature are related to policy instruments. In particular, more attention should be paid to the policy instruments needed to foster co-ordination among stakeholders, persuade drivers to buy hydrogen vehicles despite the existence of a sparse infrastructure; guarantee investment in the early, possibly loss-making, retail stations and to foster financially sustainable government commitments. The effect of limited availability of hydrogen vehicle models on the penetration rates in the literature and the sensitivity of the hydrogen price to taxation from the government are other two issues deserving a more in-depth discussion.  相似文献   

Aluminium appears to be a promising material for on-board hydrogen generation in fuel cell applications given the comparatively large amount of hydrogen produced per gram of aluminium in a safe system. A microfuel processor with aluminium and water as reactants is developed in a flow reactor for application in portable power sources. Two types of reactor are used. One reactor permits the direct feeding of liquid water in channels containing aluminium pellets, whereas the other utilizes the heat produced from the reaction to vapourize liquid water before entry into the reactor. Two additives, namely, calcium oxide (CaO) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), are used to enhance the reaction rate. A maximum conversion of 78.6% with respect to aluminium is achieved when the water entering in the reactor is vapourized partially. In the case of liquid water entering the reactor, the conversion is 74.4%.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel tanks for subsonic transport aircraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen is since long seen as an outstanding candidate for an environmentally acceptable, future aviation fuel. Since the first studies, the design of light yet highly insulated tanks for cryogenic liquid hydrogen has been identified as one of the key enabling technologies. Despite this early recognition, the design of the tanks is nowadays still seen as crucial as aircraft tanks differ significantly from existing tanks in the automotive or aerospace sector. To enable system level feasibility studies of hydrogen fueled aircraft, a preliminary design model for aircraft liquid hydrogen tanks is developed for both foam and multilayer insulations. This model is then used to design tanks for a small regional airliner as well as a large long range transport aircraft. Foam based and multilayer insulations are compared and the sensitivity of the tank weight to the fuselage diameter and the mission fuel load is assessed. The influence of a ‘hold’ period before take-off is analyzed too. As the developed model is intended for use in the preliminary aircraft design phase, structural design or attachment issues are not addressed.  相似文献   

The renewable energy source like wind energy generates electric power with intermittent nature. Hydrogen energy system can help to solve the fluctuation problem of the wind power. Totalized Hydrogen Energy Utilization System (THEUS) consists of a Unitized Reversible Fuel Cell (URFC), a hydrogen storage tank, and other auxiliary components. Wind power is inherently variable; the URFC will be subjected to a dynamic input power profile in water electrolyzer mode operation. This paper describes the THEUS operation and performance at different variations in intermittent wind power. The performance of the THEUS was evaluated in water electrolyzer and fuel cell mode operation. The stack efficiency, system efficiency, and system efficiency including heat output from the URFC were presented at each operation. The total efficiency of the URFC and THEUS were also investigated. The maximum total efficiency of the URFC and THEUS were 53% and 66%, respectively.  相似文献   

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