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This paper addresses the effects of substrate temperature on electrical and structural properties of dc magnetron sputter-deposited copper (Cu) thin films on p-type silicon. Copper films of 80 and 500 nm were deposited from Cu target in argon ambient gas pressure of 3.6 mTorr at different substrate temperatures ranging from room temperature to 250 °C. The electrical and structural properties of the Cu films were investigated by four-point probe and atomic force microscopy. Results from our experiment show that the increase in substrate temperature generally promotes the grain growth of the Cu films of both thicknesses. The RMS roughness as well as the lateral feature size increase with the substrate temperature, which is associated with the increase in the grain size. On the other hand, the resistivity for 80 nm Cu film decreases to less than 5 μΩ-cm at the substrate temperature of 100 °C, and further increase in the substrate temperature has not significantly decreased the film resistivity. For the 500 nm Cu films, the increase in the grain size with the substrate temperature does not conform to the film resistivity for these Cu films, which show no significant change over the substrate temperature range. Possible mechanisms of substrate-temperature-dependent microstructure formation of these Cu films are discussed in this paper, which explain the interrelationship of grain growth and film resistivity with elevated substrate temperature.  相似文献   

ZnO/Cu/ZnO transparent conductive multilayer films are prepared by simultaneous RF sputtering of ZnO and DC sputtering of Cu. The properties of the multilayer films are studied at different substrate temperatures. Sheet resistance of the multilayer film decreased initially with increase of substrate temperature and increased further with increase of substrate temperature beyond 100 °C. However, transmittance of the multilayer film increased with increase of substrate temperature. Good transparent conductive film of sheet resistance 9.3 Ω/sq and transmittance of 85% was found at a substrate temperature of 100 °C. The performance of the multilayer film was evaluated using a figure of merit. The observed property of the multilayer film is suitable for the application of transparent conductive electrodes.  相似文献   

Aluminum nitride (AlN) films were deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering on p-Si-(1 0 0) substrate in Ar-N2 gas mixtures. The effects of nitrogen concentration and sputtering power on AlN films deposition rate, crystallographic orientation, refractive index, and surface morphology are investigated by means of several characterization techniques. The results show that AlN films reasonably textured in (0 0 2) orientation with low surface roughness can be obtained with the deposition rate as high as 70 nm/min by the control of either target power or N2 concentration in the gas mixture. Increasing the dc discharge power, Al atoms are not completely nitridized and the Al phases appear, as well as the AlN phases. MIS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) structures were fabricated and electrically evaluated by I-V (current-voltage) and C-V (capacitance-voltage) measurements at high frequency (1 MHz). The results obtained from C-V curves indicate that charges at the dielectric/semiconductor interface occur, and the dielectric constant values (extracted under strong accumulation region) are compatible with those found in literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, thickness dependent structural, surface morphological, optical and electrical properties of RF magnetron sputtered CuIn0.8Ga0.2Se2 (CIGS) thin films were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV–vis–NIR spectrophotometer and Keithley electrical measurement unit. The peak intensity along (112) plane as well as crystallite size was found to increase with thickness. However, for higher film thickness >1.16 μm, crystallinity reduced due to higher % of Cu content. TEM analysis confirmed pollycrysallinity as well as chalcopyrite phase of deposited films. The band gap was found to decrease with increase in thickness yielding a minimum value of 1.12 eV for film thickness 1.70 μm. The IV characteristics showed the ohmic behavior of metal semiconductor contact with higher conductivity for film thickness 1.16 μm.  相似文献   

Cadmium stannate (Cd2SnO4) thin films were coated on Corning 1737 glass substrates at 540 °C by spray pyrolysis technique, from the aqueous solution of cadmium acetate and tin (II) chloride precursors. Fluorine doped Cd2SnO4 (F: Cd2SnO4) thin films were prepared by adding ammonium fluoride in the range of 0–5 wt% of the total weight of cadmium acetate and tin (II) chloride in the spray solution. Thickness of the prepared films is about 300 nm. X-ray diffraction analysis of the Cd2SnO4 and 3 wt% F: Cd2SnO4 films shows the signature for the growth along (222) direction. Scanning electron micrographs showed that fluorine doping effectively modifies the surface morphology of Cd2SnO4 films. Average optical transmittance in the visible region (500–850 nm) for Cd2SnO4 is ~79% and it is increased to ~83% for 1 wt% doping concentration of the NH4F in the solution. Fluorescence spectra of F: Cd2SnO4 (1 wt% and 3 wt%) exhibit peak at 601 nm. F: Cd2SnO4 film (1 wt%) shows mobility of ~42 cm2/V s, carrier concentration of ~9.5×1019 cm?3 and resistivity of ~1.5×10?3 Ω cm.  相似文献   

Manganese indium sulphide (MnIn2S4) thin films were deposited using an aqueous solution of MnCl2, InCl3 and (NH2)2CS in the molar ratio 1:2:4 by simple chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The thin film substrates were annealed in the temperature range between 250 and 350 °C to study their various physical properties. The structural properties as studied by X-ray diffraction showed that MnIn2S4 thin films have cubic spinel structure. The formation of cube and needle shaped grains was clearly observed from FE-SEM analysis. The energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) predicts the presence of Mn, In and S in the synthesized thin film. From the optical studies, it is analyzed that the maximum absorption co-efficient is in the order between 104 and 105 cm−1 and the maximum transmittance (75%) was noted in the visible and infrared regions. It is noted that, the band gap energy decreases (from 3.20 to 2.77 eV) with an increase of substrate temperature (from 250 to 350 °C). The observations from photoluminescence studies confirm the emission of blue, green, yellow and red bands which corresponds to the wavelength range 370–680 nm. Moreover, from the electrical studies, it is observed that, as the substrate temperature increases the conductivity also increases in the range 0.29–0.41×10−4 Ω−1 m−1. This confirms the highly semiconducting nature of the film. The thickness of the films was also measured and the values ranged between 537 nm (250 °C) to 483 nm (350 °C). This indicates that, as the substrate temperature increases, the thickness of the film decreases. From the present study, it is reported that the MnIn2S4 thin films are polycrystalline in nature and can be used as a suitable ternary semiconductor material for photovoltaic applications.  相似文献   

Insulating films of silicon nitride (Si3N4) or aluminum oxide (Al2O3) were grown on dry-oxidized Si wafers, and then ZnO was deposited on the insulating films. The crystallographic properties of the films were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and their surface morphologies were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A high-resolution micro-Raman spectrometer excited with a 514.5 nm argon laser was used to evaluate the quality of the ZnO films. Next, leakage currents flowing through the insulating films were measured. Finally, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was employed to track the diffusion of zinc atoms through the insulating films.  相似文献   

Chemical bath deposition method has been employed to deposit nanocrystalline magnesium selenide thin films of thickness 104–292 nm onto glass substrates at room temperature. The deposition bath consists of magnesium chloride, triethanolamine (TEA) and selenium dioxide. The as deposited films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical absorption, electrical resistivity and thermo-emf measurements. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies revealed that the crystallinity of the magnesium selenide thin film increases with thickness. SEM studies reveal that MgSe films exhibit uniform distribution of round shaped grains over the entire substrate surface.The optical band-gap and electrical resistivity of MgSe film decrease as the film thickness increases. Such type of dependence is attributed to the quantum size effect that is observed in nanocrystalline semiconductors.The thermo-emf measurement confirms its p-type conductivity.  相似文献   

The a-Si∶H films with different thickness smaller than 1 μm were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) under the optimum deposition conditions. The effect of different thickness on film properties is analyzed.The results show that,with the increase of the film thickness,the dark conductivity, photoconductivity and threshold voltage increase, the optical gap and peak ratio of TA to TO in the Raman spectra decrease, the refractive index keeps almost constant, and the optical absorption coefficient and current ratio of on/off state first maximize and then reduce.  相似文献   

The as-deposited and annealed radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtered tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) films were characterized by studying the chemical binding configuration, structural and electrical properties. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of the films elucidate that the film annealed at 673 K was stoichiometric with orthorhombic β-phase Ta2O5. The dielectric constant values of the tantalum oxide capacitors with the sandwich structure of Al/Ta2O5/Si were in the range from 14 to 26 depending on the post-deposition annealing temperature. The leakage current density was <20 nA cm?2 at the gate bias voltage of 0.04 MV/cm for the annealed films. The electrical conduction mechanism observed in the films was Poole–Frenkel.  相似文献   

Gallium-doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin films with very high conductivity and transparency were successfully deposited by RF magnetron sputtering at a substrate temperature of 400 °C. The dependence of the film properties over the thickness was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed the polycrystalline nature of the films with hexagonal wurtzite structure having preferential orientation along [001] direction normal to the substrate. The lowest resistivity obtained from electrical studies was 5.4×10−4 Ω cm. The optical properties were studied using a UV–vis spectrophotometer and the average transmittance in the visible region (400–700 nm) was found to be 92%, relative to the transmittance of a soda–lime glass reference for a GZO film of thickness 495 nm and also the transparency of the films decreases in the near IR region of the spectra. The mobility of the films showed a linear dependence with crystallite size. GZO film of thickness 495 nm with the highest figure of merit indicates that the GZO film is suitable as an ideal transparent conducting oxide (TCO) material for solar cell applications.  相似文献   

Aluminum nitride films were deposited, at 200 °C, on silicon substrates by RF sputtering. Effects of rapid thermal annealing on these films, at temperatures ranging from 400 to 1000 °C, have been studied. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that the characteristic absorption band of Al–N, around 684 cm−1, became prominent with increased annealing temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns exhibited a better, c-axis, (0 0 2) oriented AlN films at 800 °C. Significant rise in surface roughness, from 2.1 to 3.68 nm, was observed as annealing temperatures increased. Apart from these observations, micro-cracks were observed at 1000 °C. Insulator charge density increased from 2×1011 to 7.7×1011 cm−2 at higher temperatures, whereas, the interface charge density was found minimum, 3.2×1011 eV−1cm−2, at 600 °C.  相似文献   

The effect of annealing temperature (Ta) on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of thermally evaporated Cd20Sn10Se70 thin films has been investigated. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) was used to determine the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the prepared alloy. X-ray diffraction studies showed that the as-deposited film and the films that were annealed at Ta<Tg are of low crystallinity. On annealing above Tg, these films showed a polycrystalline nature. The surface morphology and microstructure of as-deposited and annealed films have been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Their optical constants were calculated from the transmittance measurements in the range 200–2500 nm. The dispersion of refractive index was analyzed in terms of the single-oscillator Wemple-Di Domenico model. Analysis of the optical absorption data indicates that the optical band gap Eg of these films obeys Tauc׳s relation for the allowed direct transition. The optical band gap Eg as well as the activation energy for the electrical conduction ∆E were found to increase with increase of annealing temperature up to Tg, whereas above Tg there is a remarkable decrease in both Eg and ∆E. The obtained results were interpreted in terms of the Mott-Davis model and amorphous–crystalline transformation.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of amorphous carbon (a-C and a-C:H) has been studied by ellipsometry and spectrophotometry in the visible and near-UV range (1.5–5.6 eV). The dielectric function of amorphous carbon has been derived and analyzed using the Kramers-Kronig technique. The conventional analytical approach is shown to be insufficient for the analysis of thermally treated samples. The fundamental absorption edge is analyzed with respect to collective effects in nanoscale fragments of the graphite-like component of the amorphous carbon structure. Two types of graphite-like clusters contributing to the spectral dependence of the fundamental absorption edge and modified by thermal treatment are revealed.  相似文献   

为适应高效Si基薄膜太阳电池对宽光谱透明导电 薄膜的需求,采用磁控溅射技术 生长了不同衬 底温度氢化作用下Ga和Mg共掺杂ZnO(HMGZO)透明导电氧化物(TCO)薄膜。研究了不同衬底温 度(200~280 ℃)对HMGZO薄膜 结晶特性及光电特性的影响。实验结果表明,制备的HMGZO薄膜均为具有六角纤锌矿结构的 多晶薄膜,呈 现(002)晶面择优生长。随着衬底温度的升高,薄膜中Mg含量逐渐增加,并且薄膜表面新型 锥状结构趋于 致密和均匀化。在各元素含量和结晶质量的共同影响下,其电阻率随着温度的升高从6.70×10-4 Ω·cm增加至7.63×10-4 Ω·cm。所有薄膜在可 见光区域(380~800 nm)的透过率均在80%以上,由于载流子共振吸收的作用,近红外区域的 透过率有所下降。MgO扩展带隙的作用和 Burstein-Moss(BM)效应的影响共同促进了薄膜光学带隙Eg展 宽,使得Eg达到了3.75 eV。当衬底温度为280 ℃ 时,薄膜方块电阻为4.91 Ω/sq,电阻率为7.63×10-4 Ω·cm,光电性能指数ΦTC值达0.022 Ω-1。  相似文献   

CuCr0.93Mg0.07O2 thin films were successfully deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at 1123 K from metallic targets. The influence of film thickness on the structural and optoelectronic properties of the films was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed that all the films had a delafossite structure with no other phases. The optical and electrical properties were investigated by UV–VIS spectrophotometer and Hall measurement, respectively. It was found that the optoelectronic properties exhibited a thickness-dependent behavior. The optical band gap and the average transmittance of the films showed a monotonous decrease with respect to the increase in thickness. The average transmittance in the visible region decreased from 67% to 47% as the thickness increased from ~70 nm to ~280 nm. Simultaneously, the conductivity of the films fell from 1.40 S∙cm−1 to 0.27 S∙cm−1. According to Haacke's figure of merit (FOM), a film with a maximum FOM value of about 1.72×10−7 Ω−1 can be achieved when the thickness is about 70 nm (σ≈ 1.40 S·cm−1 and Tav. ≈67%).  相似文献   

The study concerns the CNx thin films deposited by Low Pressure Hot Target Reactive Magnetron Sputtering (LP-HTRMS). The thin film resistance changes with relative humidity (RH) and optical properties have been studied in the range of 300-653 K. The temperature coefficients of resistivity changes were −2.5%/K at 300 K and −0.5%/K at 500 K. The activation energy of conductivity Eρ was found to be 0.21 eV in the case of unannealed sample and 0.44 eV when the sample was annealed at 653 K. The CNx thin films fastness to light was tested in the range of 200-2500 nm by measuring their transmittance. The calculations of absorption carrying out with Tauc formula proved the dominance of indirect optical transitions with Eg energy of 1.04 eV and direct transitions of Eg 2.05 eV. The UV radiation was fully absorbed and light transmission was ca. 90% in the range from visible radiation to far infrared of 1000-2500 nm. The CNx thin films showed the high resistance sensitivity to RH changes. At T = 300 K resistance changed from 882 M Ω for 36% RH to 386 k Ω for 85% RH. The CNx thin films susceptibility to humidity was observed in case of both DC and AC current (100 Hz to 10 kHz) measurements. The Si3N4 or SiC buffer adhesive layer was incorporated between CNx film and substrate and its influence on CNx electrical properties was observed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种独特的贵重金属溅射靶的结构设计,并在此基础上对贵重金属磁控溅射薄膜工艺进行研究,结果表明新型靶的设计可以有效提高靶材利用率达60%以上,沉积的Au薄膜具有良好的均匀性,且附着力大于25.1 N/mm2.  相似文献   

综述了射频磁控溅射制备钛酸锶钡(BST)薄膜的国内外研究动态,详细阐述了溅射工艺参数(电极、溅射气压、氧分压、温度)对BST薄膜微结构和电性能的影响,提出了射频磁控溅射制备BST薄膜中亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

Sodium and nitrogen dual acceptors doped ZnCdO [ZCO:(Na, N)] have been prepared by radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering followed by rapid annealing treatment, and the influence of the ratio of argon to nitrogen gas flow (Ar:N2) on the electrical, structure and optical properties of ZCO:(Na, N) films were investigated in detail. Hall-effect measurement results reveal that Na–N dual acceptors doping method is an effective path to realize the p-type conversion of ZnCdO (ZCO). When the Ar:N2 was set to 1:2 (S3), ZCO:(Na, N) film possesses the optimal p-type conduction properties with carrier concentration of 7.84 × 1018 cm−3 and the resistivity of 30.9 Ω cm. It is demonstrated that the presence of NaZn and No acceptors are answerable for the p-type behavior in ZCO:(Na, N) film by the analysis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results. All the ZCO:(Na, N) films are of hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure with highly (002) preferential orientation. As Ar:N2 increases from 1:4 (S1) to 2:1 (S5), the absorption edge gradually shifted to longer wavelength side. The observed p-type ZCO:(Na, N) films will open the door for practical applications in various optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

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