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The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) spacecraft scanning thermistor bolometer sensors measure Earth radiances in the broadband shortwave solar (0.3-5.0 μm) and total (0.3->100 μm) spectral bands as well as in the 8-12-μm water vapor window spectral band. On November 27, 1997, the launch of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) spacecraft placed the first set of CERES sensors into orbit, and 30 days later, the sensors initiated operational measurements of the Earth radiance fields. In 1998, the Earth Observing System morning (EOS-AM1) spacecraft will place the second and third sensor sets into orbit. The prelaunch CERES sensors' count conversion coefficients (gains and zero-radiance offsets) were determined in vacuum ground facilities. The gains were tied radiometrically to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The gain determinations included the spectral properties (reflectance, transmittance, emittance, etc.) of both the sources and sensors as well as the in-field-of-view (FOV) and out-of-FOV sensor responses. The resulting prelaunch coefficients for the TRMM and EOS-AM1 sensors are presented. Inflight calibration systems and on-orbit calibration approaches are described, which are being used to determine the temporal stabilities of the sensors' gains and offsets from prelaunch calibrations through on-orbit measurements. Analyses of the TRMM prelaunch and on-orbit calibration results indicate that the sensors have retained their ties to ITS-90 at accuracy levels better than ±0.3% between the 1995 prelaunch and 1997 on-orbit calibrations  相似文献   

随着非线性负载的逐渐增加,供电电源的谐波越来越严重,对电网、供电设备和用电设备的危害也越来越大。文章通过对异类辐射源系统(雷达和电抗系统)电源谐波的测试与分析,阐述了谐波产生的机理,以及功率因数与总谐波失真的关系,进而提出了降低谐波含量的措施。它对于各种实际运行的电气化设备抗谐波干扰具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

防凝水控制策略在混凝土楼板辐射空调系统中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了控制凝水策略,可以大大简化由“防结露”引发的十分复杂的空调冷冻水路及其控制。针对混凝土楼板辐射空调系统的特点,依据实例的实测与分析,证实了该策略应用于混凝土楼板辐射供冷房间是可行的。研究了现有几种复合型吸湿涂料的等温吸湿特性应用于混凝土楼板辐射空调系统,分析带来的额外一次和二次费用收益。  相似文献   

用常规固相合成法成功地制备出Sm3 掺杂Co0.6Zn0.4Ni0.8Fe1.2O4红外辐射陶瓷材料,并通过XRD、FT-IR和IRE-2型红外发射率测量仪测试了材料的微观结构,分析了材料的结构特征与红外辐射性能的关系,发现Sm3 的掺杂导致Sm3 以一定的配位形式进入Co0.6Zn0.4Ni0.8Fe1.2O4体系中,并形成了有限置换型固溶体结构.数据分析可知,Sm3 掺杂浓度对材料的红外辐射性能存在一定的影响,样品Sm0.1在全波段的积分发射率为0.74,而在>8μm波段的平均发射率最高值可达0.94.  相似文献   

Intensive care unit (ICU) also known as critical care unit is the most sensitive section of any hospital and the specialized team of doctors and nurses along with the best equipment is usually deployed at this unit. A patient receives extra ordinary facilitation at ICU and continuous monitoring is done. As the patient is recovered, he is shifted to the ward or room for further assistance. During shifting of patient, the rehabilitation is in process and the continuous monitoring is required. As the patient is moving, so the monitoring process is difficult and in this time the emergency situation may result in the death of the patient as well in extreme cases. In this situation the need of precise and continuous monitoring system is arrived, which has been fulfilled by this work. Patient’s temperature, heart beats and blood pressure is continuously monitored in this wok using wireless sensor network (WSN). The WSN kit monitors several parameters and transfer it the panel monitors at the observation (or control) room and in case of any emergency, necessary actions would be easy to take. This paper proposed an energy efficient vital sign monitoring system using WSN. The power of WSN nodes which is the very important issue in WSN is minimize using the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

已研制完成了一套被动红外污染云团遥感报警系统。由加装了分步扫描望远系统的富里叶变换干涉光谱仪(FTS)、光谱自动鉴别器(高速数字化信号处理器)和控制计算机构成。在总控程序管理下,系统以并行流水作业方式运行。结果证明:系统有高灵敏度、高正确鉴别率、极低虚警率和运行正确稳定的特点。  相似文献   

本文利用适应于Jellium/slab模型的薄膜LAPW基函数的多能量函数与微分并用的描述方法,计算了具有三层slab的Cs-W吸附系统的功函数,能带和表面态及其随吸附度的变化,分析了它们的变化原因及其间关系,从而为吸附过程中所发生的量子过程提供了一幅比较清晰的图景.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the all-around trusted technology that associates natural objects to the web for giving straightforwardness and different functionalities and the hybrid power system has characterized as the power grid incorporated with an extensive network. With the change in innovation and developments needs to tackle the energy crises by utilizing hybrid renewable energy resources. The failure of electrical power in remote territories drives associations to investigate elective arrangements, for example, renewable energy power systems. The energy created by hybrid renewable energy sources are dependent on the variation and load demand, such a renewable power system must be equipped for fulfilling the necessities whenever and store the extra power for usage in deficiency situations. An independent renewable energy network to meet the coveted electric load with some sources, little excess power and minimal cost of energy. The essential goal of the design criteria is to limit the entire cost which incorporates initial, operational and support cost. In this work life-cycle cost (LCC), loss of load probability (LOLP) and loss of power supply probability (LPSP) have considered as the genuine factors and a Generous Transformational Optimization Algorithm (GTOA) has projected to pick the greatest possible configuration of a hybrid power framework. Internet of Things (IoT) conveyed in crossover control framework and gave a valuable proposition about assorted advances and norms of a renewable power source, and it additionally gives a review of a few applications and driving variables of a hybrid control framework. Simulation work done with MATLAB software and result helps the efficiency of the proposed technique and confirm that it is 97% efficiency than other ordinary strategies.  相似文献   

室温条件下 ,用离子束外延设备制备 ( Ga,Gd,As)样品 ,X射线衍射 ( XRD)结果表明除了 Ga As衬底峰 ,没有发现其他新相的衍射峰。俄歇电子能谱 ( AES)分析了样品中元素随深度的变化 ,不同样品中元素的分布有着不同的特点。并运用原子力显微镜 ( AFM)研究了样品表面的形貌特点 ,表明样品表面的粗糙度与 Gd注入过程中在样品表面沉积的多少有关。运用交变梯度磁强计 ( AGM)对薄膜进行磁性分析 ,结果表明有的样品在室温条件下出现铁磁性 ,但金属钆本身具有室温铁磁性 ,因而需要进一步分析。  相似文献   

利用迭代学习控制法来解决工程问题已有很长的历史,之前的成熟应用一般是基于机器人的算法,关于风机控制的应用比较少。本文将基于风力发电控制系统中的风轮机动态模型,应用一种改进后的迭代学习控制方法,以实现在风能转换系统中调整风轮转速。仿真结果表明了改进后的迭代学习控制算法的有效性。  相似文献   

21世纪,能源领域将重点放在核能、风能及太阳能等领域,各个国家也都相继提出自己的优惠政策,因此设计出切实可行的新能源运行方案是非常之必要的。基于此,阐述了风能、太阳能发电、储能、并网的关联可行方案,全部采用环保无污染产品作为基础搭建。  相似文献   

本文研究了液相外延生长的不同掺Bi,N浓度GaP∶(Bi_7N)材料的低温光致荧光光谱,观察到了N谱线“猝灭”和Bi束缚激子发光增强的现象.这可以解释为束缚激子由等电子受主N向等电子施主Bi隧穿能量转移的结果.变激发密度下各中心发光强度的变化关系以及与GaP∶(Bi)材料的实验结果比较,为这一能量转移过程提供了进一步的论据.  相似文献   

For energy deficit countries, the design of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) based energy management systems for optimal distribution is of high interest. Such design involves development of Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) which is considered as an essential component of any high scale SCADA system and it is functioning as remote field data interface. Considering various generations of SCADA, two different designs of an RTU are proposed for third generation (Networked Approach) SCADA in view of energy management applications. One design includes Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as CPU of RTU and other would involve Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) instead of PLC. This paper results in comparative study of two different selections of CPUs for designing an RTU based on performance measurement. PLC based RTU exhibits limited features where as FPGA based RTU possesses unique features like encryption support, radio support and large memory area. Suitable simulation tools are needed in order to determine the best approach. The main objective of this study is to propose a design outline considering significant parameters that facilitates optimized development and low cost implementation of an RTU, also featured with wireless communication. In addition to the optimized design of an RTU by means of comparative study, a brief discussion on optimization of wireless link for Remote Terminal Unit is also presented. This phase involves detailed comparison among various options considering the RF spectrum for optimal solution. This segment of research results in design of optimized wireless link for the planned low cost Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). A scenario depicting multiple RTUs communicating with one Tele-Control Interface (TCI) is discussed to address optimized implementation of wireless SCADA.  相似文献   

A technique for the practical utilization of solar energy on a continuous basis to provide bulk power is described. The output of solar energy converters is used to produce hydrogen by pressure electrolysis of water. The energy stored in the hydrogen can be efficiently transformed into electrical energy by the use of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells.  相似文献   

In addition to the high-capacity storage facilities based on hydropower technologies, electrochemical solutions are today's candidate for storage for renewable energy sources support. However, sustainability and limited life cycles of batteries are often inhibiting factors. This paper presents a hybrid energy storage system with high life cycle, which is mainly based on compressed air, where the storage and discharge are done within maximum efficiency conditions. As the maximum efficiency conditions impose the level of converted power, an intermittent time-modulated operation mode is applied to the thermodynamic converter to obtain a variable converted mean power. A smoothly variable output power is achieved with the help of a supercapacitive auxiliary storage device used as a filter. This paper describes the concept of the system, the power–electronic interface circuits, and especially the maximum efficiency point tracking (MEPT) algorithm and the strategy used to vary the output power. In addition, this paper presents the characteristics of high-efficiency storage systems where the pneumatic machine is replaced by an oil-hydraulic and pneumatic converter, which is used under isothermal conditions. Practical results are also presented, which are recorded from a low-power pneumatic motor coupled to a small dc generator as well as from the first prototype of the final hydropneumatic system.  相似文献   

阐述了企业能源管理系统的作用,在介绍国内外能源管理体系标准发展现状及对比分析的基础上,通过对宝信企业能源管理系统标准体系架构以及该系统与企业现有其他信息化系统关系的介绍,说明企业要充分理解能源管理系统的作用和功能,并根据自身的实际情况合理利用能源管理系统.  相似文献   

概述综合布线系统对房屋建筑、计算机网络系统、有线电视、闭路监视电视、建筑自动化系统和消防通信之间,在工程建设时,设计和施工方面的配合协调事宜。  相似文献   

在整个城市的电力系统中,城市电网起到了至关重要的作用。怎样降低城市电网的损耗是必须重视的问题。而加强线损管理,落实降损措施,已经成为供电企业经营管理的重要内容之一。文中分析了10 kV配电网线损高的原因,提出了节能降耗的相关对策,以及改善配电网线损管理的一些措施。  相似文献   

Terminal devices deployed in outdoor environments are facing a thorny problem of power supply. Data and energy integrated network(DEIN) is a promising technology to solve the problem, which simultaneously transfers data and energy through radio frequency signals. State-of-the-art researches mostly focus on theoretical aspects. By contrast, we provide a complete design and implementation of a fully functioning DEIN system with the support of an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV). The UAV can be dispatc...  相似文献   

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