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Familial high density lipoprotein (HDL) deficiency (FHD) is a genetic lipoprotein disorder characterized by a severe decrease in the plasma HDL cholesterol (-C) level (less than the fifth percentile). Unlike Tangier disease, FHD is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. FHD subjects have none of the clinical manifestations of Tangier disease (lymphoid tissue infiltration with cholesteryl esters and/or neurological manifestations). Plasmas from FHD subjects contain pre-beta-migrating HDLs but are deficient in alpha-migrating HDLs. We hypothesized that a reduced HDL-C level in FHD is due to abnormal transport of cellular cholesterol to the plasma membrane, resulting in reduced cholesterol efflux onto nascent HDL particles, leading to lipid-depleted HDL particles that are rapidly catabolized. Cellular cholesterol metabolism was investigated in skin fibroblasts from FHD and control subjects. HDL3- and apolipoprotein (apo) A-I-mediated cellular cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine efflux was examined by labeling cells with [3H]cholesterol and [3H]choline, respectively, during growth and cholesterol loading during growth arrest. FHD cells displayed an approximately 25% reduction in HDL3-mediated cellular cholesterol efflux and an approximately 50% to 80% reduction in apoA-I-mediated cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine efflux compared with normal cells. Cellular cholesterol ester levels were decreased when cholesterol-labeled cells were incubated with HDL3 in normal cells, but cholesterol ester mobilization was significantly reduced in FHD cells. HDL3 binding to fibroblasts and the possible role of the HDL binding protein/vigilin in FHD were also investigated. No differences were observed in 125I-HDL3 binding to LDL-loaded cells between FHD and control cells. HDL binding protein/vigilin mRNA levels and its protein expression were constitutively expressed in FHD cells and could be modulated ( approximately 2-fold increase) by elevated cellular cholesterol in normal cells. In conclusion, FHD is characterized by reduced HDL3- and apoA-I-mediated cellular cholesterol efflux. It is not associated with abnormal cellular HDL3 binding or a defect in a putative HDL binding protein.  相似文献   

High density lipoproteins (HDL) were recently demonstrated in an enterocyte model (CaCo-2 cells) to mediate reverse cholesterol transport by retroendocytosis. The present study was carried out to define the role of the major HDL apoproteins (apo) A-I and apo A-II in this pathway. HDL3 was fractionated by heparin affinity chromatography into the two main fractions containing either apo A-I only (fraction A) or both apo A-I and apo A-II (fraction B). In addition, liposomes were reconstituted from purified apo A-I or apo A-II and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. The cell binding properties and cholesterol efflux potential were studied in the lipoprotein fractions and the liposomes. Both fractions exhibited similar maximal binding capacities of 4427 (A) and 5041 (B) ng/mg cell protein, but their dissociation constants differed (40.5 and 167.7 micrograms/mL, respectively). Fraction A induced cholesterol efflux and stimulated cholesterol synthesis more than did fraction B. Fraction A mobilized both cellular free and esterified cholesterol, whereas fraction B preferentially mobilized cholesteryl esters. Liposomes, containing either apo A-I or apo A-II, showed specific binding, endocytosis and endosomal transport, and were released as intact particles. Apo A-I liposomes also mediated cholesterol efflux. In conclusion, there is evidence that the HDL3 subfractions A and B, as well as reconstituted liposomes containing either apo A-I or apo A-II, were specifically bound and entered a retroendocytosis pathway which was directly linked to cholesterol efflux. Quantitatively, the apo A-I subfraction appeared to play the dominant role in normal enterocytes. The apo A-II content of fraction B was related to the mobilization of cholesteryl esters.  相似文献   

Sera of transgenic rats expressing human apoA-I were tested for their ability to stimulate efflux of radiolabeled cholesterol from Fu5AH rat hepatoma cells. Expression of human apoA-I resulted in a dose-dependent increase in HDL, as measured by both HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid, and produced a decrease in rat apoA-I. In rats expressing high concentrations of human apoA-I (TgR[hAI]high, human apoA-I > 250 mg/dl), the increase in HDL-phospholipid was not proportional to the increase in human apoA-I, as illustrated by a HDL-PL/total apoA-I ratio of 0.84 +/- 0.19 compared to a ratio of 1.28 +/- 0.29 for control rats and of 1.28 +/- 0.39 for rats expressing low levels of human apoA-I (TgR[hAI]low, human apoA-I < 250 mg/dl). Compared to sera from control animals, efflux of cell cholesterol was increased by 26% in the sera from TgR[hAI]low, and by 76% in the TgR[hAI]high. An examination of the relationships between efflux and HDL-related parameters demonstrated a hyperbolic relationship between efflux and either HDL-cholesterol or HDL-apoA-I. In contrast, there was a strong linear association (r2 = 0.84) between cholesterol efflux and HDL-phospholipid, indicating that this parameter is the component of HDL that best reflects the serum's efflux efficiency. The importance of phospholipids in modulating cholesterol efflux was further explored by measuring the effect of supplementation of serum with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles, apoA-I, or both DMPC vesicles and apoA-I. Whereas addition of human apoA-I had no effect on efflux, supplementation with DMPC vesicles produced a substantial increase in efflux that was further stimulated by the combination of DMPC vesicles and apoA-I. These results demonstrate that a major component of HDL that modulates cell cholesterol efflux is phospholipid.  相似文献   

Normal high density lipoprotein (N-HDL) is remodeled during acute phase (AP) reactions by the association of serum amyloid A (SAA) and the depletion of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. To determine the impact of this remodeling on HDL function, the capacities of N-HDL and AP-HDL to associate with and promote cholesterol efflux from human monocytic THP-1 cells were compared. THP-1 cells preferentially bound AP-HDL compared with N-HDL. Examination of the AP-HDL particles bound to THP-1 cells revealed a disproportionate association of an apoSAA-enriched, apoA-I-depleted subpopulation compared with the composition of the starting material. However, N-HDL and AP-HDL promoted cholesterol efflux from THP-1 cells equally efficiently and in a dose-dependent manner. When N-HDL was experimentally remodeled with apoSAA to achieve an apoprotein composition similar to that of the preferentially bound particles, cellular cholesterol efflux was reduced by 30%. The remodelling of HDL with apoSAA during the acute phase reaction alters cholesterol efflux only when apoSAA constitutes more than 50% of the HDL protein.  相似文献   

The receptor (R) for epidermal growth factor (EGF) is expressed at high levels on human breast cancer cells and associates with ErbB2, ErbB3, and Src proto-oncogene family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) to form membrane-associated PTK complexes with pivotal signaling functions. Recombinant human EGF was conjugated to the soybean-derived PTK inhibitor genistein (Gen) to construct an EGF-R-directed cytotoxic agent with PTK inhibitory activity. The EGF-Gen conjugate was capable of binding to and entering EGF-R-positive MDA-MB-231 and BT-20 breast cancer cells (but not EGF-R-negative NALM-6 or HL-60 leukemia cells) via its EGF moiety, and it effectively competed with unconjugated EGF for target EGF-R molecules in ligand binding assays. EGF-Gen inhibited the EGF-R tyrosine kinase in breast cancer cells at nanomolar concentrations, whereas the IC50 for unconjugated Gen was >10 microM. Notably, EGF-Gen triggered a rapid apoptotic cell death in MDA-MB-231 as well as BT-20 breast cancer cells at nanomolar concentrations. The EGF-Gen-induced apoptosis was EGF-R-specific because cells treated with the control granulocyte-colony stimulating factor-Gen conjugate did not become apoptotic. Apoptosis was dependent both on the PTK inhibitory function of Gen and the targeting function of EGF, because cells treated with unconjugated Gen plus unconjugated EGF did not undergo apoptosis. The IC50s of EGF-Gen versus unconjugated Gen against MDA-MB-231 and BT-20 cells in clonogenic assays were 30 +/- 3 nM versus 120 +/- 18 microM (P < 0.001) and 30 +/- 10 nM versus 112 +/- 17 microM (P < 0.001), respectively. Thus, the EGF-Gen conjugate is a >100-fold more potent inhibitor of EGF-R tyrosine kinase activity in intact breast cancer cells than unconjugated Gen and a >100-fold more potent cytotoxic agent against EGF-R+ human breast cancer cells than unconjugated Gen. Taken together, these results indicate that the EGF-R-associated PTK complexes have vital antiapoptotic functions in human breast cancer cells and may therefore be used as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

We compared HDL3- and LDL-induced signal transduction in normal and Tangier fibroblasts to elucidate whether impaired signal transduction responses to lipoproteins might contribute to disturbed cellular lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in Tangier disease, a rare autosomal disorder of cellular lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. In several cell types HDL and LDL activate a currently unknown isoform of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) that results in the generation of 1,2-diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Compared with normal fibroblasts, Tangier fibroblasts stimulated with HDL3 or LDL resulted in a significantly reduced accumulation of inositol phosphates and 1,2-diacylglycerol formation. Furthermore, in Tangier fibroblasts both lipoproteins failed to mobilize calcium from internal pools, and the cytosol-to-membrane redistribution of protein kinase C (in both the alpha and epsilon isoforms) was markedly reduced. Thus, the data indicate an impaired PI-PLC activation in response to lipoproteins in Tangier fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Progenitor cells were isolated from the developing human central nervous system (CNS), induced to divide using a combination of epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2, and then transplanted into the striatum of adult rats with unilateral dopaminergic lesions. Large grafts were found at 2 weeks survival which contained many undifferentiated cells, some of which were migrating into the host striatum. However, by 20 weeks survival, only a thin strip of cells remained at the graft core while a large number of migrating astrocytes labeled with a human-specific antibody could be seen throughout the striatum. Fully differentiated graft-derived neurons, also labeled with a human-specific antibody, were seen close to the transplant site in some animals. A number of these neurons expressed tyrosine hydroxylase and were sufficient to partially ameliorate lesion-induced behavioral deficits in two animals. These results show that expanded populations of human CNS progenitor cells maintained in a proliferative state in culture can migrate and differentiate into both neurons and astrocytes following intracerebral grafting. As such these cells may have potential for development as an alternative source of tissue for neural transplantation in degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) is an enzyme well known for its involvement in the intravascular metabolism of high density lipoproteins; however, its role in the regulation of apolipoprotein (apo) B-containing lipoproteins remains elusive. The present study was designed to investigate the metabolic mechanisms responsible for the differential lipoprotein response observed between cholesterol-fed hLCAT transgenic and control rabbits. 131I-labeled HDL apoA-I and 125I-labeled LDL kinetics were assessed in age- and sex-matched groups of rabbits with high (HE), low (LE), or no hLCAT expression after 6 weeks on a 0.3% cholesterol diet. In HE, the mean total cholesterol concentration on this diet, mg/dl (230 +/- 50), was not significantly different from that of either LE (313 +/- 46) or controls (332 +/- 52) due to the elevated level of HDL-C observed in HE (127 +/- 19), as compared with both LE (100 +/- 33) and controls (31 +/- 4). In contrast, the mean nonHDL-C concentration for HE (103 +/- 33) was much lower than that for either LE (213 +/- 39) or controls (301 +/- 55). FPLC analysis of plasma confirmed that HDL was the predominant lipoprotein class in HE on the cholesterol diet, whereas cholesteryl ester-rich, apoB-containing lipoproteins characterized the plasma of LE and, most notably, of controls. In vivo kinetic experiments demonstrated that the differences in HDL levels noted between the three groups were attributable to distinctive rates of apoA-I catabolism, with the mean fractional catabolic rate (FCR, d-1) of apoA-I slowest in HE (0.282 +/- 0.03), followed by LE (0.340 +/- 0.01) and controls (0.496 +/- 0.04). A similar, but opposite, pattern was observed for nonHDL-C levels and LDL metabolism (h-1), such that HE had the lowest nonHDL-C levels with the fastest rate of clearance (0.131 +/- 0.027), followed by LE (0.057 +/- 0.009) and controls (0.031 +/- 0.001). Strong correlations were noted between LCAT activity and both apoA-I (r= -0.868, P < 0.01) and LDL (r = 0.670, P = 0.06) FCR, indicating that LCAT activity played a major role in the mediation of lipoprotein metabolism. In summary, these data are the first to show that LCAT overexpression can regulate both LDL and HDL metabolism in cholesterol-fed rabbits and provide a potential explanation for the prevention of diet-induced atherosclerosis observed in our previous study.  相似文献   

The complex pathway which links the agonist-cell membrane receptor binding to the response at the genome level involves, among other elements, protein kinase C (PKC). Agonists acting at the cell membrane can affect an autonomous nuclear polyphosphoinositide signaling system inducing an activation of nuclear phosphoinositidase activity and a subsequent translocation of PKC to the nuclear region. The fine localization of PKC has been investigated by means of electron microscopy quantitative immunogold labeling in 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, mitogenically stimulated by IGF-I. The enzyme, which in untreated cells is present in the cytoplasm, except for the organelles, and in the nucleoplasm, after IGF-I treatment is reduced in the cytoplasm and almost doubled in the nucleus. The PKC isoform translocated to the nucleus is the alpha isozyme, which is found not only associated with the nuclear envelope but mainly with the interchromatin domains. By using in situ matrix preparations, PKC appears to be retained at the nuclear matrix level, both at the nuclear lamina and at the inner nuclear matrix, suggesting a direct involvement in the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins which are responsible for the regulation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Established myogenic cell lines of different species and tissue origin have been used to study expression and organisation of muscle-specific proteins during differentiation. Furthermore, primary cultures of rat myocard cells were used to examine these same processes during dedifferentiation. In particular, we were interested in the general mechanism that underlies the changes in the supramolecular organisation of titin during in vitro myogenesis. It became obvious that in the differentiating muscle cell cultures the redistribution of desmin, actin and myosin in a typical, differentiation state dependent fashion, always showed a certain delay when compared to titin. The sequence of changes in the assembly of cytoskeletal and sarcomeric structures observed during differentiation of the cell lines was reversed during the process of dedifferentiation in cultured rat myocard cells. These results all indicate that titin is an early marker of myogenic differentiation, both in vivo and in vitro, and the typical reorganisation of this giant molecule is independent of species or muscle cell type.  相似文献   

Mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ is a critical cellular response to lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in many cell types. Recent identification of endothelial differentiation gene (Edg) 2 and Edg4 as subtypes of G protein-coupled receptors for LPA allowed examination of the Ca2+ mobilization mediated specifically by each subtype. To reduce endogenous background levels while enhancing recombinant receptor-specific signals, the aequorin luminescence method was used to quantify cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels. In TAg-Jurkat T cells transiently co-transfected with apoaequorin and human Edg2 or Edg4 cDNA, LPA dose-dependently increased light emission triggered by increased Ca2+ bound to aequorin. N-Palmitoyl-L-serine-phosphoric acid and N-palmitoyl-L-tyrosine-phosphoric acid, which had been previously shown to be antagonists for Xenopus laevis LPA receptors, did not antagonize the Ca2+-mobilizing effects of Edg2 and Edg4. Surprisingly, they acted as agonists or partial agonists for Edg2 and Edg4. The Ca2+ mobilization by Edg2 and Edg4 was further characterized in stable transfectants of rat HTC4 hepatoma cells. By using the fura-2 fluorescence method, a difference in the kinetics of Ca2+ flux with Edg2 and Edg4 was observed. With Edg2, but not Edg4, the initial increase in the Ca2+ concentration was followed by a sustained influx of extracellular Ca2+. The coincident production of inositol phosphates and the inhibition of Ca2+ mobilization by the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 strongly suggested that Edg2 and Edg4 mobilize Ca2+ through inositol trisphosphate generated by phospholipase C activation. Pertussis toxin almost completely blocked LPA-induced Ca2+ mobilization by Edg2 but only partially blocked that by Edg4, which suggests that Edg2 transduces Ca2+ mobilization largely through pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi proteins, whereas Edg4 requires both Gi and Gq.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Whether tobacco advertising and promotion increases the likelihood that youths will begin smoking has important public policy implications. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between receptivity to tobacco advertising and promotional activities and progress in the smoking uptake process, defined sequentially as never smokers who would not consider experimenting with smoking, never smokers who would consider experimenting, experimenters (smoked at least once but fewer than 100 cigarettes), or established smokers (smoked at least 100 cigarettes). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with a 3-year follow-up through November 1996. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1752 adolescent never smokers who were not susceptible to smoking when first interviewed in 1993 in a population-based random-digit dial telephone survey in California were reinterviewed in 1996. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Becoming susceptible to smoking or experimenting by 1996. RESULTS: More than half the sample (n=979) named a favorite cigarette advertisement in 1993 and Joe Camel advertisements were the most popular. Less than 5% (n=92) at baseline possessed a promotional item but a further 10%(n=172) were willing to use an item. While having a favorite advertisement in 1993 predicted which adolescents would progress by 1996 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-3.20), possession or willingness to use a promotional item was even more strongly associated with future progression (OR=2.89; 95% CI, 1.47-5.68). From these data, we estimate that 34% of all experimentation in California between 1993 and 1996 can be attributed to tobacco promotional activities. Nationally, this would be over 700000 adolescents each year. CONCLUSION: These findings provide the first longitudinal evidence to our knowledge that tobacco promotional activities are causally related to the onset of smoking.  相似文献   

The high-affinity receptor (R) for IL-5 consists of a unique alpha chain (IL-5R alpha) and a beta chain (beta c) that is shared with the receptors for IL-3 and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). We defined two regions of IL-5R alpha for the IL-5-induced proliferative response, the expression of nuclear proto-oncogenes, and the tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins including beta c, SH2/SH3-containing proteins and JAK2 kinase. In the studies described here, we demonstrate that IL-5, IL-3 or GM-CSF stimulation induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2, and to a lesser extent JAK1, and of STAT5. Mutational analysis revealed that one of the proline residues, particularly Pro352 and Pro355, in the membrane-proximal proline-rich sequence (Pro352-Pro353-X-Pro355) of the cytoplasmic domain of IL-5R alpha is required for cell proliferation, and for both JAK1 and JAK2 activation. In addition, transfectants expressing chimeric receptors which consist of the extracellular domain of IL-5R alpha and the cytoplasmic domain of beta c responded to IL-5 for proliferation and tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK1. Intriguingly, electrophoretic mobility shift assay analysis revealed that STAT5 was activated in cells showing either JAK1 or JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation. These results indicate that activation of JAK1, JAK2 and STAT5 is critical to coupling IL-5-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and ultimately mitogenesis, and that Pro352 and Pro355 in the proline-rich sequence appear to play more essential roles in cell growth and in both JAK1/STAT5 and JAK2/STAT5 activation than Pro353 does.  相似文献   

Geiparvarin, a natural product that exhibits antiproliferative activity, inhibits the growth of various tumour cell lines with a mechanism of action so far unknown. Our preliminary findings showed that geiparvarin and some derivatives obtained from its conjugation with diethylstilboestrol and meso-hexestrol significantly inhibit taxol-induced in vitro polymerization of both tubulin and microtubular protein. In this study we investigated the effect of geiparvarin and of the oestrogen-combined derivatives on the cellular microtubular network of fibroblasts. Geiparvarin altered the microtubular organization of fibroblasts and strengthened the derangement of the microtubular pattern in cells exposed simultaneously to taxol. However, the microtubular network remained quite well organized in fibroblasts exposed to geiparvarin and preincubated with taxol, which in this case prevented the deranging effect of the former. The antimicrotubular activity of the oestrogen-combined derivatives was more similar to that of geiparvarin than to that of the oestrogens, and often this activity was stronger than that of each reference drug alone; the cytotoxic activity examined in the same experimental conditions generally confirmed the microscopic analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the mandibular shortened arch, whose occlusal deficit had been reconstructed by removable partial denture, during mastication by using the EMG analyzing system. A total of 5 shortened dental arch patients was provided with RPDs, and observed by a sophisticated masticatory analyzing system using EMG, before and one day, about 2 weeks, 3 months, after denture insertion. The conclusions were as follows: i) The elements of the shortened arch during mastication, that is, the duration, interval, and cycletime, were prolonged at the time of insertion of RPD, but 3 months after denture insertion, they were shortened to almost the same state as before treatment. ii) Prosthetic treatment for shortened dental arch improved revitalization of functional musculatures, and their rhythmicity of functional procedure. iii) The functional tongue room for optimal bolus position in mastication was provided by insertion of mandibular bilateral free end saddle removable partial denture.  相似文献   

The enhancement of catabolic reactions of cell macromolecules, primarily proteins, raises the question about the role of active proteolysis and particular kinds of proteases in the process leading to cell proliferation retardation. The application of highly specific inhibitors of intracellular proteases helps to answer this question even in part. It has been shown that a short-term (2-6 h) treatment of resting cells of line NIH 3T3 with inhibitors of lysosomal cysteinous proteases--cystatine or leupeptin, as well as with inhibitors of non-lysosomal Ca(2+)-activated cystein proteases--L-cystamine and L-cystin--enhances the cell proliferative response on the serum and even stimulates tritiated thymidine incorporation in the cells cultured in the medium with a low (0.2%) serum content. Unlike, the treatment of resting cells with the lysosomotropic agent chloroquin, known to shut down all lysosomal hydrolases, reduces the cell proliferative response of the serum. In the experiments of fusing the resting and stimulated cells, it was found that the pretreatment of the former with inhibitors of lysosomal proteases enhanced the index of labeled nuclei in the latter, while observed in dikaryons, compared to the control, although failed to remove totally the effect of DNA synthesis inhibition in heterokaryons (Setkov et al., 1984; Setkov, Kazakov, 1989). A conclusion is made that the short-term metabolic shift in resting cells towards anabolism may result in that resting cells commit a cycle, and that an enhanced activity of cystein proteases is one of specific metabolic processes in resting cells leading to proliferation retardation.  相似文献   

Organs used for transplantation undergo varying degrees of cold ischemia and reperfusion injury after transplantation. In renal transplantation, prolonged cold ischemia is strongly associated with delayed graft function, an event that contributes to inferior graft survival. At present, the pathophysiological changes associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury in clinical renal transplantation are poorly understood. We have performed an immunohistochemical analysis of pre- and postreperfusion biopsies obtained from cadaver (n = 55) and living/related donor (LRD) (n = 11) renal allografts using antibodies to adhesion molecules and leukocyte markers to investigate the intragraft changes after cold preservation and reperfusion. Neutrophil infiltration and P-selectin expression were detected after reperfusion in 29 of 55 (53%) and 24 of 55 (44%) cadaver renal allografts, respectively. In marked contrast, neutrophil infiltration was not observed in LRD allografts, and only 1 of 11 (9%) had an increased level of P-selectin after reperfusion. Immunofluorescent double-staining demonstrated that P-selectin expression resulted from platelet deposition and not from endothelial activation. No statistically significant association was observed between neutrophil infiltration and P-selectin expression in the glomeruli or intertubular capillaries despite the large number of cadaver renal allografts with postreperfusion changes. Neutrophil infiltration into the glomeruli was significantly associated with long cold ischemia times and delayed graft function. Elevated serum creatinine levels at 3 and 6 months after transplantation were also associated with the presence of neutrophils and platelets after reperfusion. Our results suggest that graft function may be influenced by early inflammatory events after reperfusion, which can be targeted for future therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The effects of substrates m-tyramine and beta-phenethylamine, as well as cocaine, on the DA efflux from a cell line stably expressing the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) were investigated by using rotating disk electrode voltammetry. Both the substrates and cocaine induced apparent DA efflux in a concentration-dependent manner. Their EC50 values for inducing DA efflux were similar to their IC50 values for inhibiting DA uptake. The substrate-induced DA efflux was inhibited by various NET blockers, enhanced by raising the internal [Na+] with Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition, but was insensitive to membrane potential-altering agents valinomycin, veratridine, and high [K+]. The initial rate of m-tyramine-induced DA efflux was related to preloaded [DA] in a manner defined by a Michaelis-Menten expression. In contrast, DA efflux in the presence of cocaine displayed a much slower efflux rate, lower efficacy, was not stimulated by elevated internal [Na+], and was nonsaturable with preloaded [DA]. Single exponential kinetic analysis of the entire time course of the DA efflux showed that the apparent first-order rate constant for m-tyramine-induced DA efflux declined with increased preloaded [DA], whereas that for the DA efflux in the presence of cocaine was unchanged with varying preloaded [DA]. These results suggest that the substrates stimulate the NET-dependent DA efflux by increasing the accessibility of the NET to internal DA, whereas cocaine "uncovers" NET-independent DA efflux by reducing the accessibility of diffused/leaked external DA to the NET.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The alkylating agent cyclophosphamide (CP) is a prodrug that is metabolized to both cytotoxic and inactive compounds. We have previously shown that following dose escalation from conventional-dose (CD) to high-dose (HD) levels; the fraction of the dose cleared by bioactivation is significantly decreased (66% versus 48.5%) in favor of inactivating elimination pathways when the HD is given as a single 1-h infusion. Based on the concept of bioactivating enzyme saturation with increasing doses, we investigated the influence of fractionated application of HD-CP on dose-dependent changes in metabolism. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Plasma concentrations of CP (measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) and urinary concentrations of CP and its major metabolites (quantified by [31P]-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; [31P]-NMR spectroscopy), were determined in four patients with high-risk primary breast cancer who received adjuvant chemotherapy including both CD-CP (500 mg/ m2 infused over 1 h) and split HD-CP (50 mg/kg infused over 1 h on each of 2 consecutive days (d): d1 and d2. RESULTS: (Data are given as mean values for CD and d1/d2 of HD, respectively). Systemic clearance (CL) of CP was similar during CD and d1 of HD, but significantly increased on d2 of HD (CL: 83 and 78/115 ml/min; P < 0.01 for d1 versus d2). The latter was translated into an increase in formation CL of both active (+ 16.4 ml/min) and inactive metabolites (+ 17.6 ml/ min) and reflects autoinduction of metabolism. As compared with CD-CP, no statistically significant decrease was observed in the relative contribution of bioactivation CL to overall CL during both days of HD (63% versus 57%/53%). Recovery of intact CP in 24-h urine corresponded to 24%, 29%, 22% of the dose (P < 0.05 for d1 versus d2 of HD). CONCLUSIONS: Following dose escalation of CP, dividing the high dose over 2 days instead of one single infusion may favorably impact the metabolism of CP in terms of bioactivation. In addition, on day 2 of a split regimen, renal elimination of CP is decreased, which implies that more drug is available for metabolism.  相似文献   

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