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基于PC机的晶体管特性测试系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种基于PC机的晶体管特性测试系统的原理与实现。  相似文献   

应用时域等效电路法求解耦合腔行波管的色散特性;从行波管耦合腔链的等效电路模型出发,推导了模型的时域电路方程组,采用四阶龙格一库塔法数值求解该方程组,用MATLAB编写了计算程序CTTDCP使用CTTDCP程序计算了某L波段耦合腔行波管的色散特性,求得该管腔通带在1.08—1.48GHz,计算结果与实验结果及电磁仿真模拟结果基本一致,证实了时域等效电路法的正确性和有效性。最后,提出了一种结合等效电路法和电磁仿真模拟优化行波管的管型设计方式。  相似文献   

韩旭  周羽 《核动力工程》2006,27(1):66-69
压水堆核电站主泵工况变化时,由于止回阀阻止流体逆流,回路会发生程度不同的水击现象.水击严重时不但会产生瞬时超压,危害压力边界,也可能造成止回阀失效.对冲式止回阀是一种新原理止回阀,是为解决传统止回阀关闭时产生的严重水击现象而设计的.分析和实验表明对冲式止回阀能有效地解决回路的水击问题,也能可靠地阻止流体逆流.  相似文献   

本文阐述用等效电路的概念确定200.6兆赫、40千瓦高频腔的主要尺寸的方法,讨论了调谐装置的设计。在1500兆赫模拟装置上测出电感调谐曲线,并探索了在满束流负载下高频腔可能的最佳耦合环尺寸。实践表明,用等效电路法辅以模拟测试仍然是设计高频腔的一种较为简便而有效的方法。  相似文献   

主蒸汽隔离阀是核电站主蒸汽系统的最重要组成部分,起着举足轻重的作用,结合福清5号机组华龙一号的MSIV情况,对阀门的功能作用、阀体结构、执行机构部件组成进行了梳理和分析,然后对阀门的动作原理和运行模式进行了简介,以期对后续主蒸汽隔离阀的安装、调试、维护提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

阴极测试方法对阴极发射性能评价有着较大影响.本文介绍了一种热阴极性能的电子枪结构测试方法.我们自主设计研制了阴极测试电子枪结构,并采用该测试系统对几种覆膜浸渍钡钨阴极(M型阴极)的电子发射性能进行了初步测试.试验结果表明采用这种阴极性能评价系统是十分有利的.同时根据初步试验的问题,以及对测试结果的分析,对该电子枪结构作进一步的设计改进.  相似文献   

介绍了一种多路高压测试系统,并简要介绍了电路结构和电路设计、工作原理和技术指标。该仪器主要用于实验室和野外直流单路高压和多路高压系统电压值的测试,特别是对探测器偏压的测试。该仪器可以测量的额定电压最大值为6kV,电流值为0.1-10mA。仪器结构简单、集成度高、交直流供电、体积小、携带方便。  相似文献   

1 热管分析和设计准则 标准热管选择工质的一般原则完全适用于气体控制热管。 分析的基本假设为: 1)不凝结气体服从理想气体定律; 2)存在稳态条件;  相似文献   

In this article, a new type current transformer was developed using an active-passive circuit to improve low frequency response of the system without impairing high frequency response. The active-passive current transformer with In-flange was fabricated. Theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experimental results are given.  相似文献   

The design of the insulated core transformer(ICT)needs to consider the flux leakage effects.An equivalent linear circuit model is proposed based on the principle of duality.It is composed by two types of leakage inductances:conventional leakage between windings and special leakage introduced mainly by the insulation gaps.The values of leakage inductances depend on the dimensions of the core,gaps,or windings and the property of magnetic materials.The circuit allows for quantitatively evaluating influences of ICT internal parameters on its output properties.The winding self- and mutual inductance matrix is mathematically converted to derive the inductance formula.As an example,the leakage parameters of a sixstage two-dimensional(2D) ICT are calculated and analyzed.  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的探测器测试系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了构建基于LabVIEW的探测器测试系统的方法。该系统将探测器的输出信号经过放大和模数变换,得到所测的幅度谱或时间谱。模数变换由基于VME总线的峰值检测ADC实现,数据采集、谱形绘制、结果的保存通过LabVIEW编写的虚拟仪器程序完成。  相似文献   

脉冲变压器自偏置复位电路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了脉冲变压器自偏置复位电路,它在不外加偏置电源和不增加脉冲变压器初级绕组匝数及铁心体积的情况下,使输出脉冲波形畸变小。脉冲高压从零开始升压,脉冲变压器均能正常工作。  相似文献   

The tuned substrate self-bias in a radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma is controlled by varying the impedance of an external tuning LCR (inductor, capacitor and resistor) network inserted between the substrate and the ground. In experiments, it was found that the variation of the tuned substrate self-bias with the tuning capacitance demonstrated three features, namely, continuity, instability and bistability. In this paper, a numerical study is focused on the elucidation of the physical mechanisms underlying continuity and bistability. For the sake of simplicity and feasibility to include the key factors influencing the tuned substrate bias, the tedious calculation of inductive-coupling to obtain the plasma density axtd electron temperature is omitted, and discussion of the tuned substrate self-bias is made under the prescribed plasma density and electron temperature. On the other hand, the parameters influencing capacitive- coupling are retained in modeling the system with an equivalent circuit. It is found that multi-stable state appears when one of the parameters, such as the resistance in LCR, substrate area and plasma density, decreased to its critical value, or the rf voltage or electron temperature increased to the critical value individually. In the reverse cases, the tuned substrate self-bias varies continuously with the tuning capacitance.  相似文献   

As a combination device for a step-up pulse transformer and a magnetic switch,the saturable pulse transformer is widely used in pulsed-power and plasma technology.A fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer is constructed and analyzed in this paper.Preliminary experimental results show that if the primary energy storage capacitors are charged to 300 V,an output voltage of about 19 kV can be obtained across the capacitor connected to the secondary windings of a fractional-tum ratio saturable pulse transformer.Theoretical and experimental results reveal that this kind of pulse transformer is not only able to integrate a step-up transformer and a magnetic switch into one device,but can also lower the saturable inductance of its secondary windings,thus leading to the relatively high step-up ratio of the pulse transformer.Meanwhile,the application of the fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer in a μs range pulse modulator as a voltage step-up device and main switch is also included in this paper.The demonstrated experiments display that an output voltage with an amplitude of about 29 kV,and a 1.6 μs pulse width can be obtained across a 3500 Ω resistive load,based on a pulse modulator,if the primary energy storage capacitors are charged to 300 V.This compact fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer can be applied in many other fields such as surface treatment,corona plasma generation and dielectric barrier discharge.  相似文献   

Advances in high-current linear-accelerator technology since the design of the Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) Facility have increased the attractiveness of a deuteriumlithium neutron source for fusion materials and technology testing. This paper discusses the conceptual design of such a source that is aimed at meeting the near-term requirements of a high-flux high-energy International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). The concept employs multiple accelerator modules providing deuteron beams to two liquid-lithium jet targets oriented at right angles. This beam/target geometry provides much larger test volumes than can be attained with a single beam and target and produces significant regions of low neutron-flux gradient. A preliminary beam-dynamics design has been obtained for a 250-mA reference accelerator module. Neutron-flux levels and irradiation volumes were calculated for a neutron source incorporating two such modules, and interaction of the beam with the lithium jet was studied using a thermal-hydraulic computer simulation. Approximate cost estimates are provided for a range of beam currents and a possible facility staging sequence is suggested.This work was supported by Los Alamos National Laboratory Program Development Funds under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.Supported in part by an appointment to the U.S. DOE Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities.  相似文献   

介绍了面向对象测试方法在观测控制系统(OCS)中的应用。与OCS开发过程和模型相对应,介绍了迭代的面向对象的测试过程,在过程中相应于面向对象的基于组件的开发方法,应用面向对象的测试方法,提出适合OCS的方法和内容以及OCS的测试重点,包括各开发模型的测试,与子系统的接口测试,应用组件的测试,体系结构的测试。  相似文献   

Output voltage is an important performance characteristic of planar insulating core transformer (PICT).In PICT magnetic cores are insulated from their neighboring magnetic cores by solid insulating materials.Solid insulating materials can increase leakage flux.This results in a low generated voltage in secondary coils,especially on the upper stages.Connecting flux compensation capacitors to secondary coils can compensate the flux loss.Design equations to calculate the flux compensation capacitors value and relevant simulation by CST and Protel software were presented.Simulation results of an actual PICT showed that output voltage increased by 19% after being connected to flux compensation capacitors and the voltage on every stage was equally distributed.Results of simulation were consistent with the following experimental test,which revealed that flux compensation capacitors were effective.  相似文献   

10 MeV/50 kW脊型加速器是一种新型大功率电子辐照加速器,其加速腔中所需射频功率高达100 kW,为此专门研制了高功率输入耦合器。该耦合器主要由陶瓷窗、内外导体及耦合环组成,通过等效电路分析以及仿真计算确定了最终结构。设计采用了可独立拆卸的平板型陶瓷窗和可旋转调节的耦合环,以便于进行脊型加速器调试,并在内外导体和耦合环中设计了水冷回路带走功率传输产生的热量。经过测试,该输入耦合器可在0~2.2范围内调节耦合度,并成功向脊型谐振腔中注入了100 kW的脉冲峰值功率。  相似文献   

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