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Although designed as a cross-platform parallel programming model, OpenCL remains mainly used for GPU programming. Nevertheless, a large amount of applications are parallelized, implemented, and eventually optimized in OpenCL. Thus, in this paper, we focus on the potential that these parallel applications have to exploit the performance of multi-core CPUs. Specifically, we analyze the method to systematically reuse and adapt the OpenCL code from GPUs to CPUs. We claim that this work is a necessary step for enabling inter-platform performance portability in OpenCL.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于开放运算语言(OpenCL)的GPU加速三维时域有限差分(FDTD)电磁场仿真计算的方法.该方法利用图形处理单元(GPU)的并行处理特性并结合OpenCL接口标准实现了时域卷积完全匹配层(CPML)吸收边界条件的三维FDTD的高性能加速计算.首先设置FDTD仿真参数并动态申请内存空间,然后初始化OpenCL的计算参数,对三维电磁模型基于OpenCL进行FDTD加速仿真.本方法显著提升了FDTD电磁场仿真速度,与利用CPU计算相比速度提升可达5-8倍,且具有CPML吸收边界条件,可以模拟电磁波在自由空间的传播;基于OpenCL编译的语言程序可以运行在CPU或GPU硬件上,并可充分发挥多核CPU的并行计算能力,使得FDTD电磁场仿真具有更广泛的实际应用.  相似文献   

吴健凤  郑博文  聂一  柴志雷 《计算机工程》2021,47(12):147-155,162
在数字货币、区块链、云端数据加密等领域,传统以软件方式运行的数据加解密存在计算速度慢、占用主机资源、功耗高等问题,而以Verilog/VHDL等方式实现的现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)加解密系统又存在开发周期长、维护升级困难等问题。针对3DES算法,提出一种基于OpenCL的FPGA加速器设计方案。设计具有48轮迭代的流水并行结构,在数据传输模块中采用数据存储调整、数据位宽改进策略提高内核实际带宽利用率,在算法加密模块中采用指令流优化策略形成流水线并行架构,同时采用内核矢量化、计算单元复制策略进一步提高内核性能。实验结果表明,该加速器在Intel Stratix 10 GX2800上可获得111.801 Gb/s的吞吐率,与Intel Core i7-9700 CPU相比性能提升372倍,能效提升644倍,与NvidiaGeForce GTX 1080Ti GPU相比性能提升20%,能效提升9倍。  相似文献   

大尺度、高分辨率数字地形数据应用需求的增长,给计算密集型的累积汇流等数字地形分析算法带来了新的挑战。针对CPU/GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)异构计算平台的特点,提出了一种基于OpenCL(Open Computing Language)的多流向累积汇流算法的并行化策略,具有更好的平台独立性和可移植性,简化了CPU/GPU异构平台下的并行应用程序设计。累积汇流并行算法包括时空独立型的流量分配和空间依赖型的累积入流两个过程,均定义为OpenCL内核并交由OpenCL设备并行执行,其中累积入流过程借助流量转移矩阵由递归式转换为迭代式来实现并行计算。与基于流量转移矩阵的并行汇流算法相比,尽管基于单元入度矩阵的并行汇流算法可以降低迭代过程中的计算冗余,但需要采用具有较大延迟的原子操作以及需要更多的迭代次数,在有限的GPU计算资源下,两种算法性能差异不明显。实验结果表明,并行累积汇流算法在NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M GPU上获得了较好的加速比,加速性能随格网尺度增加而有所增加,其中流量分配获得了约50~70倍的加速比,累积入流获得了10~20倍的加速比,展示了利用OpenCL在GPU等并行计算设备上进行大规模数字地形分析的潜在优势。  相似文献   

OpenCL是面向异构计算平台的通用编程框架,然而由于硬件体系结构的差异,如何在平台间功能移植的基础上实现性能移植仍是有待研究的问题。当前已有算法优化研究一般只针对单一硬件平台,它们很难实现在不同平台上的高效运行。在分析了不同GPU平台底层硬件架构的基础上,从Global Memory的访存效率、GPU计算资源的有效利用率及其硬件资源的限制等多个角度考察了不同优化方法在不同GPU硬件平台上对性能的影响;并在此基础上实现了基于OpenCL的拉普拉斯图像增强算法。实验结果表明,优化后的算法在不考虑数据传输时间的前提下,在AMD和NVIDIA GPU上都取得了3.7~136.1倍、平均56.7倍的性能加速,优化后的kernel比NVIDIA NPP库中相应函数也取得了12.3%~346.7%、平均143.1%的性能提升,验证了提出的优化方法的有效性和性能可移植性。  相似文献   

分子动力学模拟作为获得液体、固体性质的重要计算手段,广泛应用于化学、物理、生物、医药、材料等众多领域。模拟体系的复杂性和精确性的需求,使得计算量巨大,耗费时间长。并行计算是加速大规模分子动力学模拟的霍要途径。GPU以几百GFlops甚至上I}Flops的运算能力,为分子动力学模拟等的计算密集型应用提供了新的加速方案。提出了一种基于GPU的分子动力学模拟并行算法—oApT-AD,并在OpenCL和CUDA框架下加以实现。,r}能测试显示,在Tesla C1060显卡上,该算法在OpcnCL框架下的实现相对于CPU的串行实现,最高达到120倍加遥比。通过对比发现,该算法在CUDA上的性能与()pcnCI、基本相当。同时,该算法还可以扩展到两块及以上的GPU上,具有良好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

随着智能计算和大数据应用的发展,人们对GPU等加速部件的需求不断增长.计算软件栈比如CUDA、OpenCL软件栈是能充分发挥GPU硬件性能的关键.考虑计算软件栈未来在国产基础软硬件平台(比如飞腾CPU和麒麟操作系统)上的可移植性和适配性,重点研究OpenCL开源计算软件栈.测试分析OpenCL应用在不同平台上的表现,评估应用在不同OpenCL软件栈上(比如Mesa、ROCm等)进行GPU计算的表现,评估软件栈中驱动、内核等对GPU计算的影响,并且整个测试涵盖了编译、数据传输和内核执行等OpenCL计算各个阶段的时间开销.经过测试评估发现,国产平台更迫切也更适合使用GPU进行加速计算,ROCm是比较理想的OpenCL开源软件栈,有较好的性能和稳定性,并且与闭源软件栈相比存在一定的优化空间.  相似文献   

随着图像数据的大量增加,传统单处理器或多处理器结构的计算设备已无法满足实时性数据处理要求。异构并行计算技术因其高效的计算效率和并行的实时性数据处理能力,正得到广泛关注和应用。利用GPU在图形图像处理方面并行性的优势,提出了基于OpenCL的JPEG压缩算法并行化设计方法。将JPEG算法功能分解为多个内核程序,内核之间通过事件信息传递进行顺序控制,并在GPU+CPU的异构平台上完成了并行算法的仿真验证。实验结果表明,与CPU串行处理方式相比,本文提出的并行化算法在保持相同图像质量情况下有效提高了算法的执行效率,大幅降低了算法的执行时间,并且随着图形尺寸的增加,算法效率获得明显的提升。  相似文献   

特征点检测被广泛应用于目标识别、跟踪及三维重建等领域。针对三维重建算法中特征点检测算法运算量大、耗时多的特点,对高斯差分(Difference-of-Gaussian,DoG)算法进行改进,提出特征点检测DoG并行算法。基于OpenMP的多核CPU、CUDA及OpenCL架构的GPU并行环境,设计实现DoG特征点检测并行算法。对hallFeng图像集在不同实验平台进行对比实验,实验结果表明,基于OpenMP的多核CPU的并行算法表现出良好的多核可扩展性,基于CUDA及OpenCL架构的GPU并行算法可获得较高加速比,最高加速比可达96.79,具有显著的加速效果,且具有良好的数据和平台可扩展性。  相似文献   

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become increasingly powerful over the last decade. Programs taking advantage of this architecture can achieve large performance gains and almost all new solutions and initiatives in high performance computing are aimed in that direction. To write programs that can offload the computation onto the GPU and utilize its power, new technologies are needed. The recent introduction of Open Computing Language (OpenCL), a standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of modern processors, has made a step in the right direction. Code written with OpenCL can run on a wide variety of platforms, adapting to the underlying architecture. It is versatile yet easy to learn due to similarities with the C programming language. In this paper, we will review the current state of the art in the use of GPUs and OpenCL for parallel computations. We use an implementation of the n-body simulation to illustrate some important considerations in developing OpenCL programs.  相似文献   

The availability of OpenCL High-Level Synthesis (OpenCL-HLS) has made FPGAs an attractive platform for power-efficient high-performance execution of massively parallel applications. At the same time, new design challenges emerge for massive thread-level parallelism on FPGAs. One major execution bottleneck is the high number of memory stalls exposed to data-path which overshadows the benefits of data-path customization.This article presents a novel LLVM-based tool for decoupling memory access from computation when synthesizing massively parallel OpenCL kernels on FPGAs. To enable systematic decoupling, we use the idea of kernel parallelism and implement a new parallelism granularity that breaks down kernels to separate data-path and memory-path (memory read/write) which work concurrently to overlap the computation of current threads[1] with the memory access of future threads (memory pre-fetching at large scale). At the same time, this paper proposes an LLVM-based static analysis to detect the decouplable data for resolving the data dependency and maximize concurrency across the kernels.The experimental results on eight Rodinia benchmarks on Intel Stratix V FPGA demonstrate significant performance and energy improvement over the baseline implementation using Intel OpenCL SDK. The proposed sub-kernel parallelism achieves more than 2x speedup, with only 3% increase in resource utilization, and 7% increase in power consumption which reduces the overall energy consumption more than 40%.  相似文献   

Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a parallel processing language that is ideally suited for running parallel algorithms on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). In the present work we report on the development of a generic parallel single-GPU code for the numerical solution of a system of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) based on the OpenCL model. We have applied the code in the case of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation of atomic hydrogen in a strong laser field and studied its performance on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs against the serial performance on a CPU. We found excellent scalability and a significant speedup of the GPU over the CPU device. The speedup in the benchmark tended towards a value of about 40 with significant speedups expected against multi-core CPUs. Furthermore, though we do not present the detailed benchmarks here, we also have achieved speedup values of around 75 by performing a slight optimization of the described algorithm.  相似文献   

甘威  张素文  雷震  李怡凡 《计算机科学》2016,43(Z6):165-167
特征的检测和匹配在计算机视觉应用中是一个重要的组成部分,如图像匹配、物体识别和视频跟踪等。SIFT算法以其尺度不变性和旋转不变性在图像配准领域得到了广泛应用。传统的SIFT算法效率低,因此提出一种在移动智能终端上实现的高效方法。在Android平台利用OpenCL框架实现了移动智能终端的SIFT算法,通过计算任务的重新分配,优化SIFT算法在移动GPU上的并行实现。实验结果表明,移动平台的SIFT算法充分利用了GPU并行计算能力,大大提高了SIFT算法的执行效率,实现了高效的特征检测。  相似文献   

为提高基数排序算法在异构并行平台下的资源利用率和算法加速比,提出基于OpenCL的双GPU基数排序算法。通过研究并行基数排序思想,以Y485P作为实验平台,使用OpenCL技术首先实现单GPU的基数排序算法,之后实现负载平衡的双GPU基数排序。测试结果表明,在使用单GPU时加速比为1.3x,使用双GPU时加速比为2.32x。  相似文献   

In some warning applications, such as aircraft taking-off and landing, ship sailing, and traffic guidance in foggy weather, the high definition (HD) and rapid dehazing of images and videos is increasingly necessary. Existing technologies for the dehazing of videos or images have not completely exploited the parallel computing capacity of modern multi-core CPU and GPU, and leads to the long dehazing time or the low frame rate of video dehazing which cannot meet the real-time requirement. In this paper, we propose a parallel implementation and optimization method for the real-time dehazing of the high definition videos based on a single image haze removal algorithm. Our optimization takes full advantage of the modern CPU+GPU architecture, which increases the parallelism of the algorithm, and greatly reduces the computational complexity and the execution time. The optimized OpenCL parallel implementation is integrate into FFmpeg as an independent module. The experimental results show that for a single image, the performance of the optimized OpenCL algorithm is improved approximately 500% compared with the existing algorithm, and approximately 153% over the basic OpenCL algorithm. The 1080p (1920?×?1080) high definition hazy video can also processed at a real-time rate (more than 41 frames per second).  相似文献   

Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is an open royalty-free standard for general purpose parallel programming across Central Processing Units (CPUs), Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and other processors. This paper introduces OpenCL to implement real-time smoking simulation in a virtual surgery training simulation system. Firstly, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is adopted to construct the real-time smoking simulation model based on the Navier?CStokes (N-S) equations of an incompressible fluid under the condition of normal temperature and pressure. Then we propose a parallel computing technique based on OpenCL to accomplish the parallel computing of smoking simulation model on CPU and GPU, respectively. Finally, we render the smoke in real time by using a three-dimensional (3D) texture volume rendering method. Experimental results show that the parallel computing technique we have proposed achieve a satisfactory effect on image quality and rendering rate both on CPU and GPU.  相似文献   

图形处理器(graphic processing unit,GPU)的最新发展已经能够以低廉的成本提供高性能的通用计算。基于GPU的CUDA(compute unified device architecture)和OpenCL(open computing language)编程模型为程序员提供了充足的类似于C语言的应用程序接口(application programming interface,API),便于程序员发挥GPU的并行计算能力。采用图形硬件进行加速计算,通过一种新的GPU处理模型——并行时间空间模型,对现有GPU上的N-body实现进行了分析,从而提出了一种新的GPU上快速仿真N-body问题的算法,并在AMD的HD Radeon 5850上进行了实现。实验结果表明,相对于CPU上的实现,获得了400倍左右的加速;相对于已有GPU上的实现,也获得了2至5倍的加速。  相似文献   

目前目标识别领域,在人体检测中精确度最高的算法就是可变形部件模型(DPM)算法,针对DPM算法计算量大的缺点,提出了一种基于图形处理器(GPU)的并行化解决方法.采用GPU编程模型OpenCL,对DPM算法的整个算法的实现细节采用了并行化的思想进行重新设计实现,优化算法实现的内存模型和线程分配.通过对OpenCV库和采用GPU重新实现的程序进行对比,在保证了检测效果的前提下,使得算法的执行效率有了近8倍的提高.  相似文献   

随着计算机科学技术的迅速发展,嵌入式领域实时图像处理应用越来越广泛,然而传统硬件因为自身架构导致并行化程度不高,针对在视频监控、机器视觉、视频压缩、医疗影像分析等领域需要对图像进行高性能计算的问题,提出一种以OpenCL软件模型和FPGA异构模式的高性能图像处理解决方案,实现了图像显示和OpenCL加速功能,以Sobel边缘检测算法为研究对象,进行了算法并行性分析,并在系统中运用OpenCL加速内核算法,与基本的ARM平台和OpenCL共享内存加速机制相比较,展开性能测试,对加速效果进行了研究。实验数据表明,使用该系统处理不同分辨率的图像,OpenCL加速子系统的处理较基于片上ARM硬核的软件处理,实现相同功能上有100倍左右的性能提升。  相似文献   

A novel approach to developing an FPGA-based chirp signal generator using high-level synthesis implementation is proposed. OpenCL, which is a framework used for high-level synthesis (HLS) methodologies, is employed instead of the Verilog/VHDL language to program FPGA. OpenCL has been used for FPGA programming, particularly in high-performance computing applications. Utilizing OpenCL for FPGA development reduces development time because of the high-level abstraction of the code. However, compared to Verilog/VHDL, standard OpenCL does not enable direct access to the FPGA's I/O. In this study, the FPGA needs to access the I/O pins to communicate with the DAC and generate the chirp signal. Thus, direct access to the FPGA I/O pin from the OpenCL environment is required. Therefore, a new OpenCL component is developed to enable the FPGA to communicate with the DAC, thus allowing data streaming to generate the chirp signal. This OpenCL component enables us to stream the data from the FPGA to generate the chirp signal. Here, we demonstrate that by using OpenCL implementation, the FPGA can generate an I/Q chirp signal efficiently. Moreover, the same OpenCL kernel can be employed to generate different bandwidths of the chirp signal without having to reprogram the FPGA. To demonstrate the capability of the system, we generated the I/Q chirp signal from 1 MHz to 5 MHz, 5 MHz to 10 MHz, 10 MHz to 15 MHz and 15 MHz to 20 MHz for a period of 10 µs.  相似文献   

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