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沙蒿籽对荞麦面粉流变学特性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以荞麦、小麦面粉为材料,研究了沙蒿籽对面粉淀粉酶活性参数、粘度参数及粉质参数的影响效应及作用机理。结果认为,沙蒿籽的吸水作用及吸水溶胀后形成的蛋清状胶体,可以降低淀粉的糊化温度,增强淀粉的糊化阻力,提高淀粉悬浮液的稠度及硬度;可以改进面粉的揉和强度和稳定性。  相似文献   

食用沙蒿籽胶流变学特性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
宋宏新  陈合 《食品科学》2002,23(9):53-55
应用转筒式旋转粘度计,对沙蒿籽溶胀机械分离法制备沙蒿胶的流变学特性进行了研究,发现在浓度1%-1.75%之间胶液为时间相关性假塑性流体,在浓度0.5%为时间无磁的假塑性流体,沙蒿胶表观粘度随浓度增大而迅速增大,沙蒿胶的表观粘度不受pH的影响,在重复高速剪切和25-85℃范围内表观粘度无明显变化,沙蒿籽胶是一种重要的新型天然食品添加剂。  相似文献   

杨续金  刘阳  范贵生  贾红 《食品科学》2015,36(17):114-117
利用响应面法和控制变量法分析沙蒿籽胶溶液表观黏度受温度、溶液体积分数、pH值和盐离子的影响变化,同时研究了添加不同比例增稠剂海藻酸钠、魔芋胶、羧甲基纤维素(carboxyl methyl cellulose,CMC)和卡拉胶对沙蒿籽胶溶液表观黏度的影响。结果表明:温度对沙蒿籽胶表观黏度影响不大;随溶液体积分数的增加沙蒿籽胶溶液的表观黏度增加;pH值在3.0~9.0时,沙蒿籽胶溶液表观黏度随pH值的上升而增大;加入盐会使沙蒿籽胶黏度有不同程度的下降,不同阳离子对其黏度影响的强弱为Fe3+>Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+;沙蒿籽胶与CMC复配后,具有黏度增强的效果。  相似文献   

沙蒿籽胶   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近年以来,食品工业对食用胶的研究应用更为广泛深入,各种变性淀粉、动物胶、植物胶、化学合成胶,发酵生物合成胶及化学衍生胶等相继应市。最近,宁夏元川光华实业开发公司沙蒿籽胶课题组,经过一年多的努力,已完成沙蒿籽胶的研制工作,并于1988年4月通过技术鉴定。沙蒿籽胶以其优质、价廉、效益好的特点,开始成为现有食品粘合剂中最富有竞争力的新产品之一。  相似文献   

沙蒿籽油的氧化稳定性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白沙蒿是重要的沙生植物,其籽富含营养物质。采用烘箱加速法,以过氧化值(POV)为指标对超临界CO2流体提取的沙蒿籽油进行氧化稳定性研究,结果表明:用超临界CO2流体提取的沙蒿籽油氧化稳定性强于索氏提取的沙蒿籽油但明显不如市售的其它植物油稳定,将不同组合的抗氧化剂加入沙蒿籽油中进行抗氧化性试验,表明TBHQ与VC的协同抗氧化性最强。  相似文献   

沙蒿籽的油脂、胶质及综合利用研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对沙蒿籽的油脂、胶质进行了提取分离和纯化研究,沙蒿籽含油脂20%,沙蒿油不饱和脂肪酸含量高达90%以上。通过水浸溶胀机械分离法制备的分离胶得率为17%,而对脱脂粉直接粉碎得到混合胶质得率为70%以上。对比研究了两种胶质的性能特点,进一步提出了对沙蒿籽的综合利用方案。  相似文献   

沙蒿籽胶与大豆分离蛋白相互作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多糖和蛋白质的相互作用在食品的结构和稳定性方面起着重要的作用.采用流变仪、质构分析仪和差示扫描量热仪分别测定了添加与不添加沙蒿籽胶(ASKG)的大豆分离蛋白(SPI)的粘弹性、凝胶特性和变性温度,并对两者之间的作用机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明,沙蒿籽胶与大豆分离蛋白发生了相互作用.  相似文献   

在浸提理论的指导下,建立了沙蒿籽胶浸提数学模型,并通过研究不同液固比、浸提温度和浸提时间对产胶率的影响,求出浸提数学模型中的各个参数。同时,模型的验证实验表明,不同液固比、浸提温度和浸提时间下,产胶率的实验数据与模型计算值之间吻合得较好,绝对误差不超过0.5%,该项研究为沙蒿籽胶的工业生产提供了可靠的理论依据和实验基础。   相似文献   

沙蒿籽提取沙蒿油及沙蒿胶研究概况与前景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究了以我国西北地区沙漠中野生植物资源沙蒿 ,从其种籽中提取沙蒿油以及沙蒿胶生产新工艺并对沙蒿油进行了全面分析测试 ,发现其α -VE 含量高 ,比国际公认的维生素E王—小麦胚芽油还高 ,是一种可产业化发展的食品添加剂和药用资源  相似文献   

沙蒿籽胶的流变学性质研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了沙蒿籽胶的静态流变学特性和动态流变学特性。静态流变学表明:沙蒿籽胶溶液是触变性流体,其表观粘度随质量分数的增加而增加,且随剪切速率变化的影响符合Herschel-Bulkey模型;温度、pH值等对沙蒿籽胶溶液的表观粘度影响较小;盐的加入能改变沙蒿籽胶溶液的粘度。动态流变学特性表明:沙蒿籽胶溶液显示弱凝胶特性。  相似文献   

沙蒿胶提高冷冻面团抗冻性及其抗冻机理的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要研究了沙蒿胶对冷冻面团品质的影响,并将其作用效果与刺槐豆胶进行了比较。采用拉伸仪、差示扫描量热仪、扫描电镜分别测定了空白面团(未添加任何胶体的冷冻面团)和添加沙蒿胶面团在冷冻储藏1、2、3、4w后抗拉伸性能、可冻结水含量以及微观结构的变化,同时比较了添加沙蒿胶和刺槐豆胶后上述参数的不同。结果表明:(1)随着冷冻储藏时间延长,面团的抗拉伸阻力逐渐减小,而面团的延伸性却逐渐增:赶;当冷冻储藏时间相同时,添加沙蒿胶面团的抗拉伸阻力最大,其次是添加刺槐豆胶面团的抗拉伸阻力,最差的是空白面团的抗拉伸阻力;相对应添加沙蒿胶面团的延伸性最小,其次是添加刺槐豆胶面团的延伸性,最大的是空白面团的延伸性。(2)随着冷冻储藏时间延长,面团可冻结水含量逐渐增大;在同~冷冻储藏时间时,含沙蒿胶和刺槐豆胶面团中的熔化焓均小于空白面团,其中含刺槐豆胶面团的熔化焓最小,但在冷冻储藏4w时,两者基本相同。(3)冷冻储藏2w后,含沙蒿胶和刺槐豆胶面团中面筋蛋白胶束的破坏程度均减小,而沙蒿胶的作用效果明显强于刺槐豆胶。  相似文献   

以玉米粉与小麦粉(6∶4)的混合粉为原料,研究了添加沙蒿籽胶的玉米混合粉的流变特性和面条加工品质的变化。结果表明,添加沙蒿籽胶能改善玉米混合粉的粉质,使面团具有良好的流变特性,并能显著增加面团的粘弹性,从而使面条的粘弹性增强、断条率降低、糊汤程度减小,面条口感滑润耐咀嚼。  相似文献   

夏季时候,人们的新陈代谢会随着气温的增高而加剧,一些生理机能的过度消耗引发身体的不适。所以这时候绝大部分人会需要一杯生津止渴的饮料来缓解自身缺水的情况,随着人们越来越注重健康的饮食习惯,消费者已经不再认同碳酸饮料,可是白开水也只能是解渴,无法真正意义上改善人们身体机能调整所需的能量,  相似文献   

Wild sage seed is a small, rounded, and mucilaginous seed, which comes from Salvia macrosiphon. The viscoelastic behavior of sage seed gum, at different concentrations (0.5–2%, w/w), was examined by measuring the transient (in-shear structural recovery and creep/recovery tests) and dynamic (stress and frequency sweeps) rheological properties. The mechanical spectra showed typical weak gel behavior at all concentrations, with storage modulus higher than loss modulus, and little variation with frequency. Both moduli greatly increased with increasing the concentration, and the concentration dependency was well described by the power-law model. The loss tangent was increased slightly with increasing the frequency in the range of 0.25–0.67, although it was not affected by an increase in gum concentration. Moreover, the complex viscosity was found to increase with the increase of sage seed gum concentration and to decrease linearly with the increase of frequency. All samples showed typical viscoelastic response to stress in creep/recovery tests, with recoverable strain increasing in direct proportion to sage seed gum concentration. Creep curves were adequately fitted with a Burger model of four parameters. The elastic and viscous contributions to the general viscoelastic behavior were analyzed through the obtained parameters. The concentration had no specific effect on the in-shear recovery properties of sage seed gum gels, and the gel structure was highly recovered after applying shear. The results of this article indicated that sage seed gum may offer an excellent alternative for commercial gums as a thickening/gelling agent.  相似文献   

沙蒿胶热稳定性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和热重分析仪(TGA)对沙蒿胶热稳定性进行了研究。从沙蒿胶的DSC和TGA曲线上可以看出,沙蒿胶的热分解温度在300℃左右,通过计算比较沙蒿胶最大分解阶段的活化能(217kJ/mol)、积分程序降解温度(IPDT)和内在热稳定性指标(ITS),表明沙蒿胶是一种热稳定性好的食品胶。  相似文献   

Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) is a wide‐spectrum antimicrobial compound found in mustard seeds, produced when their tissues are disrupted. The formation of AITC in mustard seed is mediated by the myrosinase enzyme which catalyzes the release of volatile AITC from a glucosinolate—sinigrin. Since water is a substrate in the reaction, humidity from the air can be used to activate the release of AITC from mustard seed. In this study, defatted and partially defatted mustard seed meals were ground into powders with particle size ranging from 5 to 300 μm. The mustard seed meal powder (MSMP) samples were enclosed within hermetically sealed glass jars wherein the headspace air was adjusted to 85% or 100% relative humidity at 5, 20, or 35 °C. Data from gas chromatography analysis showed that AITC release rate and amount increased with increasing relative humidity and temperature. Moreover, the release rate can be manipulated by particle size and lipid content of the MSMP samples. The amount of AITC released ranged from 2 to 17 mg/g MSMP within 24 h under the experimental conditions tested. In view of the antimicrobial properties of AITC, the mustard meal powder may be used as a natural antimicrobial material for extending the shelf life of food products.  相似文献   

In this study, the nutritional composition and phytochemical composition of the rosehip seed, and the fatty acid and sterol compositions of the seed oil were investigated. The rosehip seed contained valuable phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds (2554 μg/g), carotenoids (2.92 μg/g), and ascorbic acid (1798 μg/g). Furthermore, the rosehip-seed oil was rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (54.05%), linolenic acid (19.37%), and phytosterols, mainly β-sitosterol (82.1%). The rosehip seed and seed oil were found to have antioxidant activity measured by trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay. It can be concluded that the rosehip seed and seed oil may be utilized as a source of phytonutrients.  相似文献   

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