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A gyrotron energy transfer equation for the interaction of an annular electron beam in a right-cylindrical cavity has been derived by a rigorous method similar to the one used by Choe and Ahn to find a gyrotron dispersion equation. This new energy transfer equation makes no assumption about the size of the electron orbits. The importance of various terms is discussed and the expression is applied to a number of interesting special cases.  相似文献   

Meng  Lingquan  Wang  Qingran  Ji  Zhengxia  Nie  Mengyun  Ji  Baofeng  Li  Chunguo  Song  Kang 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(1):639-650

In this paper, we devote to maximize the secrecy energy efficiency (SEE) for a cloud radio access network where exists an eavesdropper wiretapping information from remote radio head. We first establish the system model and then formulate the power optimization problem to maximize the SEE of the system subject to the fronthaul capacity and transmit power constraints. To address this nonconvex problem, we first convert the fractional objective function into a subtractive form and two algorithms are then proposed to solve it. Simulation results indicate that the proposed the iterative optimization algorithms can obtain higher SEE and present the merit of AN in enhancing the system performance when compared with conventional methods.


The coupling of energy of RF power into lossy tissues using a needle-shaped ferromagnetic implant excited by an externally applied current loop is analyzed theoretically. The ferritic implant is assumed to be of prolate spheroidal shape, while the tissue medium is modeled as a lossy sphere. The electromagnetic fields inside the ferritic implant, the surrounding lossy tissue, and the free space are appropriately expressed in terms of spherical and spheroidal wave functions. Application of the boundary conditions results in an infinite system of equations for the unknown field expansion coefficients. This system is truncated and solved and the electromagnetic field is computed numerically. Absorbed power density inside the implant and the surrounding medium is computed, and the efficiency of the method in producing in-depth energy deposition is examined  相似文献   

为了提高像素的光吸收效率,优化电荷的转移,提出了多次N型离子注入的方法形成PPD的N埋层。通过不同能量的N型离子注入拓展了N埋层的吸收深度从而提高了光的吸收效率;通过在N埋层形成横向的非均匀掺杂分布,减小了电荷转移的势垒,优化了电荷的转移。仿真结果表明,经过改进后长波长光的吸收效率可以提高约10%,电荷转移后残留的电子浓度大约可以减小两个数量级。  相似文献   

In order to increase collection efficiency and eliminate image lag,multi n-type implants were introduced into the process of a pinned-photodiode.For the purpose of improving the collection efficiency, multi n-type implants with different implant energies were proposed,which expanded the vertical collection region. To reduce the image lag,a horizontal gradient doping concentration eliminating the potential barrier waalso formed by multi n-type implants.The simulation result shows that the collection efficiency can be improved by about 10%in the long wavelength range and the density of the residual charge is reduced from 2.59×109 to 2.62×107 cm-3.  相似文献   

大功率激光以其独特的优势在工业、军事和医疗等领域得到了广泛的应用,而传能光纤也随之越来越受到重视。这是由于传能光纤具有可柔性传输、结构简单、传输效率高、环境适应性强等显著优点,特别适用于传输光路复杂或者使用空间受限的场合。当激光波长大于1.7μm时,传统石英光纤的传输损耗会急剧增加,难以满足光纤传能的基本要求,而红外传能光纤的优良特性显示了巨大的应用潜力,引起了人们极大的兴趣。于是大量针对红外传能光纤的传能特性的研究工作被开展,具体包括:传能光纤耦合条件及方式,耦合传输效率影响因素,传能光纤损伤机理以及损伤概率测量等。随着研究的不断深入,目前红外传能光纤的传输效率和传能容量已经达到了比较高的水平。  相似文献   

周光地  杨明江 《中国激光》1989,16(6):371-374
本文用电子能量分布对Druyvesteyn分布的偏离曲线(f-f_D)直接研究了电子-原子间的非弹性碰撞过程,并对He-Ne激光五条谱线跃迁的能量转换过程进行了讨论。  相似文献   

DNA sequencing and analysis reagents developed using the fluorescence energy transfer (ET) principle and synthetic chemistry are markedly superior when compared to single dye-labeled oligonucleotide primers and dideoxynucleotides. These ET reagents played a key role in sequencing the human genome. Combinatorial fluorescence energy transfer (CFET) tags, constructed by exploiting energy transfer and combinatorial synthesis to generate unique fluorescence emission signatures, allow multiplex biological assays to be performed. All of the CFET tags can be excited at a single wavelength and analyzed by a simple optical system. The design, synthesis, spectroscopic properties, and applications of these flourescent molecular tools in genomics are described  相似文献   

Maximization of the energy transfer ratio for time-limited signals over linear channels is considered. The case of linear channels with rational transfer function is addressed and a general procedure for the analytic solution of the maximization problem is outlined. The maximum energy transfer ratio over a fixed time interval is evaluated in some cases of interest. Two performance metrics-the energy transfer ratio and the energy intersymbol interference (ISI) ratio-are evaluated for optimal signals and compared to those of commonly used rectangular and sinusoidal pulses in order to determine the achievable gain  相似文献   

The simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in an energy harvesting system is investigated, where a relay is self-sustained by harvesting radio-frequency (RF) energy from the transmitter and multiple user devices are distributed according to a homogeneous Poisson point process. A joint time switching and power splitting protocol for relay-assisted transmission is proposed, in which each time slot is split into two stages. In the first stage, the relay utilizes a portion of received RF signal power for energy harvesting and the remaining power for information processing. In the second stage, information is delivered from the relay to its closest destination node with the harvested energy. The outage probability, network throughput and energy efficiency are derived and analyzed in closed form. On this basis, the optimal power splitting and time switching ratio which maximizes network throughput is obtained. Simulation results are also provided to validate our theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

To resolve energy depletion issues in massive Internet of Things sensor networks, we developed a set of distributed energy beamforming methods with one-bit feedback and clustering for multi-node wireless energy transfer, where multiple single-antenna distributed energy transmitters (Txs) transfer their energy to multiple nodes wirelessly. Unlike previous works focusing on distributed information beamforming using a single energy receiver (Rx) node, we developed a distributed energy beamforming method for multiple Rx nodes. Additionally, we propose two clustering methods in which each Tx node chooses a suitable Rx node. Furthermore, we propose a fast distributed beamforming method based on Tx sub-clustering. Through computer simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed distributed beamforming method makes it possible to transfer wireless energy to massive numbers of sensors effectively and rapidly with small implementation complexity. We also analyze the energy harvesting outage probability of the proposed beamforming method, which provides insights into the design of wireless energy transfer networks with distributed beamforming.  相似文献   

A power supply system using a transcutaneous transformer to power an artificial heart through intact skin has been designed and built. In order to realize both high-voltage gain and minimum circulating current, compensation of leakage inductances on both sides of a transcutaneous transformer is proposed. A frequency region which realizes the robustness against coupling coefficient and load variation is identified. In this region, the power converter has inherent advantages such as zero-voltage switching (ZVS) or zero-current switching (ZCS) of the switches, high-voltage gain, minimum circulating current and high efficiency  相似文献   

We investigate the electronic properties of single and coupled quantum dot systems by a self-consistent solution of Schrödinger and Poisson equations within the density functional theory. The single and coupled quantum dots show remarkable similarities to atoms and molecules. We observe that in the case of single quantum dots with cylindrical symmetry, the electrons in the dot form shells like in atoms. This sheel structure is slightly distorted due to the electron-electron interaction, as the number of electrons, N, increases. In the case of coupled quantum dots, we observe that the dots can be driven from a state wherein the individual dots are separate, akin to two isolated atoms, to one in which the dots couple forming an “artificial molecule.” By using the local spin density approximation, we observe spin polarization in the double dot for specific values of N.  相似文献   

物联网和云计算等技术的发展使得数据中心呈现爆炸性的增长,数据中心能耗大、能效利用率低、能耗和能效管理信息化程度不高,造成能源的巨大浪费。本文基于人工智能算法,从能耗指标PUE智能优化和能量智能管理调度角度,提供智慧能源管理解决方案。  相似文献   

文章在磁共振式无线能量传输系统的基础上,应用磁单负特异材料,设计出一种能够实现磁场聚焦的特异材料平板透镜,并将其应用到谐振式无线能量传输系统之中提高传输效率。  相似文献   

为了分析四种补偿拓扑在非接触能量传输系统中的能量传输特性,建立了系统初次级四种补偿拓扑的数学模型,结合工程应用实际,选取特定的参数,并利用Matlab对系统次级所接收的有功功率进行了仿真分析,获得了非接触能量传输系统在谐振条件下,次级在四种拓扑情况下随发射和接收线圈电感值变化的有功功率的变化曲线。得到了非接触能量传输系统采用初级并联次级并联的方法可以比其他三种补偿方法获得的有功功率高的结论。  相似文献   

An energy transfer circuit is proposed which employs a pair of neighbouring printed circuit board windings as a contactless energy transfer device, thereby making it amenable to low-profile designs and suitable for applications in which stringent requirements for height, space and reliability have to be met  相似文献   

Theory of transient energy transfer in gallium arsenide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerical calculations are given for optical two-beam coupling in undoped, semi-insulating GaAs using picosecond pulses. Absorption at the intrinsic defect EL2, two-photon absorption, free-carrier absorption, photorefractive gratings, free-carrier gratings, and absorption gratings are included. Results for normalized probe transmission as a function of pump fluence and as a function of pump-probe delay show that the major effects are energy transfer from pump to probe or from probe to pump (depending on crystal orientation) due to the photorefractive effect, two-photon absorption, and free-carrier transient energy transfer from the pump to the probe  相似文献   

Physical model, time-domain model, transmission spectra and energy transfer diagram of silicon-based micro-ring resonators based on the parallel waveguide structure are analyzed in this paper, in which transmission spectrum is ob- tained by Matlab, and the energy transfer process is analyzed by Rsoft. According to the analyses of the models and results, the energy transfer process in this type of resonator is clear to a great extent. The experimental results show that when the input signal is stable, the energy of the micro-ring resonator and the drop port tends to be steady after the input optical signal is coupled in the coupling region, which proves that the silicon-based micro-ring resonators can select specific optical signal if the input optical signal satisfies the resonance condition. However, if the resonance condition is not met, filtering function, optical switch function and signal selection function can be realized. Therefore, the analysis and simulation of energy transfer in silicon-based micro-ring resonators can not only enrich the silicon micro-ring resonator theory, but also provide new theoretical basis and method for the design and optimization of ex- isting, ontoelectronie devices.  相似文献   

Materials and devices using double-pumped-phosphors with energy transfer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The basic phenomena involved in double-pumped phosphors with energy transfer are described and discussed. The role played by successive multiple transfers as well as cooperative processes giving rise to antistokes fluorescence is emphasized for the different kinds of doping which have been used. The field of the different physical experiments is reviewed. Preparation of the most useful hosts is described and examples of applications are given as well as suggestions for future developments.  相似文献   

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