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梁峰  包日东 《工程力学》2015,32(6):238-242
应用非局部粘弹性欧拉梁模型研究不同温度场中输送脉动流碳纳米管的热弹性参数振动稳定性问题。包含有小尺度项和热效应项的控制方程通过Galerkin法离散后,用平均法对其进行求解,得到了管道稳定性边界的解析表达式。利用数值算例分析各参数对稳定性边界的影响发现:纳米管在高温温度场中的参数振动稳定性要比低温场中降低很多;提高温度变化量和非局部参数值,在低温场中可以增强系统稳定性,而在高温场中却会降低系统稳定性;不论在高温还是低温场中,提高纳米管粘弹性系数都会增强系统稳定性,但在高温场中,管材粘弹性的这种作用会比在低温场中降低很多。该文结论可为输流纳米机械的结构设计和热弹性振动分析提供理论 基础。  相似文献   

简支Kelvin模型粘弹性输流管道的动力稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对简支Kelvin模型粘弹性输流管道的动力稳定性进行了研究,具体分析了材料的无量纲延滞时间对无量纲流速与前二阶模态的无量纲频率的实部及虚部之间变化曲线的影响.计算结果表明,当无量纲延滞时间小于或等于10-5时,可将其按弹性管道处理;当延滞时间大于10-4时,简支Kelvin模型粘弹性输流管道与简支弹性输流管道及简支Maxmell模型粘弹性输流管道的一个最大差异在于不发生耦合模态颤振,而是发生单一模态颤振.  相似文献   

两端固定输流管道的稳定性和参数共振   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了两端固定输流管道在脉动内流作用下的参数共振问题。用平均法导出了管道失稳判据和三种参数共振区域的边界曲线方程,讨论了系统参数对失稳区域的影响。用数值方法给出了各种参数共振的响应曲线,分析了其存在区域以及响应频率与脉动流频率之间的关系。研究结果表明,组合共振区域内可发生拟周期运动和组合周期运动;组合共振曲线能延伸到第二振型次谐波共振区域;第一振型次谐波共振曲线能覆盖整个组合共振区域,而且能延伸到第二振型次谐波共振区域。因此,此系统存在同一个脉动频率与多种运动相对应的参数区域。  相似文献   

考虑内、外部流体的联合作用,研究输流管道的流体诱发振动稳定性。将外部流体的作用简化为涡激升力,利用Kane方法建立输流管道的二维非线性涡激振动方程。将动力学方程在平衡位置附近线性化,进行输流管道的稳定性分析。探讨不同内外流流速、外部流体的粘滞力系数、管道跨度以及内外流联合作用对管道稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,非线性涡激振动模型更真实地反映输流管道的流体诱发振动稳定性,在内流和管道跨度的影响下,发生耦合模态颤振现象;外部流体粘滞力系数的变化对管道的动力特性有明显的影响;在内外部流体的联合作用下管道的振动特性与各因素单独作用时明显不同。  相似文献   

应用非局部粘弹性夹层梁模型分析粘弹性介质中输送脉动流碳纳米管的动态稳定性。在经典的欧拉梁模型中考虑了由管道内、外壁上的薄表面层引起的表面弹性效应和表面残余应力,同时考虑纳米管道的非局部效应,得到了改进的欧拉梁模型。用平均法对其控制方程进行求解,得到了管道稳定性区域。数值算例揭示了纳米管的壁厚、粘弹性特性、表面效应及两个介质参数对管道动态稳定性的复杂影响,结论可为纳米流体机械的结构设计和振动分析提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本文研究了黏弹性输流管在Winkler地基上的横向振动。管道的黏弹性材料用Kelvin本构关系描述,在两端铰支边界条件下,对系统的控制方程应用直接多尺度法建立相应的可解性条件,得到了系统次谐波共振和组合共振的稳定性边界条件,考察了系统的各种参数如阻尼、脉动流速、质量比、弹性地基对稳定性边界条件的影响。  相似文献   

本文对两端采用线弹簧和扭转弹簧支承的输流管道的稳定性进行了理论研究,讨论了支承刚度对管道动态特性的影响。定常流情况下的结果表明,一个系统是保守的,还是非保守的主要取决于支承弹簧刚度的比值。文中还发现了高阶模态耦合颤振失稳等弹性支承管道系统的一些新特性。在周期性脉动流情况下,文中以Болотин方法确定了参变共振失稳区域的边界。  相似文献   

研究Pasternak双参数地基一般支承输流管道的线性固有频率及非线性动力学特性。综合考虑管道黏弹性系数、地基的剪切效应、线性刚度的影响,建立了系统运动微分方程。根据两端一般支承的边界条件推导出线性系统固有频率方程,分析了基础激励与脉动流作用下,流速对系统非线性动力学特性的影响。数值结果表明,管道一阶临界流速随弹性系数的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势,当弹性系数足够大时,管道随流速的增加发生一阶、二阶模态耦合现象;系统响应随流速变化呈现由倍周期分岔过渡到混沌运动的特性;当管内流体流速足够大时,系统响应保持混沌运动状态。  相似文献   

一般支承条件下输流管道的非线性动力学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
摘要: 研究两端一般支承垂直放置的输流管道系统,采用非线性动力学分析方法,研究其在自激、参数激励和外激励联合作用下的非线性动力学特性,分析系统出现混沌运动的参数条件和进入混沌运动的途径。数值仿真结果表明,随着平均流速和质量比的增大,系统响应交替出现周期和混沌运动两种形态。系统进入混沌运动的途径为倍周期分岔,由混沌转化为周期运动的途径为倍周期倒分岔。混沌运动和周期运动出现的参数与流体的平均流速和管道端部的支承/约束刚度有很大关联,随着管道端部约束刚度的增大,系统出现混沌运动的区域减小,说明管道端部的约束刚度有益于抑制混沌运动的发生。  相似文献   

潜艇吸声覆盖层在低频对抗主动声纳的探测是目前面临的一个重要技术难题,利用空腔共振时的吸收是解决低频吸声问题的一种有效途径,文中在假设入射球形纵波完全被腔壁反射的情形下,对球形空腔嵌入层的共振特性进行了理论分析,结果表明,在粘弹性介质中嵌入适当厚度的低剪切波速包覆层能有效地降低空腔共振的频率。  相似文献   

We study the collapsing and subsequent spontaneous twisting of a carbon nanotube by in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM).A custom-sized nanotube is first created in the microscope by selectively extracting shells from a parent multi-walled tube.The few-walled,large-diameter daughter nanotube is driven to collapse via mechanical stimulation,after which the ribbon-like collapsed tube spontaneously twists along its long axis.In situ diffraction experiments fully characterize the uncollapsed and collapsed tubes.The experimental observations and associated theoretical analysis indicate that the origin of the twisting is compressive strain.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, a general method was presented for constructing the solution to the problem of a semi-infinite, mode III crack propagating dynamically through an infinite, general linear viscoelastic body. The only restrictions placed upon the crack tip speed were that it have constant sign and in magnitude not exceed the glassy shear wave speed. In the present contribution, those previous analytical results are applied to a study of dynamic unsteady crack growth in a linear viscoelastic body. In particular, a numerical algorithm for computing the stress intensity factor is given along with example simulations of running cracks using the Achenbach-Chao viscoelastic model and a stress intensity factor (SIF) fracture criterion. We also compare the transient SIF with the dynamic steady state SIF, and examine the transition to constant crack speed for a dynamically accelerating crack in a viscoelastic material.  相似文献   

We discuss the problem of the dynamic stability of a viscoelastic cylindrical panel with concentrated masses in a geometrically nonlinear formulation that is based on the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. The effect of the action of concentrated masses is introduced into the equation of motion of a cylindrical panel using the Dirac δ-function. The problem is solved by the Bubnov-Galerkin method based on a polynomial approximation of deflections together with a numerical method based on the use of quadrature formulas. The choice of the Koltunov-Rzhanitsyn singular kernel is justified. Comparisons between the results obtained from different theories are presented. The Bubnov-Galerkin method convergence is investigated for all problems. The effect of the material viscoelastic properties and concentrated masses on the process of the dynamic stability of a cylindrical panel is shown. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 4, pp. 132–147, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   

以甲烷为碳源气,以氢气为还原气,以纳米级NiO/SiO2气凝胶为催化剂,探讨了气相化学沉积法制备多壁碳纳米管工艺过程中,制备参数对产物形貌的影响。实验结果表明,随着反应时间的延长,多壁碳纳米管的直径没有明显改变,长度增加,长径比随之增加。CH4与H2的流量比例为2∶1时,可制得形貌规整、长径比大的多壁碳纳米管。  相似文献   

A single-elastic beam model has been developed to analyze the thermal vibration of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) based on thermal elasticity mechanics, and nonlocal elasticity theory. The nonlocal elasticity takes into account the effect of small size into the formulation. Further, the SWCNT is assumed to be embedded in an elastic medium. A Winkler-type elastic foundation is employed to model the interaction of the SWCNT and the surrounding elastic medium. Differential quadrature method is being utilized and numerical solutions for thermal-vibration response of SWCNT is obtained. Influence of nonlocal small scale effects, temperature change, Winkler constant and vibration modes of the CNT on the frequency are investigated. The present study shows that for low temperature changes, the difference between local frequency and nonlocal frequency is comparatively high. With embedded CNT, for soft elastic medium and larger scale coefficients (e0a) the nonlocal frequencies are comparatively lower. The nonlocal model-frequencies are always found smaller than the local model-frequencies at all temperature changes considered.  相似文献   

In this article, dynamic stability analysis of the viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate reinforced by functionally graded single-walled carbon nanotubes (FG-SWCNTs) based on modified strain gradient theory (MSGT) is explored. The viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate reinforced is subjected to hydrothermal and electro-magneto-mechanical loadings. The viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate is rested on viscoelastic foundation. Uniform distribution (UD), various functionally graded (FG) distribution types such as FG-V, FG-X, and FG-O are considered for single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The extended mixture approach is applied to estimation of the elastic properties. The equations of motion are derived by Hamilton's principle. The resonance frequency or the parametric resonance is obtained then dynamic stability region is specified. There is a good agreement between the present work and the literature result. Various parametric investigations are performed for the influences of the small scale parameters, direct and alternating applied voltage, magnetic field, viscoelastic foundation coefficients, and aspect ratios on the dynamic stability region of the viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate. The results indicated that SWCNT agglomeration and surface stress have significant effects on the dynamic stability region and the parametric resonance. Dynamic stability region increases with increasing of thickness to width ratio, magnetic field, applied voltage, static load factor, viscoelastic foundation parameters, and surface density constant, and decreasing of length to width ratio and residual surface stress constant. Also, the dynamic stability region shifts to lower parameter resonance with increasing of temperature and moisture changes. The results can be employed for design of micro-electro-mechanical systems and nano-electro-mechanical systems.  相似文献   

曾志刚  叶敏 《振动与冲击》2012,31(2):129-135
在之前的研究中我们以ABS树脂为基材,填充1%-10%的金红石纳米二氧化钛制成纳米复合材料系列梁样本,并搭建了参数激励非线性振动实验系统。采用实验建模的方法,建立了粘弹性屈曲梁的动力学控制方程。在此基础上,进一步研究了系统的稳定性和分岔特性,利用多尺度方法对系统的幅频响应和解的稳定性进行了分析,并采用数值模拟分析参数激励幅值对系统分叉行为的影响,同时研究了系统通往混沌的道路,获得了丰富的动力学现象。  相似文献   

张月青  李巧玲  张豪  张巍  武帅 《化工新型材料》2012,40(3):103-105,109
以低温原位静置法制备了聚苯胺包覆碳纳米管复合物,考察了碳纳米管含量和掺杂酸种类2个工艺参数对复合物的形貌、热稳定性、吸波性能的影响。研究表明:碳纳米管含量为10%时,两者完全包覆出现类似玉米棒形貌,有机酸掺杂制备出针形的聚苯胺且随单体浓度降低直径变小针状更明显;酸种类参数对热稳定性的影响更大,10%碳纳米管含量对氨基苯磺酸掺杂的样品热稳定性最好;有机酸掺杂样的损耗正切远小于盐酸掺杂样的,以盐酸掺杂的碳管含量为10%的样品在低频处有很好的吸收。  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) represent an important group of nanomaterials with attractive geometrical, electrical and chemical properties and are synthesised using a variety of techniques. In this study, CNTs are fabricated by arc discharge in liquid with a fully automatic setup, while this system is equipped with a heat exchange system. This fully automatic setup enables the controlling of gap between the two electrodes and temperature of the media. Furthermore, this system can cool down the solution that is heated due to arc and keep the temperature of solution constant during the arc discharge. The temperature of the solution affects the synthesising and structuring of CNTs. In this study, CNTs are fabricated between two graphite electrodes, which are submerged in LiCl (0.25?N) and with a voltage of 25?V, while Ni and Mo are used as catalysts. For comparative study, CNTs are synthesised under different thermal conditions, below zero, at environment temperature and at high temperature (up to 80°C), and the results are analysed, compared and discussed. The scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy are employed to study the morphology of these carbon nanostructures. The general impact of the solution temperature upon nanoproduct structures will be discussed.  相似文献   

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