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A multiple-theory analysis of a diffusion of information technology case   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract. This paper describes a multiple-theory analysis of a diffusion of information technology case. Three innovation diffusion models, the interactive model, the linked-chain model and the emergent model, are used to develop an analysis that describes the essential knowledge that each model produces. Rather than develop conflicting stories, each model leads to distinctly different, but complementary, knowledge about the case setting. More generally, the analysis enables us to circumscribe the distinct conceptual domain of each model. These domains define the scope of research questions that can be addressed by each of the innovation diffusion models. In addition to the theoretical implications, the paper also describes the practical indications and actions of the case subjects.  相似文献   

任帅  石方夏  张弢 《计算机应用》2016,36(3):642-646
针对基于信息隐藏技术的隐秘通信要求,提出利用模型纵向轮廓Z轴值的区间解析三维模型信息隐藏算法。算法首先将三维模型按固定大小与角度进行非比例缩放和旋转,经过水平映射得出纵向轮廓;其次将轮廓映射于二维坐标中,并进行固定步长的纵向取值;最后将取值结果按照固定阈值进行区间约束,转换为0/1数据。算法采用固定大小进行非比例缩放,可有效抵御缩放攻击;按照固定旋转角度和固定步长进行冗余嵌入,数据嵌入点存在于整个三维模型中,对剪切有很强的鲁棒性;另外,实验结果显示,算法对0.2%以下的随机加噪、重网格以及非均匀简化都具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this paper we study the problem of ergodic impulsive control of Feller processes with costly information. We prove continuity of the value functions for optimal stopping and impulsive control with long run average cost. We characterize the value functions as generalized solutions of respective quasi-variational inequalities and describe optimal policies. We study also an equation associated to impulsive control with long run average cost.  相似文献   

A critical issue facing senior executives is how to improve the return on their information technology (IT) investments. The results of numerous studies are inconclusive as they have failed to show conclusively that IT investments produce expected payoffs. The purpose of this paper is to offer an explanation for the perceived lack of IT payoff and show how managers can improve the return on their IT investments. We argue that IT can provide significant benefits, but in many cases these benefits are not captured by the firm that made the investment. Instead, a large portion of the benefits are reaped by a variety of participants or stakeholders. The implications of this for managers is that they need to view IT payoff as a portfolio of benefits across many stakeholders. They must also understand and manage the distribution of the benefits within the portfolio to assure that benefits are transferred to the bottom line. The paper offers a framework for analyzing the nature and distribution of IT benefits among various stakeholder groups and concludes with a set of guidelines for measuring and managing these benefits.  相似文献   

信息技术与信息技术课程教学的整合为信息技术与其他课程教学整合提供技术支持。本文从论述信息技术与信息技术课程教学整合的地位入手,分析了当前信息技术与信息技术课程教学的整合的问题之所在,并尝试着提出了解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

目的:在Leap Motion硬件的垂直操作区域,通过手的不同高度来操作映射在屏幕上的多层离散的目标选择任务,得出适合用户操作的层数,以及相应的人因分析与讨论。方法:首先通过实验得出用户常用的垂直操作范围,再在常用范围的基础上进行分层实验,并且通过选择任务所花费的时间和任务困难度ID进行线性分析,证明是否适应Fitts’law模型。结果:通过实验发现,任务困难度对任务时间在全视觉反馈和半视觉反馈下的线性拟合度分别为0.766和0.771,所以Fitts’law模型对于分层交互界面下的多层离散的目标选择任务并不适用,并且通过时间和错误率的相关数据分析得出了在全视觉反馈和半视觉反馈下的用户可操作的最大可分层数分别为20层和18层,本文结论可为基于多层的三维界面的应用场景的技术设计提供必要的设计准则。  相似文献   

近年来社交媒体越来越流行,可以从中获得大量丰富多彩的信息的同时,也带来了严重的"信息过载"问题.推荐系统作为缓解信息过载最有效的方法之一,在社交媒体中的作用日趋重要.区别于传统的推荐方法,社交媒体中包含大量的用户产生内容,因此在社交媒体中,通过结合传统的个性化的推荐方法,集成各类新的数据、元数据和清晰的用户关系,产生了各种新的推荐技术.总结了社交推荐系统中的几个关键研究领域,包括基于社会化标注的推荐、组推荐和基于信任的推荐,之后介绍了在信息推荐中考虑时间因素时的情况,最后对社交媒体中信息推荐有待深入研究的难点和发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Problems of vibrations of a representative element of a composite medium with allowance made for the interphase interaction of components are investigated. The results of computer modeling of plane linear and nonlinear problems and also a three-dimensional problem of dynamic equilibrium of a composite system are considered. The surfaces of solutions for various proportions of reinforcing fibers and interphase layers are obtained and analyzed, and the influence of these layers on the character of vibrational processes is investigated. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 5, pp. 127–134, September–October 2008.  相似文献   

目前对三维图形作品的知识产权的保护与重要信息加密隐藏的需求日益增长,人们开始使用隐藏技术为三维数字化作品添加数字水印或通过三维图形信息隐藏技术加密重要信息.文章对三维图形中的信息隐藏技术作了剖析,并对基于距不变特征的隐藏算法进行了研究,最后利用ply格式的三角形网格Cow三维模型对算法进行了验证.  相似文献   

基于交互模糊特征提取的3维流场可视化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
特征可视化方法具有简化复杂流场表示、突出流场特征的特点,在复杂流场可视化中具有重要作用。传统特征可视化方法通常采用自动化提取方法,不能有效结合用户知识与经验,无法满足用户的交互需求。考虑复杂流场特征区域精确界定的困难,提出一种交互式模糊特征提取算法,实现了对流场特征的交互式提取与可视化。首先基于模糊理论,给出了3维流场特征的模糊描述模型,然后交互式模糊特征提取算法与实现。应用所开发的交互式模糊特征提取可视化系统证明,它不仅可以充分发挥用户优势,有效提取数据特征,适时获取对象特征,还可以有效表现数据集客观不确定性的本质。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, there has been a growing body of critical theory in information systems research. A central theoretical foundation of this research is Habermas' theory of communicative action, which focuses on implications of speech and proposes general normative standards for communication. Habermas also places particular emphasis on the importance of the public sphere in a democratic society, critiquing the role of the media and other actors in shaping public discourse. While there has been growing emphasis on critical discourse analysis (CDA), there has been limited effort to systematically apply Habermas' validity claims to empirical research. Moreover, while critical research in information systems has examined communication within the organizational context, public discourse on information technology has received little attention. The paper makes three primary contributions: (1) it responds to Habermas' call for empirical research to ground and extend his theory of communication in every day critical practice; (2) it proposes an approach to applying Habermas' theory of communication to CDA; and (3) it extends the reach of critical research in information systems beyond micro-level organizational concerns and opens up to critical reflection and debate on the impact of systematically distorted communication about technology in the public sphere.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,计算机技术,大数据技术的进步对于高中信息技术教学和研究具有指导作用。目前,以大数据整合,存储等技术为代表的大数据技术发展迅速且逐渐成熟,已经成为高中信息技术教学过程中不可或缺的部分。高中信息技术教学要跟随大数据时代的发展步伐,将大数据技术分析作为信息技术教学研究的重点内容。高中信息技术包含计算机的基本概念与结构,计算机的基础知识,计算机技术和其发展史等内容,与计算机,网络和通信技术息息相关。文章主要围绕高中信息技术概念简述,大数据时代下高中信息技术教学的重点,大数据时代下高中信息技术教学过程中存在的问题以及大数据时代下高中信息技术教学研究的有效措施等方面展开论述。  相似文献   

随着信息化社会的到来,信息技术与各学科教学的整合已经成为21世纪基础教育改革的新视点。英语学科也毫不例外,只有对本学科不断地注入活水,它才有发展前途,才有存在的必要。未来社会是以信息科学为先导的信息社会。  相似文献   

Abstract. Even during this recessionary era, information technology (IT) expenditure in most organizations continues to grow at a high rate. Because of this increased IT expenditure, more and more senior managers are demanding that IT play a greater role in determining their firm's success by helping them increase organizational efficiencies and perhaps even achieve competitive advantage. The existing information systems literature on IT investment and organizational strategic performance, however, provides very little help to senior managers in making before-the-fact IT investment decisions. The present research study puts forth some 'hard' evidence relating IT investment to organizational strategic and economic performance by using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Eight IT investment measures were used as inputs and 10 organizational strategic and economic performance ratios were used as outputs for the DEA model. The results indicate that two-thirds of the organizations in this research study are deemed efficient by DEA. A clear distinction exists between the efficient group and the inefficient group in terms of IT investment and organizational strategic and economic performance. The firms in the efficient group had a much higher return on their information technology investment than the inefficient group. In addition, the DEA results pinpoint the inefficient inputs and deficient outputs for an inefficient firm allowing a senior manager to take corrective actions to compensate for the situation.  相似文献   

A general method of analysis, mathematical in nature, is proposed for the abstract study of information handling processes. The method is based on an extension of the field concept as used in physical sciences, and makes no reference to data processing considerations. Thus, theory and practice are neatly separated so that each can progress on its own, helped but unhindered by the other. The paper details the method proposed and illustrates it with a preliminary analysis of information processing for selective mailings of periodicals. The analysis leads to a set of equations from which the values of all the derived information fields can be rigorously calculated. The discussion at the end of the paper helps to relate the present work to research relevant to the specification, documentation, design, and implementation of computer-aided information processing systems.The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessaril' represent those of the Ministry of State for Urban Affairs.Since this article was submitted, the author's name has been changed to S. H. Talbert.  相似文献   

米强 《物联网技术》2013,(11):70-71,74
电子信息技术的迅猛发展,为信息流通带来了极大便利。电子信息技术以其方便、快捷的特点,已深入到企业管理的各个方面。但就目前的情况来看,电子信息技术的高速发展为企业信息安全管理带来了一些困难。基于此,本文以企业信息安全管理存在的问题为切入点,对电子信息枝术在企业安全管理中的应用进行了深入探讨,以期为强化我国企业信息安全管理提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The need for a link between information technology (IT) use and organizational strategy has been identified and discussed for a number of years. The thrust of this work argues that the motives for investment in IT should derive from firm objectives and, more particularly, from the strategic plan which the organization wishes to pursue. This paper argues that, often, mere lip service is paid to the strategic nature of IT. Further, strategy justification has become a tool for securing investment in IT by circumventing established organizational policy on investments. Many IT investments labelled ‘strategic’ appear to be operational in nature. This paper discusses the nature and evaluation of strategy and relates it to the literature on IT as a strategic tool. The extent to which the relationship between IT and strategy has altered over recent years is subsequently investigated. The implementation process is investigated and evidence of IT investment activities and the returns available to investing organizations are reviewed. The paper argues that there are a number of alternative views on the IT-strategy relationship, some of which are organizationally detrimental.  相似文献   

文章分析了多媒体信息技术在语文教学中的意义,探讨了如何在中学语文教学中有效地运用多媒体信息技术,使之与语文学科有效整合。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的飞速发展,信息技术与高职英语口语教学应该顺应时代进行整合.本文将对现阶段高职英语口语教学的现状、信息技术教学系统的先进性、以及将其进行整合产生的问题的解决进行论述.  相似文献   

信息技术飞速发展,作为国家战略型新兴产业的云计算、物联网、三网融合等新一代信息技术已得到广泛应用,海量信息和用户出现爆炸式增长。信息量和用户量的剧增导致信息存储技术面临多种难题,如性能低、扩展性差、可靠性不高、数据可用性差、功耗巨大、兼容性差、海量信息管理困难、产品和系统评估困难等。为此,在国家863计划重大专项课题的支持下,建立了海量信息存储测评公共服务平台,制定了全面的测评指标体系和测评方案,满足从多个维度对海量信息存储系统进行综合测评,为用户解决海量信息存储问题提供了解决方案。  相似文献   

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