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C. D. Pomeroy 《Materials and Structures》1993,26(2):121-123
P. Rota Rossi-Doria 《Materials and Structures》1990,23(3):235-238
This report presents the main results of a three-day RILEM Workshop held in Ravello, at Villa Rufolo, the European University
Centre for the Cultural Heritage, under the auspices of the Council of Europe and of the Italian National Research Council.
Considering the strong correspondence between research and industrial production evolved over the past years in the field
of conservation of works of art, the Workshop intended to focus attention on the two main problems of mortars: the study of
ancient mortars and the production of suitable mixtures for restoration, with a view to preparing a basic document useful
for further discussions and of proposing future RILEM action in the field of conservation of buildings of historical interest. 相似文献
ABSTRACTStrategic partnerships or strategic alliances have been called the “life blood” of companies in the new biotechnology industry, and a large number of firms are now participating in such collaborations. However, for a variety of reasons, not all such partnerships are successful. This paper describes some initial results from research conducted on a sample of small new biotechnology firms to identify the types and incidences of their strategic alliances, the reasons why they were formed, and the factors that contributed to their success or failure. Based on these preliminary findings, several recommendations are made for facilitating successful alliances in the new biotechnology and other industries. 相似文献
详细介绍了适合车间主任深层次岗位培训的新模式及其特点。结合东风汽车公司的成功实例,提出了如何在企业中推广和应用工业工程。 相似文献
Disparate approaches to strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in New South Wales (NSW), Australia and Scotland are compared. The first is fragmented and unfamiliar while the other is well established. A detailed analysis of the use of SEA in each jurisdiction follows a contextual evaluation of its purpose. Whereas the Scottish system is supported by recent regulation and policy, both NSW and the overriding Commonwealth Government follow haphazard actions with few if any settled methodologies. In order to improve its environmental assessment credentials and promote more sustainable development outcomes, NSW might consider the need for SEA more seriously. Investigation of other systems, such as that in Scotland, may assist. 相似文献
试论人类水事活动的新思维 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
总结过去,展望未来,作者提出新世纪人类水事活动的新思维,并用大量事例和数据作了论证,认为在21世纪的水事活动中必须正确处理人类活动、水体动态、生态环境、经济发展与社会进步的关系,简称人-水-环-发-社关系;要特别把握人类水事活动和其它人类活动对水体动态的长期影响及其逆反作用;要把水库视为保护和恢复水源的决定性措施加以实现;正确处理耕地、绿地和水域的关系,保护并适当增大水体面积,保护沼泽,关心小河小水的命运;在未来水事活动中要从与天的抗争转变为适应与利用,充分运用各种信息技术建立“信息水利”,并通过对水文气象的把握,经营“应变农业”,从而在获得足够农产品的同时能在用水量最大的部门求得战略性的节水途径。 相似文献
A RILEM technical committee on Internal Sulfate Attack (TC 186-ISA) was established in 1996. In the ensuing years considerable
research was carried out, which helped to clarify the scientific knowledge surrounding this form of degradation. A Seminar
was organised in September 2002 to bring together the leading researchers in the field to debate the state of the advances
made in this area. All known active researchers in the area were invited and most were able to attend. The workshop was organised
with sessions designed to address the key questions related to Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) and Internal Sulfate Attack.
In each session one or more invited presentations and several shorter presentations were made by leading researchers to summarise
experimental findings and present their views. These presentations were followed by extensive discussion, at the end of which
a summary was made of the main points of agreement and of areas where questions remained open. This report gives these discussion
summaries as the current consensus view on this subject.
Editorial Note Created in 1996, the RILEM Technical Committee 186-ISA ‘Internal Sulfate Attack’ was chaired by Dr. Jan Skalny. The authors of this paper. Prof. Karen Scrivener, was the Secretary of RILEM TC 186-ISA. Following the Workshop in Villars, Switzerland, the RILEM TC 186-ISA was closed at the end of 2003. EPFL (Switzerland) is a RILEM Titular Member. Karen Scrivener is a RILEM Senior Member. She is the Convener of RILEM Cluster D, ‘Durability and Deterioration Mechanisms’ and she participates in RILEM TCs 197-NCM ‘Nanotechnology in construction materials’ and PAE ‘Performance of cement-based materials in aggressive aqueous environments’. Dr. Jan P. Skalny is a RILEM Senior Member. 相似文献
Résumé Une commission technique de la RILEM sur l'attaque interne des sulfates (TC 186-ISA) fut créée en 1996. Au cours des années qui ont suivi, d'importants travaux de recherche sont été menés en vue d'aider à clarifier la connaissance scientifique entourant cette forme de dégradation. Un séminaire fut organisé en septembre 2002 afin que les principaux experts du domaine puissent discuter ensemble et faire état de l'avancée de leurs recherches sur ce sujet. Tous les grands chercheurs spécialistes du domaine furent invités et la plupart put assister au séminaire. Celui-ci fut divisé en sessions visant à aborder les questions liées à la formation retardée de l'ettringite (DEF) et à l'attaque interne des sulfates. Chaque session comportait une ou plusieurs présentations invitées et plusieurs interventions plus courtes, faites par les experts pour résumer leurs résultats expérimentaux et exposer leurs points de vue. Ces présentations étaient suivies par de longues discussions, à la fin desquelles était fait un compterendu, résumant les principaux points d'accord et les domaines où des questions restaient en suspens. Dans ce rapport sont regroupés les résumés de ces discussions, résultats du consensus actuel sur ce thème.
Editorial Note Created in 1996, the RILEM Technical Committee 186-ISA ‘Internal Sulfate Attack’ was chaired by Dr. Jan Skalny. The authors of this paper. Prof. Karen Scrivener, was the Secretary of RILEM TC 186-ISA. Following the Workshop in Villars, Switzerland, the RILEM TC 186-ISA was closed at the end of 2003. EPFL (Switzerland) is a RILEM Titular Member. Karen Scrivener is a RILEM Senior Member. She is the Convener of RILEM Cluster D, ‘Durability and Deterioration Mechanisms’ and she participates in RILEM TCs 197-NCM ‘Nanotechnology in construction materials’ and PAE ‘Performance of cement-based materials in aggressive aqueous environments’. Dr. Jan P. Skalny is a RILEM Senior Member. 相似文献
指出了电子式无功电能表没有对应的检定规程,提出了检定电子式无功电能表时,判定合格与否的基本误差限,以及测定基本误差应调定的负载功率。 相似文献
Christopher Durugbo 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(10):2881-2900
Co-design represents an approach to the concurrent and collaborative design of systems. In an industrial context, firms adopt this approach to minimise risks/costs of new product development and to improve interactions along supply chains. For an industrial firm that delivers integrated product and service offerings i.e. an industrial product-service system (IPS2), co-design needs to be strategised in line with: (i) the IPS2 logic that challenges firms to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and (ii) customer needs during life cycles. This article presents a multi-methodology-based study of the management of co-design within the context of an IPS2. It adopts a multi-case logic supplemented with key informant semi-structured interviews to capture implementations of co-design and how an IPS2 can be strategised to leverage the benefits of co-design. The article also highlights and discusses the resulting implications of the findings of the study for researchers and practitioners and potential future research directions. 相似文献
Round-robin analysis of the RILEM TC 162-TDF beam-bending test: Part 2—Approximation of δ from the CMOD response 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
B. I. G. Barr M. M. Lee E. J. de Place Hansen D. Dupont E. Erdem S. Schaerlaekens B. Schnütgen H. Stang L. Vandewalle 《Materials and Structures》2003,36(9):621-630
A round robin test programme was carried out using the beam-bending test recommended by RILEM TC 162-TDF [1]. The test programme included both plain and steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams. A detailed analysis was carried out to investigate the influence of different test configurations on measurements of the crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD). Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) and non-linear fracture mechanics (NLFM) methods were utilised to investigate the problem analytically. From the analytical studies carried out, it is proposed that the CMOD should not be measured at a distance more than 5mm from the bottom fibre of the beam. A larger distance than 5mm will cause the deviation between the measured CMOD and the true CMOD to reach an unacceptable level. A simple rigid body model has been proposed to relate the CMOD to the mid-span deflection. The NLFM analysis and experimental results were compared for both the plain and SFRC beam results and it was found that results based on the basis of CMOD can be compared to those based on deflections, for practical purposes, using the simple rigid body model. The experimental results strongly suggest that the rigid body model could be effectively applied for all the types of materials tested in the round robin test programme. In addition it was found that the conversion from CMOD to the equivalent mid-span deflection, δc, revealed good agreement between the load-average mid-span deflection (P-δ) curve and the load-equivalent mid-span deflection (P-δ) curve especially for the SFRC specimens. It is proposed that the load-CMOD (P-CMOD) curve be used to calculate the proposed RILEM design parameters (as opposed to the P-δ curve) via the use of a correction factor determined using the simple rigid body model. 相似文献
《IET systems biology》2008,2(6):383-384
System-oriented biological research (Systems Biology) is a vibrant field which aims to establish the higher-order principles behind complex multi-cellular processes. This classic theme of the Life Sciences was recently reinforced with a new armamentarium of high-throughput molecular tools. These omics approaches ('omes', greek for 'complete') allow us to now study biological behaviour in unprecedented width and detail. Consequently, Systems Biology is seen to bear the potential for major discoveries in the Life Sciences. 相似文献