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《Computers & Education》2009,52(4):1538-1552
Distance education courses must cope with the difficulties imposed by delivering a class at a distance. As most courses only emphasize the cognitive aspects of the class and neglect the course’s effect on the students, this gives no help for reaching the affective domain teaching goals. Especially for younger students, in distance education, when younger students are out of the sight of teachers, they could easily be distracted by the environment around them. This research outlines a synchronous discussion procedure with reinforcement mechanism designed for elementary school students to integrate the affective aspects of teaching into distance education within a class period. The mechanism allows teachers to understand students’ attitudes within the class and provides instant feedback to the teacher. Learners can also get information about their attitudes and help to reach the affective domain teaching goals of the courses. This mechanism was implemented and investigated. Comparative assessments were made by administering interviews and questionnaires to elementary school students. The results show that the procedure can supervise learners and help them reach the response stage of the affective domain teaching goals.  相似文献   

Teachers can handle learning situations during activities in peer-to-peer classes, and assess student achievements associated with teaching goals in the affective domain. In distance learning, teachers cannot directly observe student states and assess achievement concurrently. Many distance education studies adopted frequency of interaction as the basis of student participation when assessing the student achievements in class. However, the number of times a student interacts is not equal to discussion quality. Although synchronous discussions during class can help teachers assess learning states, these discussions are not suited to all courses. If a teacher can supervise student images from computer’s webcam and observe student status, the teacher can assess achievement accurately. Image processing technology can be applied in an assessment system in distance learning, student states can be observed and these observational results can be combined with behavior detection to help teachers assess student achievement in terms of teaching goals in the affective domain.This study had analyzed the theory and method of assessing affective domain teaching goals. The assessment system had been implemented and simulated using image processing technology and records to analyze student achievement of attending and responding stages with a class period, via fuzzy logic and a fuzzy integral. Simulation results indicate that this assessment system can accurately assess student achievement in terms of attending and responding stages of affective domain teaching goals.  相似文献   

Since online learning technology, such as streaming video, was introduced to the college distance-learning environment, there has been a need to study the attitudes of college students toward the use of this modality in hybrid courses. Understanding students’ attitudes toward using online materials and the impact on class attendance is not only essential to ascertain how effectively the online content is delivered, it also helps teaching faculty prepare online courses and education programs. This paper studies the attitudes of college students’ about online materials in a hybrid upper division communications class. Student attitudes towards combining distance-learning techniques with traditional lecture tended to be positive. Students held the belief that hybrid courses have a negative impact on attendance, but they did not self-report an actual impact. Students do believe that they benefit from this technology, but the belief is strongest in those who are most computer/Internet literate. How these attitudes/beliefs impact the student in the context of a rural culture will be discussed.  相似文献   


Many teachers in elementary schools lack school science self‐efficacy, largely because of their inexperience with the subject. This frequently leads them to avoid teaching science or to teach it in ways that compromise the development of aspects of students’ scientific literacy. This paper describes how one teacher was able to improve her school science self‐efficacy through facilitated action research. In response to becoming aware of a discrepancy between her school science practices and her fundamental educational beliefs, Lisa developed a drama‐based, integrated science unit that she judged successful in helping students to achieve relevant learning goals. This experience led Lisa and her students to feel much more positive about teaching and learning in school science. Rather than learning from another, however, “Lisa, the science teacher” learned— to a great extent—from “Lisa, the drama‐based educator.” This finding has implications for science‐phobic teachers and for facilitators of their action research.  相似文献   

因信息技术教育在当今社会的重要性,为了使学生在有限的时间里掌握计算机的基本知识和基本技能,为了教给学生掌握数字化生存的本领,提高学生素质,本文通过教学实践,从教师的课前精心准备、有趣的导入、教学过程设计方面对信息技术课的高效课堂做了一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

信息化教学,增强了趣味性,使课堂更加活跃,并且极大的拓宽了学生的知识面,将学生的兴趣和思维最大限度的调动起来,提高了学生的学习积极性。如果将信息化教学这种崭新的教学模式运用到农村小学美术课堂中,将成为美术教育中的特色,极大的提高教学效果。  相似文献   

现阶段信息技术课程在高中学校的现状不容乐观,在很多学校以及教育主管部门都不被重视,学生把这门课当成了“休闲课”,而高中信息技术教师更是戏谑地把自己称作“多员化”教师。如何充分展现学科设置的意义,实现教师们的职业价值?一直是悬在所有信息技术教师心头的一片疑云!2003年,教育部颁布了《高中信息技术标准》,提出了提高信息素养,培养信息时代的合格公民等五个基本理念,而信息素养的培养在其中尤为重要。结合现在的教学形势,信息技术的教学除了要配合学业水平考试完成既定的知识教授以外,本学科的核心价值还是要定位于对学生的信息素养的培养上,通过教师不断提高自身的综合素质,彰显学科魅力,帮助学生树立正确的信息意识,提升学生的信息应用能力。  相似文献   

招生指标与学校的前程、领导的政绩、教师的利益挂钩,在地方政府保护下的招生处于垄断、混乱、无序状态,导致教育资源的浪费、教师道德沦丧、社会对职业教育作用的失望、教育教学管理混乱。本文从竞争、危害及对策三方面浅谈职业学校招生大战后的反思。  相似文献   

人工智能是研究运用计算机系统模拟和延伸人脑功能的学科,当前在基础教育教学领域应用越来越广泛.该文从教师、管理者和学生三个视角对人工智能在基础教育教学中的应用进行文献综述和实地调研,旨在分析人工智能中典型的技术,包括计算机视觉、自然语言处理、知识图谱、大数据挖掘等在教育教学各个环节中的使用情况,并根据调研中发现的问题总结...  相似文献   

Education is recognized as the key to individual success. Particularly, elementary education is vital for providing students with basic literacy and numeracy, as well as establishing foundations in mathematics, language, science, geography, history, and other social sciences. Mathematics is fundamental to numerous fields with real life applications, including natural science, engineering, medicine, and social sciences; therefore, student mathematics-learning achievement (MLA) in elementary school is valuable. This study aims to eliminate wastage of educational resources and seek suitable hybrid models for application to education. This study proposes an integrated hybrid model based on rough set classifiers and multiple regression analysis and provides a new trial of such a hybrid model to process MLA problems for elementary schools and their teachers. The proposed model is illustrated by examining a dataset from an elementary school in Taiwan. The experimental results reveal that the proposed model outperforms the listing methods in both classification accuracy and standard deviation. The rough set LEM2 (Learning from Examples Module, version 2) algorithm generates a set of comprehensible decision rules that can be applied in a knowledge-based education system designed for interested parties. Consequently, the analytical results have important implications for strategies related to mathematics teaching/learning and support to achieve teaching goals related to mathematics education.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of multimedia devices in elementary classrooms, there is limited research examining teacher-created video instruction, particularly regarding its effect on academic growth and engagement. This study investigated the effect of teacher-created computer-based video instruction (CBVI) using iPads on students' academic, behavioural and affective learning in elementary classrooms. The study used a repeated-measures design with counterbalancing to measure the effects of CBVI during mathematics lessons on student achievement scores, time on-task and attitudes towards learning. Three year three classes (n = 49) completed three lessons, each using a different mode of instruction: CBVI created by the class teacher, CBVI created by a stranger, and a traditional live lesson delivered by the class teacher. Results were analysed using a Linear Mixed Model. No significant growth in performance was detected during video instruction, however a significant growth result was achieved for the traditional live teaching mode (p < 0.001), possibly attributable to the longer duration of experimental session. Behavioural engagement was considerably higher during CBVI lessons than live lessons and students preferred their teacher's voice during CBVI. Three teachers were interviewed to examine how CBVI affected teaching and learning, with two main themes emerging: (1) positive impacts of CBVI upon students; and (2) positive impacts on teacher wellbeing. This research indicates benefits for students and teachers when using teacher-created CBVI. Further research is needed to better understand the factors that influence cognitive development of students using CBVI and to also further explore the effect of CBVI on teacher wellbeing.  相似文献   

Many courses for elementary school are based upon teacher presentation and explanation of basic topics, rather than allowing students to develop their own knowledge. This traditional model may turn elementary-level lessons into an extremely theoretical, boring and non-effective process. In this context, research in mathematics elementary education in Mexico indicates the need to analyze alternative pedagogic practices and to find different ways to make mathematics education in early ages less difficult and more attractive. Constructivist theory can provide an alternative for developing pedagogic proposals. The objectives of this research were: (1) develop a computational platform to support the traditional Mexican method of education with practical mathematics problems simulated as part of the daily world environment and to increase the level of students' social involvement through direct collaboration, and (2) analyze how this computational tool affects student motivation, collaboration and discussion. An exploratory case study concerning dimensions of mathematics problem-solving using computer simulations was conducted with 6–8 year old elementary school children. After a theoretical class the children were involved in solving a series of verbal problems, using our computational platform. Sixty third-grade children participated in this case study and data were collected from their responses to questions and interviews in order to explore attitudes toward learning mathematics and assess self-efficacy in this area. The results obtained in this research indicate that the integration of computational tools into conventional method courses provides elements to improve student motivation, collaboration and discussion based on their own exploratory experiences. These results can assist other education programs to incorporate positive attitudes and their own knowledge creation from a constructivist approach using technology.  相似文献   

由于计算机技术的快速发展、中小学信息技术必修课的不断深入以及学生之间所存在的个体差异,迫切需要高校计算机基础教育改革关注学生现状,以便有的放矢地对计算机文化基础教学中的教学内容、教学方法、考核评价等方面进行实践和探索。我们通过对新入学大学生计算机知识背景的调查,大胆深入地开展了试点教学工作,取得了一些经验,进一步明确了计算机基础教育的培养目标。  相似文献   


This article presents a study done in an elementary mathematics methods course that focused on the transition of novice teachers’ epistemological stances: former elementary student, university student, and teacher stances. In order to help them develop the teacher stance, we designed a three-phase activity, where two phases took place inside class and the last one occurred outside of class. Novice teachers were given an assignment where they had to rehearse a count in class and enact it in front of a small group of students. They had to write reflections on their rehearsal and enactment. Interviews were done 4 months after the end of the course. The results show that the reflections about mathematics in relation to the use of new teaching practices on eliciting students’ thinking allowed the novice teachers to develop the teacher stance.  相似文献   

尝试人机交互技术教学互动的实践模式,探索学生以用户身份参与的学习模式。让学生主动探索开放的个性化模式,改变传统被动的课堂组织形式。学生在学习理论课程的同时也在体验和创造课程。两主一辅的教学模式和特性化分类教学使教师和学生都参与到设计的过程中,增强的用户体验让学生成为真正的主体、设计者、创新者。  相似文献   

作为一名E时代的初中历史教师,加上新一轮课程改革,运用信息化教育,多媒体教学有其无可比拟的优势,具体到课堂教学中在新课导入、重难点处理、建构知识框架等方面都能发挥重要作用为教师提供了丰富多样的教学资料,有利于教师突破教学难点,使历史教学在内容和方法上也出现新取向,更易激起学生的学习兴趣,更易培养学生的历史思维。在运用多媒体课件时,也要努力做到:分析教学内容,确定教学目标,创设教学情境,组织协作活动,确定教学要素关系,完成教学过程活动,从而充分发挥多媒体信息技术与历史学科的整合的优势  相似文献   

在“互联网+”时代,教育的方式与环境、教师与学生的角色与行为均发生了变化,这为教育的变革提供了契机。高校通识类课程可以在“互联网+教育”的背景下设计智慧课堂教学模式,在智慧教学理论的基础上设定教学目标,借助现代信息技术实施课前课中课后的智慧教学,完善多元的智慧教学评价,这些化解了通识类课程在教学期间面临的不同问题,优化了教学成效,助推学生智慧的生成。  相似文献   

本文主要针对交互性教学在计算机远程教育中的意义进行了分析,并提出了要正确地发挥教师引导作用;加强学生与教师的沟通交流;增加交互媒介的应用;计算机远程教育学习环境的建设等措施,来增强在计算机远程教育中交互性教学的应用。  相似文献   

A smart class provides an environment that enables collaboration, sharing, and participation between teachers and students. Thanks to the great attention paid to the smart class idea, with a view to providing effective and efficient learning for students, many state-of-the-art technologies have been applied to the field of education. However, simple infrastructure construction and the introduction of state-of-the-art technology have many limitations in obtaining the desired effects of a smart class. This study aims to discover the important elements that allow a smart class to achieve positive effects in education and to support the design and application of a smart class based on the derived elements. In the study, an integrated teaching and learning assistance system was applied to a smart class. A smart class environment was constructed that was applied and test operated in an elementary school for 4 weeks. Through the test operation of the smart class, the important elements of an effective smart class were determined to be system playfulness, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward class.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported in this article was to analyse the relationship between teachers’ educational beliefs and their typical approach to computer use in the classroom. In this context, the question arises whether particular profiles of teachers can be distinguished based on their beliefs about good education. A survey of 574 elementary school teachers was conducted that focused both on teachers’ traditional or constructivist beliefs about education and on different types of computer use: ‘computers as an information tool’, ‘computers as a learning tool’ and ‘basic computers skills’. Cluster analysis resulted in four distinct teacher profiles, reflecting relatively homogeneous scale scores, based on varying levels of traditional and constructivist beliefs teachers hold about education. Overall results indicate that teachers with relatively strong constructivist beliefs who also have strong traditional beliefs report a higher frequency of computer use. In addition, results point at a specific relationship between teachers’ belief profiles and how computers are used in the classroom. Implications for the role of educational beliefs in supporting teachers to integrate ICT in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

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