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相变微胶囊悬浮液(MEPCMS)作为一种新型功能性热流体,在热管理、储能等诸多领域极具发展潜力。本文采用离散相模型(DPM)研究非均匀热流下细小水平矩形通道内MEPCMS的传热特性。结果表明:悬浮液中颗粒相变能够强化传热,在热流密度分布为9-5-5 W/cm2、进口流速为0.40 m/s、质量分数为10%时,悬浮液最高能够使壁面和流体温升分别降低8.79%和15.14%。热泳作用使颗粒在流动过程中会向低温区域迁移。与均匀热流条件相比,局部热流的分布会影响该区域及后边区域的传热特性。随着进口流速和质量分数提高,流体对壁面的冷却效果增强,同时进出口压降增加。 相似文献
介绍了一种能替代传统蓄冷介质的潜热型功能性热流体——微胶囊相变乳状液,它具有蓄冷密度大、传热性强、无过冷现象、价格低廉等优点。在传热量一定的条件下,微胶囊相变乳状液作为传热介质比水所需流量少,流动时摩擦阻力小,若用它作液冷服的冷却液可以大大减小换热管路的尺寸,降低循环泵的功耗。更重要的是,材料在发生相变前后其自身温度基本保持不变,解决了目前大多数液冷服穿着不舒适的问题。 相似文献
相变材料微胶囊研究进展 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
相变材料微胶囊有许多优点,如增加了热传导的面积,降低了相变材料与外界环境的反应活性并在相变发生时可以控制蓄能材料体积的变化.介绍了可作为芯材的相变材料及其主要性质,重点总结了2002年以来相变材料微胶囊的制备方法、表征与材料特点,同时讨论了国内外相变材料微胶囊在建筑节能、纺织及其他领域中的应用现状、存在的问题以及发展前景. 相似文献
综述了微胶囊相变材料及其特性,介绍了几种常用制备方法和其目前的应用领域,并重点总结归纳了乙烯基系微胶囊相变材料的研究进展,同时指出了目前存在的问题及今后的发展趋势。 相似文献
介绍了石蜡相变微胶囊及石蜡相变复合材料的性能特点,阐述了原位聚合、界面聚合等主要的石蜡相变微胶囊制备方法,综述了石蜡相变微胶囊及石蜡相变复合材料在各领域内,特别是相关军事领域中的应用。 相似文献
本研究以石蜡(PW)为芯材、三聚氰胺脲醛树脂(MUF)为壁材,采用原位聚合法制备石蜡相变微胶囊(PM)。通过ESEM、FTIR、DSC、红外热成像仪、热循环实验和破碎率测试与分析微胶囊的微观形貌、化学结构、储热性能、红外隐身性能和热稳定性。结果表明,PM1(芯壁比3∶2)和PM2(芯壁比2∶1)具有良好的储热性能,包封率分别为74.82%和75.12%,相变潜热分别为140.54 J/g和141.10 J/g。PM2具有良好的热稳定性,质量损失率为8.8%,破碎率为2.5%。掺PM2的环氧树脂具有良好的红外隐身性能,在80℃水浴加热12 min,PMER-40%(m微胶囊∶m环氧树脂=4∶6)的表面温度比环氧树脂降低了12.9℃。 相似文献
微胶囊相变材料及其应用 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
微胶囊相变材料是将微胶囊技术应用于相变材料而形成的新型复合相变材料。文中介绍了微胶囊相变材料及其特性,并就微胶囊相变材料的结构组成、制备方法和应用领域分别进行了综述。 相似文献
Microencapsulated phase change materials (MePCMs) based on swelling polymerization in Pickering emulsion were demonstrated. Monodisperse poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) P(GMA-co-HEMA) particles were prepared by dispersion polymerization. The introduction of hydrophilic monomer HEMA endowed the obtained particles with suitable surface hydrophilicity for stabilizing Pickering emulsion. MePCMs with PGMA–polystyrene interpenetrating composite shell were formed when non-crosslinked particles were employed as stabilizer, while MePCMs with particles-embedded shell were prepared with crosslinked particles as Pickering stabilizer. Phase change property, thermal stability and thermal reliability of two kinds of MePCMs were investigated by TGA, FT-IR, DSC and cycling test. The temperature of 10% weight loss of MePCMs with interpenetrating shell was 11 °C higher than that of MePCMs with particles-embedded shell. After cycling test, the percentage of leached core materials from MePCMs with interpenetrating shell was approximately one-third of that from MePCMs with particles-embedded shell. The results showed that MePCMs with an integral shell presented better thermal stability, tightness and thermal reliability than MePCMs with particles-embedded shell. The research developed a simple process for MePCMs with excellent performance. 相似文献
This study aims at the preparation of a paraffin/graphite waste composite for thermal energy storage application at low temperature. In this composite material, the paraffin is characterized by high phase change latent heat and graphite serves as the heat transfer promoter. An investigation by means of a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), a periodic temperature method and a heat storage/release performance unit was conducted in order to measure the phase transition properties, the thermal conductivity and the melting time of the paraffin/graphite waste composites respectively. Experimental results indicated that the melting temperature did not change with the change of the amount of paraffin. On the other hand, the latent heat of phase change material increased with the increasing of the paraffin content. Furthermore, the heat transfer in the composite material during the heat storage process was enhanced through thermal conductivity improvement. 相似文献
采用原位聚合法以三聚氰胺-尿素-甲醛预聚物为壁材, 包覆一种相变点为24 ℃、相变焓为225. 5 J / g 的有机相变材料, 制备一种具有调温储热功能的复合材料。通过改变三聚氰胺和尿素摩尔比对微胶囊壁材渗透性和强度进行研究。相变材料受热时会在微胶囊内部产生较大的蒸汽压使微胶囊壁破裂渗出芯材, 采用TGA 测定微胶囊热失重温度得到胶囊壁破裂时的温度。采用压力法观察微胶囊受力后的形貌, 对其强度进行评价。采用752型紫外分光光度仪对微胶囊壁渗透性进行表征。实验结果表明: 微胶囊呈球形, 平均粒径小于5μm , 固化剂滴加速度为0. 8 mL/ min 时微胶囊形貌最好。当尿素质量为反应总单体质量的20 %时, 与不加尿素相比, 微胶囊热失重温度大约提高30 ℃, 可以承受6. 0 MPa 压力而不破损, 并且渗透性并不增加。 相似文献
以固体石蜡为相变芯材,三聚氰胺-尿素-甲醛共缩聚树脂为囊壁,采用原位聚合法制备了微胶囊型相变储热材料;并针对该相变材料热导率低及亲水性差缺点,用石墨和纳米SiO2对芯材和微胶囊进行了导热性和表面性能的改性研究。采用光学显微镜(OM)、红外光谱仪(FTIR)、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、热重分析仪(TGA)等对产品的表面形态、化学结构、热性能等进行了测试和表征。结果表明:石蜡微胶囊化后能保持原有的储热特性,相变焓为47.5J/g;球状微胶囊平均粒径为45μm,表面粗糙,石蜡包封率达80%;纳米SiO2改性后微胶囊亲水性、耐热性能、机械强度均增强;石墨改性后导热性提高。 相似文献
De Santis R Ambrogi V Carfagna C Ambrosio L Nicolais L 《Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine》2006,17(12):1219-1226
Microencapsulated paraffin based phase change material (PCM) have been incorporated into Poly(methyl-methacrylate) (PMMA)
matrix in order to enhance the thermo-mechanical properties. Calorimetric and mechanical analyses are carried out and the
thermo regulating potential of PMMA/PCM composites is investigated. Results indicate that the PCM phase has a negligible effect
on the glass transition temperature of the PMMA matrix, and the thermal regulating capability spans around body temperature
absorbing or releasing a thermal energy up to 30 J/g. One of the effect of the PCM phase into the cement is the reduction
of the peak temperature developed during the exothermal reaction. 相似文献
为了解决多联机空气源热泵常规除霜时间长、室内环境恶化等问题,提出多联机热泵相变蓄能除霜方法。针对提出的新方法,设计系统流程和试验方案,并在模拟室内外环境条件下完成试验研究。相对于常规除霜,新的除霜方法可以有效缩短33.7%的除霜时间,显著改善机组的除霜性能和室内供热环境。 相似文献