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为提高非均匀材料界面裂纹尖端断裂参数的求解精度,基于非均匀材料界面断裂力学、Cell-Based光滑有限元(Cell-SFEM)和非均匀材料的互交作用积分法,提出了求解非均匀材料界面裂纹尖端断裂参数的CellBased光滑有限元法,推导了基于Cell-Based光滑有限元法的非均匀材料的互交作用积分法,对非均匀材料间的界面裂纹尖端处正则应力强度因子进行了求解,并与参考解进行了比较,讨论了互交积分区域大小和光滑子元个数与正则应力强度因子的关系。数值算例结果表明:本方法具有很高的计算精度,对积分区域大小不敏感,可为设计、制造抗破坏非均匀材料提供依据。  相似文献   

基于双材料界面裂纹尖端的基本解,构造扩展有限元法(eXtended Finite Element Methods, XFEM)裂尖单元结点的改进函数。有限元网格剖分不遵从材料界面,考虑3种类型的结点改进函数:弱不连续改进函数、Heaviside改进函数和裂尖改进函数,建立XFEM的位移模式,给出计算双材料界面裂纹应力强度因子(Stress Intensity Factors, SIFs)的相互作用积分方法。数值结果表明:XFEM无需遵从材料界面剖分网格,该文的方法能够准确评价双材料界面裂纹尖端的SIFs。  相似文献   

扩展有限元法在裂纹扩展问题中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
扩展有限元法(Extended finite element method,XFEM)是近几年发展起来的数值方法,属于传统有限元法的扩展,具有区别于传统有限元法的优点,在求解不连续断裂问题上具有更高的精度及效率。本文针对影响裂纹扩展的主要因素进行探讨,继而介绍扩展有限元的基本原理,并对其在裂纹扩展中的应用进行综述,同时对该方法的下一步研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

用复变函数的保角映射法,采用可渗透边界条件,研究了含裂纹的无限大压电材料在平面内电场和反平面荷载作用下的耦合场,得到了精确的解和场强度因子以及能量释放率。结果表明,电场强度在裂尖没有奇异性,应变、应力、电位移具有1/2阶的奇异性,能量释放率总是正的。  相似文献   

压电材料渗透型反平面界面裂纹的奇异因子   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文用复变函数解析延展原理,研究了集中载荷作用下的不同压电材料反平面应变 状态的电渗透型界面裂纹的耦合场:对单个裂纹,给出了封闭形式的复函数解和场强度因子。 结果表明,在裂尖处耦合场有(1/2)阶的奇异性。  相似文献   

研究当压电条同时与两个不同材料的弹性条粘接在一起,在反平面机械载荷及面内电载荷联合作用下,长度不变的有限Griffith 界面裂纹沿加层压电条界面以常速稳态扩展时裂尖的动态断裂问题.应用Fourier积分变换将问题化为以第二类Fredholm积分方程表示的对偶积分方程,导出了相应的动应力强度因子表达式.给出了动应力强度因子与裂纹传播速度、裂纹长度、压电条及弹性条厚度、电荷载大小及方向的关系曲线.研究结果对结构设计及结构失效的预防具有理论和应用价值.  相似文献   

王振  余天堂 《工程力学》2016,33(1):32-38
为了在大型结构分析中考虑小裂纹或以小的代价提高裂纹附近求解精度,该文建立了分析三维裂纹问题的自适应多尺度扩展有限元法。基于恢复法评估三维扩展有限元后验误差,大于给定误差值的单元进行细化。所有尺度单元采用八结点六面体单元,采用六面体任意结点单元连接不同尺度单元。采用互作用积分法计算三维应力强度因子。三维I 型裂纹和I-II 复合型裂纹算例分析表明了该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

含界面边裂纹压电材料反平面问题的应力强度因子   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了含界面边裂纹的不同压电介质组成的复合材料在反平面荷载和平面内电场作用下的电弹场,得到了级数形式的基本解和应力强度因子,最后用边界配置法求解了应力强度因子.结果表明,在外加剪切荷载的作用下,应力强度因子与外加电场无关.  相似文献   

张晓东  丁勇  任旭春 《工程力学》2013,30(7):14-21,27
扩展有限元法(theextendedFiniteElementMethod,XFEM)为数值模拟结构裂纹扩展过程提供了一条有效途径。该文介绍了用扩展有限元法对混凝土结构裂纹扩展过程进行数值模拟的实现方法。采用虚拟裂缝模型模拟混凝土非线性断裂行为,针对二维四边形单元推导了详细的有限元列式。采用3种方案对非线性方程系统进行求解,分析了其求解思路并概括了其求解步骤。通过对带初始边缘裂纹的单向拉伸混凝土板的数值模拟,对3种求解方案的计算结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

研究了含裂纹的矩形截面的压电材料在平面内电场和反平面荷载作用下的问题.得到了满足拉普拉斯方程、电渗透裂纹面边界条件的位移函数解和电势函数解,从而得到了电场和弹性场的基本解.最后,用边界配置法计算了应力强度因子和能量释放率.结果表明,这种半解析半数值的方法计算简便,而且具有足够的精确性和广泛的应用性.  相似文献   

In this article, the extended finite element method is employed to solve problems, including weak and strong discontinuities. To this end, a level set framework is used to represent the discontinuities location, and the Heaviside and Branch function are included in the standard finite element method. The case of two arbitrary curved cracks is solved numerically and stress intensity factor (SIF) values at the crack tips are calculated based on the evaluation of the crack tip opening displacement. Afterwards, J-integral methodology is adopted to evaluate the SIFs for isotropic and anisotropic bi-material interface crack problems. Numerical results are verified with those presented in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of the extended finite element method (X‐FEM) to the analysis of fracture in piezoelectric materials. These materials are increasingly used in actuators and sensors. New applications can be found as constituents of smart composites for adaptive electromechanical structures. Under in service loading, phenomena of crack initiation and propagation may occur due to high electromechanical field concentrations. In the past few years, the X‐FEM has been applied mostly to model cracks in structural materials. The present paper focuses at first on the definition of new enrichment functions suitable for cracks in piezoelectric structures. At second, generalized domain integrals are used for the determination of crack tip parameters. The approach is based on specific asymptotic crack tip solutions, derived for piezoelectric materials. We present convergence results in the energy norm and for the stress intensity factors, in various settings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

轮轨摩擦接触下钢轨多裂纹相互作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟  温泽峰  金学松  吴磊 《工程力学》2012,29(11):295-301
利用热机耦合有限元法,建立了轮轨摩擦接触时钢轨表面多裂纹的热弹性平面应变有限元模型。数值模型中,考虑轮轨摩擦温升对轮轨材料参数的影响,通过移动载荷和热源来模拟运动车轮对钢轨的作用。分析了轮轨滑动接触时多裂纹相互作用和表面裂纹数量对钢轨疲劳裂纹扩展特性的影响。计算结果表明:与单个裂纹相比,多裂纹有降低钢轨疲劳裂纹扩展的作用;钢轨裂纹尖端应力强度因子K1和应力强度因子范围?K2均随裂纹数的增多而减小;钢轨表面裂纹数为5条时可以反映更多裂纹时的裂纹扩展特性。  相似文献   

In this paper the near tip solutions for interface corners written in terms of the stress intensity factors are presented in a unified expression. This single expression is applicable for any kinds of interface corners including corners and cracks in homogeneous materials as well as interface corners and interface cracks lying between two dissimilar materials, in which the materials can be any kinds of linear elastic anisotropic materials or piezoelectric materials. Through this unified expression of near tip solutions, the singular orders of stresses and their associated stress/electric intensity factors for different kinds of interface problems can be determined through the same formulae and solution techniques. This unified feature of solving interface problems is then implemented numerically through several different interface problems. Moreover, in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of numerical computation, a special boundary element based upon the Green's function of bimaterials is introduced in this paper.  相似文献   

The extended finite element method was introduced in 1999 to treat problems involving discontinuities with no or minimal remeshing through appropriate enrichment functions. This enables elements to be split by a discontinuity, strong or weak, and hence requires the integration of discontinuous functions or functions with discontinuous derivatives over elementary volumes. A variety of approaches have been proposed to facilitate these special types of numerical integration, which have been shown to have a large impact on the accuracy and the convergence of the numerical solution. The smoothed extended finite element method (XFEM), for example, makes numerical integration elegant and simple by transforming volume integrals into surface integrals. However, it was reported in the literature that the strain smoothing is inaccurate when non‐polynomial functions are in the basis. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of a recently developed Linear smoothing procedure which provides better approximation to higher‐order polynomial fields in the basis. Some benchmark problems in the context of linear elastic fracture mechanics are solved and the results are compared with existing approaches. We observe that the stress intensity factors computed through the proposed linear smoothed XFEM is more accurate than that obtained through smoothed XFEM.  相似文献   

This paper presents fracture mechanics analysis using the wavelet Galerkin method and extended finite element method. The wavelet Galerkin method is a new methodology to solve partial differential equations where scaling/wavelet functions are used as basis functions. In solid/structural analyses, the analysis domain is divided into equally spaced structured cells and scaling functions are periodically placed throughout the domain. To improve accuracy, wavelet functions are superposed on the scaling functions within a region having a high stress concentration, such as near a hole or notch. Thus, the method can be considered a refinement technique in fixed‐grid approaches. However, because the basis functions are assumed to be continuous in applications of the wavelet Galerkin method, there are difficulties in treating displacement discontinuities across the crack surface. In the present research, we introduce enrichment functions in the wavelet Galerkin formulation to take into account the discontinuous displacements and high stress concentration around the crack tip by applying the concept of the extended finite element method. This paper presents the mathematical formulation and numerical implementation of the proposed technique. As numerical examples, stress intensity factor evaluations and crack propagation analyses for two‐dimensional cracks are presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

扩展有限元法利用了非网格重剖分技术,但需要基于裂尖解析解构造复杂的插值基函数,计算精度受网格疏密和插值基函数等因素影响。比例边界有限元法则在求解无限域和裂尖奇异性问题优势明显,两者衔接于有限元法理论内,可建立一种结合二者优势的断裂耦合数值模型。该文从虚功原理出发,利用位移协调与力平衡机制,提出了一种断裂计算的新方法X-SBFEM,达到了扩展有限元模拟裂纹主体、比例边界有限元模拟裂尖的目的。在数值算例中,通过边裂纹和混合型裂纹的应力强度因子计算,并与理论解对比,验证了该方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

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