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OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of oxygen on apneas and sleep quality in patients with frequent central apneas during sleep. DESIGN/SUBJECTS: Prospective intervention study of 20 consecutive patients with predominant central apnea identified from 570 patients referred for suspected sleep apnea syndrome. Sixteen patients had congestive heart failure and seven of them had a previous stroke. Three of the remaining four patients without heart failure had experienced a previous stroke, and one was being treated with morphine. SETTING: The Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Ume? (Sweden) University Hospital. INTERVENTIONS: The patients were investigated for one night receiving nasal oxygen and one night without it. MEASUREMENTS: Overnight polysomnography with transcutaneous PCO2 and arterial blood gases. RESULTS: Central apneas occurred during Cheyne-Stokes respiration in 18 of 20 patients and two patients had idiopathic central apneas. Without oxygen, the median number of all central apneas and hypopneas was 33.5 (range, 8.0 to 52.0) per hour of sleep. These episodes decreased to 5.0 (range, 0.0 to 31.0)(p < 0.01) during oxygen therapy. In 17 of 20 patients, the frequency of central apneas was reduced by more than 50%. Central apneas were reduced by oxygen irrespective of the presence or absence of heart failure or Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The arousal frequency was reduced during oxygen treatment. Daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep, snoring, and self-scored awakenings were reduced in seven patients who were given nocturnal oxygen at home. Obstructive and mixed apneas were unaffected by oxygen. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen effectively reduces central sleep apnea in eucapnic patients.  相似文献   

In the first phase of this study, seven healthy subjects underwent examination with two-dimensional time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance (MR) angiography to develop a protocol for evaluation of peripheral arterial vasculature from the infrarenal aorta to the foot. In the second phase, 73 patients with symptomatic peripheral vascular disease underwent examination with both conventional contrast material-enhanced arteriography and two-dimensional TOF MR angiography to evaluate the clinical usefulness of MR angiography. Postinterventional and intraoperative angiography or direct surgical exploration was the standard of reference. In 32 patients, discrepancies occurred between findings on arteriograms and those on MR angiograms; most of these discrepancies were caused by improved depiction of runoff vessels on MR angiograms. The demonstration with MR angiography of blood vessels not seen on conventional arteriograms, unidentified stenoses, or misidentified blood vessels altered surgical management in 12 patients (16%). Metal-clip artifacts obscured clinically important disease on MR angiograms in two patients. It is concluded that two-dimensional TOF MR angiography is very useful in preoperative assessment of patients with severe peripheral vascular disease.  相似文献   

The strength of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response is believed to influence the final outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Among the different CTL epitopes so far identified, the sequence 18-27 of the HBV nucleocapsid antigen is widely recognized by CTL of HLA-A2-positive patients with acute self-limited HBV infection, and represents the main component of a peptide-based therapeutic vaccine aimed at stimulating the antiviral CTL response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. In the present study, we further analyzed the features of this important HBV region by the following: 1) defining the contribution of individual residues of the epitope to the interaction with the T-cell receptor (TCR) and with the HLA-A0201 molecule; 2) assessing the antigenicity of this viral region in the context of the different HLA-A2 subtypes; and 3) testing whether this sequence can stimulate not only HLA-class I but also HLA class II restricted T-cell responses. A clear hierarchy was observed in the ability of individual residues to act as TCR or HLA binding sites. Furthermore, the sequence HBc18-27 was able to be recognized by specific CTL when presented in the context of different HLA-A2 subtypes. Finally, this HBV region was also found to stimulate HLA class II restricted T-cell responses. These data further increase the potential coverage and efficacy of therapeutic vaccines based on the HBc18-27 sequence.  相似文献   

In an attempt to ascertain the value of extra- to intracranial arterial bypass for cerebrovascular disease, the general topic of bypass surgery is reviewed and the results of this procedure in 110 patients are analyzed. The feasibility of high patency rates of the anastomosis with acceptably low permanent morbidity and operative mortality rates is demonstrated. Lesions producing transient ischemic attacks which previously were considered to be inoperable or inaccessible can be bypassed by this procedure, and there appears to be a dramatic improvement in the symptomotology of virtually all patients. Patients with a mild stroke or "progressive stroke" also appear to benefit from bypass, but the erratic natural history of these entities precludes irrefutable substantiation of this conclusion. Patients with moderate-to-serve neurological deficits do not appear to be improved by this procedure. In our group of 20 patients presenting with transient ischemic attacks who have had more than 3 years of follow-up, only one patient has suffered a stroke and that was located in the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether MR angiography can be used to differentiate between the two vascular causes of bithalamic hyperintensity on T2-weighted MR images: "top of the basilar" artery occlusion and deep cerebral vein thrombosis. METHODS: A retrospective review identified six patients with bithalamic T2 hyperintensity of vascular causes. MR angiography was performed in four patients, MR angiography and conventional angiography in one patient, and conventional angiography in one patient. Data pertaining to clinical presentation and hospital course were collected. MR angiographic techniques were multislab overlapping three-dimensional time-of-flight, 2-D time-of-flight, and 2-D phase-contrast. RESULTS: Three cases of top of the basilar artery occlusion and three cases of deep cerebral vein thrombosis were recognized. In all cases, T2 hyperintensity in a vascular distribution suggested cerebral occlusive disease. Infarction involving the thalami and basal ganglia was present in two cases of deep cerebral vein thrombosis. Infarction of the thalami, mesodiencephalic region, and cerebellar hemispheres was present in two cases of basilar artery occlusion. Bithalamic infarction alone was seen in one case of deep cerebral vein thrombosis and one case of basilar artery occlusion. In the five cases in which MR angiography was used, this technique accurately distinguished the vessels involved (arterial or venous). CONCLUSION: MR angiography is a useful adjunct to MR imaging in the evaluation of bithalamic T2 hyperintensity. It does help distinguish between the two vascular causes: top of basilar artery occlusion and deep cerebral vein thrombosis.  相似文献   

In the acute phase of the stroke, it must be prudent to reduce blood pressure (BP) because the rapid reduction might cause the exacerbation of the perfusion pressure to the brain. The target BP level should be higher than the level of primary prevention as the blood pressure regulatory function is disturbed in acute phase. In chronic phase, BP should be reduced so slowly through the several months so as not to cause the ischemia of the brain by rapid reduction of BP. However, the optimal target BP level should be the same degree as the primary prevention level as far as the speed of reduction is taken into consideration. The several large scale trials, are now in progress to determine the optimal BP level for the secondary prevention in the patients with prion stroke.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few data are available regarding the impact of improved depression treatment on daily functioning and disability. METHODS: In two studies of more intensive depression treatment in primary care, patients initiating antidepressant treatment were randomly assigned to either usual care or to a collaborative management programme including patient education, on-site mental health treatment, adjustment of antidepressant medication, behavioural activation and monitoring of medication adherence. Assessments at baseline as well as 4 and 7 months included several measures of impairment, daily functioning and disability: self-rated overall health, number of bodily pains, number of somatization symptoms, changes in work due to health, reduction in leisure activities due to health, number of disability days and number of restricted activity days. RESULTS: Average data from the 4- and 7-month assessments in both studies, intervention patients reported fewer somatic symptoms (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.46, 0.99) and more favourable overall health (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.28, 0.91). While intervention patients fared better on other measures of functional impairment and disability, none of these differences reached statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: More effective acute-phase depression treatment reduced somatic distress and improved self-rated overall health. The absence of a significant intervention effect on other disability measures may reflect the brief treatment and follow-up period and the influence of other individual and environmental factors on disability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to elucidate 1) which subgroups are prone to have ischemic cerebrovascular disease (CVD) among patients with atrial fibrillation (Af), 2) vulnerable period of CVD after the diagnosis of chronic Af and 3) the clinical efficacy of antiplatelet therapy in chronic nonvalvular Af patients. During 9 years, a total of 479 patients included 124 cases with paroxysmal Af, 30 cases with paroxysmal Af initially which later changed to chronic Af and 325 cases with chronic Af were enrolled. Among these 355 cases with chronic Af, 57 cases had valvular heart disease (VHD). The results were as follows: 1) The high risk subgroups (incidence rate/100 person-years is more than 6) were chronic Af with VHD or hypertension. The low risk subgroups (less than 2) were paroxysmal Af under 60 years of age, chronic Af with mitral valve prolapse syndrome or with hyperthyroidism. 2) There was no vulnerable period for occurrence of CVD during 9 years' follow-up from the onset of Af. 3) No significant difference in the incidence of CVD was seen in the groups with antiplatelet therapy and without.  相似文献   

This article reviews the general characteristics of several vascular imaging modalities with the purpose of identifying the distinguishing features of magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. Brief discussions of conventional x-ray film angiography, intravenous and intraarterial digital subtraction angiography (DSA), duplex and color Doppler flow ultrasound (US), computed tomographic (CT) angiography, transesophageal and intravascular US, angioscopy, and MR angiography are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. The general attributes and image quality features of MR angiography, intraarterial DSA, CT angiography, and US are compared. It is concluded that no single imaging modality will presently suffice for all purposes. Because of its noninvasiveness, rapidly improving image quality, and ability to directly provide velocity information, MR angiography is likely to play a role in an increasing number of clinical applications.  相似文献   

The incidence of carotid artery disease in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting appears to be increasing as our population ages. The optimal treatment for these high-risk patients with concomitant carotid and coronary artery disease remains controversial. This review focuses on the management of patients with coexistent carotid and coronary arteriosclerosis. The significance and management of the patient with an asymptomatic carotid stenosis in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting and the role of combined coronary artery bypass grafting and carotid endarterectomy in these patients will be discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Headache is a little known aspect in the study of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease (AICVD). METHODS: To contribute to the knowledge of the clinical characteristics of headache in the different nosologic entities of AICVD a prospective study was performed in 195 patients consecutively studied by CT scan and/or cerebral MRI. RESULTS: There was headache in 32% of the total and in 41% of the thrombotic infarctions, 39% of the cardioembolisms, 26% of the transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and 23% of the lacunar infarcts. The mean duration was 25 +/- 28 hours. Headache was focal in 74% of the cases and of slight or moderate intensity in 74%. Headache was significantly more common in thrombotic infarctions than in lacunar ones (p < 0.05). It was more frequent when the topography is vertebrobasilar (57.5%), in comparison with carotid (21%) or undetermined (17.5%) (p < 0.0001). Headache was more common when topography was cortical (56.5%) in comparison with subcortical (26.5%) (p < 0.005). Eight per cent of the patients presented sentinel headache: 22% of the cardioembolic infarctions, 7% of the lacunars, 6.5% of the TIA and 5.5% of the thrombotic. CONCLUSIONS: Headache in acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease is not uncommon predominating in thrombotic infarctions and cardioembolisms of cortical topography and of vertebrobasilar vascular territory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate accuracy of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) of the celiac, superior, and inferior mesenteric arteries in patients with suspected mesenteric ischemia compared with catheter angiography or surgery. Sixty-five patients with suspected mesenteric ischemia underwent three-dimensional spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state (GRASS) gadolinium-enhanced MRA. Correlative studies were performed on 14 patients, catheter angiography alone was performed on 12 patients, and surgery alone was performed on two patients. Six patients had mesenteric ischemia. In all patients, the celiac artery (CA) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) were seen well enough to evaluate; however, the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) could be evaluated in only 9 of the 14 patients. MRA showed severe stenosis (> 75%) or occlusion of the celiac axis in seven patients, of the SMA in six patients, and of the IMA in four patients. The overall sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 95%, respectively, compared with catheter angiography and surgery. The two errors were caused by overgrading the severity of IMA disease. Three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced MRA can accurately demonstrate the origins of the CA and SMA and is useful in evaluation of patients with suspected mesenteric ischemia.  相似文献   

A postmortem histopathologic investigation of temporal bones of patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was performed after microslicing, acid decalcification of the slices and paraffin embedding. Histopathologic changes in 49 temporal bones from 25 patients included severe otitis media in five patients (20%), low-grade otitis media in fifteen (60%), labyrinthine cryptococcosis in two, Kaposi's sarcoma deposit in the eighth nerve of one, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) inclusion-bearing cells in the inner and middle ear of six (24%). It was possible to identify the CMV genome by in situ hybridization in only two bones and expression of CMV antigen by immunohistochemistry in none, probably because of prolonged decalcification in acid. The ear is no less susceptible to AIDS-associated diseases than any other organ, and is particularly prone to CMV infection.  相似文献   

A serum-free organ culture model for chondrocyte maturation, using the Avian sternum, was developed. Day-14 chick embryo sterna were placed in organ culture in the presence of defined medium. The optimal medium for chondrocyte terminal differentiation contained specific concentrations of dexamethasone, insulin, thyroid hormone and ascorbic acid. Three parameters, including sternal growth, cell diameter and type X collagen production, were analyzed as indicators of chondrocyte terminal differentiation. These parameters were analyzed in cephalic, middle and caudal regions of the organ-cultured chick sterna and compared to sterna grown in ovo. This study demonstrates that the organ-cultured tissue maintains normal morphological characteristics and terminal differentiation in the cephalic region only, similar to in ovo development, while maintaining normal cell-matrix relationships.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Seizures within the first 48 hours of a first stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) are an independent prognostic factor for in-hospital mortality. The aim of this study was to determine predictive factors of early seizures in first-ever stroke patients. METHODS: Data of 1220 first-ever stroke patients admitted consecutively to an acute stroke unit of a 450-bed teaching hospital between January 1986 and December 1993 were collected from a stroke registry. Demographic, anamnestic, clinical, neurological, and neuroimaging variables in the seizure and nonseizure group were compared using the t test and the chi 2 test. The independent predictive value of each variable on the development of early seizures was assessed with a logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Early epileptic seizures were diagnosed in 29 patients (2.4%). Seizures were significantly more frequent in patients with hemorrhagic stroke (4.3%) than in those with ischemic stroke (2%). Patients with seizures were significantly younger and significantly more likely to have acute confusional state, cortical involvement, large stroke, and involvement of the parietal, frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes than patients without seizures. The in-hospital mortality rate was 37.9% in the seizure group and 14.4% in the nonseizure group (P < .0005). After multivariate analysis, only cortical involvement (odds ratio of 6.01) and acute agitated confusional state (odds ratio of 4.44) were independent clinical factors for developing epileptic seizures. CONCLUSIONS: Cortical involvement in the neuroimaging studies and agitated acute confusional state at the onset of stroke were independent predictive factors of early seizures in first-ever stroke patients. The efficacy of anticonvulsant drugs in the prophylactic control of seizures should be assessed in prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trials conducted in the subgroup of patients with the highest risk of developing epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

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