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王铭明  陈健云 《振动与冲击》2020,39(10):192-197
由于试验设备及模型材料的限制,在重力坝动力模型试验中采用在坝体模型上游安置水箱内盛满水的方法模拟重力体-库水系统相互作用的效果存在误差。为此,采用流固耦合模型对重力坝动水压力模型试验进行数值重构分析的方法,研究了用上游水箱中盛满水模拟地震作用下原型库水对坝体动力作用产生误差的原因。研究结果表明,水箱内水体密度及可压缩性是导致试验中坝体-水库系统相互作用效果偏小的两个原因,其水体密度偏小更为主要因素。据此,提出了修正上述误差的三种可行且准确的方法。  相似文献   

动水压力问题的一种边界元解法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将动水压力设定为有限个半平面解答的线性组合,它精确满足域内的方程,然后令解答在N 个边界点满足给定的边界条件求解设定的解答中的待定常数。该方法有简单,避免奇异积分、解设定常数的方程组状态好等优点。文中给出的算例说明了方法的正确性。  相似文献   

王铭明  陈健云  徐强  范书立 《工程力学》2013,30(12):65-70,84
对5种不同高度的重力坝进行了地震作用下坝体-库水系统耦合计算,将所得结果与Westergaard公式解析解相比较发现,两种方法得到的动水压力结果沿坝高度上的分布有很大不同,流固耦合结果在坝面上有上部偏大,下部偏小的趋势;随着坝体高度的增加流固耦合模型的这种趋势越为明显,坝面上出现动水压力最大值的位置也逐渐升高。据此,对Westergaard公式做出修正,考虑到多方面因素对动水压力的影响,对原公式引入了坝体高度修正项、坝体弹性修正项、库底吸收修正项。修正的Westergaard公式解与流固耦合结果及以往文献的试验和计算结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

重力坝与水、地基动力耦合系统地震反应的时域分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施景勋  林建华 《工程力学》1994,11(3):99-108
本文采用动力特解边界元法在时域内求解坝-水-地基动力相互作用问题特性.研究了坝体、地基和系统阻尼对坝体的动力特性、动水压力、动力放大系数及稳定系数的影响.结果表明本文方法可方便处理坝、水和地基的动力耦合问题,减少大量计算工作量,并具有较好的精度.  相似文献   

针对水-轴对称柱体动力相互作用问题,提出了一种地震作用下水-结构相互作用的时域子结构分析方法.基于三维不可压缩水体的波动方程和边界条件,利用分离变量法将其转换为环向解析、竖向和径向数值的二维模型;基于比例边界有限元推导了截断边界处无限域水体的动力刚度方程,并将水体内域有限元方程和人工边界处的动水压力进行耦合,从而得到结...  相似文献   

陈江  熊峰   《振动与冲击》2014,33(23):190-194
基于气幕隔震控制的气-液-固三相耦合数值模型,在该模型中考虑了坝体混凝土的开裂行为,采用黏弹性人工边界模拟坝基截断边界的辐射阻尼效应,首次完成了混凝土重力坝气幕隔震效果的三维非线性数值模拟。结果表明:气幕可以有效降低坝体上游面的动水压力及坝体加速度反应,从而减小坝体的开裂范围。随着气幕厚度的增大,动水压力和加速度削减越多,削减幅度的提高率递减。采用变厚度气幕能提高利用率,更有效地发挥气幕的隔震效果,该工况,变厚度气幕对混凝土重力坝动水压力极值的削减幅度约为50%,坝顶加速度峰值的消减幅度超过30%。  相似文献   

许贺  邹德高  孔宪京 《工程力学》2019,36(12):37-43
在坝-库水动力流固耦合分析中,比例边界有限元方法(SBFEM)仅需对流固交界面进行离散,就可以模拟半无限域库水,节省了节点自由度个数,具有较高效率。但采用数值方法处理动水压力时得到的附加质量阵为满阵,进行大规模的面板坝弹塑性动力分析时用于求解方程的时间较多。该文根据动水压力附加质量阵的物理意义与分布特点,提出了一种基于FEM-SBFEM的坝与库水的动力耦合简化计算方法,仅需提供一个保留系数β(0 ≤ β ≤ 1.0)即可实现不同程度的动水压力附加质量阵化简,简单易行;将其应用在面板坝与库水的动力弹塑性耦合计算中,建议了β的取值范围,在保证具有良好精度的前提下大幅提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

用基于流形元的子域奇异边界元法模拟重力坝的地震破坏   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文提出了用流形无法和子域奇异边界元法相结合模拟结构地震响应及地震破坏的方法。流形元法的独特的网格及接触的处理方式,使该方法不仅可以象有限元法那样精确地分析结构的变形和应力,还可以象DDA、DEM等不连续分析方法那样模拟不连续面的接触和块体的运动。本文将Newmark法引入流形无法,使得该方法可以直接用来分析动力学问题。与作者提出的子域奇异边界元法相结合,可以模拟裂缝沿任意方向扩展及结构的地震破坏问题。对Koyna重力坝进行了地震破坏模拟分析,很好地再现了该坝的破坏过程,模拟破坏形式及裂缝出现的位置与实际调查结果、实验结果及其他学者用模糊裂缝模型得到的破坏结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

一种新的求解坝面动水压力的半解析方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于比例边界有限元理论,推导了综合考虑库水可压缩性和库底边界吸收的坝面动水压力方程,提出了一种新的求解坝面动水压力的半解析方法,并通过算例验证了这种方法的精度和效率。结果表明,与传统方法相比,这种方法具有精度高、计算工作量小的优点。  相似文献   

深水矩形空心桥墩在地震作用下附加动水压力分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
基于辐射波浪理论建立了矩形空心桥墩流体控制方程,以自由表面波动条件、水底水质点运动边界条件、结构与水的速度连续条件为边界条件,采用分离变量法推导了矩形空心桥墩内、外域水体速度势一般解,进而导出了矩形空心墩内、外域水体的附加动水压力的解析式,对某桥墩自振特性的计算表明,该附加动水压力解析式具有较高的计算精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, the seismic response of concrete gravity dams is presented using the concept of Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) and adopting the hybrid Finite Element–Boundary Element technique (FE–BE). The finite element method is used for discretization of the near field and the boundary element method is employed to model the semi‐infinite far field. Because of the non‐linear nature of the discretizied equations of motion modified Newton–Raphson approach has been used at each time step to linearize them. Damage evolution based on tensile principal strain using mesh‐dependent hardening modulus technique is adopted to ensure the mesh objectivity and to calculate the accumulated damage. The methodology employed is shown to be computationally efficient and consistent in its treatment of both damage growth and damage propagation in gravity dams. Other important features considered in the analysis are: (1) realistic damage modelling for concrete that allows isotropic as well as anisotropic damage state and exhibits stiffness recovery upon load reversals. (2) softening initiation and strain softening criteria for concrete, and (3) proper modelling of semi‐infinite foundation using FE–BE method that allows to consider dam–foundation interaction analysis. As an application of the proposed formulation a gravity dam has been analysed and the results are compared with different foundation stiffnesses. The results of the analysis indicate the importance of including rock foundation in the seismic analysis of dams. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The damage prediction of concrete gravity dams under blast loads has gained importance in recent years due to the great number of accidental events and terrorist bombing attacks that affected engineering safety. It has long been known that an underwater explosion can cause significantly more damage to the targets in water than the same amount of explosive in air. While the physical processes during an underwater explosion and the subsequent response of structures are extremely complex, which involve lots of complex issues such as the explosion, shock wave propagation, shock wave-structure interaction and structural response. Hence a sophisticated numerical model for the loading and material responses would be required to enable more realistic reproduction of the underlying physical processes. In this paper, a fully coupled numerical approach with combined Lagrangian and Eulerian methods, incorporating the explosion processes, is performed. The RHT (Riedel–Hiermaier–Thoma) model including the strain rate effect is employed to model the concrete material behavior subjected to blast loading. Detailed numerical simulation and analysis of a typical concrete gravity dam subjected to underwater explosion are presented in this study. In terms of different TNT charge weights, the structural response and damage characteristics of the dam at different standoff distances are investigated. Based on the numerical results, critical curves related to different damage levels are derived.  相似文献   

The transient response of a finite elastic plate, resting on an elastic half-space, and subjected to moving loads is considered here. Both the cases of an elastic foundation alone, as well as a finite sized elastic plate resting on an elastic foundation are considered. The numerical methods employed are: (1) the time-domain boundary element method for the elastic foundation and (2) a combination of the time-domain boundary element method for the soil and the semi-discrete finite element method for the finite sized elastic plate. Both constant as well as linear-time-interpolation schemes are included in the BEM. The integration is carried out analytically in time. The analytical solution for a moving point load on an infinite elastic plate resting on an elastic half-space is derived here. This is used as a benchmark against which the present numerical solution is compared with. The accuracy of the numerical method is also verified by comparing the solutions with some existing numerical results; the comparison with the solutions based on a Winkler foundation model reveals the limitations of the applicability of such a model, especially in the cases of high velocities of the moving load. This is because neither the inertia of the foundation, nor the behaviour of the foundation as a continuum, can be properly accounted for in Winkler's model. A parametric study is conducted, and the influences of velocity of the moving load, load distribution, etc. on the dynamic response of the soil/runway system are investigated. Furthermore, the present computational method is applied to the problem of a transport airplane taxiing on a concrete pavement resting on a typical soil. The responses of pavements are presented for different taxiing velocities.  相似文献   

针对最近提出的锚杆重力式海上风机基础,采用有限元分析软件ABAQUS研究了锚杆的关键参数对此新型基础承载特性的影响。结果表明:增加锚杆数量可以提高基础的承载力并减小单根锚杆的轴力。但是当锚杆数量增加到一定程度时,会使其间距过小,引起地基中应力的叠加,降低锚杆群的承载效率,因此锚杆数量存在上限。基础承载力几乎随锚杆直径的增加呈线性提高,锚杆直径越大对基础稳定越有利,因此在可行的情况下,应尽可能地选用大直径锚杆。锚杆环直径的增大相当于增大了基础抗倾覆力矩的力臂,因此对弯矩承载力是有利的,但由于锚杆群对地基等效刚度的改变,竖向承载力会随着锚杆环直径的增大而先增后减。设计时要综合考虑各个承载力因素,选用合适的锚杆环直径。  相似文献   

基于XFEM的强震区砼重力坝开裂与配筋抗震措施研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
已有震害表明,混凝土坝遭遇强烈地震将不可避免地产生开裂。扩展有限元法(XFEM)通过在相关节点的影响域上富集非连续位移模式,使得对非连续位移场的表征独立于单元边界,可以有效描述混凝土中的裂纹扩展。基于扩展有限元模型,采用合理的地震波动模型对国内某混凝土重力坝强震下的动力破坏过程进行了分析;针对大坝破坏情况,应用嵌入式滑移模型模拟了混凝土重力坝配筋前后的地震响应和破坏状况,据此评价局部配筋的抗震效果。研究表明,局部配置抗震钢筋虽无法防止裂缝的发生,但可有效限制坝体裂缝的开裂扩展范围及深度,减少裂缝的开度,有效改善坝体的抗震性能。  相似文献   

冲击-接触问题有限元仿真的并行计算   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
冲击.接触问题广泛存在于汽车碰撞等的模拟计算中。简单介绍了求解该类问题的显式有限元方法,对显式有限元方法的并行性进行了讨论。根据显式有限元和冲击一接触问题的计算特点,设计并实现了接触均衡的分区算法。算例计算结果表明:该并行算法具有较好的加速比和并行效率。  相似文献   

The theory of boundary eigensolutions for boundary value problems is applied to the development of computational mechanics formulations. The boundary element and finite element methods that result are consistent with the mathematical theory of boundary value problems. Although the approach is quite general, this paper focuses on potential problems. For these problems, both methods employ potential and boundary flux as primary variables. Convergence characteristics of the new flux‐oriented finite element method are also developed. By utilizing suitable boundary weight functions, the formulations are written exclusively in terms of bounded quantities, even for non‐smooth problems involving notches, cracks and mixed boundary conditions. The results of numerical experiments indicate that the algorithms perform in concert with the underlying theory and thus provide an attractive alternative to existing approaches. Beyond this, the approach developed here provides a new perspective from which to view computational mechanics, and can be used to obtain a better understanding of boundary element and finite element methods. Comparisons with closed‐form boundary eigensolutions are also presented in order to provide a means for assessing the numerical methods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we determine the different patterns of possible wave structures that can be observed on a thin film flowing on an inclined plane when at the free surface a shear force (surface traction) is applied. Different wave structures are obtained dependening on the selected combination of downstream and upstream boundary conditions and initial conditions. The resulting initial boundary value problems are solved numerically using the direct BEM numerical solution of the complete two‐dimensional Stokes system of equations. In our numerical results, the initial discontinuous shock profiles joining uniform fluid depths are smoothed due to the two‐dimensional character of the Stokes formulation, including the effect of the gravitational force as well as the interfacial surface tension force. In this way, physically feasible continuous surface profiles are determined, in which the initial uniform depths are joined by smooth moving wave structures. Numerical solutions have been attained to reproduce the different patterns of possible wave structures previously reported in the literature and extended to identify some other new structures and features defining the behaviour of the surface patterns. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

梁结构在工程设计中有着广泛应用,其支承情况多种多样,往往不能简单地按理想的固支或简支梁来处理.以一种混合边界条件下短梁结构为研究对象,进行了短梁的模态试验,并基于Abaqus有限元软件,分别对端面固定边界约束、一端固定边界约束、弹性+固定边界混合约束条件下短梁结构进行模态分析.结果表明,边界约束条件通过改变系统刚度,导致模态特征改变.不同边界条件下的梁结构约束模态特征具有显著差异.采用混合边界条件的梁结构约束模态频率与试验结果吻合.  相似文献   

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