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构造了两个可用于求解三维Stokes问题的各向异性非协调混合有限元格式,在不需要通常的辅助空间的情况下给出相应的收敛性分析和最优的误差估计。这两种单元具有构造简单,整体自由度少的特点,是目前较为理想的单元。该方法对进一步设计相关的自适应算法有潜在的应用价值。 相似文献
自适应天线结构位移最优控制 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
为保证大型天线结构的形状精度,传统的方法是使结构具有足够的刚度。当采用自适应结构控制天线形变规律的时候,可以大大降低结构的重量并使结构具有更高的形状精度。针对嵌入压电作动器的自适应抛物面天线结构,建立了以天线反射面最佳吻合抛物面的精度和作动器能耗为综合目标的多目标优化控制模型,模型以结构强度和作动器性态作为约束条件,并用线性加权和法转化为单目标二次规划问题。算例表明,可以用较少的作动器,实现大型天线结构的高精度控制。 相似文献
本文将经典的形状灵敏度分析方法与一种改进的水平集方法相结合,给出了Navier-Stokes问题形状优化的一种新方法。该算法是在固定的Euler网格上进行计算且在优化过程中不需要对水平集函数进行重新初始化,从而可以有效地节省计算时间。数值算例说明该算法是稳定、高效的。 相似文献
奇异摄动问题在力学、声学、光学、工程等领域有广泛的应用。研究了一类含源项二维抛物型奇异摄动问题,通过坐标变换和有限体积方法,构造了该问题在空间移动网格上的数值格式,给出了网格移动时的网格迭代方法和解的更新方法,提出了局部加密的自适应移动网格算法。数值实验的结果表明,与均匀网格上求解的结果相比,自适应移动网格方法能更好地体现解在局部区域的特性,具有更理想的求解精度。 相似文献
Stokes问题的一个新的三角形Hermite型二阶格式 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文构造了一个新的协调三角形Hermite型单元,其形函数空间仅为完全二次多项式.针对定常Stokes问题,我们由此构造了一个新的二阶格式.同时,给出了其最优误差估计. 相似文献
本文构造了一个新的协调三角形Hermite型单元,其形函数空间仅为完全二次多项式。针对定常Stokes问题,我们由此构造了一个新的二阶格式。同时,给出了其最优误差估计。 相似文献
为了提高无网格方法计算振动问题时的计算效率和计算精度,开发了无网格时域自适应算法。该方法在时域内采用时域自适应算法,将每个变量在每个时间步内离散成关于时间的展开形式,通过控制展开阶数保证自适应算法的精度,可以更准确的描述变量随时间的变化;同时将时空耦合的初值问题转化为一系列的空间边值问题,并采用无网格方法递推求解。该方法可以提高计算效率并弥补时间步长较多或较大时造成的精度损失,并通过数值算例验证了其准确性。 相似文献
H. Nguyen‐Xuan 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2017,110(10):972-1000
本文讨论了具分布观测的年龄相关的种群扩散系统最优生育率控制的非线性问题,证明了系统解的存在唯一性和最优生育率控制的存在性,得到了控制为最优的一阶必要条件及其由偏微分方程组和变分不等式组成的最优性组,并进而建立了最优生育率控制的反馈表达式。这些结果可为种群扩散系统中的最优控制问题的实际研究提供理论基础。 相似文献
This paper focuses on numerical methods for solving time-optimal control problems using discrete-valued controls. A numerical
Two-Phase Scheme, which combines admissible optimal control problem formulation with enhanced branch-and-bound algorithms,
is introduced to efficiently solve bang-bang control problems in the field of engineering. In Phase I, the discrete restrictions
are relaxed, and the resulting continuous problem is solved by an existing optimal control solver. The information on switching
times obtained in Phase I is then used in Phase II wherein the discrete-valued control problem is solved using the proposed
algorithm. Two numerical examples, including a third-order system and the F-8 fighter aircraft control problem, are presented
to demonstrate the use of this proposed scheme. Comparing to STC and CPET methods proposed in the literature, the proposed
scheme provides a novel method to find a different switching structure with a better minimum time for the F-8 fighter jet
control problem. 相似文献
Distributed arrival time control (DATC) is a heuristic feedback control algorithm for scheduling which has been developed for a real-time distributed scheduling of heterarchical systems. It has been renowned not only for its fast solution searching algorithm but also for its flexibility to changing environment. However, the optimality of this heuristic method has not been analytically explained until recently because it has been designed to discover a near optimal solution instead of the true optimum. In this paper, we provide a novel optimal search method for the DATC scheduling problem by introducing a scalar cost function over the vector space of time and show the existence and location of true optima for the DATC scheduling problem through geometric approach. This geometrical interpretation enables us to find the true optimal by direct projection without iterations like previous DATC approaches. Based on the true optimum found, we evaluate the optimality of DATC algorithms by examining their dependency on initial conditions and explain their intrinsic causality mechanism for the discrepancy with true optimum. The implication of this study is on the new viewpoint over the vector space of DATC, which not only solves the optimality issue of DATC but also provides a new direction of direct search approach like projection method for the true optimum. 相似文献
A complete continuous adjoint formulation is presented here for the optimization of the turbulent flow entropy generation rate through a turbine cascade. The adjoint method allows one to have many design variables, but still afford to compute the objective function gradient. The new adjoint system can be applied to different structured and unstructured grids as well as mixed subsonic and supersonic flows. For turbulent flow simulation, the k–ω shear-stress transport turbulence model and Roe's flux function are used. To ensure all possible shape models, a mesh-point method is used for design parameters, and an implicit smoothing function is implemented to avoid the generation of non-smoothed blades. To analyse the capability of the presented algorithm, the shape of a turbine cascade blade is redesigned and a few physical observations are made on how the scheme improves the blade performance. 相似文献
Liang‐Jenq Leu Chang‐Wei Huang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2000,49(8):1007-1028
This paper presents a structural reanalysis method and its applications in optimal design of trusses. This reanalysis technique is derived primarily on the basis of a reduced basis formulation, and it has several advantages over previous reduced basis methods. In particular, the reduced system is uncoupled by using a Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization procedure and an error measure is introduced to adaptively monitor whether a good approximate solution is achieved. The latter aspect makes this reanalysis method suitable for use in optimal design problems because the changes in design variables usually vary during a design process. Discussions are presented on the implementation of this reanalysis method using both mathematical programming and optimality criteria‐based optimization schemes. Finally, several example problems of optimal truss design are used to validate the proposed reanalysis‐based design procedure. The presented numerical results indicate that the new reanalysis technique affects very slightly the accuracy of the optimal solutions and it does speed up the design process when the system analysed is large. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This is the second paper in a series presenting case studies in modern large-scale constrained optimization 9 In this paper, we consider the shape of a hanging chain, which, in equilibrium, minimizes the potential energy of the chain. In addition to the tutorial aspects of this paper, we also emphasize the importance of certain modeling issues such as convex vs. nonconvex formulations of given problem. We will present several models of the problem and demonstrate differences in the number of iterations and solution time. 相似文献
This article presents a method for determining an optimal quality control (QC) inspection frequency for a manufacturing process where a specified number of items will be produced and where, if the process goes out of control and generates a defective item, it stays out of control. In addition, there is a QC inspection procedure than can detect a defective item. The frequency of inspection is based on minimizing the total cost. The total cost includes the cost of QC inspections plus the cost of manufacturing defective items. In this application the cost of manufacturing defective items is, after identifying a defective item, the cost of checking previously manufactured items until it is determined when the process went out of control, i.e., until a good item is found. 相似文献