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以直接接触换热器为研究对象,从基本的一维两流体模型出发,在全面地考虑了该换热器中汽体的膨胀、水蒸汽的蒸发、界面张力的作用以及汽液两相的相互作用和滑移等因素影响的基础上,建立了换热器的一维流动模型,并进行了数值求解,模型的结果与实验数据符合较好。 相似文献
汽—液—液三相与汽—液两相塔板效率比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文通过小型精馏塔及600×150 mm~2矩形模拟塔的实验,对比研究了气(汽)-液两相和气(汽)-液-液三相的塔板效率。并就物系性质(表面张力梯度、液体粘度或分散粘度),两液相体积比,气速及操作工况对传质的影响进行了研究。提出三相传质和两相传质差异的主要因素,得出估算三相精馏塔板效率的关联式。 相似文献
本文以戊烷-水为研究物质,采用线-线双针电导法测定了汽-液-液三相皎皎接触换热器内汽含率的径向分布,并对试验结果进行了分析,给出了有关联性较好的汽含率径向分布关系式。 相似文献
利用汽-液-固三相循环流化床蒸发器及动态信号测试采集系统,对石墨加热管内壁面的磨损进行了研究。实验测取了加热管不同轴向位置处振动加速度时间序列,对其进行了标准偏差和峰度分析,评估玻璃珠对壁面的径向冲击强度;通过测定循环流量,研究颗粒对壁面的轴向摩擦冲击程度。同时对磨损产物进行称量、元素分析,结合传感器测试结果共同确定石墨管壁面磨损速率的影响因素。主要结论如下:随着加热蒸汽压力的升高和颗粒体积分率的增加,壁面磨损速率增大;相同加热蒸汽压力和颗粒体积分率下,较小粒径颗粒对壁面的磨损更为严重。峰度分析表明,颗粒对壁面的冲击频率是影响石墨管磨损速率的主要因素。研究结果对将三相流化床换热技术应用于石墨管换热器系统具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
国外气液传质设备的一些发展趋势 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
作为气液传质塔主要构件的塔板和填料在过去几十年中的发展速度各有快慢,竞争能力时有强弱。进入80年代后,由于板波规整填料的成功应用,填料及其相关内件的开发研究速度明显快于板式塔。事实上,塔板和填料各有优缺点,各适用于不同的场合。未来几年中,以下几方面将得到重视和发展:工艺条件与塔与构件的一体化匹配;结构与材质的改进或更新;整塔的精心设计、制造、安装和操作;故障检测和诊断技术现代化;设计模型的理论化和 相似文献
The gas and dispersed phase holdups and mass transfer coefficients of liquid-iquid were determined for gas-liquid-liquid three phase system in a screen plate column. The flow pattern of gas-liquid-liquid three phase system was studied under different gas velocities. The shape factors showed the geometric properties of screen plates and the corrected drop chaxacteristic velocities were introduced. The phase holdup in two phases was correlated.The research results indicated that mass transfer coefficient for liquid-liquid system in a column with screen plates and gas agitation was found to increase apparently. 相似文献
It has long been found that the flow pattern of the liquid phase on distillation tray is of great importance on distillation process performance. But until now, there was very few published work on quantitative investigation of this subject. By combining the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the mass transfer equation, a theoretical model is proposed for predicting the details of velocity and concentration distributions as well as the tray efficiency of distillation tray column. Using the proposed model, four different cases corresponding to different assumptions of liquid and vapor flowing condition for a distillation tray column were investigated. In Case I, the distributions of velocity and concentration of the incoming liquid from the downcomer and the uprising vapor from the underneath tray spacing are uniform. In Case Ⅱ, the distribution of the incoming liquid is non-uniform but the uprising vapor is uniform. In Case Ⅲ, the distribution of the incoming liquid is uniform but the uprising vapor is non-uniform.In Case IV, the distributions of both the incoming liquid and the uprising vapor are non-uniform. The details of velocity and concentration distributions on a multiple sieve tray distillation column in four different cases were simulated using the proposed model. It is found that the shape of the simulated concentration profiles of vapor and the liquid is quite different from case to case. The computed results also show that the tray efficiency is highly reduced by the maldistribution of velocity and concentration of the incoming liquid and uprising vapor. The tray efficiency for Case Ⅰ is higher than Case Ⅱ or Case Ⅲ, and that for Case Ⅳis the lowest. It also reveals that the accumulated effect of maldistribution becomes more pronounced when the number of column trays increased. The present study demonstrates that the use of computational method to predict the mass transfer efficiency for the tray column, especially for the large one, is feasible. 相似文献
精馏塔是石油化工、医药等领域常见的生产过程装备,是较为典型的单元生产过程,精馏塔的过程变量多,各变量之间关系复杂,本文通过对精馏塔工艺、生产过程中主要的扰动变量进行分析,引出提馏段温度控制方案、精馏段温度控制方案,为工程技术人员设计精馏塔过程控制系统提供参考。 相似文献
气隙式膜蒸馏传递过程的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文用气隙式膜蒸馏装置测定了膜两侧流体的温度、流量及料液浓度对膜蒸馏通量的影响,并从理论上描述了传热、传质过程,建立了可以预测膜蒸馏过程渗透通量的数学模型.实验结果与模型预测吻合较好. 相似文献