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A new accurate approximation for the well function for instantaneous charge of water for large diameter wells is proposed. Using this approximation with an optimization method, storage coefficient and transmissivity are estimated from slug test data on large diameter wells. The proposed method is void of the subjectivity of curve matching procedure.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for identifying the head loss from the early drawdowns at the pumped well and an observation well. The new method is computationally simple and the calculations can be performed even on a hand-held calculator. The previously proposed methods for identifying the head loss requires a long duration pumping test, while the new method requires only a short duration pumping test. The use of the proposed method would save time and money and would be of help to field and practicing engineers. A nondimensional coefficient of head loss is also proposed, which permits a meaningful comparison of the efficiency conditions of different wells.  相似文献   

Well Loss Estimation: Variable Pumping Replacing Step Drawdown Test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An optimization method is presented for simultaneous estimation of aquifer parameters and well loss parameters utilizing all the drawdowns observed during a variable rate pumping or multiple step pumping test. The proposed method does not require any graphical analysis. It is shown that a variable rate pumping test is a better substitute for the conventional step drawdown test to estimate well loss parameters. It suggests that the pumping rate may be changed frequently without waiting for a near steady state to be reached (or a selected duration, say 60 min) in each step of a conventional step drawdown test. This can result in a substantial saving of time and money involved in conducting a step drawdown test with a view to estimate well loss parameters. This gives a greater number of distinct discharges, which improves the estimates of the well loss parameters. Application of the method is demonstrated on published data sets, the results of which show that the parameters estimated using the new method are more reliable as compared to those obtained using prior methods.  相似文献   

This paper offers solutions for drawdowns due to intermittent pumping cycles or cyclic pumping, which are high accuracy approximations of the series of Theis functions superimposed in time. The proposed approximation formulas are an improvement over the earlier works. The earlier approximations are valid only if the number of pumping cycles is greater than 10 and involve gamma functions that are less convenient to evaluate than the rational approximation formulas offered in this paper. The proposed approximations are valid for any number of pumping cycles and involve simple functions that can be computed even using a calculator. The drawdown functions are defined for the drawdowns at the end of pumping or shutoff periods. The proposed expressions for these functions are also suitable for the estimation of aquifer parameters by plotting the observed drawdowns on semilogarithmic paper. Procedures for estimation of storage coefficient and head loss at the well from cyclic pumping drawdowns are not available. This paper also offers procedures for the estimation of transmissivity, storage coefficient, and head loss at the pumped well from the observed intermittent (cyclic) pumping drawdowns.  相似文献   

Diagnostic Curve for Confined Aquifer Parameters from Early Drawdowns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A diagnostic curve of unimodal shape is developed for identifying the confined aquifer parameters from early drawdowns. A scaled well function is proposed for the diagnostic curve and computationally simple functions are developed for its accurate approximation. The diagnostic curve may be viewed as an alteration of the Theis’ curve or as the generalization of a previous approach proposed by the writer. Plotting the pumping test data in a convenient form and matching it to the diagnostic curve with a parallel shift of axes identify the aquifer parameters. The unimodal shape of the diagnostic curve facilitates matching and reduces the personal errors. The proposed method is simple, easy to apply, and yields accurate estimates of aquifer parameters from only early drawdowns, which would save considerable time and money involved in conducting a long-duration pumping test. The estimates obtained using the new method are as good as those obtained from much more complex methods. The new method does not require either the initial guess for the parameter values or repetitive evaluation of the well function.  相似文献   

The existing equation applicable for large diameter wells in confined aquifers is transformed into a convenient form and a set of semilogarithmic diagnostic curves is developed for identifying the aquifer parameters (storage coefficient and transmissivity) from early drawdowns in large diameter wells. A scaled well function is proposed for the diagnostic curves. The aquifer parameters are estimated by matching the diagnostically plotted drawdowns to one of the diagnostic curves by a parallel shift of only one axis. The substantial curvature of the diagnostic curves and shifting of only one axis facilitate matching and reduce subjectivity. The proposed method is an improvement over the existing matching methods. The new method can reliably identify the aquifer parameters from only early drawdowns and would result in a 100-fold saving in time and money. It is hoped that this method would be helpful to field engineers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Simple Method for Quick Estimation of Leaky-Aquifer Parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple method and explicit equations are proposed for estimating the parameters of leaky aquifers from drawdown at an observation well, which avoid the curve matching or initial estimate of the parameter. The proposed method is computationally simple and the calculations can be performed even on a handheld calculator. The application of the methods is illustrated, using published data sets. The new method yields quick and accurate estimates of the leaky-aquifer parameters, if observed drawdowns do not contain large errors. The proposed method can also analyze the early drawdowns for accurate characteristics/parameters of a confined aquifer, if the conductance of the aquitard is assigned a zero value. It is hoped that the proposed method would be of help to field engineers and practitioners.  相似文献   

One-dimensional horizontal flow in a semiinfinite confined aquifer can be described in terms of mathematical solutions that relate drawdown in the aquifer to aquifer parameters and flow into or out of a line sink. A new solution that considers the effects of a low-permeability skin along with storage in a finite-width sink is developed for the leaky-aquifer case. A coefficient Sk is defined to represent the skin effect for one-dimensional flow. The transient solution, which is obtained by inverting the Laplace-space solution using the Stehfest numerical algorithm, calculates drawdowns in the sink as well as in the aquifer. A nondimensional drain function D(u,x/B,A/x,Sk/x)q is defined based on the solution. Selected type curves for the drain function are plotted, and a match-point procedure is described that is based on matching observed drawdowns at observation wells to an appropriate type curve. The match-point procedure is illustrated by fitting simulated drawdown data to a type curve and determining the aquifer parameters. The drawdown solution is also represented by dimensional time–drawdown plots, which can be used to determine aquifer parameters by adjusting the parameters until model-calculated drawdowns match observed values. This new solution can be used to analyze drawdowns that result from a canal pumping test in which the discharge from the canal is derived from water stored in the canal and from a leaky aquifer and in which the drawdowns are affected by storage and a low-permeability skin in the canal.  相似文献   

An optimization method is proposed for estimating the storage coefficient and transmissivity of an aquifer from drawdowns in large diameter wells consequent to an unsteady pumping. The concept of an optimal time step size is propagated in the proposed method. The estimate of the aquifer parameters corresponding to the optimal time step size is termed final estimate. The estimates for any other time step size are not reliable. The proposed method can also take into account the residual drawdowns. The application of the method is illustrated using an example.  相似文献   

The existing equation for leaky aquifers is transformed into a nondimensional form using new parameters and a scaled well function for leaky aquifers is proposed. A computationally simple function is developed for accurately approximating the scaled well function for the practical range of the parameters. Utilizing this function (approximation), an optimization method is proposed for identifying the leaky-aquifer parameters from observed drawdowns. The new function has an enhanced utility when a repetitive numerical evaluation of the well function for leaky aquifers is needed, e.g., while estimating the aquifer parameters using optimization or Kalman filter or artificial neural network methods. The application of the proposed method is illustrated using a few sets of published data. The proposed method outperforms the extended Kalman filter method, based on the reported results in the literature.  相似文献   

Simple equations are proposed for estimating storage coefficient and transmissivity of an aquifer from drawdowns in large- diameter wells. The proposed method requires determination of the peak and time to peak of a unimodal curve. Using these values and utilizing the provided set of equations, the aquifer parameters are estimated through an iterative procedure. The proposed method is void of subjectivity involved in the previously proposed curve matching methods. Also, the new method can be used when the conventional curve matching methods cannot be applied to estimate the aquifer parameters. The new method can be used to estimate the aquifer parameters from the drawdown data observed only up to a time so that the peak could be determined.  相似文献   

A computationally simple semianalytical model is proposed for calculating the drawdown due to pumping a well tapping two aquifers separated by an aquiclude with no cross flow. The new model can take into account the transient pumping discharge. Equations are proposed for calculating the transient contributions of the aquifers to the pumped discharge and drawdowns in aquifers. The residual drawdowns in the aquifers and the aquifer contributions during recovery period can also be obtained using the proposed model. Based upon a similar principle, another model is also developed that can consider the effect of the well storage. The proposed models can be used to calculate drawdowns neglecting or considering the well storage, in the case of transient pumping from two aquifers having different values of transmissivity and storage coefficient. It is hoped that the new models would be of help to the field engineers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Adequate and reliable estimates of aquifer parameters are of utmost importance for proper management of vital groundwater resources. The pumping (aquifer) test is the standard technique for estimating various hydraulic properties of aquifer systems, viz., transmissivity (T), hydraulic conductivity (K), storage coefficient (S), and leakance (L), for which the graphical method is widely used. In the present study, the efficacy of the genetic algorithm (GA) optimization technique is assessed in estimating aquifer parameters from the time-drawdown pumping test data. Computer codes were developed to optimize various aquifer parameters under different hydrogeologic conditions by using the GA technique. Applicability, adequacy, and robustness of the developed codes were tested using 12 sets of the published and unpublished aquifer test data. The aquifer parameters were also estimated by the graphical method using AquiferTest software, and were compared with those obtained by the GA technique. The GA technique yielded significantly low values of the sum of square errors (SSE) for almost all the datasets under study. The results revealed that the GA technique is an efficient and reliable method for estimating various aquifer parameters, especially in the situation when the graphical matching is poor. Also, it was found that because of its inherent characteristics, GA avoids the subjectivity, long computation time and ill-posedness often associated with conventional optimization techniques. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the developed GA-based computer codes showed that the fitness value (SSE) of the best point in a population reduces with increasing generation number and population size. The analysis of the sensitivity of the parameters during the performance of GA indicated that a unique set of aquifer parameters was obtained for all three aquifer systems. The GA-based computer programs with interactive windows developed in this study are user-friendly and can serve as a teaching and research tool, which could also be useful for practicing hydrologists and hydrogeologists.  相似文献   

Leachate levels within a landfill must often be controlled for environmental and/or regulatory reasons by means of pumping from wells. Conventional vertical wells are usually used for this purpose, but there is a perception that they are inefficient. In this paper, the feasibility of using directional drilling to install horizontal wells for leachate control in landfills is investigated with reference to pilot and full scale field trials at Rainham, U.K. The difficulties of well-screen design and installation in a landfilled waste are discussed; the insights gained during trial installation are described; and the effectiveness of three trial wells is assessed with reference to the leachate flow rates and drawdowns achieved, in comparison with conventional vertical wells. It is concluded that the drilling rig used must be sufficiently powerful to cope with the likelihood of at least partial borehole collapse around the well-screen during installation; that the screen slot size can be based on at least the D30 particle size of the waste and a natural filter allowed to develop around the well (provided that the resulting well screen is strong enough); and that as experience with the technology grows, directionally drilled horizontal wells could represent a viable, cost effective alternative to conventional vertical wells for leachate control in landfills.  相似文献   

A simple semianalytical model is proposed for calculating the drawdown due to pumping a well tapping two aquifers. The new model can take into account the transient pumping discharge and cross flow between the aquifers. The transient contributions of the aquifers to the pumped discharge can also be implicitly obtained using the model.  相似文献   

A computationally simple and accurate algebraic approximation of the well function for large diameter wells is proposed. This approximation can be used to calculate drawdown in a large diameter well due to steady pumping. Using this approximation, a method is proposed for calculating drawdowns in large diameter wells due to unsteady pumping discharge. The proposed method is also applicable for calculating residual drawdowns in large diameter wells. In principle, the proposed method that uses the approximation of the well function should yield more accurate results than the previously proposed kernel methods.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for calculating the spatial and temporal variation of drawdown due to pumping a well tapping two aquifers separated by an aquitard, using convolution and MODFLOW. It can take into account the unsteady pumping discharge and cross flow through the intervening aquitard. A discrete pulse kernel method based on superposition/convolution is used to account for the unsteady pumping discharge. The discrete pulse kernels are calculated using MODFLOW. The contributions of the aquifers to the pumped discharge are accounted implicitly and not required to be specified explicitly. Available numerical models (e.g., MODFLOW) require the aquifer contributions that are implicitly controlled, to be specified explicitly. The use of the suggested procedure is illustrated using examples. The contributions of the aquifers are found not in proportion to their transmissivities but vary with time, when the diffusivities of the aquifers are not equal. Applying the new procedure, the numerical models, such as MODFLOW can be used to correctly model the transient pumping from two aquifers with cross flow; thus, it opens up the possibility of numerically accounting for the aquifer heterogeneity while dealing with the flow to a well tapping two aquifers under a transient pumping, which would be otherwise difficult to account for analytically.  相似文献   

Two sets of unimodal diagnostic curves, one set assumes no aquitard storage and the other set assumes aquitard storage, are developed for identifying the parameter of leaky aquifers from early drawdowns, which yields accurate estimates of the parameters and lessens the subjectivity due to personal errors. The proposed diagnostic curve method is simple, easy to apply, and is based on matching of the diagnostically plotted observed drawdowns to an appropriate diagnostic curve. The new method is simple, easy to apply, does not require either the initial guess for the parameter values or repetitive evaluation of the leaky aquifer well function, and outperforms the conventional curve-matching, optimization, extended Kalman filter, and artificial neural network methods. The proposed set of diagnostic curves has a good diagnostic property and is able to easily identify nonideal conditions. The new method suggests a shorter duration pumping test, which would save time, money, and water. It is hoped that the proposed method would be useful to the field engineers and practitioners.  相似文献   

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