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The SIMGRO hydrologic simulation model was extended to include irrigation practice. It could then be used to evaluate the effect of hydrologic changes in an irrigated area in the province of Mendoza, Argentina where, given an average annual rainfall of approximately 200?mm, irrigation is crucial for agriculture. A storage dam was recently constructed in the Mendoza River to control the fluctuating river flow and to guarantee that the demand for water is met throughout the year. The dam will impact on parts of the irrigation system where groundwater levels are already high and salinization occurs. To evaluate these changes and possible mitigation measures, two performance indicators that consider groundwater and surface water were used: Relative evapotranspiration and the depleted fraction. Scenario runs revealed that the irrigation water losses from the canals affect the groundwater levels in the downstream part of the irrigated area; an increase in salinity was also revealed.  相似文献   

Potential solutions to high soil salinity levels and waterlogging problems are investigated on a regional scale using calibrated finite-difference flow and mass transport modeling for a portion of the Lower Arkansas River Valley in Colorado. A total of 38 alternatives incorporating varying degrees of recharge reduction, canal seepage reduction, subsurface drainage installation, and pumping volume increases are modeled over three irrigation seasons (1999–2001). Six performance indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of these alternatives in improving agroecological conditions, compared to existing conditions. Predicted average regional decrease in water table elevation (as great as 1.93 m over the irrigation season) is presented for selected alternatives, as well as the spatial mapping of results. Decrease in soil salinity concentration (with regional and seasonal average reduction as high as 950 mg/L) is also predicted and mapped. Estimated groundwater salinity changes, reduction in total salt loading to the river, increase in average regional crop yield, and changes in net water consumption indicate the potential for marked regional-scale enhancements to the irrigation-stream-aquifer system.  相似文献   

Regional irrigation water-demand planning is utilized to establish appropriate cropping patterns and estimate irrigation water demand. Although optimization methods have been extensively adopted, uncertainties of meteorological conditions and the complexity of spatial contexts make developing explicit and structured decision making extremely difficult. Rather than generating a single optimal solution, decision makers prefer to generate several possible scenarios and compare results. This study proposes a novel spatial scenario-based planning framework, with a database, model base, and scenario-setting modules, to generate flexible spatial planning scenarios for improving irrigation water-demand planning. Possible demand planning scenarios for irrigation managers are discussed. A prototype of the proposed scenario-based framework is implemented on a geographic information system platform to assist in spatial decision making. Demand planning during a drought period for the Chia-Nan irrigation command area, the largest one in Taiwan, is adopted as a case study to demonstrate the proposed framework for spatial scenario analysis.  相似文献   

Water is the lifeblood of the American West and the foundation of its economy, but it remains its scarcest resource. The explosive population growth in western United States, the emerging additional need for water for environmental uses, and the national importance of the domestic food production are driving major conflicts between these competing water uses. The case of the Middle Rio Grande illustrates the problem very well. The river is the ecological backbone of the Chihuahuan Desert region in the western United States, and supports its dynamic and diverse ecology, including the fish and wildlife habitat. The Rio Grande Silvery Minnow is federally listed as an endangered species, and the irrigated agriculture in the Middle Rio Grande has come under increasing pressure to reduce its water consumption and maintain the desired level of service to its water users. This paper will present the writers ongoing research on options to make irrigation system operations more efficient in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD). Specifically, it will describe formulation and implementation of a decision support system (DSS) that can assist the MRGCD managers to more efficiently plan and implement their water delivery operations, thereby reducing river diversions. The MRGCD DSS uses linear programming to find an optimum water delivery schedule for canal service areas in the MRGCD irrigation system. The computer model is presently formulated along with the related data sets for two of the four divisions in the MRGCD. For the past 3?years, the model has been validated in the field and the evaluation indicates that the model recommendations are realistic and represent current management practices. The future plans are to complete the data files for the irrigation networks in the remaining two divisions and concurrently help the MRGCD implement the DSS to guide water delivery operation.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional water and solute transport UNSATCHEM model is calibrated and validated with a saline water use experiment for wheat and cotton crops. The model is further employed for regional scale salinity modeling with distributed data on soil, irrigation water supply, and its quality from six representative locations from the Kheri command of the Bhakra irrigation system. The wheat–cotton crop rotation, the main rotation in the command, is considered during long-term simulations. The CROPWAT model is used to determine the evapotranspiration requirements of different wheat and cotton crops, while soil water retention parameters are estimated by the RETC model. Atmospheric water and solute boundary conditions are assumed at the top boundary, while free drainage is considered for the lower boundary, as the watertable in the command is sufficiently deep. Simulated salinity and yield values are compared with observed values for regional validation of the model. Critical areas in the command are identified using regional scale modeling results, and applying irrigation water availability and root zone salinity criteria. Guidelines for sustainable conjunctive water use planning are for the Kheri command to get optimum agricultural production despite the use of saline water for irrigation under prevailing scenarios of water availability and its quality.  相似文献   

Extensive field data and calibrated flow and salt-transport models characterize the spatial and temporal patterns of salinity and waterlogging in an irrigated western river valley. Over three irrigation seasons, average seasonal aquifer recharge from irrigated fields in a 50,600?ha study area ranges from 0.59?to?0.99?m, including contribution from precipitation. The salinity of irrigation water varies from 618?to?1,090?mg/L. The water table is shallow, with 16 to 33% of irrigated land underlaid by an average water table less than 2?m deep. Average water table salinity ranges from 2,680?to?3,015?mg/L, and average soil salinity from 2,490?to?3,860?mg/L. Crop yield reductions from salinity and waterlogging range from 0 to 89% on fields, with regional averages ranging from 11 to 19%. Annual salt loading to the river from subsurface return flows, generated in large part by dissolution from irrigation recharge, averages about 533?kg/irrigated?ha?per?km. Upflux from shallow water tables under fallow ground contributes to about 65?million?m3 (52,600?acre-ft) per year of nonbeneficial consumption. Beyond problem identification, the developed database and models provide a basis for effectively addressing these problems through a systematic and comparative assessment of alternative solutions.  相似文献   

The economics of a materials management system is defined by the size of the shipments, the scheduling strategy that allows contractors to handle uncertainty and variability in the supply chain, and the timing of the shipments, which in turn depend on the environment in which the project is taking place. This study presents a simulation-based decision support system to assist contractors in selecting the most economical rebar management system prior to the start of construction by recommending lot sizes (large, small), a scheduling strategy (optimistic, neutral, pessimistic), and buffer sizes (large, medium, small) given the conditions of the project. This model is of benefit to contractors and researchers because it generates the probable cost of inventory of 18 alternative rebar management systems ranging from just in case (JIC) to just in time (JIT) and including different variations in between. It allows contractors to select the alternative with least cost of inventory at the planning stages of a project. The simulation model was tested by using actual data obtained from a trade center project in Istanbul, Turkey. As expected, the test indicated that JIC was the most economical rebar management system in a case study conducted in a developing country, as it generated a savings of 4.8% over JIT.  相似文献   

Decision Support System for Surface Irrigation Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SADREG decision support system was developed to help decision makers in the process of design and selection of farm surface irrigation systems to respond to requirements of modernization of surface irrigation—furrow, basin, and border irrigation. It includes a database, simulation models, user-friendly interfaces, and multicriteria analysis models. SADREG is comprised of two components: design and selection. The first component applies database information, and through several simulation and computational tools, produces a set of design alternatives in agreement with the user options. These alternatives are characterized by several hydraulic, economic, and environmental indicators that allow appropriate selection and ranking. The selection component bases upon multicriteria analysis using composite programming and ELECTRE II ranking models, which support the decision maker to select the best alternative. The decision maker participates in all decision processes through a user-friendly interface that allows expressing design options and priorities. SADREG was tested with data collected from field experiments. In addition to describing the modeling approach, an application to a sector of the Lower Mondego Irrigation Project, Portugal, is presented.  相似文献   

A group decision support system (GDSS) is an interactive computer-based information system that combines the capabilities of communication technologies, database technologies, computer technologies, and decision technologies to support the identification, analysis, formulation, evaluation, and solution of semistructured or unstructured problems by a group in a user-friendly computing environment. As there is a strong demand for improvements to the practice of value management (VM), research has been conducted to design a GDSS prototype system, named the interactive value management system (IVMS), to explore its potential application in VM workshops and to investigate the effect of the application. The paper begins with an introduction to the problems of implementing VM in the Hong Kong construction industry and then proceeds to an illustration of the features of the proposed system, which has been developed in the research. Two validation studies designed to test the support of the proposed system are described and the results discussed. Findings from this research indicate that IVMS is supportive in overcoming the problems and difficulties in VM workshops.  相似文献   

Significant improvements in the profitability and sustainability of irrigated areas can be obtained by the application of new technologies. In this work, a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts is presented. The model is based on the combination of a number of modules specialized on surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balances. These modules are executed in parallel, and are connected by a series of variables. The surface irrigation module is based on a numerical hydrodynamic routine solving the Saint Venant equations, including the heterogeneity of soil physical properties. The simulation of water conveyance is performed on the basis of the capacity of the elements of the conveyance network. Crop growth is simulated using a scheme derived from the well-known model CropWat. The irrigation decision making module satisfies water orders considering water stress, yield sensitivity to stress, multiple water sources, and the network capacity. Finally, the hydrosaline module is based on a steady state approach, and provides estimations of the volume and salinity of the irrigation return flows for the whole irrigation season. The application of the model to district irrigation management and modernization studies may be limited by the volume of data required. In a companion paper, the model is calibrated, validated, and applied to a real irrigation district.  相似文献   

Stakeholder involvement is essential to the development of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) and its implementation plan. A tool, beyond a simulation model, is needed to support the decision making process that requires negotiation and compromise among stakeholders. The decision support system (DSS) described herein has a TMDL module to calculate various combinations of point and nonpoint loads that can meet the water quality criteria. Its Consensus module allows stakeholders to formulate, evaluate, modify, and vote for alternatives. The DSS displays bar charts for pollution loads from various subwatersheds and attributes the nonpoint loads to land uses. The water quality consequence of the pollution loads is output in maps, which shows sections meeting criteria in green and those not in red. The DSS requires a front end effort of site specific adaptation and model calibration. An Internet-based stakeholder process was developed to allow more concerned citizens to participate in management decisions.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic instruments are increasingly being used for in situ analysis and mapping of soil salinity in irrigated soils. This study develops calibration models for salinity assessment over regional scales on the order of tens of thousands of hectares. These models relate apparent soil electrical conductivity measured with the EM-38 electromagnetic induction meter (Geonics Ltd.) to traditional laboratory-measured saturated paste electrical conductivities (ECe). The study area is located in the Lower Arkansas River Valley, Colo. and is divided into two regions. At each of 414 randomly selected calibration sites, an EM-38 reading was taken and multiple soil samples were extracted for analysis. The sites chosen have soil ECe values ranging from 1?to?18?dS/m, gravimetric water contents (WC) from 0.02 to 0.4, and textures ranging from sands to clays. The best model for predicting soil ECe in both study regions is bivariate nonlinear and includes EM-38 vertical readings (EMV) and WC as covariates. Uncertainty in the calibration equations is addressed and tests are conducted at 48 independent sites. Results indicate that, while uncertainty is considerable in regional scale surveys, electromagnetic instruments can be calibrated for rapid reconnaissance of soil water salinity, providing reasonably accurate identification of salinization categories.  相似文献   

Saline high water tables pose a growing threat to the world’s productive irrigated land. Much of this land lies along arid alluvial plains, where solutions must now be developed in the context of changing constraints on river management. Findings are presented from the preliminary phase of a project aimed at developing, through well-conceived data collection and modeling, strategies to sustain irrigated agriculture in the salinity-threatened lower Arkansas River Basin of Colorado. Extensive field data from a representative subregion of the valley reveal the nature and variability of water table depth and salinity, irrigation efficiency and salt loading, and soil salinity. The shallow water table had an average salinity concentration of 3,100 mg/L and an average depth of 2.1 m, and was less than 1.5 m deep under about 25% of the area. Evidence reveals low irrigation efficiencies and high salt loading under each of six canals serving the subregion. Water table depths less than 2.5–3 m contributed to soil salinity levels that exceed threshold tolerances for crops under about 70% of the area. Preliminary steady-state modeling indicates that only limited improvement can be expected from vertical drainage derived from increased pumping, or from decreased recharge brought about by reduced overirrigation. Investments in canal lining, horizontal subsurface drainage, and improved river conditions also will need consideration.  相似文献   

With the increased popularity of concession projects over the last three decades, there is a need for a decision support system (DSS) capable of evaluating and comparing several concession project investment (CPI) options in an effective and efficient manner. Hence, a novel DSS has been developed that takes into consideration both financial and nonfinancial aspects of the investment option, as well as the uncertainties commonly encountered during the feasibility stage of a project. The DSS is fully implemented as a standalone computer software package, ECCO (evaluate and compare concession options), in order to be of practical use. This paper outlines and validates ECCO’s design and structure through the demonstration of its capabilities in the evaluation and comparison of three real-life CPI case studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, unsteady water quality modeling and the associated sensitivity equations are solved for water distribution systems. A new solution algorithm is proposed, designed for slow varying velocity and based on a time splitting method to separate and solve efficiently each phenomenon such as advection and chemical reaction. This numerical approach allows simultaneous solution of both the direct problem and the sensitivity equations. Special attention is given to the treatment of advection, which is handled with a total variation diminishing scheme. The general model presented in this study permits global sensitivity analysis of the system to be performed and its efficiency is illustrated on two pipe networks. The importance of the sensitivity analysis is shown as part of the calibration process on a real network.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Web-based system for supporting the selection of the most suitable routes for buried urban utilities. The aim of the proposed system is to support (not make) decisions through a collaborative semiautomated environment, in which stakeholders can share information and/or study the impacts of different routing alternatives with respect to decision constraints. First, the knowledge relating to route selection for urban utilities is represented through an ontology. The ontology defines the types and attributes of infrastructure products and the surrounding areas. It also defines the impacts of routing options on surrounding areas through a set of decision criteria adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of any route in terms of its potential impacts. A set of constraints are also defined to help represent/study the decision criteria. Second, a GIS-based system has been created to help visualize route data, interact with users, and support the needed discussions among stakeholders. The portal also achieves data interoperability through wrapping existing geospatial data with ontology structures. Finally, a set of reasoners have been created to help quantify/augment some of the constraints. The system is capable of (1)?extracting the attributes of each routing option, (2)?testing the interaction/conflicts between route attributes and the constraints of the surrounding area, (3)?studying the impacts of a route as stipulated in the ontology, (4)?referring users to existing best practices to help enhance routes or address conflicts and, when needed, (5)?develop objective measures for comparing different routes. On the microlevel (street level), route options are evaluated through a “constraint-satisfaction” approach. On the macrolevel (city level), route options are evaluated through a fuzzy inference scoring system. The proposed system focuses on facility life cycle, sustainability, and community impacts. Construction costing, scheduling, labor, and equipment along with other management issues can either be added to the system or, better, analyzed through integrating the system with four-dimensional (4D) modeling tools.  相似文献   

In a companion paper a model for the simulation of water flows in irrigation districts was formulated. The model combines a series of modules specialized in surface irrigation, open channel distribution networks, crop growth modeling, irrigation decision making, and hydrosaline balance. The objective of this paper is to calibrate, validate, and apply the model, using the Irrigation District Five of Bardenas (Spain) as a study area. Two years of study were used for the analysis, which could be classified as normal (2000) and dry (2001) from the point of view of crop water requirements. Model calibration was performed in one of the 11 hydrological sectors in which the district is divided. The control variable was the monthly water demand, while the calibration variables were related to irrigation operation and scheduling. The seasonal differences in observed and simulated water demand amounted to 0.9 and 1.9% for 2000 and 2001, respectively. Model validation was performed in the rest of the sectors, and the regression line of observed versus simulated monthly water demand could not be distinguished from a 1:1 line in both years. Model application explored scenarios based on management improvement (controlling the irrigation time) and structural improvement (increasing drainage water reuse for irrigation). These scenarios permitted one to sharply reduce water demand, halve the irrigation return flows, and reduce the daily irrigation period from 24?to?16?h.  相似文献   

This paper describes a decision-support framework assisting the design of nonresidential buildings with natural ventilation. The framework is composed of decision modules with input, analysis algorithms and output of natural ventilation design. The framework covers ventilation with natural driving force and mechanical-assisted ventilation. The proposed framework has two major assessment levels: feasibility assessment and comparison of alternative natural ventilation approaches. The feasibility assessment modules assess the potential of the site with the design proposition for natural ventilation in terms of wind, temperature, humidity, noise, and pollution conditions. All of the possible natural ventilation approaches and system designs are assessed by first applying constraint functions to each of the alternatives. Then the comparison of alternative approaches to natural ventilation continues by assessing the critical performance mandates that include energy savings, thermal comfort, acoustic control, indoor air quality, and cost. Approaches are finally ranked based on their performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to analyzing water distribution networks during a contamination event. Previous computer models for predicting the extent of contamination spread in water distribution networks are demand-driven models. The new approach makes use of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) data to create connectivity matrices, which encapsulate the worst-case projection of the potential spread of contamination obtained by combining the effects of all possible scenarios. Two methods for creating connectivity matrices are described, the first based on operating modes, and the second on fundamental paths. Both methods produce identical results, although the method of fundamental paths is more efficient computationally. The connectivity- and hydraulic-based approaches are compared using an example problem.  相似文献   

Microtunneling is a trenchless technology method used for installing new pipelines. The inherent advantages of this method over open-cut trenching have led to its increasing use since its first introduction into North America in the early 1980s. With this technology, surface disruption can be minimized, especially in urban areas, and high accuracy of installation (usually less than 2?cm over 100?m) can be achieved in both line and grade. But microtunneling machines are very expensive and few contractors have extensive experience with this technology. Microtunneling can also be risky when unexpected obstacles or soil changes occur. Careful constructability analysis is needed, and an appropriate microtunneling method should be selected in order to achieve successful completion of microtunneling projects. A computerized decision support system (DSS) for microtunneling was developed to support decision making for contractors who want to bid on microtunneling projects. This paper discusses the decision-making process for microtunneling and the development of the DSS. When the user enters basic information about the potential project such as drive length, installation depth, pipe diameter, and soil condition, the DSS evaluates whether microtunneling will be economically feasible and suggests appropriate types of microtunneling methods. The user can then select microtunneling machines, types of pipes, and types of shaft construction methods. This DSS is most beneficial when used at the preplanning stage by utility contractors.  相似文献   

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