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煤磨袋式除尘器最常发生的安全事故就是燃爆。通过总结5个煤磨袋式除尘器的燃爆案例,根据含煤粉气体的特性,提出了相应的防燃爆调质措施;重点从煤磨除尘器的结构设计方面,提出了详细的防燃爆设计措施。另外,为使含尘气体达标排放,除尘设备正常运转,危险时刻自动报警,论述了各部位的检测装置和控制系统以及规范操作和定期检修的要求。  相似文献   

我公司煤磨系统采用φ2.8m×(5+3)m风扫煤磨(生产能力16~17t/h)和N-1150型O-Sepa动态选粉机,烘干热源引自篦冷机二段。在调试期间曾出现磨机燃爆现象,给系统的安全运转带来很大的隐患。磨机燃爆主要发生在磨头部位,燃爆时系统参数变化很大。主要表现在磨头负压剧烈波动,随后出  相似文献   

我公司2500t/d熟料生产线配备的煤磨是ZGM95型立磨,采用篦冷机高温段余风作为加热烘干热源及一次风。系统主机配置及工艺要求如下:磨机主电机功率380kW,10kV;磨机主排风机功率450kW,10kV;磨机转速26.4r/min,磨内通风阻力≤5.5kPa;启动时密封风与热风的压差△P≥1.96kPa,运行中密封风与热风的压差△P〉1.47kpa;入磨风温要求≤250℃,出磨温度要求≤75℃。现将历时3年的生产过程中出现的一些问题及改进方法作一介绍。  相似文献   

潘素永 《水泥》2007,(7):65-65
我公司2500t/d熟料生产线配备的煤磨是ZGM95型立式磨。采用篦冷机高温段余风作为加热烘干热源及一次风,人磨风温要求≤250℃,出磨温度≤75℃。在3年的生产过程中出现了一些问题,现主要介绍下料管漏风问题及处理过程。  相似文献   

我公司煤磨系统采用风扫煤磨,磨机的主要参数:Ф2.8Х5+3m,生产能力:16~17t/h,选粉机采用O-Sepa动态选粉机,型号:N-1150,烘干热源引自篦冷机二段,在调试期间曾出现磨机燃爆现象,给系统的安全运转带来了很大的隐患,后来,经过一系列的整改措施,消除了煤磨的燃爆问题,保证了系统的安全运转。  相似文献   

我厂自行安装的Φ3.2m×13m的2号水泥磨和辊压机组成预粉磨系统,磨机型号为MB32130,于2004年4月建成投产。在生产初期,出磨水泥温度高的问题一直难以得到解决,出磨水泥温度最高时曾达180℃。1生产情况从我厂熟料库输送至2号水泥磨辊压机的熟料温度为100~120℃,经辊压机挤压后,物料温度会升高10~20℃,物料经磨机研磨后,出磨水泥温度常高达160℃,在磨机状况较差时,出磨水泥温度会达到180℃。水泥温度超高后,不仅会导致石膏脱水,  相似文献   

我公司2500t/d生产线配套Φ2.8m×(5+3)m煤磨,设计台时产量16~17t/h,煤磨抽取窑尾高温风机之后热风,取风点与生料磨的接近。2006年余热发电系统投入运行后,热风温度大幅度降低,生料磨系统未受太大影响,煤磨系统受到影响较大。煤磨入磨温度由300℃降低到240℃,最低220℃,出磨温度由70℃降低到不足60℃,台时产量降到13~14t/h,煤粉水分最高达到4.5%,平均提高1.5%。  相似文献   

赵武魁 《水泥》2018,(6):24
山西WX公司2 500 t/d的熟料生产线于2013年7月建成投产。煤磨型号为HRM1700M立磨,设计生产能力≥20 t/h,入磨原煤水分≤12%,入料粒度≤50 mm,进口风温<300 ℃,出口温度80~95 ℃。进口热风从篦冷机中温段抽取,在投产初期发生过一起磨内爆炸事故,窑系统被迫停产,造成了巨大的经济损失。本文就此次煤磨爆炸的原因及采取的防范措施进行分析和总结,供同仁参考。  相似文献   

刘飞 《水泥》2010,(2):44-45
<正>1煤磨温度控制参数我公司5000t/d生产线煤磨系统采用MPF2116立磨和FCM气箱脉冲袋除尘器,煤磨利用窑尾高温风机出口热烟气为烘干介质,入口温度一般在270~290℃、入袋除尘器气体温度控制在69~73℃、袋除尘  相似文献   

0引言 目前, 2000t/d水泥厂窑尾废气系统和煤磨系统废气除尘大都采用高压静电除尘器。因电除尘器内含尘气体中 CO浓度超过一定数值时易发生爆炸或燃烧,危及设备和人身安全,故一般在电除尘器入口或出口处应安装 CO气体分析仪进行气体中 CO浓度的监测;并将电除尘器高压电源与 CO气体分析仪系统联锁,在 CO浓度超过设定的安全值时 (窑尾废气系统 CO浓度≤ 0.2%,煤磨系统 CO浓度≤ 1× 10- 3时,自动切断电除尘器高压电源,保证电除尘器设备的安全。因此, CO气体分析仪系统长期稳定、精确、可靠地工作是保证电除尘设备安全运行的…  相似文献   

为提高龙山选煤厂块煤产率,分析了原煤性质,说明原煤属中高灰、特低硫的2号无烟煤;原生煤泥较少,矸石较硬,不易破碎解离,有明显泥化现象;块精煤灰分大于12%时,原煤可选性为易选。通过分析选煤厂工艺流程,说明滚筒筛筛分效率低,产品运输转载过程中碰撞溜槽,块煤入仓时摔碎,块煤落煤点较高等是造成选煤厂块煤产率低的主要原因。通过将滚筒筛更换为直线振动筛,在胶带机落煤溜槽内增加防破碎装置或缓冲闸板,在原煤仓内或块煤落煤点安装螺旋溜槽等措施减少块煤破碎。改造后选煤厂块煤产率提高了1.74%,其中精中块提高0.51%,精小块提高1.23%,每年增加经济效益238.68万元。  相似文献   

Techniques for the removal of pyridine and quinoline from coal, coal extracts and coal residues have been developed. The combination of repeated vacuum drying at 1.3 kPa and 90–110 °C, with repeated washing using methanol was found to be sufficient to remove the pyridine and quinoline from the coal extracts and residues.  相似文献   

为提出适合鞍钢鲅鱼圈分公司的炼焦用煤结构,利用全自动智能型煤岩分析系统分析了鞍钢鲅鱼圈所用不同牌号各炼焦煤的煤岩特征,结合传统炼焦煤煤质指标,对各炼焦煤的煤质特征进行评价,并将煤岩学应用于炼焦配煤煤种调整、配比调整中。结果表明,根据煤岩分类标准,鞍钢鲅鱼圈所用焦煤中含焦煤成分60.2%,肥煤成分31.6%;鲅鱼圈所用炼焦煤中,进口煤煤质较为单一、煤质较好,其中60%以上为单一煤层煤,而国内煤的混煤现象较为严重,单一煤层煤不足20%。煤岩学理论应用于鞍钢鲅鱼圈炼焦生产后,在炼焦煤评价中增加了煤岩学指标,扩大了精煤来源,提高了焦炭质量,焦炭抗碎强度M_(40)从2011年的88.11%提高到2013年的88.87%,焦炭耐磨强度M_(10)从2011年的6.75%降低到2013年的6.38%。  相似文献   

安振东 《洁净煤技术》2008,14(3):98-100
针对生产用煤多为复杂混煤的不利情况,在常规分析数据的基础上利用岩相分析手段指导配煤,有效稳定了焦炭质量,明显改善了焦炭的热态性能。  相似文献   

Steps are now being taken to define in more detail the phenomenology of coal liquefaction and to provide a scientific basis for empirical correlations previously established between liquefaction conversion and basic compositional characteristics of coals. The rates of production of oils, asphaltenes and preaphaltenes have been determined at four temperatures for three coals, two of Carboniferous and one of Creaceousage. Products are formed more slowly from the younger coal (which is of slightly lower rank) than from the others, but oxygen, partly as OH but probably mostly in a type of ether, is lost more rapidly. It is estimated that the maximum content of O as cleavable ether is 7.7 atoms/100 C atoms for the younger coal (from Wyoming) and 4.1 and 5.1 for the other two (from Oklahoma and Ohio, respectively). Until ≈ 50% of the amount present in the Oklahoma coal is lost, the rates of removal of oxygen and organic sulphur are approximately equal; beyond this level, the removal of S is more rapid. The loss of organic sulphur from the Ohio coal is slightly faster. Even so, the data do not support the idea that cleavage of thioethers is more rapid than that of ethers and that this is the basic reason why a high organic sulphur content tends to promote liquefaction. Conversion of the pyrite in the Ohio coal to pyrrhotite occurs considerably more rapidly than the pyrite in the Oklahoma coal. In preliminary experiments, it is shown that a curve-resolving programme allows two aromatic and five aliphatic C-H stretching vibrations to be distinguished in FTIR spectra of the hexane-insoluble products, and the distribution changes with degree of conversion. In particular, there is evidence that new aryl methyl are generated during liquefaction, in agreement with evidence from oxidation studies.  相似文献   

边培育  张海龙  单锋 《水泥工程》2011,(1):32-33,41
详细对比了泰山中联水泥公司5000t/d熟料生产线使用优质煤与当地次等煤混掺的混合煤和单独使用优质煤的生产情况。结果表明,使用优质煤后原煤用量大幅减少,煤磨和窑系统运行质量明显提高,熟料综合成本有所降低。藉此呼吁社会有关部门对水泥企业使用劣质原料生产的政策倾斜。  相似文献   

简要讨论了原料煤特性对煤直接液化的影响,在煤的组成和物理性质等与煤液化关系之间建立良好的对应关系并总结了适合直接液化用煤种的一些特性。  相似文献   

Several critiques to the ‘International Classification of Hard Coals by Type’ (ECE, Geneva, 1956) have been made in the past and a revision of its usefulness is currently being carried out by several investigators. The principal drawback of this classification is that it is not applicable to coals of variable maceral composition, especially those displaying a high content of inertinite. Furthermore, the parameters hitherto used in the International Classification and in some other national systems to define degree of coalification (rank), i. e. volatile matter and calorific value, are dependent on variable maceral composition. On the other hand, the parameters used in the International Classification to determine the agglutinating and coking properties of coals are competing parameters, instead of following a hierarchy. The proposed classification scheme is based on two primary parameters determined with microscopic techniques: (1) mean maximum reflectance of vitrinite, which is a good single measure of rank; and (2) petrographic composition (vitrinite and exinite) as an indication of the type of coal. A third parameter is chosen to qualify the different classes of coal: volatile matter for anthracitic coals; dilatation for semianthracitic and bituminous coals; and calorific value for subbituminous coals and lignites. The scheme is expressed by mean of a code number of four digits, which refers to the rank (first digit), type (second and third digits) and qualification (fourth digit) of coal.  相似文献   

磨煤机是工业煤粉锅炉煤粉制备系统中的核心设备。我国煤炭种类的多样性决定了磨煤机类型的多样化,磨煤机的正确选型在煤粉制备系统中至关重要。详细介绍了低速、中速和高速三大类别中各类型磨煤机各自的发展历程、工作原理、结构特点以及优缺点,分析了各类型磨煤机对煤种的适用性,说明中速磨煤机最适宜应用于目前工业煤粉锅炉煤粉制备系统,指出随着工业煤粉锅炉的快速发展,磨煤机不仅要适应性强,粉磨效果好、产量高、质量硬,还要在降耗及环境方面有所突破。  相似文献   

Co-carbonizations of solubility fractions of a solvent-refined coal with a high-volatile, inertinite-rich non-coking coal are reported. Both chloroform-soluble and chloroform-insoluble fractions give rise to improved fusion in the cokes derived from the blends, but only the coke derived from the blend containing the chloroform-insoluble fraction contains areas of anisotropic microtexture.  相似文献   

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