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The structure of the 52-amino acid DNA-binding domain of the prokaryotic Hin recombinase, complexed with a DNA recombination half-site, has been solved by x-ray crystallography at 2.3 angstrom resolution. The Hin domain consists of a three-alpha-helix bundle, with the carboxyl-terminal helix inserted into the major groove of DNA, and two flanking extended polypeptide chains that contact bases in the minor groove. The overall structure displays features resembling both a prototypical bacterial helix-turn-helix and the eukaryotic homeodomain, and in many respects is an intermediate between these two DNA-binding motifs. In addition, a new structural motif is seen: the six-amino acid carboxyl-terminal peptide of the Hin domain runs along the minor groove at the edge of the recombination site, with the peptide backbone facing the floor of the groove and side chains extending away toward the exterior. The x-ray structure provides an almost complete explanation for DNA mutant binding studies in the Hin system and for DNA specificity observed in the Hin-related family of DNA invertases.  相似文献   

By using electromobility shift assay (EMSA), we have identified a protein able to recognize the DNA only if it was previously reacted with minor groove binders. This protein binds with very high affinity AT containing DNA treated with minor groove binders such as distamycin A, Hoechst 33258 and 33342, CC-1065 and ethidium bromide minor groove intercalator, but not with major groove binders such as quinacrine mustard, cisplatin or melphalan, or with topoisomerase I inhibitor camptothecin or topoisomerase II inhibitor doxorubicin. This protein was found to be present in different extracts of human, murine and hamster cells, with the human protein which appears to have a molecular weight slightly lower than that of the other species. This protein was found to be expressed both in cancer and normal tissues. By using molecular ultrafiltration techniques as well as southwestern analysis it was estimated that the apparent molecular weight is close to 100 kDa. We can exclude an identity between this protein and other proteins, with a similar molecular weight previously reported to be involved in DNA damage recognition/repair, such as topoisomerase I, mismatch repair activities such as the prokaryotic MutS protein and its human homologue hMSH2 or proteins of the nucleotide excision repair system such as ERCC1, -2, -3 and -4.  相似文献   

Congenital nystagmus is an oculomotor disorder in which fixation is disrupted by rhythmical, bilateral involuntary oscillations. Clinically these eye movements have been described with some degree of success in terms of their peak-to-peak amplitude, frequency, mean velocity and waveform shape. However, it has not proved possible to diagnose any underlying pathology from the nystagmus characteristics. Here, we propose a new approach to understanding the nystagmus using dynamical systems theory. Our approach is based on the use of delay embedding techniques, which allow one to relate a time series of scalar observations to the state space dynamics of the underlying dynamical system. Using this approach we quantify the dynamics of the nystagmus in the region of foveation and present evidence to suggest that it is low-dimensional and deterministic. Our results put new constraints on acceptable models of nystagmus and suggest a way to make a closer link between data analysis and model development. This approach raises the hope that techniques originally developed to stabilise chaotic systems, by using small perturbations, may prove useful in the control of nystagmus.  相似文献   

Close packing of several double helical and single stranded RNA elements is required for the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme to achieve catalysis. The chemical basis of these packing interactions is largely unknown. Using nucleotide analog interference suppression (NAIS), we demonstrate that the P1 substrate helix and J8/7 single stranded segment form an extended minor groove triple helix within the catalytic core of the ribozyme. Because each triple in the complex is mediated by at least one 2'-OH group, this substrate recognition triplex is unique to RNA and is fundamentally different from major groove homopurine-homopyrimidine triplexes. We have incorporated these biochemical data into a structural model of the ribozyme core that explains how the J8/7 strand organizes several helices within this complex RNA tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Two series of mono- and dysfunctional aniline mustards linked to a bisbenzimidazole minor groove binder have been prepared using a new method (polyphosphate ester-mediated direct coupling of appropriate mustard acids with a preformed advanced phenylenediamine intermediate). As the linker chain attaching the mustard was lengthened the binding site size of the compounds to calf thymus DNA remained essentially constant at 2.6 nucleotides, but reversible binding strength declined by a factor of 2. Analogues with longer linker chains alkylated DNA much more rapidly than those with shorter chains, consistent with the electronic factors. The short chain analogues also failed to alkylate a 120 bp HindIII to Bg/II fragment of the gpt gene, as measured by gel electrophoresis cleavage assays. The longer chain analogues (both mono- and dysfunctional mustards) showed patterns of DNA alkylation that varied with chain length. In particular, while most compounds showed substantial N7 alkylation at many guanine residues, the analogue with a (CH2)3 linker chain showed strong alkylation at adenine sites in poly-AT regions. For the longer chain analogues, the bifunctional mustards were substantially (10- to 20-fold) more cytotoxic than the corresponding monofunctional analogues.  相似文献   

We have employed a broad range of spectroscopic, calorimetric, DNA cleavage, and DNA winding/unwinding measurements to characterize the DNA binding and topoisomerase I (TOP1) poisoning properties of three terbenzimidazole analogues, 5-phenylterbenzimidazole (5PTB), terbenzimidazole (TB), and 5-(naphthyl[2,3-d]imidazo-2-yl)bibenzimidazole (5NIBB), which differ with respect to the substitutions at their C5 and/or C6 positions. Our results reveal the following significant features. (i) The overall extent to which the three terbenzimidazole analogues poison human TOP1 follows the hierarchy 5PTB > TB > 5NIBB. (ii) The impact of the three terbenzimidazole analogues on the superhelical state of plasmid DNA depends on the [total ligand] to [base pair] ratio (rbp), having no effect on DNA superhelicity at rbp ratios < or = 0.1, while weakly unwinding DNA at rbp ratios > 0.1. This weak DNA unwinding activity exhibited by the three terbenzimidazoles does not appear to be correlated with the abilities of these compounds to poison TOP1. (iii) Upon complexation with both poly(dA).poly(dT) and salmon testes DNA, the three terbenzimidazole analogues exhibit flow linear dichroism properties characteristic of a minor groove-directed mode of binding to these host DNA duplexes. (iv) The apparent minor groove binding affinities of the three terbenzimidazole analogues for the d(GA4T4C)2 duplex follow a qualitatively similar hierarchy to that noted above for ligand-induced poisoning of human TOP1-namely, 5PTB > TB > 5NIBB. In the aggregate, our results suggest that DNA minor groove binding, but not DNA unwinding, is important in the poisoning of TOP1 by terbenzimidazoles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cell-permeable small molecules that target predetermined DNA sequences with high affinity and specificity have the potential to control gene expression. A binary code has been developed to correlate DNA sequence with side-by-side pairings between N-methylpyrrole (Py) and N-methylimidazole (Im) carboxamides in the DNA minor groove. We set out to determine the relative energetics of pairings of Im/Py, Py/Im, Im/Im, and Py/Py for targeting G.C and A.T base pairs. A key specificity issue, which has not been previously addressed, is whether an Im/Im pair is energetically equivalent to an Im/Py pair for targeting G.C base pairs. RESULTS: Equilibrium association constants were determined at two five-base-pair sites for a series of four six-ring hairpin polyamides, in order to test the relative energetics of the four aromatic amino-acid pairings opposite G.C and A.T base pairs in the central position. We observed that a G.C base pair was effectively targeted with Im/Py but not Py/Im, Py/Py, or Im/Im. The A.T base pair was effectively targeted with Py/Py but not Im/Py, Py/Im, or Im/Im. CONCLUSIONS: An Im/Im pairing is energetically disfavored for the recognition of both A.T and G.C. This specificity will create important limitations on undesirable slipped motifs that are available for unlinked dimers in the minor groove. Baseline energetic parameters will thus be created which, using the predictability of the current pairing rules for specific molecular recognition of double-helical DNA, will guide further second-generation polyamide design for DNA recognition.  相似文献   

The inhibition of restriction endonuclease cleavage by a series of bisquaternary ammonium derivatives (BQA-derivatives) which bind to the minor groove of DNA has been studied. The derivatives considered included six sequence-selective binders (SN 6570, SN 6999, SN 6050, SN 6132, SN 6131 and SN 18071) and four non-specific binders (SN 6113, SN 5754, SN 6324 and SN 4094) and can be distinguished by their activity on restriction endonucleases. Digestion experiments with pUC19 DNA were monitored electrophoretically using the transition of the covalently closed circular (ccc) DNA into the linear double stranded (lds) one. Only the sequence-specific binders inhibit the cleavage activity of restriction endonucleases EcoRI, SspI and DraI with four and six dAdT-base pairs within their restriction sites, while the activity of SalI and BamHI with less than four dAdT-sequences was unaffected. In contrast, the non-specific binding ligands were incapable of suppressing enzyme digestion. The inhibition of the restriction endonuclease PvuII indicates that ligand binding in close vicinity to the cleavage sites is also involved in the enzyme inhibition. The dAdT-content in proximity to the palindromic sequences of three DraI cutting sites in pUC19 DNA explains why the derivative SN 6053 protects these sequences in different manners. Gel shift experiments indicated that BQA-derivatives inhibit the DNA-enzyme complex formation if the ligand was added to the DNA before the enzyme. In contrast, complex formation between DNA and enzyme remained unchanged when the enzyme was added first.  相似文献   

The Drosophila sex determination gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) controls its own expression, and the expression of downstream target genes such as transformer , by regulating pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation. Sxl codes an RNA-binding protein that consists of an N-terminus of approximately 100 amino acids, two 90 amino acid RRM domains, R1 and R2, and an 80 amino acid C-terminus. In the studies reported here we have examined the functional properties of the different Sxl protein domains in RNA binding and in protein:protein interactions. The two RRM domains are responsible for RNA binding. Specificity in the recognition of target RNAs requires both RRM domains, and proteins which consist of the single domains or duplicated domains have anomalous RNA recognition properties. Moreover, the length of the linker between domains can affect RNA recognition properties. Our results indicate that the two RRM domains mediate Sxl:Sxl protein interactions, and that these interactions probably occur both in cis and trans. We speculate that cis interactions between R1 and R2 play a role in RNA recognition by the Sxl protein, while trans interactions stabilize complex formation on target RNAs that contain two or more closely spaced binding sites. Finally, we show that the interaction of Sxl with the snRNP protein Snf is mediated by the R1 RRM domain.  相似文献   

The genetics of human fatness has been the subject of many recent studies, motivated by the increased morbidity and mortality associated with obesity, as well as the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. The body-mass index (BMI) and fat mass (FM), measured by underwater weighing, were assessed for 1,630 individuals from approximately 300 families from phase 1 of the Quebec Family Study. The two phenotypes are highly correlated ( approximately .8) in adults, and previous segregation analysis revealed evidence for a recessive major gene for each trait. In our study, we utilized bivariate segregation analysis to determine the source(s) of phenotypic correlation-namely, a pleiotropic major gene, shared familial factors/polygenes, or shared nontransmitted environmental factors. Analysis was performed by use of the Pedigree Analysis Package, with extensions to the bivariate case. Tests of hypotheses provided evidence for two pleiotropic recessive loci, together accounting for 64% and 47% of the variance in BMI and FM, respectively. Under the model, all sources of phenotypic correlation were significant: 73% of the covariance was attributed to the pleiotropic major loci, 8% to residual familial effects, and 19% to nontransmitted environmental factors. The high degree of genetic identity between the two traits is not surprising, since the BMI often is used as a surrogate for FM; however, simultaneous analysis of both phenotypes enabled the detection of a second major locus, which apparently does not affect extreme overweight (as does the primary major locus) but which affects variation in the "normal" range.  相似文献   

We report new quantitative footprinting data which reveal differences in binding constants of bisquaternary ammonium heterocyclic compounds (BQA) with AT-rich DNA sites depending on the ligand structure and on the size and sequence of the DNA binding site. In an attempt to understand the dependence of binding affinity on the ligand structure we have performed quantum-chemical AM1 calculations on the BQA compounds and on subunits to explore the conformational space and to calculate the electronic and structural features of individual ligand conformations. Due to the properties of the rotatable backbone bonds, there is a large number of possible conformations with almost equal energy. We present a new method for the calculation of the radius of curvature of molecular structures. Assuming that strong binders should have a shape complementary to the DNA minor groove, this measure is used to select the optimum conformations for DNA-drug binding. The approach yields the correct ligand conformation for SN6999, for which an X-ray DNA-drug structure is known. The curvature of the optimum conformations of all ligands is compared with the experimental binding constants. A correlation is found between curvature and binding constant provided other structural factors do not vary. Therefore, we conclude that within structurally similar BQA compounds the extent of curvature is the relevant quantity which modulates the binding affinity.  相似文献   

The benzoyl nitrogen mustard derivative of distamycin A, tallimustine, belongs to a new class of alkylating agents, known as DNA minor groove alkylating agents. It alkylates adenine N3 with high sequence specificity, causing no alkylation of guanine N7, the main site of alkylation of clinically used nitrogen mustards such as L-PAM. The present study investigated the in vivo antitumour activity of a combination of tallimustine and melphalan (L-PAM). Two murine tumours were used: i.p. (intraperitoneally) transplanted L1210 leukaemia and i.m. (intramuscularly) transplanted M5076 ovarian reticulum cell sarcoma (M5). In L1210, which is only marginally sensitive to tallimustine, the combination of tallimustine 3 mg/kg i.p. with L-PAM 10 mg/kg i.p. was as effective as 20 mg/kg L-PAM, which is the maximum tolerated dose. In M5, which is sensitive to both drugs, the combination was superior to either drug alone. The results suggest that the combination of tallimustine and L-PAM--or possibly in general, minor groove alkylators and major groove alkylators--may be therapeutically advantageous and therefore should be investigated clinically.  相似文献   

The PvuII restriction endonuclease is a homodimer that recognizes and cleaves the DNA sequence 5'-CAGCTG-3' in double-stranded DNA, and the structure of this enzyme has been reported. In the wild-type enzyme, Asp34 interacts with the internal guanine of the recognition sequence on the minor groove side. The Asp34 codon was altered to specify Gly (D34G), and in vitro studies have revealed that the D34G protein has lost binding specificity for the central G.C base-pairs, and that it cuts the canonical sequence with 10(-4)-fold reduced activity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. We have now determined the structure at 1.59 A resolution of the D34G PvuII endonuclease complexed with a 12 bp duplex deoxyoligonucleotide containing the cognate sequence. The D34G alteration results in several structural changes relative to wild-type protein/DNA complexes. First, the sugar moiety of the internal guanine changes from a C2'-endo to C3'-endo pucker while that of the 3' guanine changes from C3'-endo to C2'-endo pucker. Second, the axial rise between the internal G.C base-pairs is reduced while that between the G.C and flanking base-pairs is expanded. Third, two distinct monomeric active sites are observed that we refer to as being "primed" and "unprimed" for phosphodiester bond cleavage. The primed and unprimed sites differ in the conformation of the Asp58 side-chain, and in the absence from unprimed sites of four networked water molecules. These water molecules, present in the primed site, have been implicated in the catalytic mechanism of this and other endonucleases; some of them can be replaced by the Mg2+ necessary for cleavage. Taken together, these structural changes imply that the Asp34 side-chains from the two subunits maintain a distinct conformation of its DNA substrate, properly situating the target backbone phosphates and indirectly manipulating the active sites. This provides some insight into how recognition of the specific DNA sequence is linked to catalysis by the highly specific restriction endonucleases, and reveals one way in which the structural conformation of the DNA is modulated coordinately with that of the PvuII protein.  相似文献   

Based on molecular dynamics simulations, it is proposed that water within the binding groove of the human MHC class I molecule HLA-A2 plays a role in the formation of its complex with the influenza matrix protein (residues 58-66; GILGFVFTL) peptide. In these simulations, a loosely structured network of water molecules is present in the binding groove between the peptide and the MHC molecule, and may be important in completing the peptide-MHC interface. In two independent 400 ps simulations where groove-based water molecules were included, the peptide remained essentially in the conformation observed in the crystal structure. In contrast, in a 400 ps simulation in which no water molecules were placed between the peptide and the MHC molecule, the crystal structure conformation was rapidly lost. The basis for this behavior appears to be that the groove-based water molecules help to maintain the appropriate orientation of the Arg-97 side chain of HLA-A2 and, in turn, the conformation of the central part of the peptide.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a very powerful technique in terms of sensitivity but is limited in terms of ability to perform accurate quantitation. While there is a theoretical correlation between copies of input target sequence and those of PCR product, the quantitative nature of this relationship is obscured by unpredictable variations in reaction conditions and by inhibitory and/or stimulatory substances which might be present in sample preparations, especially those derived from biological fluids. To reliably estimate copies of input DNA target from PCR product, we designed a combination of internal and external control systems coupled to DNA/RNA hybridization and enzymatic immunodetection techniques. The internal control system served to monitor amplification efficiency and to correct for the effects of inhibitors or stimuli on the efficiency of the DNA amplification. The assay is quantitative, nonisotopic, and can be widely applied to assessment of the quantity of DNA present in a wide range of preparations.  相似文献   

We have analyzed DNA conformations in a series of protein-DNA complexes, and we find that a distinctive conformation--with an enlarged major groove--occurs in a number of different complexes. During this analysis, we also developed a simplified model of DNA structure that illustrates the relative position of (i) the base pairs, (ii) the phosphate backbone, and (iii) the double-helical axis. This model highlights the key structural features of each duplex, facilitating the analysis and comparison of structures that are distinct from canonical A-DNA or B-DNA. Comparing DNA conformations in this way revealed that an otherwise unrelated set of protein-DNA complexes have interesting structural similarities, including an enlarged major groove. We refer to this class of structures as Beg-DNA (where eg means enlarged groove). Since related features occur in such a diverse set of protein-DNA complexes, we suggest that this conformation may have a significant role in protein-DNA recognition.  相似文献   

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