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DCS是一种新型的控制系统。它目前已被广泛应用于工业生产的各个领域。而DCS的核心应是图形系统,它可以形象并且直观地表现被控实体在控制系统的控制过程中的动态情况,因而可以使开发的DCS很便利地被用户接受。要避免软件开发的大量重复劳动,同时使开发的图形系统软件能达到通用化及实用化,本文提出了图形系统设计的一种通用设计形式,这也是实现图形处理通用环境的一种途径,是一种新的探讨。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,随着观念的转型和技术上的变革,市场经济的逐渐繁荣给中国书籍设计提供了广阔的创作空间和纬度。与此同时,90年代的中国书籍设计也派生出了一系列的新特征。本文通过对20世纪90年代中国书籍设计的发展脉络进行梳理。将影响当时书籍设计的发展的几个因素揭示出来,希望能够对当下书籍设计的探索有一点参考作用。  相似文献   

为采集和监测生产现场中室内环境温度和湿度的数据,提出一种基于ZigBee无线传感器网络技术的解决方案。通过ZigBee星型网络的实测,表明系统具有稳定的采集效果,同时有效减少线缆连接,具有安装方便、应用灵活、易于扩展等优点。为ZigBee无线传感器网络的应用研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

由于遥感技术的标准研究及制订工作远远落后于遥感技术的发展,影响着遥感技术发展和产业化的进程。全国遥感技术标准化技术委员会为适应这一需求,率先在国内组织开展遥感技术标准化研究与标准体系的建立工作。这对于推动我国遥感技术的发展和产业化进程,以及形成具有自主知识产权的国际标准,提高我国在国际标准化舞台上的地位、作用和影响力意义重大。本文分析了国内外有关遥感技术标准方面的研究现状,介绍了我国遥感技术标准化技术委员会及其工作情况,初步提出了我国遥感技术标准化工作计划和发展策略。  相似文献   

计算机仿真技术由于其经济性等优点,在军事领域得到了广泛应用。为了提高模型的通用性,美国国防部提出了建模与仿真通用技术框架。文中描述了建模与仿真通用技术框架的组成,指出了其问题域界定不清晰等缺陷。通过六元抽象建模方法,将装备保障仿真建模过程归纳为概念建模、对象建模和执行模型设计三个过程,建立了统一的模板,验证了统一建模过程的优点,推动了规范化建模过程的发展。  相似文献   

帝国主义竞争算法是受社会现象启发的一类新颖的群智能优化算法,但是它与其他的进化算法一样,对于多峰函数也存在收敛速度慢和容易陷入局部最优的缺陷.国际贸易是指不同国家和地区之间的商品和劳务的交换活动,有利于经济的发展,但在经济贸易中又存在贸易顺差和贸易逆差,一国不易长期存在贸易顺差或者贸易逆差,必须及时调整才利于国民经济的健康发展.受这种现象的启发,提出了基于进出口贸易的帝国主义竞争算法,选择了1个基准函数作为测试函数来实时跟踪算法的性能.结果表明,解的质量和收敛速度都有了明显的改善.兰纳-琼斯势问题是分子势能最小化问题,其局部最小值随原子数目呈指数增加,因此将基于进出口贸易的帝国主义竞争算法应用在兰纳-琼斯问题上来展现其解决实际问题的能力,并与免疫算法进行比较,结果表明,解的质量和收敛速度都有了明显的改善.  相似文献   

当今视频监控应用得越来越广泛,相关的技术设备也发展得很快。近年来4K 和H.265 技术标准的确立和推 广,或将给此领域带来新一轮的飞跃。新技术在此领域有良好的应用前景,且可以以此为契机,加速推动视频监控系统标准化 的进程。  相似文献   

创意产业是全球化条件下,以创意为核心,向大众提供文化、艺术、精神、心理、娱乐产品的新兴产业。创意产业作为当代人类社会新的财富创造形态,在全球范围内,其发展正在改变着传统的经济形态,对世界市场格局、经济发展趋势和可持续发展产生了重要影响,已经成为推动经济增长、培育创新能力、增强地区、国家和城市综合竞争力的重要因素,日益引起国际社会的普遍关注。发展创意产业,已成为世界各国竞相争抢的战略高地。  相似文献   

Stern  R.H. 《Micro, IEEE》1994,14(4):4-5
Who should set the technical standards for hardware and software used on the information superhighway? For some things, government agencies such as the FCC will consider it their responsibility or right, but the government is oblivious to many standardization issues and it indefinitely delays acting on others. If vendors do not act, delay and chaos may result. Even when the government acts, vendors may try to influence the outcome, seeking to slant technical standards in favor of their own products. It is argued that all of this may lead them and the new standards organizations they form, or existing ones that they use, into legal controversies  相似文献   

The Web is a universal repository of human knowledge and culture which has allowed unprecedented sharing of ideas and information in a scale never seen before. It can also be considered as a universal digital library interconnecting digital libraries in multiple domains and languages. Beside the advance of information technology, the global economy has also accelerated the development of inter-organizational information systems. Managing knowledge obtained in multilingual information systems from multiple geographical regions is an essential component in the contemporary inter-organization information systems. An organization cannot claim itself to be a global organization unless it is capable to overcome the cultural and language barriers in their knowledge management. Cross-lingual semantic interoperability is a challenge in multilingual knowledge management systems. Dictionary is a tool that is widely utilized in commercial systems to cross the language barrier. However, terms available in dictionary are always limited. As language is evolving, there are new words being created from time to time. For examples, there are new technical terms and name entities such as RFID and Baidu. To solve the problem of cross-lingual semantic interoperability, an associative constraint network approach is investigated to construct an automatic cross-lingual thesaurus. In this work, we have investigated the backmarking algorithm and the forward evaluation algorithm to resolve the constraint satisfaction problem represented by the associative constraint network. Experiments have been conducted and show that the forward evaluation algorithm outperforms the backmarking one in terms of precision and recall but the backmarking algorithm is more efficient than the forward evaluation algorithm. We have also benchmarked with our earlier technique, Hopfield network, and showed that the associate constraint network (either backmarking or forward evaluation) outperforms in precision, recall, and efficiency.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of ethical trade initiatives are being launched, reflecting concerns about the limited benefits that globalising trade brings to producers in developing countries. Ethical trade is an information-intensive activity. Yet little is known about the role of information systems in supporting ethical trade. This paper provides a preliminary conceptualisation of ethical trade regulatory information systems. It presents models and issues in relation to both information, and information and communication technologies. Ethical trade - with its voluntary codes and consumer campaigns - also represents a new approach to interaction between market actors. This is the approach of self-regulation, that moves beyond binding state regulation and sanctions to something seen as more appropriate to a globalised, liberalised economy. Findings about information systems and ethical trade therefore also advance our understanding of self-regulation.  相似文献   

21st century is the age of high technologies penetrated into business leading to virtual businesses and e-commerce applications combined with electronic business (e-business) structures. Virtual businesses are independent and/or partly dependent organizations that have flexible and agile structures to respond the altering business conditions. Yet, electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the exchange of goods and services over the Internet. Both virtual businesses and e-commerce operations enable organizations to have fluid structures, modify the changing conditions, lower expenses, access to new markets and attain new consumers. The e-commerce applications have also been increasing in Turkey at a great pace but not significantly when compared to the total trade volume. For, the aim of this paper is to focus on the virtual businesses, e-commerce, harmonization of the conventional business structures with e-commerce and emphasize the importance of the e-commerce applications in Turkey resting on dependable national and international publications and data. With respect to the research made, it is possible to state that the e-commerce volume of Turkey is increasing as a remedy to cover the foreign trade deficit, but it is still not sufficient when compared to the total trade volume. Additionally, even though Turkey possesses an efficient e-government mechanism and e-signature law to enhance the volume of its e-commerce, the lack of cooperation among parties and standardization as well as the difficulty in adoption of digital transactions would be issues to be tackled in order to develop e-commerce in Turkey.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technical approach for electronic multilateral trade of electricity in competitive power industries. The trade involves strategic sharing of data among agents in an attempt to provide the opportunity to intelligently discover competitive behavior of peer suppliers. A trading logic is implemented as a specialized software module within the agent. The logic mimics intelligence of the human strategic trade. A time-bounded trade protocol has been introduced as a trading basis among rivalry trade agents in the market. The protocol limits the trade rounds in order to bind the trading process to specific deadlines. The protocol is coded as part of the automated trade server. The results of a generic 3-bus test system show that the electronic multilateral trade logic presented in this paper better distributes market sales, lowers prices and consequently provides higher social welfare compared to the standard Cournot economic model that may be used by the human decision-maker for market trading. Based on a set of test cases with different load profiles, it is noted that the electronic multilateral trade drives the market price closer to the marginal cost of generation supply and far away from the estimated Cournot price.  相似文献   

社会在不断进步和发展,科学技术也在不断完善和改善,科学技术的进步还表现在计算机网络方面,计算机网络在21世纪已经在全球蔓延开来,普及计算机网络能够让人们更多地了解世界上的信息,信息之间的传递更加方便和快捷,但是计算机网络的安全问题却成为很多人关注和重视的问题,计算机网络普及必然带来许多的虚假信息或者是私密信息被窃取,计算机安全技术成为现代计算机网络行业一个比较热门的技术,防火墙技术就是为了计算机的安全而出现的,为了网络的安全,它扮演了重要的角色,主要讲述了计算机安全技术中,防火墙技术的主要类型以及防火墙安全技术对于计算机安全的具体应用。  相似文献   

城市精神反映了城市共同的理想目标、精神信念、文化底蕴、行为准则和生活方式的价值观念体系和群体意识,城市精神通过城市行为识别并表现出来。城市精神识别与政府行为、企业行为、公众行为、窗口行业行为、市民个体行为、行为环境改善、经济健康发展等城市行为具有互动性。城市精神的行为识别表现将促进城市形象的建设,增进城市个性繁荣与城市可持续发展,塑造完美的城市文化,延续历史文脉,促进社会文明。  相似文献   

标准化工作是建立包括企业技术标准体系、管理标准体系和工作标准体系三个部分的企业标准文件体系,并对标准执行进行监督与考核,不断完善和修订标准文件,为企业实现标准化管理和达到持续改进的目标奠定基础。随着企业信息化的发展,以电子文档为基础的标准化流程系统大大提高了企业标准化工作的效率,但也产生了保护标准化过程中的电子文档安全性的问题,文章基于该安全问题设计了一套保护标准化流程中电子文档安全的系统。  相似文献   

Using the analytic hierarchy process to develop an overall rating of a celebrity is a new approach to enhance procedures such as the Q‐Rating currently in practice. The Q‐rating approach has received criticism on its usefulness because it essentially only considers familiarity and likeability of the celebrity. Using the AHP model approach allows users to input judgments as to how they feel about one celebrity compared to another with a specific set of criteria in mind. The model is an improvement over the Q‐rating system because it includes a more complete set of attributes and, more importantly, has the ability to capture and analyse trade‐offs among those attributes. Another improvement is that as situations change or evolve, the model can be easily updated to capture new information. This allows for celebrities' ratings to change over time and be more accurate given all available information.  相似文献   

Process standardization is defining a new era of business process revolution across many industries and contexts in electronic commerce in which the impetus for cooperation is greater than the drivers of competition. As industries consolidate and competition rises, firms are increasingly pursuing process standardization to further enhance process management and reap the benefits of standards. The current literature explores and analyzes standards and standardization at the IT, firm, and industry levels. The complex nature of process standardization requires a reorientation of the existing approaches to analysis to understand the countervailing forces and effects. This article introduces a robust framework that captures the dynamics of process standardization across four levels of analysis: IT innovation, firm, industry, and economy. It also presents the cascading effects that occur as we traverse through the different levels. We use this framework to draw conclusions for appropriate directions in research that will enable greater theoretical and managerial understanding of the related issues.  相似文献   

当代计算机的发展给人们的生活带来了全新的面貌。计算机的应用已经融入到各行各业,而且带动了当今经济的高速发展。但是不可否认的是现代的网络存在着较多的信息安全的隐患,带给了人们很多的困扰。本文从计算机网络中存在的各种安全性问题,同时提出了从技术方面和用户自身的角度提出了一些想法,以促进网络安全防护。  相似文献   

Wald  B. Salisbury  L.A. 《Computer》1977,10(10):8-11
Standardization of digital computers used in tactical military systems has many potential benefits-simplification of training and logistics, economy in production, and reduced software development costs, to name a few. To realize these benefits, the Army-Navy Computer Family Architecture (CFA) Project seeks to define a family of military computers at varied levels of performance, software-compatible with each other and with an existing, successful computer. Such a family would overcome the difficulties encountered with past military standard computers, which have not generally been compatible in this way. Suppliers of the new family would be free to introduce new technology and new concepts of implementation, consistent with the specifications of the family. Thus, standardization on an existing instruction set architecture offers advantages beyond those conferred by standardization on a number of incompatible black boxes.  相似文献   

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