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LiScS2 and NaScS2 were prepared and the structure was determined by X-ray powder work. The observed α-NaFeO2 structure for these compounds is discussed in relation to other ABS2 compounds.  相似文献   

Higher indium phosphide InP3 is obtained under high pressure of 3 GPa at 1200°C. The crystal structure was analyzed to be isomorphous with SnP3, and GeP3 having lattice parameters of a = 7.449A? and c = 9.885A?. InP3 is a metallic conductor although it is less in the amount of valence electrons than its isomorphous MP3 of Ge and of Sn.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of SnTaS2 was determined by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. SnTaS2 is hexagonal, a=3.307A?, c=17.442A?, space group P63/mmc with Ta and Sn at special positions. Ta is in trigonal-prismatic coordination by sulfur forming TaS2 slabs; Sn is linearly coordinated by sulfur atoms of adjacent TaS2 slabs. X-ray powder diffraction showed that SnNbS2 is isostructural with SnTaS2.  相似文献   

Cs2Li3I5 was obtained from the reaction of CsI, Li and I2 in a sealed tantalum tube and colorless single crystals grown from the melt by slow cooling. This first inter-alkali metal iodide crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system (C2/m, Z= 2) with a= 1666.8(6), b= 472.1(1), c= 1098.7(4) pm, β= 115.73(3)°. As the result of a x-ray crystallographic structure determination (R= 0.069, RW= 0.066), Li+ is surrounded tetrahedrally (two thirds) and octahedrally (one third) by iodide. Cornersharing double chains of [LiI4] tetrahedra are connected with edge-sharing chains of [LiI6] octahedra to a layer of the composition [Li3I5]. Bicapped trigonal prisms [CsI3] share faces and edges so that a network of the composition [Cs2I5] is formed which contains the necessary tetrahedral and octahedral holes for Li+.  相似文献   

Crystals of RbPrHP3O10 have been grown by the flux technique and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. RbPrHP3O10 crystallizes in the triclinic space group with lattice parameters: a = 7.0655(5), b = 7.7791(4), c = 8.6828(6) Å, α = 74.074(3), β = 74.270(3), γ = 82.865(2)°, V = 441.09(5) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure has been solved yielding a final R(F2) = 0.0443 and Rw(F2) = 0.1426 for 1955 independent reflections (Fo2 ≥ 2σ(Fo2)). The structure of RbPrHP3O10 consists of PrO8 polyhedra and P3O105− groups sharing oxygen atoms to form a two-dimensional framework; the PrO8 polyhedra form infinite chains by edge-sharing. Each Rb+ ion is bonded to 10 oxygen atoms, these ions are located between chains formed of (HP3O10)4−. The energies of the vibrational modes of the crystal were obtained from measurements of the infrared spectrum.  相似文献   

Convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) have been used to examine the symmetry, structure and lattice parameters of Ti3SiC2. The CBED analysis confirms that the material is hexagonal with a point group of 6/mmm. The XRD diffraction peak positions and intensities are in good agreement with calculations based on previously proposed atomic positions.  相似文献   

Crystals of Li2MoF6 are tetragonal P42212 with ao = 4.6863(7) and co = 9.191(2)A, Z = 2 and the calculated density is 3.687 g/cc. The Li+ and Mo4+ ions are octahedrally coordinated. The Li-F distances range from 2.017(2) to 2.102(7)A and the Mo-F distances range from 1.927(2) to 1.945(2)A. The MoF6-- ion is coordinated by 10 Li+.  相似文献   

The structure of Cs2AuAuCl6 is redetermined using single crystal X-ray analysis. The overall structure is in accordance with the one proposed by Elliott and Pauling in J.Am. Chem. Soc. 60, 1846 (1938). The spacegroup is I4/mmm with axes a=7.495(1)A? and c=10.880(2)A?, Z=2.The shortest gold-chlorine distances are 2.281(2)Å in the linear [Au(I)Cl2]? and 2.295(2)Å in the square planar [Au(III)Cl4]? unit. The last figure as contrasted to the value of 2.42Å found by Elliott and Pauling.  相似文献   

A transport reaction synthesis technique has been used to prepare single crystals of two pyroborate compounds having the formulas Cu2NiO(B2O5) and Cu2MgO(B2O5). The two compounds are isostructural and crystallize in the monoclinic space group P21/c. Cu2NiO(B2O5): a=3.2003(10), b=14.775(3), c=9.097(3), β=93.28(4), V=429.4(2) Å3, Z=4; and Cu2MgO(B2O5): a=3.2401(6), b=14.790(2), c=9.147(2), β=94.88(2), V=436.7(2) Å3, Z=4. The structures of Cu2NiO(B2O5) and Cu2MgO(B2O5) were, respectively, refined from 804 and 1000 independent reflections to the final residuals R1=0.0366, wR2=0.0911 and R1=0.0231, wR2=0.0644. Both compounds exhibit a chevron-like structure built up of ribbons, made of edge-connected copper and nickel-oxygen polyhedra, running along the (1 0 0) direction. These ribbons are connected from one another via oxygen atoms and the cohesion of the three-dimensional network is ensured by [B2O5] entities. Cu in part occupies the position for Ni or Mg, so that the compounds actually are solid solution compounds. Ni or Mg atoms are octahedrally coordinated by oxygen, while the two pure Cu sites show [4] and [4+1] coordination, for Cu(1) and Cu(2), respectively. The ELNES B-K edge spectra for the two compounds support that the borate group present is [B2O5].  相似文献   

Sr10Al6O19 is monoclinic, space group C12/c1, a=34.5823(21) Å, b=7.8460(6) Å, c=15.7485(9) Å, β=103.68(1)°, V=4151.9(7) Å3, Z=8. The structure has been solved from a single crystal diffraction dataset by direct methods and subsequently refined by a full-matrix least-squares process to a residual index of R(|F|)=0.038 for 2537 observed reflections with I>2σ(I). The compound is an oligoaluminate containing highly puckered [Al6O19]-groups of corner-sharing tetrahedra; it is the first purely aluminate cluster of this type, but it resembles the [□6O19]-group recently found in α-Sr106O19. Linkage between the hexamers is provided by 11 crystallographically different strontium atoms located in planes parallel (1 0 0). They are coordinated by six-eight next oxygen neighbours. The structure can be derived from perovskite, ABO3, by introducing ordered vacancies into the substructure of the oxygen atoms. The A-sites in Sr10Al6O19 are exclusively occupied by Sr atoms, whereas strontium and aluminum atoms reside on the B-positions in the ratio 1:3. The relationship with perovskite can be expressed in the crystal chemical formula Sr(Al3/4Sr1/4)(O19/85/8).  相似文献   

A structural analysis of lithium tantalum oxyfluoride LiTaO2F2 has been carried out by means of single-crystal diffraction methods. The symmetry is tetragonal, space group I4/mmm, with a cell having the dimensions : a = 3.903 ± 0.003, c = 25.380 ± 0.008 A? and containing five formula units. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier techniques and was refined by full-matrix least squares to an R value of 0.056. The structure consist of infinite ReO3 type blocks three units-cells thick stacked perpendicularly to the c axis and shifted along the [110] direction with respect to each other. These blocks are connected together by the lithium atoms in a squarepyramidal coordination.  相似文献   

为了在常压干燥下制备高比表面积且具有多级孔道结构的SiO2/TiO2复合气凝胶,以正硅酸乙酯、钛酸丁酯为原料,利用低聚体聚合将分相平行引入到溶胶凝胶过程中,获得SiO2/TiO2醇凝胶,并通过溶剂替换技术实现气凝胶的常压干燥制备.不同硅钛比气凝胶的内部结构研究表明:合成的气凝胶是由纳米SiO2和TiO2颗粒分散复合而成的介孔块体,其中Ti—O—Ti、Si—O—Si和Ti—O—Si键相互交织.气凝胶的结构变化是分相与溶胶凝胶过程相互竞争的结果.Si含量能显著改善气凝胶的结构,当n(Ti)∶n(Si)为3∶1时,比表面积高达712.2 m2/g,平均孔径为3.36 nm;当n(Ti)∶n(Si)为1.5∶1时,复合气凝胶具有明显双连续孔道,比表面积高,同时孔状结构清晰.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Ni5TiB2O10 was determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. The compound has the same structure as the mineral ludwigite. The orthorhombic celldimensions and space group are a=9.206(7)A?, b=12.224(9)A?, c=2.994(2)A?, Pbam z=2. Ti and Ni are disordered on one equipoint.  相似文献   

Single crystals of Pb8Bi2(PO4)6O2 were grown by the Czochralski technique, and the structure of this compound was determined. It was found to crystallize in Pnma orthorhombic symmetry with a = 13.313, b = 10.284 and c = 9.219 A?. The structure was refined to an R value of 7%. Powder diffraction data are also reported.  相似文献   

The structure of La2NiRuO6 is studied with conventional X-ray and synchrotron-radiation diffraction methods. The obtained results show that this compound has a double perovskite structure with ordered arrangement of the B-site cations and P21/n space group. High-temperature diffraction measurements show that this structure is preserved up to 900 °C.  相似文献   

In this paper, the subsolidus phase relations in the ternary system BaO-B2O3-TiO2 have been investigated. The phase diagram consists of 15 ternary phase regions. There exist 11 binary compounds and two ternary compounds. The ternary compound, BaTi(BO3)2, is isostructural with CaMg(CO3)2. It crystallizes in a rhombohedral system with the space group R-3. The lattice parameters are a=5.0205(2) and c=16.3844(1) Å. Final refinement on the diffraction data converge to Rp=9.09, Rwp=12.24, and Rexp=3.75%.  相似文献   

A single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis has been performed on LiEr(PO3)4 prepared by the flux method. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system with space group C2/c and cell parameters: a = 16.262(2), b = 7.032(1), c = 9.549(2) Å and β = 125.95(1)°. The crystal structure was refined based on 1272 independent reflections with I > 2σ(I). Final values of the reliability factors were improven considerably: R(F2) = 0.0180 and wR(F2) = 0.0490. The LiEr(PO3)4 structure is characterized by infinite chains (PO3)n, extending parallel to the b direction. The ErO8 dodecahedra and LiO4 tetrahedra alternate on two-fold axes in the middle of four (PO3)n chains. The vibrational study by infrared absorption spectroscopy is reported.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of HoRu2Si2 has been determined from single crystal X-ray counter data obtained from a single crystal specimen which was prepared from an arc melted sample heat-treated at 500° C for 4 weeks and quenched. HoRu2Si2 is tetragonal with space group I4/mmm, and cell parameters a=4.1552(9) and c=9.5178(68) A?; Z = 2. The final reliability factor R=solΣΔF|Σ|Fo| is 0.052 for 97 independent reflections; |Fo| > 2 б. HoRu2Si2 is isotypic with the ordered structure type of ThCr2Si2 (BaAl4-derivative type).  相似文献   

A lithium bismuth phosphate, Li2Bi14.67(PO4)6O14, has been synthesized for the first time by the solid-state method. The crystal structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction at 150 K. Li2Bi14.67(PO4)6O14 crystallizes in the monoclinic system C2/c (No. 15), with a = 30.8189(4) Å, b = 5.2691(3) Å, c = 24.5302(3) Å, β = 122.84(2)°, V = 3346.81(1) Å3 and Z = 2. The structure along the b axis consists of layers of [Bi2O2] units as the basic building block. These are separated by isolated PO4 and LiO4 tetrahedra. The oxygen co-ordination around two of the phosphorus atoms is disordered. Solid-state 7Li NMR studies confirm the presence of lithium in the structure. The material shows ionic conductivity of the order of 10−5 S cm−1 at 600 °C.  相似文献   

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