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宁波方太厨具有限公司成立于1996年1月,主要产品有吸油烟机、家用灶具、消毒柜、燃气热水器等厨房电器和集成厨房.多年来,方太凭借其独特的品牌战略,始终坚持以"厨房专业化"为核心战略,以塑造"厨房领域第一品牌"为战略目标,在产品设计、自主创新、管理、技术、营销等方面的竞争能力不断增强,取得了令人瞩目的成绩.  相似文献   

随着中国房地产热潮,厨房电器领域的市场容量也以持续增长的态势吸引着行业外的诸多品牌们。空调跳水,彩电没有利润空间,冰洗几乎全行业亏损,厨房电器似乎成为家电行业的最后一片利润净土,甚至之前因不了解中国厨房的国际品牌在失败退出中国市场后的十年,也重新卷土重来,以本土化的口号试图敲开这个市场。  相似文献   

记者近日获悉,我国厨电业著名领军品牌——方太,近日与房地产业巨头万科正式达成深层次战略合作协议:万科确认方太为其厨房电器集团集中采购中标单位,由此方太正  相似文献   

志当存高远,德意竞一流.位于德意控股集团公司内墙上的这几个醒目大字再次见证了德意打造经典品牌的又一个里程碑.继荣获国家免检产品、"中国名牌产品"称号后,德意近日又被认定为中国驰名商标.作为国内厨房行业的佼佼者,德意下一步的目标已瞄准了国际一流品牌.  相似文献   

“我是两年前装修的,当时买的是名牌吸油烟机。吊顶前装烟管的时候,才发现烟道口太小了,装不上。当时瓷砖都贴好了,没办法只能拆开重新未。好容易都装好了,使用之后吸油烟效果总是不好,稍一炒菜,就呛的要命。让售后来看了很多次,都说产品没问题,最后发现是装修队给安装的烟管位置不好……”  相似文献   

Many authorities propose domestic kitchen extract fans as effective measures against surface condensation. This paper describes field study, and computer modelling, work to improve quantitative information for fan specification. A detailed computer model is described and used to determine air flows, humidity levels and condensation quantities with different fans and humidistat or manual control. Conclusions are that: low rate fans are unable to prevent condensation; condensation is difficult to remove once present even with extended running from humidistat control; moisture migration through open doors cannot be prevented because of thermally induced air movement and full transient analysis is essential in assessing mould risk.  相似文献   

市场的现状,群雄逐鹿 跨入21世纪的短短4年内,中国的房地产业突飞猛进,由此带动相关配套行业的飞速发展,其中厨房产业成为最令人瞩目的受益者之一.在中国,厨房企业正面临空前的发展机遇.  相似文献   

据国家统计局中国行业企业信息发布中心最新出台的2005年消费品市场调查报告显示,国内著名厨电品牌老板电器再次获得吸油烟机销量第一,燃气灶销额第三的成绩.业内人士认为,以"老板"为代表的中高端品牌连续三年独占"鳌头",表明厨卫市场的中高端产品消费已近成熟,消费者的品牌意识增强,更加注重领先、品质的生活.  相似文献   

Changes in spaces for cooking and eating are fundamental to modern architecture. Proposals and studies conducted in America from the 19th century and in Europe mainly from the 1920s have caused architectural debates on the nature of the kitchen space, i.e., to achieve either spaces that are organized and efficient or spaces for working and living. Modern architecture has transformed the kitchen and determined its appearance throughout the 20th century. The intensity of this transformation has depended on social, technical, and architectural contexts. In this study, we focus on how modern architectural approaches influenced dwellings in Barcelona, Spain between the 1920s and the 1950s. The study demonstrates that changes did not occur regularly and were limited to the incorporation of certain services or technological improvements. During this period, cooking and eating spaces were not considered in depth and were treated as areas of secondary importance within dwellings. Changes only became significant from the 1950s onward, when economic improvements, technological innovations, the housing problem, and the gradual arrival of Western cultural references changed the values of the sespaces.  相似文献   

中国城市化发展态势分析与制度创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用定性与定量相结合的方法,从多个方面实证分析了中国城市化的发展态势:①人口和就业已从滞后城市化逐渐趋向协调型城市化;②土地与人口城市化的协调发展状况不甚理想;③中西部地区“一极集中”态势明显;④特大城市的外围辐射作用较弱;⑤不完全城市化呈现扩大态势.在此基础上,提出了城市化的新定义与若干制度创新建议.  相似文献   

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