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近年来,随着人们对食品安全关注度的提高,榨汁机、豆浆机、料理机、烤箱、电水壶等食品接触家用电器的卫生安全性成为各国政府和消费者关注的焦点。因此,评价食品接触家用电器产品的安全性,不仅在电器安全方面,还应包括其接触食品的卫生安全性。本文通过分析国内外家电食品卫生法规及标准现状,提出提高家电产品接触材料卫生安全性的建议,以保护消费者的健康。  相似文献   

随着中国食品接触新国标的发布,不管是法律法规,还是客户要求,都对小家电制造企业提出了控制食品接触材料的要求。本文分析了小家电制造企业如何应对中国食品接触新国标,确保产品的材料安全得到有效控制,满足法律法规、客户要求。  相似文献   

电接触材料的发展与现状   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  

作为一种改善生活品质的日常用具,厨房小家电的发展与生活水平息息相关。许多消费者家中的厨房小家电,大多是因精美的外观吸引了消费者而购买的,但是这些小家电真正的使用率并不高,大多数都是放在储藏室里闲置着。那么,如何提高这些厨房小家电的使用率呢?  相似文献   

现代生活更需要一种适应现代人追求简约,而不失细节的审美诉求,又追溯着传统文化的渊源和人文内涵的设计风格,尤其是厨房家电,越来越多的消费者开始追求整体厨房风格,而厨房家电实用性之外,创意、摩登的造型,最能赢得人们的青睐。笔者就为大家搜罗了七款最具创意的厨房小家电,赶紧来开开眼吧!  相似文献   

本文通过GB 4806.11-2016《食品安全国家标准食品接触用橡胶材料及制品》中感官要求、总迁移量、高锰酸钾消耗量、重金属各项初筛指标对橡胶制品进行风险评估.实验结果表明,感官要求和总迁移量指标不合格风险较高,且乙醇模拟液对感官要求和总迁移量有很大影响,其中总迁移量与乙醇模拟液浓度成正比.对于重复使用的橡胶制品,各...  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了欧美地区食品接触材料法规管控现状及发展趋势,分析我国新食品接触材料法规体系的变化及发展动态,旨在为相关行业及企业提供参考,帮助相关从业人员加强对国内外食品接触材料相关政策和法律法规的了解和研究,从而提升我国产品质量安全水平。  相似文献   

电接触与电接触材料(六)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了接通、闭合、分断等电接触状态及其电接触特征现象,详细分析了电接触理论中5种重要的电接触现象。它们是:电触头间电弧放电及其特性;触头材料的温升;电触头材料转移;电触头材料的电弧侵蚀;电触头的粘着与熔焊。讨论了这些电接触现象与触点材料组元、组织结构及性能之间的基本关系。  相似文献   

随着各类弱电、强电相关电子、电气技术的不断发展,与之相应的电接触技术及电接触材料近年来取得了长足的进步。电接触涉及电气工程及材料科学与工程两大学科,电、热、力及环境气氛与电接触材料的交互作用极为复杂。为了对电接触理论及电接触材料有进一步的了解,对电接触理论和电接触材料进行了系统的总结。本文是电接触与电接触材料系列论文的第一篇,重点介绍了电接触和电接触材料的分类、电接触材料的基本要求、电接触与电接触材料的研究内容。  相似文献   

电接触材料与系统工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了电接触材料在电器中的重要地位及传统经验设计方法的局限性,系统工程的出现为电接触材料的开发提供崭新的视角和有力的方法论指导。根据系统工程的Hall逻辑维,将电接触材料开发分为系统目标的确立、系统分析、系统设计、模拟试验、最优方案的确立、试验研究与评价及开发生产七个阶段。分析了这几个阶段需注意的问题,并展望了系统工程在电接触材料开发领域的前景。  相似文献   

绿色制造是社会可持续发展的重要保障,绿色材料是绿色制造中不可或缺的一部分.针对电热家电材料选择的不确定性和主观性,提出了一种包含绿色性评价和基于绿色性材料选择的混合多标准决策问题解决方法PGT(a hybrid PIV contain GPMBWM and TFMN),该方法包含了对材料进行选择的邻近指数值法和对评价标...  相似文献   

A state-of-the-art review of the applications of engineering plastic materials for office automation and audio-vision appliances in Japan is presented, with particular attention to the recent development of engineering and super-engineering plastics in Japan. Material surveys are given for the following engineering plastics: polyamide, polyacetal, polycarbonate, modified polyphenylene oxide, polybutylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate, polyphenylene sulfide, polysulfone, polyethersulfone, polyetheterketone, polyetherketone, polyarylate, liquid crystal polymers, polyimide, polyamideimide, and polyetherimide  相似文献   

Hard contact materials, such as AL2O3 ceramic, have been used widely to improve motion accuracy of linear ultrasonic motors (LUSM). Nevertheless, experimental results show that, for this kind of LUSM, the contact frequency between the stator and the slider is far less than the frequency of the driving signals, which prevents the vibration energy of the stator from being utilized fully. However, almost all existing theoretical models assume that the stator and slider will come into contact in each driving signal cycle, which lead to the great difference between the theoretical results and the actual situation. In order to solve this problem, theoretical analysis and experimental investigation on the micro-impact processes of hard contact materials linear ultrasonic motors (HLUSM) are conducted in this research. Some parameters, which are closely related to the contact state, have been investigated through modelling the high frequency micro-amplitude contact behaviour on the contact interface in normal direction. It is found that the stiffness of the stator supporting spring, the high frequency vibration amplitude of the driving tip and the low-frequency response amplitude of the stator centre of mass (COM) are important factors affecting the contact frequency. Simulation and experimental results show that increasing the value of the stiffness of the stator supporting spring and decreasing the amplitude of the low-frequency response of stator COM can improve the contact frequency. Moreover, experimental results show that the output power of the linear ultrasonic motor is effectively improved in the ideal contact state. The efficiency is improved by approximately 50 %.  相似文献   

隐藏背后的秘密。厨房里,众多道门的背后究竟隐藏着什么样的秘密?我想,从未有人问津过,没有人会注意到这些,会来一探究竟的。但实际上,就是在这些大小不一、高矮不一的门背后,我们同样可以挖掘出很多小秘密。  相似文献   

客厅里引人注目的沙发设计者、顶尖厨卫陶瓷品牌的中国区代理、为我们装修新居的设计师……这些为我们提供装修样板,指导我们更好生活的时尚家居经营者们,他们自己的居所又是怎样的?本期我们参观了章先生的家,一个时尚家居经营者的居所,为你揭密时尚背后的生活故事。  相似文献   

常用触点材料的物理性能   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文给出了常用触点材料的物理性能。  相似文献   

我国焊接材料生产现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个国家焊接消耗材料的生产情况可以反映该国焊接技术的总体水平。  相似文献   

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on small animals is possible but remains challenging and not well standardized. This publication aims to provide an overview of the current techniques, applications and challenges of cardiac MRI in small animals for researchers interested in moving into this field. Solutions have been developed to obtain a reliable cardiac trigger in both the rat and the mouse. Techniques to measure ventricular function and mass have been well validated and are used by several research groups. More advanced techniques like perfusion imaging, delayed enhancement or tag imaging are emerging. Regarding cardiac applications, not only coronary ischemic disease but several other pathologies or conditions including cardiopathies in transgenic animals have already benefited from these new developments. Therefore, cardiac MRI has a bright future for research in small animals.  相似文献   

The electric field behavior, in particular the field intensification at a contact point, is very important in complex dielectric systems with gaseous or vacuum insulation. The paper describes the electric field behavior at and near a contact point in various arrangements with a zero contact angle when volume conductivity is present in the solid dielectric. Contact conditions are separated into line, point, and surface contact. The effect of volume conductivity is investigated analytically, and numerically by using the boundary element method. The electric field behavior near a contact point principally depends on the absolute value of complex relative permittivity, and volume conductivity usually promotes the field intensification. In the arrangements of point contact or line contact, the position of peak electric field shifts from a contact point when the volume conductivity is higher than a certain value, while in the arrangement of surface contact, the position is usually more or less remote from the contact point, whether volume conductivity is present or not  相似文献   

It is well known that particles can be freely levitated in an electric field due to the charge induced on the particles by the external field. The charge depends upon the electric field strength and particle properties. This paper studies some of these factors to investigate the fundamentals of induction charging for granular materials. An experimental apparatus was set up to collect the levitated particles in a filter contained in a Faraday pail and the charge-to-mass (Q/M) ratio was obtained based on the charge and mass measurements for the samples in the filter. Furthermore, the particle size distribution was measured and analyzed by laser diffraction and microscopy and the surface mean diameter (D/sub s/) and volume mean diameter (D/sub v/) were obtained. In these experiments irregular shaped Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ particles and spherical glass beads with a size range of 42-390 /spl mu/m were used and tested at different electric field strengths. By combining the results of Q/M, D/sub s/ and D/sub v/, the charge per particle was calculated and the results compared with theoretical values. It was confirmed that the particle charge is dependent upon the electric field strength and the particle properties of size, shape, density, resistivity, and adhesive force.  相似文献   

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