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The novel ternary rare-earth iron-rich interstitial compounds R3(Fe,Cr)29Xy (R=Nd, Sm and X=N, C) with the monoclinic Nd3(Fe,Ti)29 structure have been successfully synthesized. Introduction of the interstitial nitrogen and carbon atoms led to a relative volume expansion ΔV/V of about 6% and an enhancement of Curie temperatures Tc about 268 K for the nitride and about 139 K for the carbide, respectively. The Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5Xy compounds have a planar anisotropy at room temperature. A first-order magnetization process (FOMP) with critical field Bcr=4.4 T and 3.1 T at room temperature were observed for the Nd-nitride and carbide compounds, respectively. The Sm3Fe24Cr5Xy compounds were found to have a large uniaxial anisotropy of about 18 T at 4.2 K and about 11 T at 293 K. A FOMP with Bcr=2.3 T was also observed in the Sm-nitride compounds at 4.2 K. Magnets with coercivity of μOjHc0.8 T at 293 K has been successfully developed from the Sm3Fe24Cr5Xy (X---N and C) phases.  相似文献   

Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, neutron diffraction and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples: PrCo0.85Ge2 and NdCo0.82Ge2, crystallizing in an orthorhombic structure of the CeNiSi2-type. The magnetometric data indicate that both compounds are antiferromagnetic at low temperatures, PrCo0.85Ge2 below 5 K and NdCo0.82Ge2 below 2.1 K. The neutron diffraction data indicate an antiferromagnetic structure in PrCo0.85Ge2 at 1.5 K and give no evidence of any magnetic ordering in NdCo0.82Ge2. The X-ray photoemission data indicate that the valence bands are formed predominantly by R 4f5d6s and Co 3d bands. The spin-orbit splitting values determined from the Pr and Nd, 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 XPS spectra are equal to 20.9 eV for the Pr compound and 23.0 eV for the Nd compound. The analysis of these spectra performed on the basis of the Gunnarsson–Schönhammer model revealed a small hybridization between 4f-electrons of the rare earths with the conduction band which implies rather good stability of the f shell in these compounds.  相似文献   

Nd3(Fe,Ti)29Cx, carbide has been synthesized by gas-solid reaction. An enhancement of the Curie temperature Tc from 437 K to 575 K is observed, reflecting a lattice expansion of 4.1% upon carbonation. The room temperature saturation magnetization Ms of the carbide is 145.5 A m2 kg 1 and the average hyperfine field, Heff, 24.8 T. The magnetic structure of Nd3(Fe,Ti)29Cx carbide changes from easy-cone-like in the case of the parent compound to axial-like after carbonation with a room temperature anisotropy field HA of 8 T.  相似文献   

Single-phase compounds Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.0110.034) have been synthesized. Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 crystallises in a monoclinic lattice with space group P21/c, and the crystal structure is refined by the Rietveld technique based on X-ray powder diffraction data. Thermomagnetic analysis indicates that the Curie temperature of the compounds ranges from 517 K to 538 K. The saturation magnetizations of the Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.011, 0.022, 0.034) at 1.5 K are 103.6, 102.0 and 94.3 Am2/kg, and the anisotropy fields at 1.5 K are 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4T, respectively.  相似文献   

Crystals of Ba3NaRu2O9−δ (δ≈0.5) and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) were grown by an electrochemical method, and their crystallographic, magnetic, and electric properties were studied. All crystals have a hexagonal structure of space group P63mmc. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) have a negative asymptotic Curie temperature suggesting the existence of an antiferromagnetic order; however, they are paramagnetic at temperatures above 1.7 K. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ has an effective magnetic moment Peff of 0.91 μB, while Peff of Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) reflects the large free-ion moment of the rare earth ions. Ba3(Na, Ce)Ru2O9−δ shows peculiar magnetic behavior that differs from the magnetism of other Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ crystals. The resistivity of all crystals exhibits an activation-type temperature dependence with an activation energy in the range of 0.10.2 eV.  相似文献   

Using X-ray powder and single crystal diffraction, the crystal structures of the Nd(Ru0.6Ge0.4)2 and ErRuGe compounds were investigated. The compounds belong to the KHg2 and TiNiSi type structure, respectively.  相似文献   

Quasi-binary Pr(Co1−xCux)5 intermetallics with 0≤x≤1 were hydrogenated at elevated temperatures to precipitate Co and Cu and to study their mutual solubility. Low temperature hydrogenation was found to form a CaCu5-type hydride containing about 1.6 hydrogen atoms per formula unit. Above 500 °C, the samples decompose into PrH2.6, Cu and h.c.p.-Co. In the temperature range 330–450 °C, the CaCu5-type hydrides coexist with the decomposed phases. Structural and magnetic measurements indicate that no solid solution are formed in Co-Cu decomposed phases. The magnetoresistance on both parent and hydrogenated samples does not exceed 0.5%.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of GdxY1−xMnSi and GdMnxFe1−xSi compounds with CeFeSi-type structure have been studied by magnetization measurements in the temperature range 77–600 K in static magnetic fields up to 12 kOe. The measurements for some compounds have been carried out on single crystal samples. The easy magnetization direction of all single crystal samples was found to be the c axis. The value of the anisotropy constant K1 for GdMnSi was estimated to be 2.0·106 erg cm−3 at 77 K. The substitution in both rare earth and 3d sublattices leads to a sharp increase in magnetic anisotropy of these compounds. The concentration dependencies of magnetic ordering temperatures, effective magnetic moments and paramagnetic Curie temperatures have been determined. The obtained results can be explained by the modification of the band structure due to the change of interatomic distances and the filling of 3d band.  相似文献   

The compounds RMn2Ge2 (R = Tb, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) have been investigated by neutron diffraction. TbMn2Ge2 is a collinear ferrimagnet with the Mn and Tb moment aligned along the c axis (μTB = 8.81(59) μB: μMn = 2.21(44) μB). HoMn2Ge2 exhibits incommensurale ordering below 2.1 K characterized by two wavevectors at 1.3 K: q1 = (0.1543(4), 0.1543(4), 0) and q2 = (0.210(1), 0.007(1), 0). The Mn sublattice remains antiferromagnetic down to 1.3 K (μMn = 2.38(6) μB). The Er moments order ferromagnetically below 5.5 K in ErMn2Ge2Mn = 6.81(31) μB). The moments are perpendicular to the c axis. The Mn sublattice remains antiferromagnetic down to 1.8 K (μMn = 2.34(18) μB). The magnetic structure of TmMn2Ge2 is characterized by the propagation vector (0.0.1/2). the Tm moments lying in the basal plane. The ordering of the Tm moments yields a canting of the Mn moments (τ = 21(3)°); μTm = 6.63(18) μB; μMn = 2.28(27) μB). The antiferromagnetic structure of LuMn2Ge2 has been determined (μMn = 2.32(14) μB). The evolution of the magnetic properties of the heavy rare earth compounds RMn2Ge2 is discussed.  相似文献   

A powder X-ray diffraction investigation of the new ternary compounds Zr6CoAs2-type R6MnSb2 and R6MnBi2 (R=Y, Lu, Dy, Ho) is reported. The compounds Ho6MnSb2 (a=0.8070(2) nm, c=0.4230(1) nm), Lu6MnSb2 (a=0.7930(1) nm, c=0.4173(1) nm), Y6MnBi2 (a=0.8242(1) nm, c=0.4292(1) nm), Dy6MnBi2 (a=0.8211(1) nm, c=0.4286(1) nm), Ho6MnBi2 (a=0.8164(1) nm, c=0.4250(1) nm) and Lu6MnBi2 (a=0.8019(2) nm, c=0.4185(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal Zr6CoAs2-type structure (space group P6b2m No. 189). The Zr6CoAs2-type structure is a superstructure of the Fe2P-type structure.  相似文献   

A type of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange interactions of the novel ternary R3(Fe, V)29 compounds (R = Y, Nd, Sm) have been investigated. The compounds are uniaxial ferromagnets with easy magnetization direction along the [ 0 1] axis of the monoclinic lattice at room temperature. The temperature variations of the magnetic moment and the first anisotropy constant for Y3(Fe, V)29 are presented. The first order magnetization process along the hard magnetization direction takes place for Sm3(Fe, V)29 at T < 120 K. A magnetic anomaly is detected in the temperature dependence of the a.c. susceptibility for Nd3(Fe, V)29 which can be related to a spin reorientation.  相似文献   

A new compound with chemical formula YbZn2As2 and ‘anti’-La2O3-type crystal structure (space group P3m1) has been synthesized for the first time. The trigonal lattice constants of the compound are a=0.4157 and c=0.6954 nm. In the temperature range 77–500 K, the magnetic susceptibility of YbZn2As2 follows the Curie–Weiss law, indicating antiferromagnetic interactions of the Yb ions and yielding a Curie temperature θ=−52.8 K and an effective magnetic moment μeff=2.35 μB (the Bohr magneton) per Yb ion. This means that a part of the Yb ions has valency 3+, instead of 2+ for all the Yb ions, as would be expected from their formal oxidation number, i.e. YbZn2As2 is a compound with mixed valency of Yb. YbZn2As2 exhibits p-type conductivity with a room temperature electrical resistivity of 0.15 Ω cm which decreases when lowering temperature and reaches a practically constant value of 0.08 Ω cm below 20 K.  相似文献   

Powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements have been performed on R2RhSi3 (R=Ho and Er) compounds at low temperatures. The compounds crystallize in a derivative of the hexagonal AlB2-type structure. The crystal structure parameters have been refined on the basis of the X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns collected in the paramagnetic region. These compounds are antiferromagnets with Néel temperatures of 5.2 K for Ho2RhSi3 and 5 K for Er2RhSi3. Both compounds exhibit collinear magnetic structures, described by the propagation vector k=(1/2,0,0) for Ho2RhSi3 and k=(0,0,0) for Er2RhSi3. This magnetic order is stable in the temperature range between 1.5 K and the Néel temperature.  相似文献   

The phase content of the Sm(Fe1−xSix)y alloys (0.05≤x≤0.15; 8.5≤y≤12) has been studied by X-ray diffraction using micromonocrystals. The compounds Sm2(Fe,Si)17, Sm(Fe,Si)12 and a novel Sm3(Fe,Si)29 compound with a monoclinic unit cell are found. The lattice parameters of Sm3(Fe,Si)29 are: a=1.056 nm, b=0.850 nm, c=0.966 nm, β=96.8°. This compound forms as a result of a solid state transformation from the high-temperature Sm2(Fe,Si)17 phase. Diffuse effects observed in rocking photographs suggest transition structures arising from this transformation. The Curie temperatures of Sm3(Fe,Si)29 vary in the interval 496–521 K.  相似文献   

Praseodymium dicarboxylate, [Pr(H2O)]2[O2C(CH2)3CO2]3.4H2O]–glutarate, Pr[glut], is synthesized by hydrothermal techniques. The title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (No. 15). The rare earth cation is coordinated by nine oxygen atoms, eight oxygen atoms from the carboxylate groups and one from the water molecule. The local symmetry of Pr site is low, Cs. The absorption spectra of Pr[glut] are recorded from the visible to the far IR domain at 300, 77 and 9 K. Under various Ar+ laser excitations no emission is detected from 3P0 and 1D2 excited levels of Pr3+ ion. In the low temperature absorption spectra only one electronic line is recorded for 3H43P0 transition. It confirms a unique local environment for the rare earth ion in Pr[glut]. The utility of the ‘barycenter curves’ in the attribution of electronic lines is demonstrated. Energy level scheme of 36 Stark components is deduced from the absorption spectra. The parametric calculation was performed on the whole 4f2 (Pr3+) configuration with the starting set of crystal field parameters obtained previously for the Eu3+ ion in the isostructural compound. Eight free ion and nine phenomenological crystal field parameters in C2v symmetry reproduce quite well several electronic levels of Pr3+ ion experimentally observed in Pr[glut]. A good r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.8 cm−1 is obtained.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of three new ternary silicides Sc3Pr2Si4, Sc1.26Pr3.74Si4 and Sc3.96Nd1.04Si4 were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The title compounds crystallize with three different substitution derivatives of the Sm5Ge4 structure type (orthorhombic space group Pnma) containing various distributions of rare earth atoms on the three Sm sites. Crystal chemistry analysis shows that these distributions are controlled by the atomic size factor.  相似文献   

The absorption and emission spectroscopies of RE3+ ions embedded in a new phase, LaGa3O6, owing to the La2O3–Ga2O3 binary system (RE=Pr, Nd, Eu) are discussed. The 2S+1LJ level degeneracies are completely lifted in accordance with the low point symmetry of the site occupied by the rare earth ion in LaGa3O6. The energy level schemes deduced from the data are reproduced by considering a crystal field (CF) effective Hamiltonian involving the nine real and five imaginary parameters required for the C2 or Cs symmetry of the rare earth site. The rms deviation is satisfactory for the three simulations. However, the strong variation of the CF parameters between Pr3+ and Eu3+ in LaGa3O6 suggests the possible limit of existence of the phase, intimately correlated to small variations of the rare earth ionic radius.  相似文献   

The crystallographic and the Curie temperature of the Sm2Fe17−xCrxC2 (x=0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2) carbides have been extensively studied. X-ray diffraction studies have shown that all these alloys are approximately single phases corresponding to the Th2Zn17 type rhombohedral structure with a small amount of -Fe. The amount of this residual -Fe phase decreases with increasing the Cr atomic content. It decreases from 1 wt% for x=0.5 to 0.4 wt.% for x=2. The lattice parameter c increases as a function of the Cr atomic content x from x=0 to x=1.5 and then decreases. This is due to the Cr atoms which prefer to substitute the Fe atoms in the 6c sites located along the c-axis. The lattice parameter a and the unit-cell volume decrease in all substitution ranges. The insertion of the C atoms leads essentially to an increase of the distances between the 9d and 18h sites and the 9d–18f sites. The Curie temperature reaches a maximum value of 583 K for x=1.5 and then decreases to 551 K for x=2. The enhancement of the Tc for lower Cr contents is due to a lowering of the hybridization of the iron atoms with their neighbors, the magnetovolume effect and the reduction of antiferromagnetic interactions. However, the decrease in Tc for higher Cr content is due to the reduction in the number of Fe–Fe pairs due to the magnetic dilution effect. For given interatomic distances, the exchange coupling of the Cr–Cr atoms is not of antiferromagnetic type and the exchange integral of the Cr–Cr pair is higher than that of the Fe–Fe pair.  相似文献   

The new ternary compound Dy1.2Fe4Si9.8 have been prepared and studied by means of X-ray powder diffraction technique and vibrating sample magnetometer. The ternary compound Dy1.2Fe4Si9.8 crystallizes in the hexagonal Er1.2Fe4Si9.8-type structure, space group P63/mmc (no. 194) with lattice parameters a = 0.39415(1) nm and c = 1.52771(3) nm. The crystal structural refinement of the compound Dy1.2Fe4Si9.8 has been performed by using Rietveld method. Lattice thermal expansion studies on the compound were carried out in the temperature range from 298 to 1013 K. The variation of the unit cell parameters shows that the unit cell parameters increase with the increase in temperature. The coefficients of average lattice thermal expansion along various axes in the temperature range from 298 to 1013 K are , and . The temperature dependence of the magnetization for the compound was also investigated in the range from 90 to 300 K. The experimentally determined magnetic effective paramagnetic moment is μeff = 11.3μB per formula unit (10.3μB per Dy atom).  相似文献   

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