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性能可扩展性是当前互联网面临的主要问题之一,对互联网开展有效的测量和评价,能为寻找提高网络性能的方法提供必要的数据支撑.目前,虽然在大规模分布式测量方面已经开展了大量的出色工作,但是它们无一例外地受到测量点数量和位置的限制.基于此,文中设计并实现了基于联邦架构的全球网络性能测量平台GPERF.该平台实现了大规模异构测量,充分利用了自有资源、伙伴资源和互联网上的开放服务等.文章将从体系结构设计、测量点发展、测量任务调度和应用研究等方面对GPERF展开介绍和讨论.  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展和IP应用的普及,网络性能状况越来越受到人们的关注.网络性能数据对于分析网络行为,解决网络故障,规划新业务等具有重要的参考价值.本文设计了基于云计算的分布式网络测量系统.利用Hadoop平台的可靠存储和并行计算能力,解决了海量数据安全存储和快速计算的问题.用户可以在系统中方便地部署各种测量算法,完成网络性能的测量和评估.  相似文献   

开发了一套跨平台、分布式的网络流量测量系统.可起到测量网络业务流、评估网络性能、规划网络设计等作用.该系统由控制中心、测量探针和数据存储服务器三个模块组成,实现了对网络流量的主动测量和被动测量.主要采用了IPFIX标准、FLEX web技术,实现了多任务调度、RIA应用,具有部署灵活、扩展性好、兼容性强、数据呈现清晰直...  相似文献   

网络性能测量应用模型及其性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性能测量是网络管理系统中的一个重要组成部分。随着以太网技术的飞速发展,如何提高和完善网络性能已成为人们关注的重要问题之一。该文介绍了目前应用比较多的三种网络性能测量应用模型,即集中模型、分层模型和分布式模型,并对这三种性能测量模型的性能进行了定量分析和比较,为具体网络的模型选用提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

IP网络规模的扩大和新应用的不断出现,网络性能测量与监控日渐成为网络管理及网络运营商的一项重要内容;网络性能测量技术涉及参数较多,仅凭人工测量难度较大,准确性差,难以反映网络当前运行的真实性能状况;为了对网络性能进行有效的测量,阐述了网络性能测量的基本概念,介绍了分布式计算理论基础和计算流程,构建了一种基于Web的分布式网络测量平台,并在校园网环境下部署该平台进行实验,验证了该平台的有效性.  相似文献   

分布式测量系统服务窗口动态调度方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在网络制造环境下, 动态时间性能是测量系统的重要指标. 针对基于 CORBA (Common object request broker architecture) 和尺寸测量接口标准 (Dimensional measurement interface standard, DMIS) 的分布式测量系统 (Distributed measurement system, DMS), 根据多用户非抢占优先排队网络静态性能模型, 提出基于无穷小摄动分析的样本轨道划分方法, 建立测量系统服务窗口的动态调度算法, 实现测量系统的时间性能调优. 通过在一个制造工厂中进行的应用实验, 证明了此方法的有效性.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,理解网络行为对于网络管理、规划和发展都有重要意义,网络流量测量是研究网络行为的基础。网络流量性能测量是网络管理和系统管理的一个重要组成部分,为网络的运行和维护提供了重要信息.同时也是网络流量具体建模、分析的必要前提和手段,该文对网络性能测量的相关内容,意义,以及网络性能指标的测量与分析进行了系统的介绍,并对网络性能测量的下一步发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

提出一种IP网络综合性能评估模型,结合网络健康度和路由器健康度的概念,通过测量收集网络基本性能数据,对网络作出整体评价。基于该模型开发了NHES系统,对中国移动CNGI示范网进行性能测量,实验数据很好地反映了CNGI的运行状况,为诊断网络性能问题提供了有用信息。  相似文献   

在网络制造环境下,分布式测量系统(Distributed Measurement System,DMS)的负载是动态变化的,需要根据负载情况对测量系统上的资源进行动态调度.针对基于CORBA和DMIS的分布式测量系统,根据多用户非抢占优先排队网络静态性能模型,提出基于无穷小摄动分析(Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis,IPA)的分布式测量系统服务窗口动态调度算法.算法以DMS系统负载的在线变化为输入,动态调整排队网络系统服务台的窗口数量,从而实现测量用户对动态时间性能的要求.最后在一个制造工厂中进行的应用实验,证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

在火箭研制阶段,遥测系统用于测量火箭各系统的工作状态参数和环境数据。测量数据是评定火箭的性能和进行故障分析的依据。测量数据处理是火箭测试流程中的关键环节之一,是火箭各系统功能检查、系统测试评价和火箭整体性能评估的重要手段。测量数据处理系统以数据处理和管理为核心,以实时数据库和事后数据库为基础,引入数据快速处理、网络发布、数据共享与存储等技术,构建了分布式的测量数据处理与综合管理平台。该系统的应用提高了运载火箭的测试效率,减少了系统测试时间和工作量,降低了测试成本,既实现了测量数据的高效处理和管理,又提高了数据判读解析的准确性。  相似文献   

网络端到端性能测量模型的研究与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
与互连网的迅速发展相比,网络性能测量研究领域的标准化工作一直显得滞后,缺乏宏观的体系结构模型,本文针对互连网端到端性能测量的需要,设计了一个可扩展的主动测量模型,该模型采用主动测量技术,通过在网络中配置少量(N)主动测量器,就可测量许多条路径(N2)的端到端性能。文中描述了该测量模型的层次结构,结合海量信息系统测量平台的研究,给出了该模型的具体实现技术和体系结构。  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to build scalable distributed systems over the Internet infrastructure. However, the development of distributed scalable applications suffers from lack of a wide accepted virtual computing environment. Users have to take great efforts on the management and sharing of the involved resources over Internet, whose characteristics are intrinsic growth, autonomy and diversity. To deal with this challenge, Internet-based Virtual Computing Environment (iVCE) is proposed and developed to serve as a platform for distributed scalable applications over the open infrastructure, whose kernel mechanisms are on-demand aggregation and autonomic collaboration of resources. In this paper, we present a programming language for iVCE named Owlet. Owlet conforms with the conceptual model of iVCE, and exposes the iVCE to application developers. As an interaction language based on peer-to-peer content-based publish/subscribe scheme, Owlet abstracts the Internet as an environment for the roles to interact, and uses roles to build a relatively stable view of resources for the on-demand resource aggregation. It provides language constructs to use 1) distributed event driven rules to describe interaction protocols among different roles, 2) conversations to correlate events and rules into a common context, and 3) resource pooling to do fault tolerance and load balancing among networked nodes. We have implemented an Owlet compiler and its runtime environment according to the architecture of iVCE, and built several Owlet applications, including a peer-to-peer file sharing application. Experimental results show that, with iVCE, the separation of resource aggregation logic and business logic significantly eases the process of building scalable distributed applications.  相似文献   

1 背景新的应用需求和通讯技术的进步是驱动网络体系结构和网络协议发展的主要力量。自1995年开始,Internet数据流量以每年超过100%的速度增长,估计2002年,数据业务量将超过话音业务量,并在未来三年里将占总业务量的90%。同时,数据应用也从传统应用(电子邮件、文件传输、WWW等)向实时多媒体应用(IP电话、视频会议、VOD、交互游戏、虚拟现实、远程医疗和远程教育等)迅速发展,要求  相似文献   

The Internet infrastructure must evolve from best-effort service to meet the needs of different customers and applications. With Internet traffic differentiation, service providers can support a range of offerings, such as loss or delay bounds and network bandwidth allocation, to meet different performance requirements. The differentiated services (Diffserv) architecture provides a scalable approach, in which network access (or edge) devices aggregate traffic flows onto provisioned pipes that traverse a streamlined network core. We have identified the key requirements for provisioning Diffserv functions on Internet servers. Based on these requirements, we have implemented, and deployed, a policy-based architecture on IBM's AIX operating system that provides Diffserv services to both QoS-aware and -unaware applications  相似文献   

Large Internet companies like Amazon, Netflix, and LinkedIn are using the microservice architecture pattern to deploy large applications in the cloud as a set of small services that can be independently developed, tested, deployed, scaled, operated, and upgraded. However, aside from gaining agility, independent development, and scalability, how microservices affect the infrastructure costs is a major evaluation topic for companies adopting this pattern. This paper presents a cost comparison of a web application developed and deployed using the same scalable scenarios with three different approaches: 1) a monolithic architecture, 2) a microservice architecture operated by the cloud customer, and 3) a microservice architecture operated by the cloud provider. Test results show that microservices can help reduce infrastructure costs in comparison with standard monolithic architectures. Moreover, the use of services specifically designed to deploy and scale microservices, such as AWS Lambda, reduces infrastructure costs by 70% or more, and unlike microservices operated by cloud customers, these specialized services help to guarantee the same performance and response times as the number of users increases. Lastly, we also describe the challenges we faced while implementing and deploying microservice applications, and include a discussion on how to replicate the results on other cloud providers.  相似文献   

云计算为我们提供了一种全新、高效的方式来部署可扩展的Web应用,这种方式使企业的应用可以按需对计算资源进行分配.微服务架构用于将庞大复杂的应用系统拆分为一系列可独立开发、测试、部署、运行、升级的服务模块.微服务架构为大批互联网企业实现云环境中的应用扩展、降低应用开发复杂度、实现敏捷开发提供了更加有效地方法.本文分析并测试了微服务架构模式,通过一个具体案例——在云环境中开发和部署的企业级应用系统,对两种架构模式实现(单体架构模式和微服务架构模式)进行性能测试,得出评估结果,这些结果对解决企业级应用微服务化中可能遇到的问题具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

下一代互联网体系结构基础研究及探索   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
随着人们对互联网的规模、功能和性能等方面的需求越来越高,以IPv4协议为核心技术的互联网面临着越来越严重的技术挑战.近年来,下一代互联网及其应用的研究引起了许多国家的特别关注,发达国家相继启动了下一代互联网研究计划,意图掌握未来互联网核心技术.国家"九七三"计划项目"新一代互联网体系结构理论研究",经过近5年的研究,在探索新一代互联网体系结构所面临的基础问题上,取得了初步的研究结果:提炼出新一代互联网体系结构研究的4个基本科学问题;初步提出了一种多维可扩展的新一代互联网体系结构及其基本要素;从基于IPv6的规模可扩展、基于可扩展交换节点的性能可扩展、基于真实IPv6地址的安全可扩展、基于4over6机制的功能可扩展和基于端到端无连接服务质量控制的服务可扩展等5个方面对新一代互联网多维可扩展体系结构进行了深入研究.这5项基本要素将构成未来新一代互联网的基础.  相似文献   

We introduce a middleware infrastructure that provides software services for developing and deploying high-performance parallel programming models and distributed applications on clusters and networked heterogeneous systems. This middleware infrastructure utilizes distributed agents residing on the participating machines and communicating with one another to perform the required functions. An intensive study of the parallel programming models in Java has helped identify the common requirements for a runtime support environment, which we used to define the middleware functionality. A Java-based prototype, based on this architecture, has been developed along with a Java object-passing interface (JOPI) class library. Since this system is written completely in Java, it is portable and allows executing programs in parallel across multiple heterogeneous platforms. With the middleware infrastructure, users need not deal with the mechanisms of deploying and loading user classes on the heterogeneous system. Moreover, details of scheduling, controlling, monitoring, and executing user jobs are hidden, while the management of system resources is made transparent to the user. Such uniform services are essential for facilitating the development and deployment of scalable high-performance Java applications on clusters and heterogeneous systems. An initial deployment of a parallel Java programming model over a heterogeneous, distributed system shows good performance results. In addition, a framework for the agents' startup mechanism and organization is introduced to provide scalable deployment and communication among the agents.  相似文献   

Scattercast: an adaptable broadcast distribution framework   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Internet broadcasting - the simultaneous distribution of live content streams to a large audience - has a number of interesting applications ranging from real-time broadcasts of audio/video streams for online concerts or sporting events to efficient and reliable large-scale software distribution. We identify three fundamental requirements for scalable broadcasting services: an efficient infrastructure for large-scale broadcasting, an ability to adapt the infrastructure to suit the requirements of a wide range of applications, and ease of deployment of the infrastructure. Although solutions such as the network-layer IP multicast approach and a slew of overlay distribution networks exist today, none of these technologies satisfactorily addresses all of the above concerns. In this paper, we argue that an application-customizable hybrid overlay is well suited to meet these challenges. To this end, we propose an architecture called scattercast that relies on a network of strategically located agents called ScatterCast proXies or SCXs. These agents collaboratively provide the broadcast service for a session. Clients locate a nearby SCX and tap into the session via that SCX. Scattercast constructs a hybrid overlay network composed of unicast links between SCXs that interconnect locally scoped multicast regions. Rather than define a single standardized service model for transmitting data on top of the overlay, scattercast builds a customizable transport framework that provides adaptability by leveraging application-defined semantics to drive the distribution of content. We demonstrate the ability of our architecture to provide efficient distribution via a set of simulation experiments. Finally, we present our experience with the adaptability of the framework by describing two applications, a real-time Internet radio and an online slide-presentation tool, both of which we have built on top of a prototype implementation of the architecture.Received: 15 March 2002, Accepted: 2 October 2002,  相似文献   

This paper describes a scalable architecture for Web servers designed to cope with the ongoing increase of the Internet requirements. In the paper, first the drawbacks of the traditional Web server architecture are discussed, and the need for an innovative solution is described. The proposed design addresses two of the parameters that can dramatically impact the performance of Web servers: (1) the need for a powerful data management system to cope with the increase in the complexity of users' requests; and (2) an efficient caching mechanism to reduce the amount of redundant traffic. In this direction, a scalable solution based on distributed database technology to replace the file system is described, and performance test results of the system are provided. This architecture is further extended by a collaborative caching system that builds up an adaptive hierarchy of caches for Web servers, which allows them to keep up with the changes in the traffic generated by the applications they are running. Finally, some improvements to the proposed architecture are addressed.  相似文献   

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