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From 1995 to 1997, we prospectively evaluated the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in 124 patients with porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) from Northern France (83 sporadic and 41 familial PCT). Serum samples were analyzed for ferritin, transaminases, HCV antibodies, and HCV RNA. In addition, genotyping of HCV and searches for HCV infection risk factors (blood transfusion, iv drug abuse, and surgical intervention) were performed. Twenty-six of 124 patients (21%; 95% CI: 13.9-28) were positive for serum HCV antibodies. All of them were also positive for HCV RNA. The prevalence of HCV infection was higher in the sporadic PCT group (26.5%, 22 out of 83) than in the familial PCT group (9.7%, 4 out of 41). Risk factors for hepatitis C infection were found to be significantly increased in the HCV-positive group when compared with the HCV-negative PCT group. In all HCV-positive patients with a risk factor, the suspected date of exposure to the virus always preceded the clinical onset of PCT. The HCV genotype pattern in PCT patients was similar to that observed in nonporphyric HCV patients in western European countries. Serum ferritin level was increased in both HCV-positive and HCV-negative porphyric patients. Transaminase levels were significantly higher in HCV-infected PCT patients. Sixty-seven out of 124 patients were retrospectively studied for hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection. Six of these 67 patients (8.9%; 95% CI: 2.1-15.8) were positive for HGV RNA. None of the six HGV-infected patients were positive for HCV RNA. The HGV-infected patients did not differ statistically from those without HGV infection with regard to age, ferritin, transaminase levels, and PCT treatment. These results support the view that sporadic cases of HGV infection may occur frequently. This study of a large cohort of HCV and PCT patients further documents an increasing gradient in HCV prevalence from northern to southern Europe, and shows that HCV infection acts as a triggering factor of PCT. Finally, the HGV prevalence found in the PCT patients was comparable with that found in French blood donors, suggesting that HGV is not a PCT triggering factor.  相似文献   

Mutation analysis was performed for two HFE mutations (C282Y, H63D) in unrelated patients with hereditary haemochromatosis (n = 92), family members of patients (n = 34), and unrelated controls (n = 157) from Northern Germany, 87/92 patients (94.6%) revealed the C282Y mutation in homozygous form, five were heterozygous. No H63D mutation was found in 174 chromosomes of patients homozygous for C282Y, whereas four of the heterozygote patients also carried the H63D mutation. Among the control group, 9.6% were heterozygotes for C282Y. 2/157 subjects were homozygous, 37/157 were heterozygous for the H63D mutation, but showed no signs of iron overload.  相似文献   

The antinociceptive actions of morphine incorporated into an injectable chitosan-based gel were investigated in rats. Subcutaneous administration of 4.8 mg/kg morphine sulphate in a gel composed of N,O-carboxymethylchitosan (NOCC) and chitosan resulted in significant antinociception within 10 min that was maximal at 60 min and persisted for 6 h. In contrast, the same dose of morphine sulphate injected in sterile saline produced maximal responses at 30 min but only persisted for 2 h. NOCC/chitosan gel was easily injectable using a 22 guage needle and appears stable in long-term storage. No local or systemic adverse effects other than morphine-induced sedation were observed either at the time of injection or during the subsequent 48 h. We conclude that gels composed of chitosan and chitosan derivatives are effective matrices for sustained-release formulations of opioid analgesics capable of providing long-lasting antinociception.  相似文献   

The influence of oral treatment with a suspension of non-pathogenic Escherichia coli cells (commercially available as: Symbioflor II) on the morphological composition of the gut microflora and on the systemic humoral immune response (the IgG-, IgA- and IgM-isotype) against the bacterial cells in the Symbioflor II preparation was measured. After a pretreatment period of 21 days, ten healthy human volunteers ingested 1*10(8) cells of E. coli daily for 14 days. Thereafter a follow-up period of 28 days completed the study. The results of this study indicated that no effect of the treatment on the composition of the gut microflora could be observed. However, the immune-fluorescence measurements revealed a significant increase in circulating amounts of IgG directed against the administered E. coli cells. It is concluded that the treatment only resulted in a specific humoral immune response, while the gut microflora is not modulated.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Mumbai among certain high risk groups such as renal transplant recipients, multitransfused and haemodialysis patients; professional and voluntary blood donors and viral hepatitis cases for comparison. Repeated testing of 602 subjects for antibodies to HCV using a second generation ELISA assay (Abbott, USA) showed an overall prevalence of 16.9%. We found 36.4% of multitransfused patients, 27.8% of renal failure cases and 26.2% of renal transplant recipients to be seropositive. Voluntary blood donors in our series showed a surprisingly high prevalence of 15.9%, and this group needs further investigation. Fifty-six of these sera (of which 45 were anti-HCV positive) were tested for HCV RNA by PCR and 14(31.1%) of the seropositive samples were also HCV RNA positive. The present investigation not only shows a high prevalence of HCV in the study groups but also proves the presence of HCV genomes in a significant proportion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examined the efficacy and tolerability of interferon alpha-2b (IFN) in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients on maintenance haemodialysis. METHODS: A 24-month prospective cohort study was performed in 11 HCV RNA-positive haemodialysis patients, who were treated with IFN at 3 MU thrice weekly for 6 months. Serial biochemical and virological monitors included serum alanine aminotransferase levels, and HCV RNA by both qualitative PCR assay and quantitative bDNA assay. HCV genotypes were determined by PCR and nucleotide sequencing. Ten patients had baseline liver biopsy. RESULTS: HCV genotypes 1b and 2b were identified in 10 and one patients respectively. Six (55%) patients had biochemical and/or histological features of chronic active hepatitis before treatment. All 11 patients became HCV RNA-negative by PCR, with normalization of deranged aminotransferase levels, within 2-8 weeks of IFN therapy. HCV RNA reappeared in eight (73%) patients 2-8 weeks after the cessation of IFN, while biochemical relapse occurred in six (55%) patients. Sustained eradication of HCV was achieved in three (27%) patients. Sustained responders were characterized by pretreatment HCV RNA level < 3.5 x 10(5) Eq/ml as determined by the bDNA assay, and less severe histological abnormalities ('Total score' 1.7 +/- 1.2 compared to 5.4 +/- 2.2 in relapsers, P < 0.05). HCV RNA levels were similar before and after IFN treatment in non-responders and relapsers. Persistent malaise and poor appetite were noted in eight (73%) patients during IFN therapy. Other side-effects of IFN included the exacerbation of anaemia, induction of resistance to erythropoietin, weight loss, and reduced serum albumin level. CONCLUSIONS: Eradication of chronic HCV infection with IFN can be achieved in 27% of haemodialysis patients. Predictors of sustained response include low baseline HCV RNA level and mild liver pathology. Virological relapse can occur despite normal liver biochemistry. Exacerbation of anaemia, erythropoietin resistance, and malnutrition constitute the side-effects of IFN that deserve special attention in uraemic subjects.  相似文献   

We describe two women (ages 35 and 36 years) with cerebral ischemia, hepatitis C virus, and mixed cryoglobulinemia. One patient (case 1) was in otherwise good health when left parietal cerebral infarction developed, and she was found to have narrowing of the supraclinoid internal carotid artery siphon, anterior cerebral artery A1, and middle cerebral artery M1 segments bilaterally. Subsequent evaluation revealed abnormal liver enzymes, mixed cryoglobulinemia (type III), hypocomplementemia, and a high positive test result for rheumatoid factor. In the other patient (case 2), cerebral ischemia and seizures developed in the setting of previously documented mixed cryoglobulinemia (type II), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, and hypocomplementemia. In this patient, a brain biopsy demonstrated cerebral infarction. Hepatitis C virus infection was confirmed in both patients by polymerase chain reaction detection of hepatitis C virus RNA. These two cases document the occurrence of cerebral ischemia in patients with hepatitis C virus infection and mixed cryoglobulinemia. Testing for hepatitis C virus and cryoglobulins should be considered in selected patients with cerebral ischemia of inobvious cause.  相似文献   

Markers of GB virus C (GBV-C) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were sought in 80 patients before and after they underwent BMT in a metropolitan hospital in Tokyo between 1990 and 1996. RNA of GBV-C was detected in 14 (18%) patients before BMT. Of the 55 patients who had been transfused, 14 (25%) possessed GBV-C RNA at a frequency significantly higher than in the 25 untransfused patients who were all negative (P < 0.01). HCV RNA was detected in three of the 55 (5%) transfused patients, but in none of the 25 untransfused patients. Sera at 3 months after BMT were available for 57 patients. GBV-C RNA persisted in all 10 patients who were infected before BMT, while it was detected in five of the remaining 47 (11%) patients who were not. However, persistent and/or ongoing GBV-C infection had no appreciable influence on patient morbidity or mortality. Two of the 57 patients were positive for HCV RNA before BMT and this persisted after BMT in both. HCV RNA became positive in eight of the remaining 55 (15%) patients who were negative before BMT. Of the 14 patients who received transfusions screened by the first-generation test at BMT, seven (50%) became positive for HCV RNA, a rate significantly higher than the one of 41 (2%) patients who received transfusions screened by the second-generation test (P < 0.001). These results indicate that BMT patients are at increased risk of GBV-C infection transmitted by transfusions received before and at the time of BMT, and that the risk of HCV infection has decreased after the implementation of the second-generation anti-HCV test.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies on hepatitis C virus antibodies (Anti-HCV) in CAPD patients are scarce and include a small number of patients. Nevertheless, risk factors related to Anti-HCV in these patients are still subject to controversy. Purpose of the study. To analyse the incidence and risk factors associated with the presence of Anti-HCV in CAPD patients. METHODS: We studied 255 patients from five different treatment centres of our region. The analysis was repeated after excluding 161 patients who had previously received haemodialysis treatment at least once. Anti-HCV testing was made by the 2nd-generation ELISA: As a supplementary test we used RIBA-4 in three centers and INNOLIA in the other two. Risk factors were analysed using logistic regression model for multivariate analysis. RESULTS: In the whole group, 29 patients (11.4%) were anti-HCV positive. Logistic regression analysis determined the following variables as independent risk factors: hepatitis previous to CAPD (P<0.001, odds ratio (OR):44.9), Anti HBc positivity (P=0.019, OR:9. 24), blood transfusions previous to CAPD (P=0.015, OR:1.05) and CAPD duration were excluded, the prevalence of HCV antibodies was 8.5% (8/94). In this group multivariate analysis showed that Anti-HCV positivity correlated with hepatitis previous to CAPD (P<0.0003, OR: 126) and Anti HBc positivity (P=0.002, OR:41.9). CONCLUSIONS: Our prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in CAPD patients was lower than other renal replacement therapy modalities, and correlated to events occurring mainly before starting CAPD treatment. This technique could be considered as low risk for HCV infection.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是引起慢性肝病的主要致病因子,并与肝硬变、肝癌的发生密切相关[1].由于这两种病毒具有相似的传播途径,所以HBV和HCV的合并感染比较常见,流行率约10%~15%[2,3].  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is common in multi-transfused thalassaemic patients, and, in combination with transfusional iron overload, can result in progressive liver disease. Therapy with interferon-alpha causes a sustained loss of HCV in only 15-25% of patients, and there is as yet no established effective therapy for those who fail to respond. We have conducted a pilot study of combination anti-viral therapy for patients who failed to respond, or relapsed after an initial response to single-agent interferon-alpha. Patients were treated for 6 months with interferon-alpha 2b, given subcutaneously three mega units thrice weekly, together with ribavirin, orally 1 g daily. 11 patients were enrolled, their median age was 24.9 years. 8/10 evaluable patients had cirrhosis on biopsy, five were infected with HCV type 1 and all but one had initial HCV RNA titres > 10(6) genomes/ml. Five patients (45.5%) had a sustained virological response with loss of serum HCV RNA for > 6 months after finishing therapy. There was no clear association between response to therapy and age, histology, HCV genotype, or HCV RNA titre. Transfusion requirements were significantly increased during the treatment phase, probably due to ribavirin-induced haemolysis, and this necessitated intensification of iron chelation therapy. Serum ferritin levels decreased significantly in those who responded. These results suggest that combination therapy is potent in clearing HCV infection, and may provide effective second-line therapy for thalassaemic patients who have failed to respond to interferon-alpha monotherapy.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serum markers (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc) and antihepatitis C antibody (anti-HCV) were prospectively followed in haemodialysis and CAPD patients. From January 1987 to January 1990, 185 patients on haemodialysis and 124 on CAPD were analysed. Among patients susceptible to HBV (69 on haemodialysis and 70 on CAPD), there were 17 HBsAg seroconversions on haemodialysis (0.19/patient-year) and 1 on CAPD (0.01/patient-year). A Cox proportional hazards model showed that haemodialysis treatment was the only risk factor significantly associated with HBV infection, thus suggesting transmission through the environment. Regarding hepatitis C, 83 anti-HCV-negative patients on haemodialysis and 46 on CAPD were followed. There were 18 seroconversions on haemodialysis (0.15/patient-year) and two seroconversions on CAPD (0.03/patient-year). Haemodialysis treatment was also the only risk factor significantly associated with a higher risk of HCV infection. The hazard ratio for HCV infection in haemodialysis patients was 5.7 compared to CAPD patients. Nevertheless, for one patient on CAPD treatment transfusions were the only possible source of HCV infection. In conclusion, both viruses were transmitted mainly through the haemodialysis environment, but the role of transfusions could not be excluded.  相似文献   

The article outlines a nine-step process adopted at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for handling patient requests for medically inappropriate interventions. The main step in the process is review by an Institutional Review Committee composed of the physician-in-chief, ethics committee members, and medical experts. The decision of the Review Committee is binding. The experience with this "futility" policy is discussed including a follow-up pilot project conducted by the Department of Gynaecologic Oncology that introduces a standardized advance care planning medical record progress note in which patient preferences about cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and location of death are documented. The note is to be used at the beginning of non-curative therapy and is intended to help to avoid future requests for futile interventions.  相似文献   

The antiproliferative effect of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in colon cancer can be enhanced by interferons (IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma). The mechanisms by which IFNs modulate 5-FU activity are not completely elucidated. IFN-alpha may elevate the levels of the active 5-FU metabolite 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate (FdUMP) in the cell, possibly leading to increased inhibition of the target enzyme thymidylate synthase (TS), which might enhance DNA damage. It has been shown that IFN-gamma can prevent 5-FU induced overexpression of TS. We studied IFN modulation in three colon cancer cell lines (SW948, WiDr, human; C26-10, murine) and the sublines WiDr/F and C26-10/F, which were adapted to low folate levels. A 1.5-fold increase in 5-FU sensitivity was observed in C26-10 and C26-10/F (by murine IFN-alpha, beta); in SW948, WiDr and WiDr/F (by human IFN-gamma) and in SW948 and WiDr/ F (by human IFN-alpha). In none of the cell lines did human IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma or murine IFN-alpha, beta increase FdUMP levels after exposure to 5-FU. TS activity, indirectly measured by incorporation of [6-3H]-deoxyuridine into DNA, was inhibited by 5-FU, but the IFNs did not enhance inhibition. DNA damage was measured as a drug-induced decrease of double-stranded (dss) DNA compared to control cells. After 5-FU exposure, dss DNA decreased to 60-75% in WiDr, WiDr/F and SW948 cells. Human IFN-alpha alone caused minimal DNA damage (95% dss DNA), but increased 5-FU-induced effects to 35-50% dss DNA. IFN-gamma did not cause DNA damage and did not enhance 5-FU-mediated DNA damage. Expression of TS protein, analysed by ELISA, was increased after 5-FU exposure of SW948 cells, but this increase was not affected by addition of either IFN-alpha or IFN-gamma. It is concluded that one of the mechanisms involved in modulation of 5-FU activity is the effect of IFN-alpha on 5-FU-mediated DNA damage, but for IFN-gamma no mechanism of action was found.  相似文献   

Vascular injuries may occur as complications of elbow dislocation and usually involve the brachial artery. A case report is presented in which only the radial artery was compromised as a result of the dislocation.  相似文献   

The transmission of perinatal hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was studied retrospectively in 62 infants born to 54 HCV- and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-coinfected women enrolled in a prospective natural history study of HIV transmission. Infant HCV infection was assessed by nested RNA polymerase chain reaction. The overall rate of vertical HCV transmission was 16.4% (9/62). Most HCV-infected children did not develop antibodies to HCV. The rate of HCV infection was higher among HIV-infected infants (40%) than among HIV-uninfected infants (7.5%; odds ratio, 8.2; P = .009). This difference in transmission was not related to differences in maternal HCV load, as measured by branched DNA assay, or mode of delivery. Why HIV-infected infants of HCV- and HIV-coinfected women have significantly higher rates of perinatal HCV transmission remains to be elucidated. The rate of HCV transmission in HIV-uninfected infants of HCV- and HIV-coinfected women is similar to that reported for infants born to HIV-seronegative mothers.  相似文献   

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