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In 3 experiments, 470 male and 425 female university students read a scenario describing a communicator's attempt to influence a recipient and then judged how much influence would occur. The scenarios in Exp I described a man trying to influence a woman or a woman trying to influence a man. For scenarios in which job titles were omitted, Ss believed that women held lower status jobs than men and that women were more likely to comply behaviorally with men than men were with women. For scenarios in which job titles were included, Ss' beliefs about compliance were based on job status rather than the sex of the stimulus persons. In Exp II, scenarios in which job titles were omitted described an influence attempt between same- or opposite-sex persons. Both the communicator's and the recipient's sex were found to contribute to the greater perceived compliance of women to men (vs men to women). In Exp III, this perceived sex difference in compliance occurred only when the communicator and recipient were employed by the same organization. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The more common occurrence in women of cough due to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors raises the possibility of gender-related differences in the sensitivity of the cough reflex. Of two recent studies that evaluated cough response to inhaled capsaicin in normal subjects, one demonstrated heightened sensitivity of the cough reflex in women compared with men, while the other revealed no gender-related differences. To further investigate this question, we reviewed our experience with cough challenge testing in normal volunteers. STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare cough reflex sensitivity in healthy adult female and male subjects. DESIGN: Retrospective data analysis. SETTING: Academic medical center. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred healthy volunteers (50 male, 50 female). Interventions: Subjects inhaled capsaicin in ascending, doubling concentrations until the concentration inducing five or more coughs (C5) was reached. In addition, the concentration inducing two or more coughs (C2; cough threshold) was measured. Results: Mean log C5 was significantly lower in women than in men: 1.02+/-0.09 (SEM) microM vs 1.41+/-0.08 microM, respectively (p=0.002). Log C2 (cough threshold) was also significantly lower in female subjects: 0.534+/-0.068 microM vs 0.870+/-0.065 microM in male subjects (p=0.00058). CONCLUSION: Healthy women have a more sensitive cough reflex than do healthy men. The reasons for this significant gender difference remain to be elucidated, but may involve a heightened sensitivity, in women, of the sensory receptors within the respiratory tract that mediate cough.  相似文献   

Mucosal antibody induction by otherwise identical replication-competent and replication-incompetent rhesus monkey rotaviruses was compared. Although psoralen-inactivated virus induced diarrhea, the magnitude of the intestinal antibody response was severely attenuated compared with that of replicating rotavirus, as determined by assay of mucosal antibody-secreting cells. Rotavirus that was neutralized by monoclonal antibodies (anti-VP4 and -VP7) prior to inoculation was similarly ineffective at induction of specific antibodies in intestinal secretions. In contrast to genetically inactivated virus, antibody-neutralized virus did not induce diarrhea. In this murine model, viral replication is an important determinant of antibody induction. The diarrhea response is blocked by neutralizing antibodies, but the mechanism of action is not exclusively the inhibition of viral replication.  相似文献   

Compared the effectiveness of an aversive stimulus, withholding of resources, withdrawal of love, and reasoning, when used alone and when combined with praise, in a standard laboratory punishment paradigm using 120 1st- and 2nd-grade boys and girls as Ss. Resistance to deviation and stability of resistance to deviation were used as the measures of punishment effectiveness. Sex of child, use of praise, and type of punisher were combined in a 2 * 2 * 5 factorial design, with a female as the punitive agent. An aversive stimulus appeared to produce more suppression of deviant behavior, but the effect was not significant for all response measures. The stability of the deviant response pattern varied for each punisher, but the most stable response pattern resulted from the use of an aversive stimulus. Neither use of praise nor sex of child significantly influenced punisher effectiveness. Results are discussed within the framework of anxiety arousal and information content of the punishers, and the practice of grouping various punishers under the categories of sensitization and induction measures is considered. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of intracellular thiols in menadione-mediated toxicity was studied in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. The sensitivity of cardiomyocytes to menadione was greater than that of skeletal muscle cells and 3T3 fibroblasts. Before cell degeneration, menadione induced marked depletion of intracellular thiols and an increase of oxidized glutathione. The sensitivity of these cells to menadione correlated with the level of depletion of intracellular thiols. After incubation of cardiomyocytes with menadione, glutathione reductase activity was inhibited and lipid peroxidation was increased. Both dicumarol (an inhibitor of DT-diaphorase) and diethyldithiocarbamate (an inhibitor of superoxide dismutase) enhanced the capacity of menadione to induce cellular damage and to cause depletion of intracellular glutathione. Decreasing intracellular glutathione by pretreatment of cells with N-ethylmaleimide or buthionine sulphoximine also increased menadione-induced cell degeneration. Preincubation with cysteine or dithiothreitol suppressed the capacity of menadione to damage the cells. Menadione-induced lipid peroxidation was also suppressed by the same treatment. These results show that the oxidative stress induced by menadione in cardiomyocytes results in the depletion of glutathione and protein thiols. Both DT-diaphorase and superoxide dismutase can protect cells from the toxicity of menadione. Cellular thiols are determinants of the responsiveness to menadione.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine changes over time in consonant feature production by children with profound hearing impairments who used either the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant or the multichannel vibrotactile aid, Tactaid 7. DESIGN: Imitative consonant productions of children with prelingual deafness were elicited and transcribed at two intervals: 1) before receiving their respective devices (predevice interval), and 2) after an average of 1.5 yr of device use (postdevice interval). The consonant productions were analyzed in terms of the percentage of consonant features (manner, place, and voicing) produced by the child that matched the features of the examiner's target. The percentage of features produced correctly was then averaged across repetitions, vowel environments, and participants within each group. RESULTS: At the predevice interval, the cochlear implant and Tactaid 7 participants demonstrated similar imitative consonant production abilities. After an average of 1.5 yr of device use, the cochlear implant participants demonstrated significantly greater gains than did the Tactaid 7 participants for the features of voicing and place of articulation. Although the cochlear implant participants showed a trend towards better production of the consonant manner features, this difference failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: The current results suggest that the use of a multichannel sensory aid yields improvements in consonant feature production. Furthermore, use of a cochlear implant appears to promote the production of consonant voicing and place features to a greater degree than does the use of a multichannel tactile aid.  相似文献   

Inferences about mechanisms at one particular stage of a visual pathway may be made from psychophysical thresholds only if the noise at the stage in question dominates that in the others. Spectral sensitivities, measured under bright conditions, for di-, tri-, and tetrachromatic eyes from a range of animals can be modelled by assuming that thresholds are set by colour opponency mechanisms whose performance is limited by photoreceptor noise, the achromatic signal being disregarded. Noise in the opponency channels themselves is therefore not statistically independent, and it is not possible to infer anything more about the channels from psychophysical thresholds. As well as giving insight into mechanisms of vision, the model predicts the performance of colour vision in animals where physiological and anatomical data on the eye are available, but there are no direct measurements of perceptual thresholds. The model, therefore, is widely applicable to comparative studies of eye design and visual ecology.  相似文献   

Eyewitness identification research frequently uses a simulated crime paradigm, yet the witnesses in these studies are seldom themselves the victims of the crime. To the degree a witness is more personally involved (as a victim), eyewitness identification accuracy and confidence might be modified. 66 undergraduates were randomly assigned to 3 eyewitness conditions: no-theft control, impersonal calculator theft, or personalized watch theft. Whereas the victims in the watch-theft condition were more accurate than Ss in the other 2 treatments, they were not significantly more accurate than witnesses to the less personal calculator theft. Eyewitnesses' accuracy was unrelated to their confidence in their identification. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A blocking paradigm with rats was used to evaluate whether different temporal information is encoded in simultaneous rather than forward associations. During Phase 1, the blocking CS was simultaneously or forward paired with a unconditioned stimulus/stimuli (UCS). During Phase 2, the pretrained CS occurred in compound with a novel target CS that was paired in a simultaneous or forward manner with the UCS. Forward pretraining resulted in more blocking of a forward than a simultaneously trained target CS, and simultaneous pretraining resulted in more blocking of a simultaneously than a forward trained target CS. Thus, greater blocking occurred when the blocking and blocked CSs had the same temporal relation to the UCS. The results support the temporal coding hypothesis and question the necessity of predictive information in blocking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Our culture's preoccupation with gender differences is reflected in the importance developmental psychologists have placed on gender-related issues. In this article, three areas of research where gender is or has been a primary focus of research are discussed: measurement of intellectual abilities, biology and behavior, and socialization processes. Policy implications of the research are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

On the basis of recent studies a meaningful relationship between CFF and the proportion of light to the total cycle (PL) is emerging. Graphs of the Log of time of one dark period to time of one light period "show that increase in time of light, luminance and/or area of test patch, results in a decrease in the time of dark necessary at fusion." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the relationship between performance effectiveness and perceived possession of required abilities among 64 clerical workers in a public organization. The hypothesis that high performers perceive themselves as having more or higher levels of job-required abilities than do poor performers was supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that when a persuasive communication was on a topic of (a) high personal relevance, attitude change was governed by issue-relevant arguments, and (b) low personal relevance, peripheral features were more important. 145 undergraduates expressed their attitudes on the issue of comprehensive senior exams after exposure to a counterattitudinal advocacy that was of high or low personal relevance containing either strong or weak arguments that emanated from a source of either high or low expertise. Another 18 Ss were controls who were surveyed but not exposed to a counterattitudinal advocacy. Interactions of the personal relevance manipulation with the argument quality and expertise manipulations revealed that under high relevance (the exams were to be instituted the following year), attitudes were influenced primarily by the quality of the arguments in the message, whereas under low relevance (the exams were to be instituted in 10 years), attitudes were influenced primarily by the expertise of the source. It is suggested that an increase in involvement is associated with an increase in the importance of message arguments because people are motivated to hold "correct" and defensible opinions, and they have a better framework for things that are relevant to the self. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A controlled study was performed in 18 viral cirrhosis patients to evaluate whether immune function, as indicated by natural killer (NK) cell activity, was improved by a branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient mixture (nutrient-mixture), Aminoleban EN. Five patients received the nutrient-mixture (100 g/day) for 2 to 6 weeks preceded by control periods. Five additional patients received the nutrient-mixture for 2 to 4 weeks, and the remaining 8 patients did not receive the nutrient-mixture. NK cell activity, CD16, CD8, CD11b, and amino acids were assayed before and after the administration of the drug in the nutrient-mixture-supplemented group, and two times with 1 to 6 month intervals in the control group. In the nutrient-mixture-supplemented group (n = 10), increasing NK cell activity, expressed as the ratio of values of post-treatment to that of baseline (ratio > 1.25) was detected in 7 (70%) patients, whereas in the control group (n = 13), it was detected in only 1 (7.7%) (p < 0.01). While in the affected group (NK cell activity ratio > 1.25, n = 7), all patients had compensated liver cirrhosis, in the unaffected group (NK cell activity ratio < 1.25, n = 3), 2 of 3 patients had decompensated liver cirrhosis (p < 0.02). Laboratory data, indicating severity of liver cirrhosis, such as total bilirubin and albumin, showed better values (p < 0.01, p < 0.05 respectively), and baseline NK cell activity was low (8.7 +/- 7.2% vs 33.3 +/- 13.0%, p < 0.05) in the affected group than unaffected group. NK cell subpopulations such as CD16 (%), CD11b (%) and one of the populations of T cell such as CD8 (%) showed no significant change throughout the study. As for amino acids analysis, Fischer's ratio was increased in the nutrient-mixture-supplemented group compared to the control group (p < 0.05), but none of the amino acids showed significant change. Thus the changes in NK cell activity were not explained by increase in NK cell subpopulations nor changes of amino acids. These results suggest that the branched-chain amino acid-enriched nutrient mixture increases NK cell activity moderately in patients who have compensated liver cirrhosis and shows lower values of baseline NK cell activity.  相似文献   

Studied the effect of repeated brief exposures of single-letter stimuli on 4 normal hearing adults to determine whether the number of repetitions of a stimulus may be varied inversely with its luminance to produce a constant level of recognition performance. This postulated reciprocity relationship was refuted: performance always declined when the luminance was reduced (even though the number of repetitions increased). However, the deviation from reciprocity was small for stimuli at or above threshold luminance, and the facilitatory effect of repetition upon recognition was clearly shown for all luminance levels employed. Implications of the findings for models of visual information processing are discussed. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To study interpersonal bargaining in an environment of increased realism, a shopping simulation game allowing for face-to-face dyadic interaction was created to test the hypothesis that pretransactional expectations concerning the willingness of a seller to bargain, as well as whether or not price concessions are received through bargaining, will affect postpurchase consumer satisfaction, 64 male college students served as Ss. Levels of expectation were controlled through pre-experimental instructions, whereas participation in bargaining was manipulated by programming the behavior of confederate salesmen. Results of a multivariate ANOVA indicate that both expectation of a seller's willingness to bargain and the receipt of price concessions through bargaining were independent factors that affected postpurchase satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the effect of response effort on rate of responding and choice behavior in a 2-bar situation in 2 experiments with 17 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Exp I used a limited test session and tested at a single FR ratio. Exp II employed a free behavior situation, in which total daily water intake was obtained by barpressing. Ratio requirements beginning with continuous reinforcement and followed by sessions of FR 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 120, and 160 were tested. Relations between response rate and preference behavior were schedule dependent. On low-ratio schedules the highest response rates and preference were for the light bar. As the ratios were increased, however, response rates became higher and preference was switched to the heavy bar. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many pathological conditions can be the cause or the consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. For instance anoxia, which is initiated by a critical reduction of oxygen availability for mitochondrial oxidations, is followed by a wide variety of mitochondrial alterations. A crucial role in the evolution of cell injury is to be attributed to the direction of operation of the F0F1 ATPase, which may turn mitochondria into the major consumers of cellular ATP in the futile attempt to restore the proton electrochemical gradient. On the other hand, functional mitochondria can paradoxically accelerate or exacerbate cell damage. This concept is particularly relevant for the ischemic myocardium. Indeed, inhibition of the respiratory chain or addition of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation can both limit the extent of enzyme release in the intact heart and prevent the onset of irreversible morphological changes in isolated myocytes. From studies on different tissues in a variety of pathological conditions a general consensus emerges on the role of intracellular Ca2+ overload as a pivotal link between cellular alterations and mitochondrial dysfunction. Oxidative phosphorylation is reduced by a massive mitochondrial uptake of Ca2+, resulting in a vicious cycle whereby the reduced ATP availability is followed by a failure of the mechanisms which extrude Ca2+ from the sarcoplasm. In addition, the rise in [Ca2+]i could promote opening of the cyclosporin-sensitive mitochondrial permeability transition pore, leading to a sudden deltapsi(m) dissipation. Here, we review the changes in intracellular and intramitochondrial ionic homeostasis occurring during ischemia and reperfusion. In particular, we evaluate the potential contribution of the permeability transition pore to cellular damage and discuss the mechanisms which can determine the cellular fate from a mitochondrial point of view.  相似文献   

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